Eternal Life

Chapter 993

Fang Qingxue is experienced, snowy and clever, knowing that this time is the best time to plunder the heavens Lord’s Golden Rule, her current Culture Base has reached the realm of Profound Immortal, and it is almost impossible to go forward. Even if you go to heaven, it is still difficult to cross. (peak novel handwriting novel)

However, if you get the Golden Fairy Law, it will be different. It will be born in its own life, and it will be much better. The chance of being promoted to Jinxian is much greater.

Now is a golden opportunity.

The celestial Lord is in danger, and there is no way to avoid the changes in the body.

“Yes, plunder the law of Jinxian!”

Fang Han is also coveted by the Golden Fairy Law. If he gets it, he goes to Heaven to practice and has a great guarantee that he will not fall into a small servant.

The two men, at the same time, both plundered the Golden Rule in the Lord’s Lord object. Fang Qingxue shot, the Thunder electric entanglement, the fate of the river appeared, the golden fairy law wrapped in layers, began to suppress, countless fate runes, spurt out, penetrated into the golden fairy law, began to erode, refining.

Fang Han is even more ferocious. 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist shoots and engraves his other brand of gold fairy law, which is actually crushed and then integrated into his body.

At the same time, the eight floating sects also exhibited the genus of dragons, and turned those singularly relegated and one piece into True Dragon. Rush into your body.

Nothing relics, Fang Qingxue is not easy to refine, but I don’t know how it happened. When Fang Han was shocked, those infinite relics seemed to encounter the mother. They flew in and did not resist Fang Han, and they were melted.

After a few moments, those stepless relics became more and more turbulent, rushing into the body of Fang Han.

“I know, when the Eight Floats were transformed, they were integrated into the Great Seal of the Crowd. Cangsheng Daiyin is the Life Origin magical treasure without great world. Now that Aura broke out, there is a mood of returning to the world. Hahahaha, this It is a sign of the destruction of the Lord’s Lord, and it is not alive!”

Fang Han felt the change happening when he sealed the golden fairy law, and he could not help but be overjoyed.

In this way, the heavenly Lord will be sucked out by himself.

“It’s actually in my body, still blaming.”

The heavenly Lord is angry, completely violent, there are three big killings outside, the dragons have no first bombardment, the scorpion Umo’s killing, there are Fang Han, Fang Qingxue plundering the source, and robbing the golden fairy rule, he is internal and external.

In this critical moment, he suddenly turned a cold, and in the eyebrows, a silent thoughts burst out, breaking through the crystal wall system of the dragon world, and breaking through the crystal wall system of the heavens.

“I want to communicate with the Heavenly Deity? I have already calculated this hand!”

Scorpio Umo went up one by one. Immediately, there were countless barriers of gods in the sky, and the layers were blocked. The power was cut off out of thin air, so that the Lord Lord could no longer sense his true body. It has declined.


Three huge dragon claws, the dragons that have been shot without a head, finally broke through the layer of fairy tales of this heavenly Lord, the bodyguards are sincere, photographed his body and directly attacked.

These three attacks were really fatal, countless dragon powers, and rushed into his body, making him a bit broken, as if he had encountered a violently impacting porcelain, there was a tendency to explode.

“In this case, I will bury all of you! Disaster formless, go to the future!”

This detachment of the Lord of the Heavens has a cruel smile on his face.

“No, Fang Han, we are leaving quickly, he wants to destroy this avatar, we can’t resist it!” Fang Qingxue suddenly had a whole body shock, and charged the Golden Fairy Law, he would leap out and get out of here. But it was late, and the law of Jinxian, who was entangled in her death, did not make her escape, including Fang Han, and was also entangled by the Golden Fairy Law.

“You still want to go? I have been buried for me, want to plunder the golden fairy law and the Promise relic in my body?” The cruel voice of the heavenly Lord conveyed, all the golden fairy rules in the body, all entangled, the power of the endless relic, also Start burning.


At this moment, the power of the dragons without heads also bombarded them.

They are all in a state of destruction.

“Senior Sister, my assist, you are flying! Now you only have to fly up! You can crack the danger!” Fang Han can’t take care of a lot, suddenly a palm, hit Fang Qingxue’s body, huge force, perfusion, actually stealing The power of the heavens on the claws.

This slap, Fang Qingxue’s Profound Immortal rule, all rushed out, triggering a real celestial connection, a flash of brilliance, her body began to appear bursts of Immortal Dao notes!

“What about you?” Fang Qingxue said in a hurry.

“I have no problem, you immediately fly, I want to show the reincarnation of the heavens, 33 Skies power, escort you to fly, not to be found!” Fang Han punched again, actually hit another thirty-three times, and countless The strength of the introduction, falling from the sky, directly wrapped Fang Qingxue.

