Eternal Life

Chapter 965

“You go back first, look for the ethereal library, Hongyun Xianfu, I feel that the ethereal library has already appeared. (peak novels hit the novel)” In the sky, the great fairy tales of more than 100,000 times landed This is a scene that has never been seen before. Nothing can describe the spectacle of this moment, and the pressure of this moment.

The exquisite Immortal Venerable feels a huge threat, so pass on the mind and let Fang Han quickly retreat.

However, just as her mind had just been issued, there was an ethereal order and a red cloud map by her side. Then Fang Han’s voice was light and fire, and it was passed on. It was to attract the protoss firepower and then let them find the treasure house.

At the same time, in Fang Han’s Eight Buddhism, 33 Skies, the cultivation of Mibao, was sent out and entered the scope of the exquisite Immortal Venerable. Even the wind white feathers were sent out.

“Mibao, you also accompany the Immortal Venerable, to find the ethereal library, you have a fate with the ethereal library, you can get great achievements.”

“it is good!”

Mi Bao was sent out, and Fang Han was extremely reassured, and the Immortal Venerable was so hidden that he even had more air than himself. And when necessary, I am afraid there will be in the midst of it, and the extremely powerful existence guards her.

At least, the secret of the Seven Treasury, the most powerful and mysterious secret of Hongmeng, is in the grasp of the exquisite Immortal Venerable. When it is absolutely necessary, she will hide into the secret of Hongmeng, and no one can do anything about it.

After Fang Han sent out the important figures, let Linglong Immortal Venerable operate, and he alone supported the overall situation and relaxed. I want to kill how to kill, how to plunder how to plunder.

“Good! You are careful!”

Immortal Venerable is very simple, she deeply understands the mind of Fang Han, suddenly narrows the land of desire, and instantly turns into a golden dust, disappearing into the water of this god.

At this moment, Fang Han stood up, a twilight-like end of power, condensed on his head into a large umbrella, above the umbrella, there is Buddha light, Immortal Light, and the shadow of the Protoss . Tightly combined, the 100,000 Daxian technique landed on it, and the light of the umbrella was splashed, but there was no defense against the flash.

Fang Han, alone, supported, and resisted the bombardment of 100,000 Daxian.

If you let any Divine Immortal see it, you have to be alive and scared.

No Divine Immortal would have thought that Fang Han, also in the realm of Divine Immortal, could withstand the bombardment of 100,000 Daxian. Under such bombardment, even Immortal Artifact will be annihilated and will cease to exist.


When Emperor Tiandi saw this scene, his eyes were like drums, and Zhang’s mouth could not be closed.

At the same time, on the high sky, the countless gods who issued the Great Immortal, the gods, the gods were so surprised that even the chin almost fell.

“Kill! I don’t believe it, this child can withstand all the power of our Protoss army, prepare! Let!” One of the gods roared, and the Emperor God also issued an order, “Give me a murder, break his lord.” Magic Force big umbrella!”


In the densely-armed heavenly protoss army, once again rioted, there are thousands of gods, nearly one hundred gods, tens of thousands of gods, and at the same time spurted a blood, these blood burning in the sky, a burst, Immediately more of the Great Immortals landed down, and they were completely destroyed by time and space. They could even walk through a passage in the endless galaxy.

“More than 200,000 Daxian skills!”

At the moment, Fang Han also turned pale. He also had 81 foods of the fairy goddess that had just surrendered, hundreds of ancient Heavenly Demons, and nine heads of crying, such as Heavenly Immortal, the Heavenly Immortal Expert. . However, the power of these Experts was mobilized by him, and together, it was impossible to withstand the great fairy tales that so many Protoss troops came down.


Fang Han condense’s umbrella-shaped protective cover collapsed immediately, and it was turned into the body for countless pieces of vitality.

“Kill!” Fang Han still didn’t run away. At this moment, he seemed to be against the Heavenly Immortal people. In the moment of protecting the light cover, he suddenly shot the Seven Styles of Ruling, the end, the origin, the Divine Fist… For a moment, he had no reservations, and between the electric and the stone fires, he bombarded all his own school and collided with the fairy.

Suddenly, some great immortals were defeated.

