Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 184: Magic weapon

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Another Mo Xiu saw that his companion was killed in a spike, and he didn't care to follow Wang Yi's order and turned and ran.

Song Ning didn't look at the monk who fled, and looked at Wang Yi, looking at the unacquainted woman whose body had been ruined by Wang Yi, and turned over and took out the Burning Sword.

Burning the sky sword, the faint blue ice flame flourishes.

Wang Yi's pupils shrank, as if he had already felt the amazing power of the Burning Sword, and he turned to grab the woman next to him who had been pulled away and blocked him in front of him.

"The righteous father once said that at the beginning of man, nature is good, but now I finally understand, whether it is with or without memory, whether in this illusory world or that real world, the scum, after all, is the scum, the beast, Always beast! "

Song Ning raised the Burning Sky Sword and slammed it out.

Burning the sky!

The entire cave was instantly burned by ice flames, and the woman in front of Wang Yi was burned by ice flames, but strangely, it was not scorched, but instantly turned into a little crystal and disappeared.

Song Ning narrowed his eyes. The woman was not a real person, but only a prop that existed in this unreal world.

Although Burning Sky is strong, Wang Yi instinctively took out the absolute defensive enchantment.

Song Ning didn't know that Wang Yi had several absolute defensive borders, but he could be sure that there must be other magic weapons on Wang Yi.

During the enchantment, Wang Yi looked at Song Ning slyly: "I see you are also Moxiu. Since it is Moxiu, why do you pretend to be tall? You have extraordinary strength, I don't want to fight with you, why don't I talk to you about trading ? "

"I talk about your ancestors!" Song Ning sacrificed the burning sword, and the Qinglian sword array appeared behind him.

The absolute defensive enchantment is still there. In the enchantment, Wang Yi's eyes are cold, and he takes a ball between his hands. The ball is not as big as the palm, but there is a terrifying power in it.

Song Ning counted the time.

Take a breath ...

Three interest ...

Five interest ...

Until the tenth breath, Song Ning's twenty swords flew out in unison, the sword light flickered and carried the wind.

Wang Yi sneered and threw the ball in his hand, then shook his body, and suddenly a red light flashed on his body. I saw that the sword in the Qinglian sword array fell on the red light, but it could not be cut off, and It was as if he had been hit by a huge impact, and even backing away, even the sword body began to tremble.

Qinglian Jianzhen's attack was blocked, Song Ning was repulsed, his blood was unstable, and a fresh blood pressure was in his throat.

But at this moment, the ball suddenly hit him.

Song Ning's side dodged, the ball hit the ground behind him, but as soon as the ball landed on the ground, it bounced back suddenly, twice as fast.

Song Ning quickly dodges again, only to see that the ball bounced to the top of the cave after falling, rebounded again, and the speed doubled again.

Song Ning was frightened and escaped with the sword technique quickly. However, Qinglian's sword array was frustrated again and again. He had called the spiritual force too anxiously, and the smoldering blood that had been pressed in his throat spouted out.

Suddenly, the ball was already there, slamming into Song Ning's chest.


In Song Ning's eyes, hemorrhage was exploding. His body was like an arrow off the string, and his ribs cracked several times.

He was too scared and wanted to escape, but the speed of the ball was accelerated again, and Song Ning, who was so close at this moment, could not dodge at all.


Bang Bang!

Click ...

The sound of the ball hitting Song Ning's body is almost connected with the sound of the bone fracture on Song Ning's body. Song Ning's body is flying at the moment, but this flying is not Song Ning taking off, but the force of the ball hitting Song Ning from Bring the ground up.

The ball will bounce every time it hits. The goal after the rebound is still Song Ning. After each bounce, both the strength and the speed will double.

Song Ning tried his best to resist, but this ball was too powerful. Now that the ball fell on him, he could not feel the pain. It seemed that almost all the bones on his body were broken.

He tried his best to protect his head, and Xiao Burn was calling in his mind.

However, Xiao Fen was asleep, and Fen Tianjian was now turned into a Qinglian sword array attack, and no blood was seen and he did not return.

Wang Yi saw that Song Ning was hit by the ball without any chance to fight back, and laughed wildly: "Fight me? I can't use my magic weapon, just take out one and play to death!"

Song Ning wanted to speak, but just after a mouth, blood kept pouring out.

The last time Wang Yi was frustrated, he must have got a magic weapon back again. The red light that can resist the attack, this amazing ball ...

Die in this place?

Die in the hands of Wang Yi? !

Song Ning suddenly felt ridiculous, no matter how he practiced, how strong he was, but in front of Wang Yi's magic weapon, he couldn't even break his magic weapon.


Somehow, Wang Yi put on a pair of gloves. He raised his hand and grabbed it, then he grabbed the Burning Sword in his hand: "This sword is good, I want it."

"You ... puff!" Song Ning's words hadn't come out yet, but blood sputtered wildly.

Wang Yi glanced at Song Ning with disdain: "You only have this sword in my eyes. Waste, I thought you were a bit powerful just now. It turned out to be waste. Let me die, disturb me and play with women, let you die It ’s cheaper for you! "

The ball seemed to be able to perceive Wang Yi's thoughts and slammed into Song Ning's head.

This speed, let alone Song Ning's head, even in the foundation period, I am afraid it will directly hit the bones and bones.

At the moment in Song Ning's eyes, the speed of the ball seemed to slow down. He seemed to be able to see the trajectory of the ball, but his body was disobedient, he couldn't avoid it, and he couldn't escape.

The ball in the field of vision is getting bigger and bigger, and Song Ning suddenly feels helpless and sad.

She thought of Leng Yuexiao. If the Demon Clan can only live one person, then with Leng Yuexiao's strength, she can defeat Wang Yi and eventually survive?

Song Ning closed his eyes, maybe the practice was the same, no background, no resources, no magic weapon, after all, it fell out.

But when Song Ning had given up, he suddenly felt his body was being pulled backwards, and at the same time, there was a burst of piano sounds in the cave.

The sound of the piano fell into Song Ning's ears and passed into Song Ning's body, with a trace of gentle power, as if he were healing.

The sound of the piano reached Wang Yi's ears and penetrated into his mind, and his red light that could defend against the attack did not play a role at all.

The sound of the piano continued, and the wounds in Song Ning's body began to heal, and Song Ning's arms always pulled Song Ning to the rear. In contrast, Wang Yi, with a splitting headache, seemed to be under attack.


Burning Sky Sword suddenly flashed cold light, pierced Wang Yi's palm, and flew to Song Ning.

The sound of the piano in the cave was constant, and the frozen palms pulled Song Ning back and back, and the figure of the person who touched the piano continued to move out of the cave.

Song Ning opened his confused eyes and looked at the person who was playing the piano. He smiled slightly and passed out.

The man who played the piano looked at Song Ning, and there was a trace of intolerance in his expression. Wang Yi was disturbed by the sound of the piano in the cave, and it was very painful. The woman who played the piano rolled up Song Ning and broke away. Leng Yuexiao!

In the middle of the air, Leng Yuexiao looked at Song Ning, and her eyes were full of pity: "The bones of the whole body shattered ... If you want to save him, I'm afraid, that's the only way ..."

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