Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 157: Leng Yuexiao's invitation

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

While Tang Yue was still stunned, Leng Yue Xiaoyu's finger lifted up, and a wave of spiritual force sent Tang Yue into the 226th ice cave.

"Sister Tang, you can practice here with peace of mind." Song Ning said.

Tang Yue stood at the mouth of the ice cave, waved at Song Ning, and then leaned slightly towards Leng Yuexiao: "Thank you, Miss Leng."

Leng Yuexiao nodded, then looked at Song Ning: "You follow me."

Song Ning did not hesitate, and under the jealous eyes of everyone, he and Leng Yuexiao left.

In the middle of the air, Leng Yuexiao looked at Song Ning with surprise: "Remember when you and I were separated, you were still in the Qi gathering period. Now you don't say cultivation improvement, you can learn even swordsmanship. second stage."

"Well, yes." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao did not see any surprise from Song Ning's eyes, and asked, "Are you not surprised at all?"

"Because of some coincidences, I know Sister Leng is fine, so I won't be surprised to see you again this time." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao smiled gently, and her figure landed on Bingfeng.

Song Ning fell, and the two walked to the edge of Bingfeng.

"Little Brother, look at this cold abyss." Leng Yuexiao said.

Song Ning looked down. It didn't matter if it didn't look.

Frost Abyss, is this Frost Abyss?

I do n’t see the bottom, I do n’t see what ’s going on underneath, but I can feel the fighting below, the blood, the waves, and the will to never succumb.

Leng Yuexiao saw the change in the expression of Song Ning's face, and said, "This cold abyss is the place guarded by Leng's family. The demon below is perpetually chaotic, and Leng's family has been dying in this cold abyss since thousands of years ago. There are countless people. "

Song Ning shuddered slightly: "Did the enchantment fail?"

Leng Yuexiao touched her hair and slowly shook her head: "If the enchantment fails, Leng's family may have been unable to resist it, but now the situation is getting worse, the enchantment has cracks, when the cracks are large enough. , I am afraid that even Lengjia can't control it. "

"Isn't the Feathering Kingdom by then ..."

"I won't let this happen, even if I pay more, I won't let things develop to that extent." Leng Yuexiao's star eyes flickered and fell into the abyss of ice, as if her eyes could cross thousands of miles , Seeing the broken junction in the ice abyss.

She seemed to feel that she had said a little, and suddenly smiled, turning the topic away: "Little Brother, you still owe me three things."

"I only know that I owe half of Sister" Shen Dao Jing ", an ice beast, what is the third thing?" Song Ning wondered.

Song Ning's answer was beyond Leng Yuexiao's expectations, but Leng Yuexiao didn't ask much, but said: "Isn't my token also on you?"

Suddenly realized, Song Ning hurriedly took out the token and handed it to Leng Yuexiao: "I have forgotten this thing, Sister, the token will be returned to you."

Leng Yuexiao gently pushed the token back: "You keep it, if you don't come, after I participated in the Xianxu Treasure Quest, I broke through to Yuanying, and I will also look for you when the time comes, now that you have come , Just stay in Lengjia and don't leave. "

"Stay in Leng's house?" Song Ning was puzzled.

"We were born in the war years. If you want, stay in Leng's house and fight with me until the end." Leng Yuexiao stared at Song Ning: "Of course, I am not forced to stay, you can come and go at Leng's house freely. , Letting you stay is just my personal expectation. "

"Cut the demon and eliminate the demon, protect the mortals, I am incumbent, but I am not sure if I can stay here all the time, I still have some things I want to do, very important things." Song Ning is difficult to choose.

Leng Yuexiao got such an answer, in fact, has exceeded her inner expectations.

"Fortunately, you keep my token. In Leng's house, my token is still useful." Leng Yuexiao said, and carefully looked at Song Ning again: "Little Master, although you are now building At the beginning of the cultivation base, but I feel that your strength seems to be more than that. "

"Well, if you are lucky, you can be cut under Yuanying." Song Ning answered truthfully.

Leng Yuexiao rejoiced: "If this is the case, can the younger brother accompany me to explore the treasures in the Fairy Market?"

"Oh? What's that?" Song Ning heard the Xianxu Treasure Quest just now, some cared, but it's not easy to ask directly. Now Leng Yuexiao said it again, and he asked.

Leng Yuexiao began to tell Song Ning about the treasures of the fairy ruins.

Xianxu: It is the pole of the sky. A space isolated between this sky and the sky above does not belong to this sky, nor to the sky above, but at the same time every year, The entrance of Xianxu Market will open, and people in both heavens can enter, but there are strict restrictions on the number of people. Each day can only enter eight people, and the cultivation of these eight people must be in the foundation period and the Tandan period. If a monk above Yuanying wants to step into the Xianxu half step, either the Xianxu collapses, or the monk disappears.

As for exploring treasures, the reason why this fairy ruin is called ‘Fairy Ruin’ was because it was once regarded as a fairy realm, but it was broken for some reason, so it became a ruin, but even so, there are treasures in it.

Song Ning learned that he nodded slowly: "Although I want to go with you, but the quota is so precious, Lengjia should not let me go."

Leng Yuexiao shook his head: "Although the quota is precious, it is to be given to the right person. There is a choice for Leng's family, but this person is not Leng's surname, and that person is also very unhappy, I am not willing Walk with him. "

"Then ..." Song Ning looked at Leng Yuexiao puzzledly.

"Can you ... fight against him for me, if you win, you can get the quota to enter the fairy ruins, in the fairy ruins, no matter what you get, I will not report to the family, it is up to you arrangement."

Song Ning felt it was her own illusion. It seemed that Leng Yuexiao was slightly ruddy when she said this.

The moment of ruddy ruddy was covered by the snow and ice, Song Ning thought for a moment, this matter is not bad.

"Sister Sister said, I follow it." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao smiled: "Then you come with me, and I will nominate with the family."

"Alright." Song Ning though Leng Yuexiao left.

On the way away, Song Ning secretly remembered the ice abyss in his heart, because when the ice abyss went upstairs, the gossip mirror reacted very strongly. in.

When the two of them flew back to Leng's house, Leng Qingyang, Leng Qingfeng and others were on their way to Leng's house.

The two groups arrived at almost the same time. Leng Yuexiao arranged for Song Ning to rest in his room, while Leng Qingfeng and the other three went directly to the meeting hall.

After arranging Song Ning, Leng Yuexiao also hurried to the meeting hall. As soon as she entered the door, she heard that Leng Qingfeng and three others were recommending male monks with surnames to the elders of the clan.

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