Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 189: Never give up, depend on life and death

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"You are crazy!" Song Ning appeared in front of Leng Yuexiao.

He hugged Leng Yuexiao, but Leng Yuexiao was breathing weakly at the moment.

Just when she committed suicide just now, she had removed all her spiritual power to speed up her death.

"Are you crazy, are you crazy? Why is this so?" Song Ning roared inside, but he didn't dare to shout too loudly.

Leng Yue Xiao narrowed her eyes, and the twinkling star eyes had disappeared. Instead, the eyes were empty and indifferent.

"You can die for me, why can't I die for you?" Leng Yuexiao's voice was very soft. If it weren't for Song Ning to get close, she might be able to blow her voice away if a gust of wind passed.

"Me ... maybe here, I feel comfortable, so ... I don't want to go back to the world of disputes." Leng Yuexiao looked at Song Ning carefully, but her vision became more and more blurred.

It was not until the end that she suddenly understood what love is.

Life and death?


This kind of feeling can never be expressed in words. After living for so many years, you can feel your heart and you can be considered dead.

"I'm sorry ... I'm still selfish. Can you ... take me back to Leng's house after you leave, and help Leng's house within your ability?" Leng Yuexiao looks like a little girl who made a mistake, Gently spit out a small tongue, hao teeth like light, lips slightly raised.

"No, no!" Song Ning kept sending spiritual power to Leng Yuexiao's body, but Leng Yuexiao's signs of life were constantly losing, and it was already extremely weak.

"No!" Song Ning finally cried out.

The doppelganger phantom that suddenly appeared in his dream and led to his demise; the sister who said that I was sorry in Tianhe City for extracting the remnants of his body; the woman who secretly gave him a continuation pill in the middle of the night; Leng Yuexiao who broke his avatar to help him when he died ...

The past is echoed in the mind, hovering.

Song Ning hates himself, if he can figure it out earlier, if he can make up his mind earlier, then the dead person is not Leng Yuexiao.

For her ... Song Ning would rather kill everyone here!

for her……

Song Ning felt Leng Yuexiao's body gradually getting cold, and her eyes closed slowly.

Born in life, accompanied by life, is death ...

Song Ning gently embraced Leng Yuexiao in his arms, and the matter was so far, but he was tired.


Song Ning felt someone dragging him beside him. He ignored it and immersed himself in sadness.

"Song and Brother Song, if you don't let go, Sister Leng will die."

What, what? !

Song Ning seemed to wake up suddenly and looked at the little girl beside him who was pulling his robe.

"White core, what ... do you say?"

Bai Xin had placed his palm on Leng Yuexiao's chest, and soft white light radiated out, and the dagger withdrew slowly.

This soft power gives Song Ning a feeling of ‘life’. It seems that everything around this white light is full of vitality. It seems that where this white light has been said, there will be no end to death.

Bai Ting seems to have been affected by this white light, and now he has woken up. He stands beside Song Ning and puts his hand gently on Song Ning's shoulder.

"Song Daoyou, Bai Xin is the only saint in my family for three thousand years. She is not high in cultivation and her strength is not strong, but she has the power to resurrect. Can be brought back to life, and ... "

"And what!"

"And there will be no scars, I see the dagger inserted in the heart of Leng Daoyou, so if there is a scar, you will ..."

Song Ning had already burst into tears. If Bai Ting was now a mortal, he must give Bai Ting a slap hard. It was already this time, and he was making such a joke?

In the distance, Liu Ruyan and Mo Mo had no thought of fighting at the moment.

If they had not seen Leng Yuexiao and Song Ning, they would not give up the idea of ​​killing Bai Xin, but as Song Ning said, Bai Xin is dead, then there are two people left in the fairy family, Mo Mo and How do Liu Ruyan choose?

The two of them have grown up since childhood, although their strengths are very different, but they are like sisters. For so many years, in the face of life and death, no one wants to let the other pay.


Leng Yuexiao regained her breath, carrying blood when she coughed.

After a moment, she opened her eyes, and in those eyes, the stars shone.

After a while, the wound on her chest disappeared and her body recovered as if she had not been injured.

Leng Yuexiao stared blankly at the person in front of him, at Song Ning, then looked down at his chest, and at the dagger that was still stained with blood.

I can't believe it, but I have to believe it.

"Holy Word Curse ..." Leng Yuexiao murmured and hugged Song Ning tightly.

She has already died once, and if she is given another choice, she does not want to face the grief of life and death anyway, at least in this world, she is unwilling.

Song Ning tightly embraced Leng Yuexiao in his arms, tightly, as if releasing his hand a little, Leng Yuexiao would be blown away by the wind.

Bai Ting breathed a sigh of relief and came to his sister's side.

At the moment, Bai Xin's eyes gleamed with tears, but the corners of his mouth raised high, and he smiled so happy.

Ten years ago, when she was a child, when she had just stepped into the realm of truth, when her holy word curse had just awakened, she was facing a dying mother and had insufficient spiritual power to release the holy word curse. , That was the first person she saved with the Holy Word Curse, however, it failed ...

Since then, she has never cast the Holy Word spell until today ...

Seeing Song Ning's expression, Bai Xin was very happy. After ten years, she finally felt the value of her survival. What she could bring to others was not only sadness but also joy.

"Brother." Bai Xin buried his head in Bai Ting's arms.

Bai Ting rejoiced that his sister finally came out of that matter. He could feel that the white core was transforming at the moment, and the inner transforming.

"If you dare to do this, I will die with you!" Song Ning gritted his teeth, with a grudge in his tone, but fell in Leng Yuexiao's ear, but it was so warm.

Leng Yuexiao smiled bitterly: "Obviously you said ... you still have something to do, and I want to help you, before me ... but I said that you will live and die here and stay together for a long time."

Song Ning stunned, holding Leng Yuexiao's hand tighter.

Leng Yuexiao's words are not false, everything is caused by Song Ning, if not for him, Leng Yuexiao will not make such a decision.

"Okay! Then, in this world, don't go out." Song Ning said.

Having said that, Song Ning still can't put it down. If the gossip mirror in the storage ring, if it can complete the Eight Beast Spirit Beast, can it reincarnate time and space, can it save the righteous father and brother and sister?

"Well, don't leave without giving up, depend on life and death." Leng Yuexiao revealed the laughter she had hidden for many years.

In the view of Longyun, Liu Ruyan and Mo Mo also came over, stood in front of Bai Xin, bowed slightly, and clenched their fists: "I was sorry before. Since this is the case, then everyone should be in this world. But seek common death. "

Just as Liu Ruyan and Mo Mo also had this idea, just as they said this, the sky was suddenly bright, the golden lights flickered, the surrounding scenes flew, and their eyes were in a trance, as if they were moving in time and space.

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