Eternal Life

Chapter 986

Heaven’s Lord, actually did not let go of Fang Han, in his escape from the Promise, Xuanhuang two worlds battlefield, actually still across time and space, chasing. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Obviously it is a must to kill him.

This heavenly Lord, Magic Force is boundless, and because refining has no great world as a avatar, there is no need to care about the rules of heaven, unscrupulously exerting Magic Force Divine Ability, disturbing the universe, no one can stop.

In this heaven and earth universe, there is really no way to stop the existence of this Lord.

“It seems to be killing me to death, hateful!” Fang Han, despite exerting the greatest strength, wants to escape, not being caught up by the other side, but the other side’s Aura is getting closer and closer, and his body is gradually shrouded in golden light. Countless time and space countries have been brilliantly rendered by Golden Light.

The glory of this heavenly Lord is a glory for the future. Nothing to beat.

And Fang Han’s Magic Force can’t compete with the killing of this Lord, and even escape is impossible.


Surrounded by shocks, countless golden condense became a cage, covering Fang Han, the Lord’s object came, standing above the cage, looking at Fang Han.

“Fang Han, don’t resist, because resistance can only make you die faster.”

After the Lord was trapped in Fang Han, he did not immediately kill it. Instead, he watched his every inch of his body with interest and seemed to be analyzing the mystery of the eight floats and 33 Skies.

“Very good, very good. I saw this whimsy for the first time. I actually combined the eight floats with 33 Skies and made a treat.” Lord is amazed, “I am There is no such ability, because the characteristics of the two magical treasures conflict with each other. Once forced to merge, an explosion will occur immediately. This is the law of heaven and earth. No one can reverse. Let me see, what method did you use?”

His eyes flashed again, and Fang Han immediately felt a sense of being seen by the whole body.

The ancestral mirror that makes the two magical treasures neutralize is boiling.

“It is actually the witchcraft that prevailed in the last universe! The sorcerer is the treasure, you actually made it, using witchcraft to make the two treasures forcefully combined.” Lord was surprised and nodded: “Miao, it is wonderful.” However, this is the calculation of Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable. He is also the initiator of the game. He has helped you to sculpt the ancestral mirror and expel the above grievances. Otherwise, you will not be able to master this treasure.”

“You want to kill me?”

Fang Han coldly said, my heart is calculating how to escape again.

“I don’t want to kill you. I use your hand to show the reincarnation of the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch.” Heavenly Lord swayed his head: “However, if you smash it, punishment is a must, I still want Take you and the Heavenly Monarch together to the heavens and accept the punishment.

“The first task you have come down this time is to fight against the Protoss, so that the world is refining, and there is a gap in the heavens. You are chasing me like this, desperate, don’t you fear that Umbrellas will succeed? You know, Scorpio Umo is likely to become the third sacred king of the Protoss. Perhaps this time she opened the Heavenly Channel, and the holy sacred sacred world will let her truly grasp the true meaning of the culture of civilization, so that she can get the sacred, protoss The blessing of the source of power, her value, is much larger than me, you are now personally to deal with me, and ignore her, is a typical retreat, know?”

Fang Han is slow and calm, facing a strong enemy and becoming more and more calm.

No, this is no longer a strong enemy. It is inevitable that you can suppress yourself by killing. Under the mortal situation, Fang Han can maintain the best state, and the usual practice is already reflected.

“Do you know that Uranus may become the third holy king of the Protoss?” Lord looked more and more surprised: “The Holy King among the Protoss is a more powerful existence than Heavenly Monarch. Once it is completed, for the whole The Protoss has a qualitative leap. It can even make the Protoss and the Heavens go hand in hand. However, under my suppression, she is temporarily unable to turn up the big waves. Moreover, your importance is no less than that of the Umbrella. Know that you can have a fate track, what can you compare to fate?”

“Xuanhuang big world is going to collapse at any time. Once it is worshipped by the Protoss, can you afford this responsibility?” Fang Han be careful communication of the half-step skeleton of Jin Xian, who is ready to brew Divine Ability and take a bite.

“There is a gap in the heavens, and the whole force will be re-divided. It is not necessarily a good thing. This kind of heavenly thing, you and other people will naturally not know, telling you that you can’t understand the mystery.” Heavenly Lord is not quiet. Action, it seems to be calculating what.

After calculating a few breaths, his face suddenly became a big smile, and his face showed a smile: “Fang Han does not struggle, you are relying on 33 Skies and the eight floats, you have to take this treasure, you will It is equal to the tiger being pulled out of the minion. I will not allow you to be promoted again. Bring it!”


Heaven’s Lord, finally shot.

When he shot, the cage that imprisoned Fang Han immediately began to shine brightly, and a sacred light, once again invaded Fang Han’s body.

