Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 150: Dig a grave

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

At this moment, the Lu family's greatest fear is the Lu family ancestor. If he can still sweat, it may be that the sweat has already wet his body.

Song Ning's trip was originally intended to return Lu Sheng's body to the Lu family.

In the night sky, after moving several times, Song Ning came to the place where he had grown for 13 years-Taihe Mountain.

The sight of Taihe Mountain gradually appeared in the sight, and Song Ning's mood became more complicated.

All the past once came back to mind, the fifteen people of Taihe Mountain, including his uncle, every face, every smile, hovered in front of Song Ning's eyes at the moment.

He smiled, sincerely, long away.

Going back at this moment, even though he saw only fifteen graves, he was still a little excited.

He still has a lot of words to talk about, what he can't say to others, what happened during this time, and what he wants to do in the future ...

Song Ning smirked as she moved in the air, as if she were a happy child.

However, he is really just a child, less than seventeen years old.

Looking at the peak of Taihe Mountain that came up gradually, Song Ning was heart-lifting and energetic.

But when he was looking forward, the pictures in his eyes made him stay in the air!

Take a breath.

Ten interest.

Twenty interest!

Song Ning Yang Tianxiao, trembling all over, his spiritual power exploded from his body like a burst, he was holding the Sky Burning Sword, and the body's spiritual force was frantically input into the Sky Burning Sword.

In front of him, the top of Taihe Mountain was in disarray. The fifteen burial mounds he had dug out with his own hands were lifted up, and no traces of corpses were found.


The spiritual force in Song Ning's body passed madly, and he violently waved the Burning Sky Sword and slashed towards the sky.

Burning Sky Sword came out, and the faint blue ice flame rushed to the sky. This momentum was enough to kill hundreds of foundation-building monks, but there was no slight damage to the sky.

The ice flame disappeared, and the sky remained.

Burning Sky Sword ... inserted in the soil.

Song Ning knelt on the top of the mountain, grabbed a handful of dirt, and looked at the sky scarletly.

"I Song Ning ... vow to cut you!"

"I Song Ning ... want to destroy your whole family!"

"I Song Ning ... I want to commemorate with the blood of your whole family!"

Song Ning's roar shook the sky, his voice burst, blood flowed, and his fists hit the gravel hard.

He looked up and hoped that the tears would not flow, but found that the tears were already covered.

He thought that the scarlet eyes dipped in tears, but he smelled a **** smell in his nose.

Every drop of blood and tears is Song Ning's wish.


Boom! !

Boom! ! !

Song Ning kowtowed at the fifteen tombs that hadn't been hollowed out for some time, and every impact caused the Taihe Mountain Peak to tremble.

The blood dripped from his forehead. Instead of wiping, he stood up and ran away into the sky.

Luoyu is not a big country. It has been northward and it is an extremely cold place, where Song Ning will go next.

Shinto is invincible, gossip reincarnation, can gossip extremely, in the end can time reincarnate?

Song Ning did not think, and he would not think, because no matter whether he could reincarnate, he would do it.

Even if ...

Just keeping the tombs of his righteous father and others will relieve his guilt.

In the sky, Song Ning sat on the Burning Sky Sword, and the Burning Sky Sword flew on his own. Song Ning meditated and settled, but he always had a face in his mind.

Cool and pretty, as if not stained with ordinary dust.

Leng Yuexiao, how could Taihe Mountain suffer without her?

Song Ning's mind is complicated, hatred spreads, and even his eyes are full of resentment ...

Two days ago.

Tang Yue left the Tianyuan School and walked aimlessly towards the north.

She was very chaotic and didn't know where she should go, but she didn't want to stay in Tianyuan School anyway, and didn't want to meet Tang Zishan again.

She knows that going north from here is an extremely cold place. Although the extremely cold place is the realm of Lengjia, there is a good place for cultivation-Ice Soul Cave.

Hurrying all night, Tang Yue was slightly tired. When it was dark, she came to a small village. At first sight of the village, she thought of Xiaoshi Village that day, but Xiaoshi Village was a deserted village, and the people here were thriving.

Tang Yue walked a few steps and walked here to find a place to rest.

It was only when passing by this small village that Tang Yue discovered that the people in this small village all looked at things in a hurry, as if preparing to migrate.

"Excuse me, why don't you live here?" Tang Yue asked.

An old woman sighed, "No, you have to leave quickly. Leng's house ordered a few days ago that we must leave here."

"Leng Jia? Can you explain why?" Tang Yue asked again.

The old woman hesitated a little: "Hey, it's okay to tell you. It is said that our place is the closest to the enchantment. There are cracks in the enchantment. We must leave quickly, otherwise there may be demon coming."

Tang Yue heard this and nodded.

Seeing everyone busy, Tang Yue was horrified. The enchantment was indeed a problem. Now that even mortals know about the enchantment, it means that the matter has become serious to a certain extent.

But what about Leng Jia?

The strength of the Leng family, casually sending a few people to guard, should be able to keep the village safe, but now that these mortals are evacuated, it is enough to show that the Leng family can't pull people.

Without extra manpower, even the huge Lengjia has no extra manpower. What does this mean?

The battle is tight!

The demon attack may have been flooding in the extremely cold land, and the Leng family was too scrupulous, so this order was issued.

呲 呲 ~

Tang Yue was thinking. Suddenly she heard the sound about a mile away. She hadn't even had time to think about what it was. She only heard a click.

Enchantment cracked!

It was just a tiny gap, but in a few moments, several demons crossed the enchantment. They looked like spiders. As soon as they crossed the enchantment, they sniffed in the air, and then ran in the direction of someone. .

Tang Yue's pupils shrank and turned back to the village: "Hurry up, the demon is here!"

As soon as they heard Tang Yue's words, everyone immediately messed up, and took what they could, and simply threw it away.

The mortal fled to the rear, but Tang Yue walked towards the front. She lifted her sword and moved faster and faster.

"Girl, go away, follow the flow of people, don't fall!" The woman called just behind Tang Yue just now.

Tang Yue had no time to ignore it at this moment, and rushed towards the front.

These spiders are huge in size, but the cultivation base is not high, but it is only a half-moon. They will kill all the spiders, but it is not only spiders that pass through the enchantment, but also other demons.

Tang Yue was fighting hard in the front, but in a moment, she had already killed dozens of demons.

When she was breathing, she was ready to put away her sword and tell Leng Jia at this time, but at this time, the crack of the enchantment that was less than ten feet in front of her again heard the sound of a "click", and she saw half of the hand from Out of the crack, the fingers are white, I am afraid that many women's hands can not be compared with it.

At that moment, the hand was breaking the enchantment forcefully, as if to break the crack, so that it could pass ...

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