Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 170: Secret crack

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"Go and see." Song Ning avoided Xiaofen's hand.

Xiaofen ‘cut’ with a loud sound and rose into the air.

After flying for about a quarter of an hour, Song Ning found that the land under his feet seemed to have not changed at all. The land was always that land, and the plants were always in twos and threes. The most amazing thing was that the sky did not change at all, only What is changing is the light that flows like the aurora.

"Where are you talking about?" Song Ning looked around, only to find that they were standing in front of a tombstone. The tombstone was tall, and the two lines above it. The tombstone was behind a grave, not It is big, but it is made of stone. I do n’t know what material the stone is, so spiritual knowledge cannot enter.

Two lines of inscriptions: Bandai Qianqiu Yang Shengjun, gossip three elephant star compass.

"The baby you are talking about is this grave mound?" Song Ning made a circle around this grave mound. If there is a grave mound in this fairy ruin, it must be a fairy, but this fairy died. Later, who buried it?

There are many white bones around. Even if these white bones are about to be turned into loess, Song Ning can still feel the fluctuations in the white bones, which shows that those white bones were also immortals during their lifetime.

One side was buried, and the other side was buried. This illustrates some issues.

"Master, Immortal, after death, there are many treasures, I said there are treasures, don't you believe it?" Xiao Fen said, waving towards the grave.

"Stop it!" Song Ning shouted.

Xiao Fang was shocked: "What's wrong?"

"How can you dig someone's grave?" Song Ning shouted.

Xiaohan snorted softly: "I just want to pick up these rune papers for you. I don't want to dig graves."

Song Ning was embarrassed to see the rune paper that had been clenched in Xiaohan's hands, and I didn't know what to say.

Xiao Fun handed the rune paper to Song Ning: "Master, this is a total of eight rune papers, three of which have runes on them, and five have no runes. You can write your own."

Song Ning looked down, indeed, as Xiao Fen said: "What are these three runes for?"

"This one is the amulet, this one is the invisibility, this last one is called the resurrection amulet." Xiaohan explained.

"Get up, get back to life?" Song Ning's eyes flashed Jingmang.

Xiao Fan hurriedly waved his hand: "It's a bit different from what the master thought. Although it is called the resurrection symbol, it can't really be revived. It's just pasted on the corpse to know how this person died."

Song Ning lost his look and sighed: "Save it first, I won't draw any symbols, I will keep it for later."

Xiao Fen tuo mouthed: "It can only be so, the symbols need not only to understand the runes, but also need to have fairy pen and fairy blood."

Putting these runes away, Song Ning urged: "Let's go quickly, the top priority is to find the palace and Leng Yuexiao."

Following the orders of Song Ning, Xiao Fen took Song Ning to fly in the air.

However, one day later, they flew back to the place where they first came in.

Song Ning stared blankly at the desolation in front of her eyes: "Are you taking me around?"

Xiao Fen shook his head and looked dignified: "Master, this is a secret realm."

Xiao Fen seemed to know that Song Ning did not understand, and began to explain: "Fairies often like to use this secret realm as a burial after death. The secret realm was created by them, some to fool people, some to trap the dead, and some, It ’s completely out of boredom, and now we are in the secret realm. If we want to go out, we must follow the clues given in the secret realm, step by step, before we can pass the level. ”

When it came to clues, the two looked at the place where the grave was just now.

The whole world is the same, but the burial mound is different. If there is any clue, it may only be on the burial mound.

The two came to the grave again and looked at the two lines of characters on the tombstone.

‘Bandai Qianqiu admires the holy monarch, the gossip and three elephants compass. ’

"It stands to reason that there should be four images of gossip, and here are three images of gossip ..." Song Ning thought of the eight pieces of rune papers he had just obtained. Three of them had runes on them.

Gossip, three elephants ...

Song Ning took out the rune paper.

Seeing the rune paper, Xiao Fun seemed to associate it. She looked carefully at the grave mound, with fine lines on it, as if intertwined with stars.

"Master, look at the lines on this grave."

The lines are really like stars, Song Ning immediately placed the eight pieces of rune paper on the ground according to the previous position. Now, in this view, the eight pieces of rune paper are in the form of gossip, and the three runes are separated in three directions. The four directions are where the grave is.

"The Eight Diagrams, Three Elephants, and the Compass are all together. The previous sentence is that Wandai Qianqiu Yang Shengjun ..." Song Ning stood in front of the tomb and suddenly thought of something.

He knelt on the ground and threw three heads at the tombstone.

Xiao Fen hadn't had time to react, only felt the earth shaking, eight pieces of rune papers spun rapidly, flashing a burst of fairy light, and the starlight on the grave like a star compass flickered, and then a crack was opened.

A few moments later, the shaking ended, and the tomb disappeared, replaced by the entrance of a passage.

"It seems that this master just hopes that the comer will pay him a visit, nothing more." Song Ning said.

Xiao Fun picked up the rune paper from the ground and handed it to Song Ning again: "Master, you really knelt down."

"It's both a fairy and a deceased person. There is no one to worship all the year round. I now kneel on my knees and worship three times. What's wrong with it?" Song Ning asked.

Xiao Fen and Song Ning were talking and did not pay attention. Just before Song Ning spoke, the eight pieces of rune paper had already spontaneously ignited, but when Song Ning said this, the signs of burning on the rune paper disappeared. Without a trace.

Song Ning put away the rune paper and stepped up to the passage: "It looks like there is still a next level."

Xiao Fen was just beside Song Ning. Although she had a meager memory, she remembered clearly in this memorable memory. There were countless people who died in this mysterious environment. The reason is very simple. Every one can make this. The immortals of this kind of mysterious realm are very extraordinary. Even if they die, the primordial spirit will remain, and some even leave the mysterious realm to trap a certain number of monks and regenerate themselves at the cost of the lives of many people.

Entering the passage, it was completely dark and no fingers were reached. Song Ning wanted to radiate light with spiritual power, but the spiritual power had just appeared on the body surface, and disappeared without a trace, like a flame being blown out.

But he stepped on it one step at a time, and his feet suddenly glowed with green light. In this endless darkness, the green light was dazzling, but it did not illuminate the surroundings at all.

Going to the next step, the light appeared again.

Walking carefully step by step, when I looked back, Song Ning found that the layers of green light behind him were like a celestial body, and they did not reach the top, and what he was stepping on under his feet was a huge mirror. The mirror was suddenly radiant, and the strong light drowned Song Ning and Xiao Fen. Song Ning only heard a cry from his ear. Xiao Fen had been holding his hand and suddenly disappeared ...

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