“After breaking out of the cage, no one can trap me.” Fang Han was prepared, suddenly, his own spirit even forcibly merged with the “half-step golden fairy power” skeleton, and immediately he felt To the ancient and deep thoughts of the greatness, there is also a bloody Spirit, the Luo fire, which burns his spirit and wisdom. If it is the general Divine Immortal, it will be burned by the whole body immediately. Ashes, and Fang Han is different. He resists the True Fire, the wisdom is in the flames, the sublimation is getting more and more clear, and it seems that Heart Demon is no longer there at this moment.

Da Luo refining the heart.

He actually wants to forcibly control the half-step corpse of Jin Xian, to make the most perfect battle, to counter the heavenly Lord, and to win a life.

He has already seen it. This half-step of the corpse of the Golden Immaculate has no spiritual knowledge. It is based on the calculations before death and makes various activities.

“Refining the embers of the bloody fairy in your body? In the ancient times, the iron gates were the remnants of the heavens. They must be killed. You must bury them together.” Between the heavens Lord, the first step, the big hand Into the cage, the 33 Skies to the treasure, the vitality of the eight floats suddenly began to evaporate, the entire treasure, even the three thousand pairs of sun and moon stars in Fang Han’s body began to disintegrate, to fly out of Fang Han’s body.

This catch is unpretentious, but it is also unstoppable.

This celestial Lord has truly achieved the natural state of Taoism. If you move at random, you can re-condense the rules. You can turn it into a law at random. It can be said that the law is spoken.

For the first time, Fang Han felt that his Life Origin magical treasure had to be stripped from his body. As this Lord said, all his strength comes from 33 Skies and the Eight Floats. If these two magical treasures are deprived, he will not become an ordinary Divine Immortal, but at least his combat power will be reduced. A hundred times, it is impossible to kill Profound Immortal, and it is almost killed by Profound Immortal.

Being able to transcend the realm of the challenge depends on the treasure of the two major integrations.

At the same time, the half-step golden fairy’s skeleton is also ready to be taken away.

At this time, the skeleton shocked, and suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes, like iron, blood, deep meaning: “My inheritor, the successor of the iron, against the heavens, turning the world into iron and blood! ”

Kā chā kā chā !

There was a golden crack on his skeleton, followed by a pure gold rule, a symbol of countless golden runes, breaking into the body of Fang Han, shining on one side, and finally infiltrating into 33 Skies. In the middle, stabilize the element that begins to evaporate.

How powerful is this half-step gold fairy’s skeleton?

The vitality contained in the body is all-encompassing, and it is much more ambitious than the four people who have been passed down from Xianfu. It can be seen that there is no real Expert in the other four major immortals to leave the skeleton. Among them, the rule of pure gold contains the understanding of Jinxian for the way of Da Luo.

The understanding of the Daluo Way is ten times stronger than the ordinary Profound Immortal’s law.

Fang Han, refining the half-step gold fairy’s skeleton, is equivalent to refining dozens of Profound Immortal Powerhouse. The rhetoric of the Da Luo, the law of Immortal Dao, all poured into the 33 Skies, has changed for the treasure of Immortal Artifact, and the luster of the Immortal Artifact, and the changes have not changed to Immortal Artifact, have begun to change.

Hey! . . . countless fairy sounds, the sound of each and every one of them resounded, the remaining 33 Skies to the treasure, in this next big law, half-step Jinxian Magnificent corpse melted the power of the impact, began to appear Immortal Qi, one piece As for the treasure, the power to change has entered the most powerful “to Heavenly Gate”, and Fang Han also received feedback from the power.

In the hole of his whole body, three thousand pairs of sun and moon stars, once extinguished, seems to be eternal loss of luster, without any light and heat, all the vitality is converging, every hole in the world, has begun to enter the eternal dark.

However, the mysterious Aura is swaying in it.

The mood of Profound Immortal began to appear. He really touched the law of Profound Immortal, and the artistic conception of the mysterious and mysterious door.

33 Skies has a total of thirty-two pieces, all of which are turned into Immortal Artifact. Only the most powerful “to Heavenly Gate” is still spinning, absorbing half a step of the golden fairy’s skeleton, but still can not be promoted! The general portal of this 33 Skies does not know what level of existence, and always devours the law and vitality, that is, no change.

However, Fang Han knows that now, if this “to Heavenly Gate” really changes to Immortal Artifact, then the entire 33 Skies will be upgraded to a new level.

33 Skies is known for making artifacts. It is definitely not so easy to promote.

“I am now a half-step Profound Immortal. To really build Profound Immortal, I need to completely change to Heavenly Gate to Immortal Artifact! Unfortunately, this half-step Jinxian skeleton is still lacking strength. What needs to be promoted in the future? Really The golden fairy skeleton?” Fang Han’s mind calculated that between the electric and the stone fire, he once again tore the golden light under the Lord’s arrangement and fled outward.

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