Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 143: Burning Sky

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Tang Zishan's heart shivered when he heard this voice. He didn't expect Song Ning to dare to come. If the three messengers of the Liu family were here, it might be that Tang Zishan was already scared to run.

On the same day, Song Ning furiously fought against him and Liu Yunfeng. The sword in Song Ning's hand was too weird. Now that he saw it, he sweated out involuntarily.

Song Ningling dispersed and swept up at the attic and found that Li Qingling and Mu Xuezhao in the attic also saw the Liu family.

The final stage of Jiedan is complete!

Song Ning squeezed a deep voice between his teeth: "Beast!"

The three of the Liu family walked out of the attic and looked at Song Ning sarcastically. Even though Song Ning's appearance was so powerful, in their eyes, Song Ning was only a monk at the beginning of the foundation.

"That kid was our corpse, how?" Liu Shisan was disturbed by the good deeds and was in a bad mood.

Liu Shizi pointed to the high pole: "That's your end. Since you came, I will let you know the death, and let the world know that our Liu family, let alone the young master, even a family, None of you are qualified to touch! "

Liu Fifteen tiger stared at Song Ning, and now Song Ning came, killed Song Ning, and returned to Liu's house with his head. The task was completed, and they were relieved of their troubles.

"Liu Family?" The burning sword in Song Ning's hands began to tremble. He waved his sword and pointed at the three members of the Liu Family: "From you, but no one with the surname Liu who appeared in front of me in Song Ning!"

Liu Thirteen listened to Song Ning's words, but his momentum was good, but it was nothing more than a short speech. He moved his finger: "Forty-fifteen, kill him."

Liu Xian's words had just been exported, and I saw that Song Ning was the first to attack. Liu Xian and Liu Xiu sneered and raised their hands to grab the weapon, and rushed to Song Ning to divide him.

Even though only the early foundation of the foundation was cultivated, everyone at the moment felt that the atmosphere was not right. The sword in Song Ning's hand was very strange, giving people a magnificent momentum, a feeling of only oneself between heaven and earth, and a sword beheading predecessors. .

Although Liu XIV and Liu XV also felt that Song Ning's momentum was too strong, but when they wanted to come, where could a monk in the early years of foundation building be stronger and stronger?


Song Ning suddenly waved his sword.

All the spiritual power in the Burning Sky Sword pours like a flood, and the faint blue light swells in an instant. The entire Tianyuan Pie seems to be frozen, and everyone ’s consciousness becomes slow. Even Song Ning, there is a kind of The feeling of time freezing.

A flame erupted in the self-immolating sky sword, and the fire suddenly increased, directly burning Liu Xie and Liu Xie.

The two of them had not yet waited to resist. After blinking, their bodies were burned by flames.

Just when Liu Shisan was stunned, sporadic flames splashed on him, and his robe immediately ignited a raging fire. This faint blue light seemed to be passed from the Nine Nether Underworld, trying to swallow it.

He took off his robe frantically and threw it aside, his forehead exposed, and his eyes wide with bloodshot eyes.

Everything happened so fast that everyone had not felt the battle started, and it was over.

Everyone in the Tianyuan School felt the scene of the world of purgatory just now, and even felt the time lag and the coldness of the whole body when surrounded by blue flames.

It is indeed a blue flame, but it is an ice flame, which can burn people to death, but it is not a high temperature, but a very low temperature.

Burning the sky!

Song Ning's long sword was stuck on the ground, supporting him, and even if the sky-burning sword was filled with spiritual power, it was extremely costly to perform this blow. He stared at Naliu XIII, and the long sword shook and pointed at him.


Liu Shisan knelt directly on the ground: "Predecessors and seniors spared their lives, I was only instructed by the Liu family, seniors spared their lives, I ..."

Liu Thirteen said, moving his mind, throwing a jade note at Song Ning, turned and ran.

The jade paper contained spiritual power. If it was caught, it might be injured by the spirit power in the next moment. Song Ning's hand condensed the spirit ball and bombarded the jade paper.


Compared with the momentum just now, this spiritual collision is almost negligible. Even the Huiling monk of the Tianyuan School did not care.

Liu Shisancang fled, Song Ning did not immediately catch up, but walked step by step toward the attic.

Tianyuan sent everyone to hold their breath, and thought that the low set of the Liu family could kill Song Ning, but now Song Ning is here, just a face-to-face, it is not Song Ning who died, but the two Liu Dan's two knots in the later stage of the great success Monk, the only one left is fleeing.

The thought of Song Ning being here that day, they blocked the scenes of Song Ning one by one to prevent Song Ning from escaping.

It's just that Song Ning didn't look at them at the moment, but walked toward the attic step by step in their fearful eyes.

He flicked his spirit and removed Mu Xuezhao's shackles, and then moved on to walk into the room.

On the bed, Mu Xuezhao curled up in the corner, his body trembling slightly.

Her skin was as white as snow, and she was curled up there, as if it were a fairy falling in the world.

At the moment, the attic had been destroyed for half a year, and now Li Qingling's appearance also fell in the eyes of everyone. Even though the male disciples were afraid of Song Ning, when they saw Li Qingling's half-exposed body, his eyes could no longer be removed.

"Song Ning ..." Li Qingling groaned softly in his mouth, his voice trembling with a slight husky voice.

Song Ning took out his robe and put it on Li Qingling, and Enran smiled: "It's okay, I will take you back to Li's house in a moment."

Li Qingling was so shocked at the moment that she was just on the verge of hell. At this moment, she was like returning to heaven. After the ups and downs, her state of mind became more calm, and she was not too moved.

However, Li Qingling's eyes inadvertently fell on the male disciples who were staring at her, and his face became ugly.

Song Ning was so enlightened that he turned around and swung with a sword.

Under the impulse of spiritual force, Jian Qi cut all male disciples to Tianyuan School. After a scream, all male disciples bleed in their eyes and are all blind!

In this scream, Song Ningsheng was like a cold ice: "You broke my way that day, damn. You watched the same door being abused and damned a few days ago. Today you watched the same door ruined, damn! Until just now, you all stared Looking at Li Qingling's body, I don't want to kill people. Now I seal your eyes. After the foundation is built, the seal is cracked and the light is visible. "

Song Ning leaped away in his speech, far away from the horizon, leaving only one sentence: "When I return, if Li Qingling and Mu Xuezhao lost half of their hair, everyone from the Tianyuan School will die!"

At the moment in Tianyuan School, there was a person lying in a very hidden place. This person's brows were frowning, and she seemed to be having a nightmare. While she was dreaming, she whispered in her mouth: "Little teacher, little teacher, don't go, don't go ... "

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