“Fang Han ……” Fang Qingxue’s voice, wrapped in this, mixed with the golden fairy law, are insignificant, disappeared out of thin air, “you must live, come to heaven to find me!”


A turbulence, Fang Qingxue and part of the Golden Fairy Law disappeared without a trace.

The taste of heaven and earth is always in the heart of Fang Han.

Just at this moment, bang! The universe collapsed, and the Lord Lord of the day, finally launched a self-destruction. No one can exist in this powerful self-destruction. There is no one who can wreck in this devastating blow!

“Eight Buddhism, give me a suck! The dragons have no power, no power to reinvigorate, no break, no life, no life, no eternal life!”

Fang Han also traversed his heart, only retaining his own soul will, open all magical treasures, and absorb the devastating power. The rule of Jinxian, the endless relic, and even the power of the “flocks without a head” coming in. All are inhaled, not afraid of the inhalation of body destruction.

The celestial Lord is the avatar of the whole world without refining. At this moment, between the sacred sucks, the instinct of the great dynasty plays a role, no matter what the power of violent destruction, can not hurt Fang Han’s The ontology, on the other hand, reinforces his magical treasure.

And the eight floating sects are the nemesis of all dragons, and the dragons have no power, they have entered the floating squad, and they have scattered into the major .magical treasure. This makes the eight bas-reliefs more sturdy, and the power of the dragons that are captured is even greater.

However, this heavenly Lord destroys the real body, and the power generated by the self-explosion is too strong, especially among them, the law of Jinxian is shattered, and the devastating force generated is not something that Fang Han can resist. The fairy law burns, melts, and rolls, and begins to smash the body of Fang Han. There is also 33 Skies.

“The power of destiny, exquisite, millions of Life essence, all burning!”

At this moment, Fang Han also ended up with a housekeeping skill, a life-saving trick, and Lesser Karma Technique.

Now he has built Profound Immortal, and his life span has exceeded 100 million years. It is comparable to the ancient planet, but he is desperate now, and he burned a full life of 30 million years, showing the Lesser Karma Technique, resisting the power of the heavenly Lord.

What is the majestic grandeur of burning for 30 million years? Immediately, the heavens and the earth are discolored, the sun and the moon are dull, the power of countless destiny, the conciseness reaches the limit, falls from the sky, is born from nothingness, and even some burning golden fairy rules have begun to collapse, turning into golden light, entering Fang Han’s body.

The body of Fang Han, who accepted the integration of these golden fairy rules, began to change again.

“Flying on the ground, feathering in the day! Flying up the heavens!”

When Fang Han burned his life and summoned the power of fate, he also began to force 33 Skies to pick up the power of the treasure.

The current situation, flying up the heavens, is the only choice.

Otherwise, even if you escaped the blast of this heavenly Lord, it is difficult to escape the slaying of Umbrella. Sooner or later, you will fall into the hands of the Protoss, but it is not as good as death.

Fang Han doesn’t believe that Scorpio Umo will work with himself. After catching yourself, it must be refining, or torture.

At this moment, Fang Han exhibited the greatest potential in his life. When the earthquake was shocked, the detonation of the Lord Lord’s object was shaken by his fate, and he saw that in the process of the Lord’s disintegration, the largest in the head. A golden ball, constantly oscillating, this golden ball seems to be turned into a golden baby.

This golden baby, one finger, one finger, one heaven and one earth, only the momentum of my own.

He immediately knew that this is the biggest rule of the Golden Fairy. It is the foundation of the whole body of the Lord Lord. If it can be obtained, it will rise in the sky, and it will have the capital in the heavens. It is the biggest reliance on the future.

At the moment, he suddenly moved, and he took up the Divine Ability of the whole body and directly shot the Heavenly Law. With the power of destiny, this huge golden baby was sealed in the blink of an eye. Then communicate with the power of the heavens.

“court death!”

An angry explosion, bang!

On that day, the Lord’s material finally succeeded in self-destruction. The whole dragon was deep, and the vast expanse of the void, the land and the ocean, all turned into nothing. The crystal wall system of the dragon world was completely penetrated. I don’t know how much tangible the form is, the formless presence.

At this moment, the dragons suffered heavy casualties, and many hidden dragon race experts were completely stunned by the radiation of this self-destructive force.

Even the body of Umno in the sky is in this explosion, disappearing, evaporating, and turning into blue smoke.

Fang Han, at the moment of violent ascent, the explosion also spread to his body, powerful force, directly into his body, his innocent body kā chā kā chā squeaking, his own world, all began to disintegrate, 33 Skies seems to be broken, and the eight floats are also hit by this. There is a phenomenon of broken powder.

However, at the last moment, he ignited the Lesser Karma Technique again, burning another 30 million years of life, and the huge fate of power was summoned again.

The power of destiny collided with the explosion.

Fang Han All the spiritual knowledge, a suffocation on the spot, passed out.

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