Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 133: The difference between the fairy and the heart lies in the heart

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When Xiaolian saw Song Ning, she remembered the scene that happened outside the wooden village on that day, and even remembered the fact that Song Ning personally killed his elderly father.

She gritted her teeth, and her tears fell, her eyes full of resentment.

She knows that Song Ning is an immortal, and it is absolutely impossible for her to take revenge, but these people around, these rough guys also have some skills, if you let them ...

Xiaolian raised her lips and yelled, "Husband, why are you here, Husband, you wake up!"

When the scar heard Xiaolian's voice, she squinted and came over, "What are you talking about? Do you have a husband?"

Xiaolian pretended not to hear, and fell on Song Ning and started crying.

Those who picked up the dry wood also came around at the moment, watching Xiaolian crying beside a little student.

This little student was wearing golden clothes, holding a long sword, the sword was four feet long, the blade was thin like a cicada wing, translucent, and there was a faint blue cold light between them.

Scarlet grabbed Xiaolian: "Smelly lady, this kid is your husband? You do not follow me, because of him?"

Xiaolian cried and did not answer. She still kept calling Song Ning with her husband.

After so noisy, Song Ning, who had been asleep, woke up. He opened his sleepy eyes and saw Xiaolian at a glance. When he thought of what happened outside the wooden village on the same day, he felt guilty for Xiaolian.

"Xiaolian, you ..." Song Ning just started to find that the people around him were facing badly, and Xiaolian's hands were still tied.

"Why are you tying Xiaolian?" Song Ning got up, holding a long sword in his hand, frowning.

There is no slight fluctuation of spiritual power in the person in front of him. Look at them, they should be martial arts. Everyone has injuries. If it is good, it will be a thief.

The knife scared took the knife directly from the waist with a smile, and all around a dozen people threw dry wood on the ground, each took out their weapons and surrounded Song Ning.

The scar grinned, and the scar was even more terrifying: "We don't bully you. Since you have a weapon in your hand, we will use a man's way to solve it."

Song Ning frowned, and ten people beside him were already attacking.

Xiaolian looked aside, and her heart was cheerful. These dozen people attacked Song Ning alone. Even if Song Ning was an immortal, she might not be able to get out easily. She had seen Song Ning's strength, but the world's strongest people couldn't stand up to many people. Sneak attack.

However, Xiaolian was wrong. The dozen people who used their weapons to kill Song Ning in the last moment fell the weapon in the next moment, trembling in limbs, and sweating all over.

Song Ning didn't move, and slowly said: "I don't want to hurt Er and wait for the ordinary people, and leave quickly, he will not do anything to rob the women."

Just now, Song Ning just released the evil spirit that once killed 100,000 demons in his body, and these people have no idea of ​​survival. They now hear that Song Ning did not kill them. It feels like, but now they want to run, but they can't move at all. Some people barely pick up their weapons, staggering, falling and hitting each other, finally leaving Song Ning's vision.

Some did not dare to take weapons, and even walked away with a crawl.

Song Ning watched these people go, but did not notice when Xiaolian picked up a dagger from the ground and hid it in the cuff.

"Xiaolian, what did they do to you?" Song Ning popped out with a spirit, helping Xiaolian loose.

"No, nothing." Xiaolian's face was pale, she looked at Song Ning's expression at the moment and knew Song Ning should have no doubts.

Song Ning recalled that Xiaolian ’s bitter look on the day, and her heart numb: “Xiaolian, I could n’t save your father outside the wood village that day, he would die, but if I were to kill it, I would cultivate it to promote the demon. Beheaded and save more people, I did n’t have time to explain to you at that time, I ’m sorry, I hope you can understand that thing. ”

Suddenly Xiaolian didn't expect Song Ning to take the initiative to mention that matter.

A haze flashed from Xiaolian's eyes.

Since ancient immortals are different, how can immortals explain the truth to Fan? Xiaolian feels ridiculous, Song Ning is an immortal, he can say whatever he wants, a life, he can get an understanding if he just explains it.

But she thought so, but how could she say that?

"It's okay, you are an immortal, and your actions must make sense." Xiaolian said, taking a step forward, opening her hands and hugging Song Ning tightly: "Xiaolian is helpless now, if she can become The slave-maid next to you will be the best home for you. "

She said, directly taking off the broken golden robe outside Song Ning.

Song Ning frowned: "Xiaolian, no, we ..."

But just when Song Ning said half unpreparedly, he felt a cold dagger stab behind him.

This dagger can't hurt him at all, let alone a dagger, even Xiaolian cut with a knife and stabbed with a sword, can't hurt him.

But just when Song Ning felt the cold skin, Song Ning withdrew all her spiritual protection.

The dagger pierced into the back heart, and it rested on the heart, causing a burst of pain.

Xiaolian shook her hand, stepped back in a panic, and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing the dagger stuck in Song Ning's back, she suddenly felt sad. She couldn't figure it out, why she would succeed. For a moment, she felt that the dagger seemed to be stuck on a hard object, but Then it penetrated into Song Ning's body smoothly.

Song Ning looked at Xiaolian, he didn't speak, but just looked at it quietly, with a smile on his face: "Don't be afraid."

Xiaolian had no blood on her face. She fled in a hurry, screaming, like crazy, hysterical.

She ran to the river, fell to the river, looked at herself in the river, and trembled.


Why did he not only hide, but also let himself succeed?

Why did he do this?

At this moment there is no bit of hatred in Xiaolian's heart, some are just horrified, some are doubts, and some are regrets.

Somehow, at this moment, she is convinced of Song Ning's explanation.

She screamed and looked at herself in the river, and suddenly her heart calmed down.

Sitting in the water, feeling the cool water, her heart opened, as if she suddenly understood everything.

"It turns out ... this is the difference between the fairy and the elders?" Xiaolian looked at the road when she came, crawled out of the water, knelt on the ground, and threw three heads in the direction of Song Ning.

The fairy is the reason.

It ’s that they have a heart that mortals do n’t have. They have taken the path that mortals ca n’t. Perhaps there are thousands of monks in the world and different temperaments. There are few people similar to Song Ning, but at the moment in Xiaolian ’s heart, Song Ning is The direction of a fairy.

In order to protect the wooden villagers and the **** demon, he was seriously injured. Before the scars and other mortals were disrespected, he not only did it but also let everyone go. Just now Xiaolian tried to kill him, but he let Xiaolian succeed ...

Xiaolian's eyes were full of awe and repentance: "If it weren't for a fairy like you, we would have died long ago. How can a fairy like you, kill the innocent ..."

In her self-deprecating room, she bowed her heads in the direction of Song Ning and threw nine heads.

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