Eternal Life

Chapter 980

Chapter 908

Fang Han kills and plunders in the heavenly army. It seems that the gods are coming and harvesting life. He does not know how many Void Immortal True Immortal died in his hands from east to west and from south to north. (peak novels and novels) have been turned into the power of the sacrificial offerings. After accumulating, they have shown “Heaven Origin Strike” after encountering powerful characters.

Now Fang Han, no Divine Immortal can withstand his blow.

Only Profound Immortal, Immortal Third layer, who understands the mysterious and mysterious world, can withstand his killings, but still have to be defeated.

33 Skies has been trained as “Zhou Tianyi”, “Rongtian Bracelet”, “Hua Tianjia”, “Residual Sky Map”, “Zhentianhuan”, “Tongtian Bridge”, “Fengtian Lock”, “Stealing Claw”, “Pirates of Heaven”, “Qing” Ten pillars of Immortal Artifact, almost one-third have been refining, and gradually show the power of this legendary artifact.

Arriving now, Fang Han is truly capable of challenging across realms.

Divine Immortal can’t beat Profound Immortal at all, a realm, insurmountable, but Fang Han can now not only defeat Profound Immortal, but even kill and refine Profound Immortal.

And his Cultural Base has reached the realm of Divine Immortal’s peak.

The life of the body is slowly moving, and the Divine Immortal rule is in the center, and it has been faintly transformed into a glyph pattern similar to the door of Xuanzang.

This is to start to understand the mysterious beginnings of mystery.

Fang Han has been able to capture the beginning of the fairy world through the “Pirates of the Ladder”, and the Culture Base can naturally be upgraded again. However, this kind of improvement is still very slow. To be promoted to the realm of Profound Immortal, there must be a big shock.

“The Heavenly Army, countless Divine Immortal, I want to kill them all!”

He kept killing, and three or four Divine Immortal Lord materialized for the scarlet mist, absorbed by him, and entered into a sledgehammer. The sledgehammer resembled the ancient warhammer, nine-petal texture, a little shock, even the sky. They all resonate.

This is another 33 Skies treasure, a focus on the strength of the treasure. “Shentian hammer”, once refining, and Optimus Prime have the same purpose.

However, this magical treasure needs to be promoted to Immortal Artifact and kill more Divine Immortal.

Just as he struggled to fight and turned one piece of 33 Skies into Immortal Artifact one after another, in the absence of great world, amazing changes are taking place.

All the sources and materials of the great world are turned into the avatar of a Lord.

After the Lord’s materialization, he sat still, and there were many Taikoo Daomen. The great world powers all went to worship. Those who got the inheritance of Xianfu in the Protoss robbery also moved closer to Lord.

Shenzhoumen, the central world, the king of the world, the world of the gods…and the power of the giants, everyone with a revered look to the pilgrimage to the center of Jinguang.

The character that is not greatly transformed by the world is the real Lord Lord. The Culture Base is thorough, boundless and promise. No one can describe how much Divine Ability is, and the Divine Ability will be even bigger. The world is broken into dust, which is difficult to calculate.

A lot of Divine Immortal Experts have come down from heaven and are guarded outside the golden light. Let those old gates go in and worship one by one.

These Divine Immortal Experts are also descending from the heavens, hundreds of thousands, each person’s face with a high-spirited look.

“The central big world, isn’t it known to be comparable to the immortal world? It seems that it is really a cowhide blown through the sky. The heavens are free of a big force, pulling out a hair, it is much more powerful than the central world, you look Divine Immortal, a group of people, like a slave. When Divine Immortal became so worthless.”

“Don’t talk about it, the Central World is so powerful because it is because of the Makino family. It is also a giant power in the Xianmu Makino family, and it is also supported by Heavenly Monarch.”

“Oh! Legend, the King of Heaven, the Heavenly Monarch, is just a new Heavenly Monarch, far from being able to compete with the disaster Heavenly Monarch, a chaotic Heavenly Monarch.”

“We have no fate to see the Lord.”

“This time the Protoss robbed, the army of the heavens is the main force.”……….

There are countless ancient road disciplines, and there are many arguments. Although the Protoss looted, now they have entered the golden light without the great world Lord. They are peaceful and quiet, as if they were sheltered by Ancestor. Respected the Lord.

“Song Yuanshan, Li Yi, Wang Yukun, Zhong Zhenyang, you four out, the disaster saints want to see you.”

Just in the ancient gates, when the worlds gathered together, there were hundreds of Divine Immortal peaks of the Powerhouse and a body of Aura, who seemed to be the founder of Profound Immortal suddenly shouted.

“Ah! The Lord’s first thing to see is actually these four. I got Bodhi, the broken army, the Holy One, and the people who passed down the Luoxianfu. It seems that these four people really have the air, don’t know Lord. What are the benefits of seeing them?”… Many people have seen the names of the four people that Lord first saw. They are all envious, hehe.

