Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 191: Can go home

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Turning around in front of my eyes again, everything around me seems to be elongated, whether it is time or space.

When everything is back to normal, they have returned to the place where they were sent before.

Inside the demon field, in a tent.

Bai Ting took Bai Xin's hand, and the two stepped out of the tent. Dozens of people crept prostrately: "Young Master, Saint!"

Bai Ting just glanced at them, and then stepped on his feet, rising up into the sky, he sent out a will: "To subordinate the front line, retreat, within ten years, shall not step into the half-step of the country of falling feathers, offenders, No killings! "

Falling feather high school, on top of the mountain.

Song Ning, Leng Yuexiao, Liu Ruyan, Mo Mo appeared.

There were eight people at the time of the trip, but only four after returning. Song Ning sighed, and had not yet thanked Bai Ting and Bai Xin, they had already sent them back. If they can really see you again, I am afraid they are on the battlefield.

Liu Ruyan and Mo Mo clenched fists at Song Ning, not much to say, but turned around and left.

It's just that when they just took off, Liu Ruyan threw a token back to Song Ning and smiled: "Song Daoyou, you have a grudge against the Liu family, and you cancelled it. This is my token. , The door of the Liu family is nothing to you. If you miss Ruyan anytime, then come to the Liu family as a guest. "

After words, Liu Ruyan carried Mo Mo away.

Above the Spirit Boat, Mo Mo looked far away until Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao were no longer in sight.

"Sister Ruyan, you fancy Song Ning?" Mo Mo asked.

Liu Ruyan just pursed her lips and didn't answer.

On the top of the mountain, Lengyue Xiaoxing's eyes flickered and fell on the token in Song Ning's hands: "You are so lucky, Liu Ruyan is one of the best beauties in the country of falling feathers."

Song Ning put away the token and said with a smile: "One of the best? Then she must be the second. After all, the first one is jealous in front of me."

Leng Yuexiao snorted softly, her face unhappy, but her heart was sweet, she turned over and took out the spirit boat, carrying Song Ning to fly to Leng's house.

Above the Spirit Boat, Leng Yuexiao asked: "Song Ning, you said that Bai Ting could be taken seriously?"

"Since Brother Bai said it, then he wouldn't eat it, I believe him." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao rejoiced: "If you can really cease the war for ten years, it is really a joy."

Song Ning nodded and did not continue.

It's not that he didn't want to talk to Leng Yuexiao, but that there are so many things now that he is puzzled.

The strangeness between the woman in red and Wang Yi, the ice was taken away, and the Xianxu Palace forcibly sent them out inexplicably. I don't know how to explain it.

On the reef boat, you can already see where Leng Jia is.

In the sky, ice and snow flew, and the chill was awe-inspiring.

Before landing, Leng Yuexiao suddenly said: "Song Ning, have you ever thought that if you have been staying in Leng's home ..."

"It's not good at the moment. It's okay for me to finish some things in the future." Song Ning said truthfully.

Leng Yuexiao's heart just relaxed, she tightened a bit, but soon, she didn't think about it again.

When the Spirit Boat fell, someone from Leng's house immediately informed that Leng Wuhen and the elders immediately appeared in front of Leng Yuexiao and Song Ning.

Leng Wuhen quickly walked a few steps and carefully looked at Leng Yuexiao: "Return safely, okay, okay!"

Then he pointed at Song Ning again: "Not bad, not bad."

Several elders also followed, among which were the brothers Leng Qingfeng and Leng Qing Yang.

When the elders were full of praise, Leng Wuchen said: "Xiao Xiao, can you get the ice?"

Leng Yuexiao shook her head.

Leng Wuhen's happy face had a momentary stiffness, but then he waved his hand: "It doesn't hinder, the ice is not meant to be taken, it is a big battle with the Devil."

Leng Yuexiao and Song Ning glanced at each other, and then said: "Father, although Han Bing didn't get it, those demons will withdraw their troops and truce for ten years."

Hearing this, let alone the indifference, even the elders didn't believe it at all.

"Miss, the joke is not so open. The demon withdrew the troops? How many years have they been withdrawn? The war became more tense, and it would be good if they did not send troops. How could they withdraw troops?"

"Yes, Missy, you didn't get the ice, and we won't say anything in private, so you don't need to tell this lie."

Leng Wuhen looked at his daughter and forced a smile: "Daughter, don't talk nonsense, you go back to rest, you have worked hard in this trip."

Leng Yuexiao's expression dropped, and her voice was a little louder: "I said, the other party will withdraw their troops, a truce for ten years! Did I not make it clear, or did you not hear it clearly?"

Just as everyone was stunned, Song Ning explained: "Leng Master, the elders, I agreed with Brother Bai before, and after a 10-year truce, it must have been ordered by Brother Bai at this moment."

Brother Bai?

While everyone was still stunned, a monk with armor suddenly flew in the distance.

As soon as the monk fell to the ground, he knelt on the ground with a puff: "Homeowner, then, those monsters suddenly withdrew their troops. There was no more monsters in the abyss of ice. I am afraid that there is fraud, and the homeowner is ordered to command."

When this remark came out, it was dumbfounded whether it was Leng Wuzhen or the elders.

Even though it has been cold and innocent for many years, the shock on his face is hard to conceal.

"Song Ning, what is the name of" Brother Bai "in your mouth?" Leng Wuhen asked.

"Bai Ting!" Song Ning said.


Leng Wuhen took a breath, turned his head and said to the soldier kneeling on the ground: "According to my order, all the soldiers in the Ice Abyss can go home!"

The soldier was stunned for a moment. Can ... go home? !

For many years, when he was a child, he had been to the front line. For so many years, he did not know how many times he could not enter the house. In the abyss of ice, in the battlefield, what he expected was to be able to return home one day. .

Now, he has not heard that it is these three words-home.

The soldier burst into tears, turned and flew towards the abyss of ice in a rush, and wanted to inform everyone of this shocking news.

However, at this moment between the many elders of this Leng family and Song Ning, the atmosphere is dignified.

"You come to the meeting hall with me." Leng Wuhen's voice was slightly deep.

Leng Yuexiao frowned. His father's tone seemed to be something serious. But now that the fighting has eased, why did he show such an expression?

After a while, Leng Jia, in the meeting hall.

Everyone took a seat and spoke coldly: "That Bai Ting, the young patriarch of the fairy fairy clan, has a decisive role in the battle on the front line. He opened his mouth and ten years of truce will naturally have no fakes."

The elders in the seat were slightly relieved, but their eyes fell on Song Ning.

"Song Ning." Leng Wuhen exclaimed.

"Leng Jiazhu." Song Ning respectfully said with a fist clenched.

Leng Wuhen's voice suddenly sank: "You and the demon fairy clan chief Bai Ting, called brothers and brothers? Do you call those brothers with brothers?"

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