Eternal Life

Chapter 991

The celestial Lord suddenly unveiled the Assassin section, and even communicated with the true body of the heavens. The strongest punishment means of coming down, breaking through the shackles of the dragon world, and killing Fang Han and Fang Qingxue in one fell swoop. (peak novel handwriting novel)

This is his real anger.

Fang Han took advantage of him in his hands.

Especially with his hand, the “Heavenly Gate” was made into Immortal Artifact. If it weren’t for his own “Golden Immortal Dan” many endless relics, Fang Han would be a million years, and it would not be possible to promote 33 Skies to Profound Immortal for 10 million years.

Arriving now, he has to kill Fang Han three times and five times, but he has been cracked by this kid. On the contrary, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and even the thirty-three times of the fighting power has just repelled itself.

This is simply an insult.

What kind of person is he? In the heavens are the invincible big giants, and now they have reached the secular, taking the life of a junior, and actually made so many twists and turns.

Seeing the Lord’s Lord in the heavens, Fang Han and Fang Qingxue know that the only thing to escape now. Otherwise, the anger of the other party will come down and it will not be able to resist.

Between heaven and earth, everywhere is full of disaster.

The source of the Dragon World that Fang Han spurred was once again suppressed.

However, Fang Qingxue’s eyes turned up and once again hit Aura, the fate of the reversal of the heavens. The soul of the Gate to Eternity reappeared, and the gas of the disaster was stirred up.

Fang Han seized the opportunity. When the air was shaken, Divine Fist made it, and he tore a hole in the gas of disaster. The two men drilled again.

“As long as I escape from his control, I can use the technique of the heavenly machine to disturb the gas, so that he can’t figure out where I am.” Fang Qingxue passed the mind to Fang Han.

“No problem, we walked away from the depths of the dragon. There are also countless experts in the dragon world. He wants to overbearing. It is still a little early.” Fang Han has a well-thought-out: “If necessary, I will calculate him deeply.” Once, his avatar was refining the whole world without greatness, and the Golden Immortal Law is contained in it if the Senior Sister can swallow it…”

“Do you have such a bold idea?” Fang Qingxue was greatly shocked: “Now his body is an uncompromising golden fairy. It is already invincible in the world, even if it breaks into the depths of the dragon. Some old antiques will not come out against him. Those old antiques scrutinize the rules of the heavens, but they are not scrupulous at all, and with our current strength, it is good to be able to escape. It is impossible to calculate him. But if it can really swallow This is the avatar of him. It has an unparalleled benefit to me. I am soaring to heaven, I am afraid I can become a master of the dynasty immediately. Less than Jinxian, the sky is also a small servant. Only Jinxian is the beginning of Lord. .”

“Hey! We are adding up now, and there are only half chances to escape in the hands of Jin Xian. But I decided that the Protoss would not be so comfortable, let this Lord thing go unscrupulously, there will be Assassin 锏It was not a simple character that day. It is not an easy task for her to become the holy king of the Protoss. If this time the Protoss robs, she must play a beautiful victory. What is victory? It is very likely that killing the celestial Lord’s corpus is the biggest victory. It is very likely that the scorpio Umo even looks at us in a certain place and wants to count them together. All wins.”

Fang Han’s thoughts, in one moment of a billionth of a cent, calculated various changes and then passed into Fang Qingxue’s mind.

“We may not be able to take advantage of this opportunity to defeat the victory and divide the avatar of the Lord’s Lord. As long as you get the body of the Lord Lord and enter the closed door meditation, you may not be able to break through the realm of Jinxian.”

“Your calculation is good. Scorpio Umo is a powerful character, even more powerful than her husband, the emperor, and the prestige among the Protoss is higher than the emperor. Otherwise, in ancient times, Hongmeng Daoist will not kill her in person. But she has escaped from the robbery, and now she is born again, and the world is full of turbulent times.”

Fang Qingxue has a heart.

The two of them rushed to the depths of the dragon.

The dragons are boundless, and as they go deeper, the dragon’s breath becomes more and more thick, and the repulsive ability to Immortal is greater. When Fang Han first entered the Dragon World, he encountered the power of rejection. He felt the ordinary Divine Ability Mysteries Realm Expert, and he couldn’t fly.

It is only the edge of the dragon world, but now it is the depths of the dragon world, the increasingly vast dragon power, the increasingly tall mountains, the ancient giant woods, the jungle. All show the ancient Aura.

Arrived in the depths of the Dragon World, quiet everywhere, even the Heavenly Dragon did not have a head, it seems that the residence is the ancient dragon race. The most powerful Great Divine Ability.

And the strong dragon interest, even Longevity Mysteries Realm First Layer, Second layer Powerhouse are afraid of can not stand, struggling, only enter the Adventures of Paradise Realm, open Space, in order to pass through one or two.

However, some ancient powers are sleeping in the mountains of the deep face of the dragon. The human cultivator can’t enter the depths of the dragon, and even the power of Void Immortal, True Immortal, and Heavenly Immortal are not willing to come and go.