“Haha, the disaster saint actually wants to see us first.”

Four tyrannical gods flew out and turned into four young people in the depths of Jinguang.

These four people are all hidden. The Aura of the whole body is like a prison in the sea. Everyone’s body contains mysterious space and space. The Aura of the ancient Immortal Venerable reveals from their bodies.

They intertwined with each other, and secretly negotiated, and led Divine Immortal, who came down from the heavens, to the depths of the golden light.

“We have the inheritance of the four great immortals, the potential is huge, the owner of the atmosphere, the saints want to see us is also a matter of course, Wang Xiong, your saints in the fairy house store a lot of Yuanshiqi, and Profound Immortal The huge legacy of the law, after you refining, it is not far from breaking through the realm of Profound Immortal.”

“I can break through the realm of Profound Immortal at any time. Hey! The son of Chaos broke through Profound Immortal and was defeated by Fang Han. It was a serious waste, or a person who claimed to have got a treasure trove. It was so rubbish, it was a loss of us. The face of Shenzhoumen. Before he was the first genius of my Chinese gate, now he is a small scorpion after flying up to heaven.”

I got an Expert sneer from the Sacred House of the Holy One. “After waiting for the saints of disaster, I will kill the Fang Han and let the son of Chaos know that he is a real waste.”

“Fang Han is not generally strong, Wang Xiong wants to be careful.” Song Yuanshan, who got Bodhi Xianfu, looked alive at Fang Han and was beaten to death. Now he strongly wants revenge, but he also knows It is not an easy task to kill Fang Han.

“The disaster saint is in front, you are solemn!”

A mighty Profound Immortal flew over and shot four people coldly.

The four people glimpsed in the heart and immediately stopped the exchange of God’s thoughts. The time and space reversal came to a golden temple, under the real gold throne. The real gold throne, up to hundreds of thousands of feet, above the throne, sitting alone, this person saw four people coming in, the body and the throne gradually shrink, but the golden light is getting stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a golden body Let people see clearly and clothes.

The whole world without greatness has disappeared from the air and turned into his form.

Between his gestures, he does not have to suppress his power and can burst out completely.

The depths of the four souls were shuddering, knowing the Lord in front of them, and being able to blow themselves into ashes with a single breath.

“You four, don’t be afraid, they are the inheritors of the air transport, and get the ancient Xianfu.” The Lord “disaster sage” finally spoke.

In the rumor, this Lord is the son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch. But at this moment, the four people did not dare to ask more, only to kneel on the ground, quietly listening to the Lord object: “You played a key role in this Protoss robbery, Heaven will reward You, after you have ascended, you will have great authority. You will not be buried, your genius can be saved in the celestial world.”

“many thanks disaster saint!”

Four people used a trembling tone.

The Lord nodded and suddenly waved his hand. Four golden lights flew over the top of their heads. The power of the stalwart rushed down. The four people suddenly stood up involuntarily and suspended in the air. The huge “Bodhi” “Broken army”, “Saint” and “Duolu” Xianfu are all integrated into their own life.

A mysterious and mysterious Aura, as well as a huge amount of the beginning of the gas, once again into the body of four people.

The four people screamed in the sky, and suddenly Wang Yukun first shocked, and actually broke through to reach the realm of “Profound Immortal”. A mysterious spirit combined with the door of the fairy world at the top of the head became the “door of the wonderful.”


Then, the other three, also reached the limit, broke through Profound Immortal, the achievement of the Great Dao, the strength has increased dozens of times or even a hundred times!

This is the power of Lord’s things, making their Xianfu melt, thoroughly refining, and the massive catalysis of the beginning of the Yuan, finally making them change and taking a difficult and high step.

“many thanks saint!”

“Disaster sage, heaven and earth supreme, invincible world!”

The four people have great joy in their hearts, trying to stabilize their Profound Immortal rule, and clench their fists.

“I have applied the secret law and changed the rules of heaven in your body. Therefore, the power of the heavens can not affect you within ten days. You can use all the power, assist, I do one thing.” Lord’s way of life.

“What, please ask the disaster saints.” The four experts immediately said.

“Killing Fang Han, or catching him alive.” The Lord’s hand waved, and an image appeared in the air, showing that Fang Han was among the heavenly army, and he smothered countless Divine Immortal, a respected The Heavenly Commander fell on his hand. Become a source of strength for him.

“Fang Han !”

Four Experts, very powerful, now all want to fight with Fang Han!

“Time is an uninterrupted piece of the mind. There is no concept….” Lord suddenly said, waving his hand, a light cover, covering four people. “You just promoted Profound Immortal, the law is not stable, but I am motivated. There is no magic, you have practiced ten moments in it, it is a million years! Insight is mysterious, and then come out to kill Fang Han, in the process, I teach you the Great Dao.”

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