Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 429: Medical expenses?

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Liu Ran is in his 70s. He has been in this alchemy shop for more than 20 years. He has been in this alchemy shop since the third-grade alchemy master. Now he is now a fourth-grade alchemy master. No one dared to talk to him like that, and no one dared to do anything with him. Today, a yellow-haired kid came and beat him?

"You really ate the bear heart leopard, and dare to beat Lao Tzu!" Liu Ran shouted, and sacrificed Feijian directly to attack Song Ning.

As soon as the Feijian came out, Song Ning raised his hand and pinched, and a sword gas burst out of his hand. This sword gasped into a few shots, and he shot at Liu Ran's Feijian.

The alchemy master is not good at fighting, and Liu Ran has been devoted to alchemy since the beginning of cultivation, and now this cultivation is only promoted by the elixir. His cultivation behavior in the late Yuan dynasty, even ordinary Yuanying's mid-term monks are not as good, how can they compare with Song Ning?

If the other party directly talked about the father and mother, Song Ning was still reluctant to do it. He and a 70-year-old Yuanying later alchemy master, Song Ning really felt that he was bullying the old and weak, but the other party was too much. If he doesn't do anything, he won't be kicked by his nose?

When the click sound came out, the flying sword shattered, Liu Ran's heart was stuffy, and a spit of blood spit out.

"Benming Flying Sword?" Song Ning frowned, and Liu Ran even sacrificed these flying swords with blood as his own life magic weapon. Now that his life magic weapon is damaged, Liu Ran was naturally injured.

However, Song Ning was not surprised that Liu Ran sacrificed the Flying Sword to a life magic weapon. He was surprised that the normal power of the life magic weapon would be improved. However, Liu Ran's life magic weapon is also too garbage.

"You, how dare you ..." Liu Ran spouted a mouthful of blood.

"Hongyi, this alchemist must be the chief alchemist of your alchemy firm. Wait for him. Keep his life. He will never be favored by you in the future, and your good days will come. At the end of Song Ning's words, people have disappeared.

When Hong Yi heard her face, she suddenly turned blue and red. She didn't expect that Song Ning would say this directly, but at the moment, the strongest emotional fluctuation was Liu Ran, Liu Ran opened his mouth to scold, but his fate was broken, he was angry. Heart attack, a mouth, and blood spewed out again.

There were few hands in this medicine store, and the sudden fluctuation of spiritual power just came out, which naturally aroused the attention of the guest secretary of the medicine store. This guest consciousness swept away and fell on Song Ning: "Hello brave, hurry up. Immortal medicine spreads wild! "

As soon as the voice fell into Song Ning's ears, a middle-level monk of Huashen appeared in front of Song Ning. He raised a palm and slammed into Song Ning. Looking at this posture, there was quite a way to crush Song Ning's palm. Posture.

Song Ning frowned and was about to dodge, but suddenly there was another person in front of him. This person was the boss of this medicine company—the middle-aged man.

"I have invited Master Song. I have also seen the matter just now. Master Liu spoke first, and I will deal with it later. You go back first." The middle-aged man said.

The sacred monk glanced at the middle-aged man, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, but he said nothing, after all, he punched the middle-aged man and then left.

The middle-aged man turned around and looked at Song Ning: "Master Song, must you be a master?"

The middle-aged man smiled when he spoke, but there was a hint of coldness under this smile. Song Ning did not go outside for a day or two, and naturally understood the meaning of the middle-aged man.

"Dan has become, ten Pei Ying Dan." Song Ning said.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "Master Song, if only ten ordinary Pei Ying Dan, but not enough to repay the medical expenses of my chief alchemist."

Song Ning looked as usual, throwing ten panacea in her hand.

The middle-aged man was stunned. When he wanted to come, Song Ning was so young. Even if he had a high level of alchemy, it would not be possible to produce ten Wuwen Peiying Pills in a single panacea, perhaps because of his alchemy. In the end, Liu Ran was affected by Liu Ran.

However, when the ten pill medicines fell into the hands of middle-aged men, the pupils of the middle-aged men shrank violently, and he looked up at Song Ning in shock: "Ten and ten pieces are all five patterns of Pei Ying Dan!"

"Yes, right?" Song Ning looked at the middle-aged man.

At this moment, the middle-aged man will still care about Liu Ran's life or death. The more he looks at Song Ning, the more pleasing to the eye. At this moment, he is thinking, if Song Ning can stay and be their chief alchemist, how much will he pay Song Ning.

"Master Song, you really gave me too many surprises, walk around, come to my room to talk in detail." The middle-aged man hurriedly lost his smile, this time the smile was much more sincere than before.

Song Ning didn't care about this, he raised his hand: "No need to trouble, the 80,000 spirit stone I said before, you only need to give me 70,000."

"Oh? Isn't the other ten thousand spirit stones to pay Master Liu for medical expenses?" The middle-aged man laughed: "Master Song is really kind-hearted, then Liu Ran is clearly asking for trouble, not only disturbing Master Song. You are practicing alchemy, and you have even made a rant, saying that Master Song ’s parents should fight. "

At the moment, the two had walked into the middle-aged man's room. Song Ning raised a brow and said, "Give him medical expenses? You said he should fight. Why should I give him medical expenses?"

"Ah?" The middle-aged man was startled, and then asked, "Then the panacea is ..."

"This panacea is to buy some medicinal herbs from you and borrow your alchemy furnace." Song Ning said.

The middle-aged man was embarrassed, but when he thought of the medicinal material of ten thousand spirit stones, he was also shocked. According to the price in their demon domain, the medicinal material for refining the fourth-grade panacea was 1,000 to 2,000 spirits. Stone, and the five-level panacea is four to six thousand spirit stones, if it is the panacea of ​​ten thousand spirit stones ...

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man immediately stopped his thoughts. He felt that Master Song in front of him might be watching Pei Yingdan making money, and wanted to refine Pei Yingdan more.

"If Master Song wants Pei Ying Dan's medicinal herbs, I will order people to prepare and give the master the lowest price. How?" The middle-aged man started a wishful thinking: "Master Song's refined medicine can be sold in a small shop. , The commission will definitely satisfy Master Song. "

Song Ning shook his head: "I will tell you the medicinal materials, and you are ready now."

In other words, Song Ning said all the medicinal materials for refining Anshentan. He needed two copies, because this is the first time for Anshentan to refining. He was afraid of failure. If he fails, buying medicinal materials is not only a waste. Time is also a waste of experience.

The middle-aged man naturally did n’t know what Song Ning needed for these herbs, but since Song Ning said he wanted to buy it, in order to maintain a good relationship with Song Ning, he had no choice but to prepare it, but he still kept his eye on these herbs. He prepared to quietly write down and ask Liu Ran, what is the panacea of ​​the panacea.

This middle-aged man wished to have a good abacus, but was discovered by Song Ning at a glance ...

[Author off topic]: 2 chapters

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