Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 155: Ice Soul Cave

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Leng Ling knows what these three elders know by looking at the expressions of these three elders. Although the Leng family war is now tight to fight the monsters in the abyss of ice, they still have to participate in the treasure-hunting mission of the five-level cultivation family.

This task requires one male and one female from each fifth-level cultivating family, and one male and one female from each fifth-level cultivating gate. The two five-tier cultivating families in the name of Luo Yuguo are the Liu family and the Leng family, but the eastern Song family and the western family The Wang family is also very strong, but they are not classified into the fifth-level cultivation family after all. As for the five-level cultivation school, it is Shuiyunzong and Hedaozong.

In a few days, the treasure hunt will begin. The location of the treasure hunt is an ancient ruin left by the ancients. Although the Leng family is not unmanned, it needs someone who can help Leng Yuexiao.

The younger generation of the Leng family is unruly and unruly. There is no one in the eyes, self-reliance is not weak, and the eyes are high. However, the most important thing is that Leng Yuexiao looks down on these people and insists on going by himself.

After the three elders of the Leng family finished speaking, they began to repair the enchantment. The repair of this enchantment is a method of stabilizing the enchantment that has been passed down by the Leng family for thousands of years to repair the gap.

When the three of them repaired the boundary, Song Ning had already taken Tang Yue away.

In mid-air, Tang Yue opened the chatterbox: "Little brother, last time I was in the Tianyuan School, I wanted to help you, but I was helpless. Are you blaming me?"

Song Ning shook his head slowly, and did not speak.

"The matter of Lu Sheng ... I'm sorry." Tang Yue said again.

Song Ning still shook his head, hesitating a little, and then said: "Don't mention the past."

Tang Yue sighed in mind, although Song Ning did not blame her, but Song Ning Ming knew that her father Tang Zishan had harmed Lu Sheng, but did not shoot it, before she also heard rumors, said Song Ning hands sword To kill Tang Zishan, but he stopped at the last moment.

All this made Tang Yue feel guilty, she felt she owed Song Ning's great affection.

"Sister Tang, where are you going, I will send you over." Song Ning put aside the previous things.

Tang Yue was slightly confused: "Actually, I don't know where I am going, I just wander around and want to experience something, so I keep going north."

"I'm going to the extremely cold place, why don't I just drop the sister first here?" Song Ning said.

Seeing that Song Ning was about to come down, Tang Yue immediately said: "Little brother, let me go with you to the extremely cold place."

"My trip is not to wander, nor to experience, but to do something. If Sister goes with me, I am afraid that protection will not be good. Sister, you know, the extreme cold place is not a place to play." Song Ning Road.

Tang Yueling said, "I heard that there is a holy shrine in the north, not far from the extremely cold land, called" Ice Soul Cave ". I originally wanted to go there. I will send it there. "

"Ice Soul Cave? What is it?" Song Ning was puzzled. He never knew such things as holy land.

Tang Yue saw Song Ning no longer preparing to put it down, and he began to explain happily: "Ice Soul Cave, it is said to be a huge ice cave. There are thousands of small ice caves in this ice cave. In the middle of the cave, there are some powerful demon souls frozen. Their breath of life is very weak. Human monks can practice in the ice soul cave and learn from those demon souls. "

Song Ning frowned, this kind of thing sounded cruel, but if you think about it carefully, the demon attacked humanity and killed humanity, and the cruel feeling in my heart disappeared.

"This kind of good place is within the jurisdiction of Lengjia. Will the people of Lengjia not control it?" Song Ning was puzzled.

Tang Yue puzzled: "It is inevitable to control it. There are a total of 999 small ice caves in the Ice Soul Cave. The first 333 ice caves are for the Leng family, and the latter 666. It can be used by outsiders, but at different times, it needs to pay a different price. "

Song Ninglue nodded, in fact, this method of cultivation is indeed good for ordinary monks, but it is not very useful for Song Ning. What he needs now is the redemption value. His current redemption value is due to the killing of these days , Has dropped from the previous 23,000 to 3,000, and now the number shown on Jindan is "thousand / 100,000".

If the killing continues, the killing value will plunge. Song Ning does n’t know what will happen next time. For the people of Qingluo City, he endured huge pains. The kind of pain from Jin Dan might be him. Unforgettable.

"Little Brother, what are you thinking? Are you also interested?" Tang Yue asked sideways.

Song Ning nodded: "It's really interesting, but I don't have time, so after sending you, I will go to the extremely cold place."

Tang Yue was slightly lost, but when she thought of Song Ning's strength now, and then think of herself, she knew she was not qualified to stay with Song Ning.

She flipped a hand out of the storage ring from the storage ring and handed it to Song Ning: "Sister, let's eat sugar gourd."

Song Ning directly bit down one on top: "I just eat one."

Tang Yue didn't expect Song Ning to eat that way. She smirked in her heart and took back the candied fruit to eat slowly. The sweetness in her heart was much sweeter than rock candy.

Under the guidance of Tang Yue, it only took a few hours to see Bing Hun Cave.

From a distance, the Ice Soul Cave is like a frozen vortex. The dense small ice caves are like ripples. Seeing this, the more the row number is in front, the closer the ice cave is to the center of the vortex At the center of the vortex, Song Ning could feel the majestic power, and could not see what demon was in it, how many there were, but he could feel the huge size of the demon in it. Have the power of destruction.

There are people waiting for registration outside the Ice Soul Cave all year round. These people have different levels of cultivation, but there are a lot of them. Even if the Ice Soul Cave is full, they will breathe and spit around here, and the cultivation speed is faster than other places. Faster.

Song Ning's eyes swept away, and there were about ten thousand monks nearby.

These tens of thousands of monks felt the fluctuations in the sky and looked up. When they saw the cold light flashing, Song Ning and Tang Yue appeared from far and near, and suddenly showed jealous eyes.

"It's the second stage of Yujianshu, 'Yujianshu, shift'!" Someone exclaimed.

Not to mention them at this time, the monks in the small ice caves of the Ice Soul Cave either plucked their heads to see, or exuded the spiritual knowledge and swept the bodies of Song Ning and Tang Yue. Dig into the bodies of Song Ning and Tang Yue.

Song Ning frowned, so much spiritual knowledge swept him, he was not happy, and now there are even monks who dare to use spiritual knowledge to check their bodies, which undoubtedly makes them look happy without wearing clothes, Song How can Ning be indifferent?

"Go!" Song Ning Ling's consciousness was shocked, and the monks who had swept the consciousness changed their complexions one by one, their consciousness was defeated, their complexion flushed, and the blood in their bodies surged. The person was even directly cut off under Song Ning's spiritual consciousness. In the small ice cave, several people suddenly spewed blood ...

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