But now, this situation has broken.

A huge catastrophe, filled with hundreds of millions of people, where to go, where the law of the dragon world began to distort, and the next moment began to collapse.

Such a big movement, the dragon world is quiet, there is no ancient power to come to stop, it seems that they are afraid of this heavenly Lord, let this Lord object chase Fang Han.

However, Fang Han and Fang Qingxue, now running away, are very comfortable.

In the depths of the dragon world, the power of the source is not so strong. For the eight bas-reliefs, it is of great benefit. The film flies into the buoy, and it becomes a symbol of the beginning of the dragon. The snow falls and then begins to burn.

The character of the beginning dragon is not an imaginary spirit, but a sturdy dragon scale, with a sound, like gold, iron, and powerful. It seems that it is not the dragon’s vitality, but the most precious ancient dragon race in the dragon world. The remains of the remains.

In the depths of the Dragon Circle, Fang Han relied on the power of the eight battalions. Three times and five times escaped the slaying trick of the heavenly Lord.

And the Lord Lord, always chasing after, not relaxing at all. Let Fang Han and Fang Qingxue stay in extreme danger and there is no way to escape.

“Into the depths of the dragon world, there is only one dead end.” The thoughts of the heavenly Lord’s objects fluctuated and passed through thousands of mountains and waters. He once again accumulated strength and his eyes were cold, urging the most violent killings in history. On his palm, he suddenly jumped a trajectory of a thousand feet long. It was the trajectory of the heavenly movement. It was the trajectory of the heavenly movement. He jumped and rushed in his palm, then flew out and cut it to Fang Han and Fang Qingxue.

At the same time, he vomited, and the Space collapsed on all sides. The Dragon World had a taste to dry down.

“Speed ​​dodge, this is the trick of lore, the trajectory of the sky!”

When the danger comes, both Fang Han and Fang Qingxue are shuddering, and the trailing trajectory is equal to the direct rolling of the Tiandao. Anything that blocks this trajectory is equal to the arm of the car.

The two joined forces and suddenly joined forces to display the Lesser Karma Technique, thousands of turns, and avoided the past in the gaps of the trajectory of the sky.

However, a cosmic country has been condense formed, including the two.

It is a spell from the Lord Lord.

This time, Fang Han and Fang Qingxue seem to have nowhere to go.

However, at this time, suddenly, in the depths of the dragon world, there are three forces, rising from the sky. These three forces, each of which is quite a big world, violently hit, the big days of the Dragon World sky are shaking slightly, and countless fires and meteors are falling.

Three forces, condense into three dragon claws, each dragon claw, has eight claws on it! The glory and honor of Aura, the true fire of the Great Luo, burned on it, and became a dragon’s dragon pattern, which was suppressed against the heavenly Lord.

“The dragons are not dead, they really shot the deity! Are you not afraid of the rules of the heavens!” The heavenly Lord screamed long and rushed to the sky, attacking the three dragon claws.


Three loud bangs, deep in the dragon world, full of a billion-mile-long mountain range, all destroyed, the earth is sinking, the heavenly Lord does not defeat the three dragon claws, and the three dragon claws are still suppressed. The pressure of the disaster of his whole body was forced to crack.

“Three old people are not dead. You have been staying in the Dragon World for too long. You dare to deal with me. You must know that once you take the shot, you will touch the rules of the heavens and make you fly. When you reach the fairy world, you will be endless. The Xianjie army is besieging!”

The heavenly Lord object roared again, and the trajectory of countless days went out, finally finally supporting the three giant dragons of the big world.

“Scorpio Umo, you still can’t shoot! This time my dragon race and your protoss reached an agreement. After the sacrificial Xuanhuang big world, our dragon race will also enter the heavens, the wind! In the small world, we Dragon race has been sleepy for a long time, only the heavens, is the ultimate battlefield of our dragon race! We will not support it for a long time, after ninety-nine breaths, we will fly to heaven. If you still do not shoot, we will suppress Can’t live with him! His avatar, the source of control without great world, is very powerful, we killed him, and his avatar in heaven will also create an unparalleled threat. Thus, his true body can’t stop you. There is no great world in refining.”

The old, vast, broad ideas were passed from among the three dragon claws.

Sure enough, it is the combination of the Protoss and the dragon race.

“Don’t worry, this avatar, and Fang Han, the reincarnation of the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch can’t run, all into the control of my protoss.”

A resounding sound, white hair fluttering, in the depths of the dragon world, Tianmu Umo, slowly coming.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… This chapter is more advanced tonight, seeing the top signing post has been four thousand four hundred Reply, Spirit is shaking, and strives to break 10,000 as soon as possible. In addition, is there another five thousand red tickets? Tonight, the red ticket will break 40,000 tomorrow and there will be more wood! Five thousand red tickets plus one more wood! I want to burst the chrysanthemum, no one can stop in the sky, no previous starting point, no vertical and horizontal! ! ! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

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