“Fang Han, you think, you are Hongmen Daoist, between the hands, you can beat the boundaries of our Protoss!” The goddess of the gods screamed: “Kill! I suppress you! The Protoss army, profit The gods, you should also come out. You are also coming out of the goddess of the goddess, the goddess of the goddess, and you are eating the gods, and you are defeated by Fang Han!”

Under the roar of the Emperor of Heaven, suddenly more water of the gods came down, and then one after another, the big symmetry circle and space wormhole appeared. In the empty wormhole, many powerful protoss army, got the god of heaven The call of time comes across time and space.

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū …….

Countless great immortals, bombarded from these emerging army.

There are two more protoss army, one of them, all of them are the celestial gods, powerful, bloodthirsty, cruel, and each of them has revealed a deep blood. The other protoss, with a single-angle on the top of the head, is extremely sharp and seems to be a machete. The whole body is very noble, graceful, holy, and contrary to Aura, who worships the gods.

This is the legendary Philippine god.

Among the Protoss, there are the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, the gods of the night, the gods…they are all ancient tribes, and every protoss has earth-shattering means, which is divided among the dragon races. Heavenly Dragon, Yulong, Zhilong……. There are some similarities.

Now, when the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods appear, and seeing Fang Han, the whole body has issued a great fairy technique. In general, each of the protoss tribes has issued more than 200,000 Daxian techniques, which are comprehensive. Six hundred and seventy thousand Daxian’s move towards Fang Han bombarded.

“Under this, I can’t resist it!”

Rao is Fang Han Divine Valor, and knows that now is absolutely unable to resist, six or seven hundred thousand Daxian, even if he can not be defeated, it is enough to smash his body, some countries, and Heavenly Demon, natural deity, dragon race… all kinds of big countries are dead, one does not stay.

His wing of freedom flaps, the world is cooperating with the Buddha of the Buddha, the whole person jumped out of the five elements, not in the real world, and suddenly the six or seven hundred thousand Daxian techniques were bombarded and all fell through, deeply blasting into the interior of the Xuanhuang big world. The whole big world has issued a sputum of sinking. The power of the whole world has become more violent. The water of countless gods has been forced out, and the blossoming of the bones has emerged.

“Damn, run away!”

The goddess of the heavens hated the words, and both hands smashed into the void, and the palms penetrated into the infinite space and time, but they did not attack Fang Han.

“Fang Han second son, indeed cunning!”

The light flashed, and there were two more gods in the side of the Emperor, and the Culture Base and the Emperor of Heaven were the same, and they were all invincible Powerhouses in the realm of Profound Immortal.

One of them is the leader of the sacred gods, while the other is the great commander of the Philippine gods.

The leader of the Sacred Protoss is still a snakehead, a whole body scale, but each scale is very old, and the color of the totem on the scale muscles also has some historical dust Aura. It seems that I have experienced countless vicissitudes of life, never wiped out, this god, the voice is cruel: “However, I can certainly catch him, swallow him. And the woman, exquisite, white and tender, with air, and Completed the strong Immortal Dao rule, it is very refreshing and very comfortable to eat.”

“Himei Emperor, you will only eat Immortal.”

Kā chā kā chā, a flash of light, another armor of the gods, all indented into the body, turned into a beautiful, temperament, like the heirs of the noble bloodline of the fairyland: “My dream of the gods is Occupy the heavens, find the Gate to Eternity that the ancestors of the Holy King dreamed of.”


Just as the three ancient gods spoke, in the army of the gods and gods, there was a shadow suddenly appearing. The shadow moved a little, the shadow covered the sky, and the bodies of several gods immediately exploded and were shadowed. The power to kill.

Along with these gods, there are some gods, gods, countless Protoss, gods, gods.

This shadow is exactly Fang Han, his secret jump out, and open the gods to kill.

The five gods of Heavenly Immortal level were beaten by Fang Han, and the big hands grabbed them. Five Heavenly Immortal gods turned into fairies and entered the body. And those gods, the king of God is turned into countless Divine Ability fruit, Divine Ability seed into the 33 Skies world, absorbed by the six major sects of Immortal Dao.

“Come on! Xing Yun Baobao, I will give you a big chance, Jia Lan! You also have a big chance, one step to the sky, just in front of you.”

Five cents, suddenly, turned into streamer and entered the body of Xing Yun Baobao and Jia Lan. These two people, with the benefits of Fang Han, Culture Base has climbed and has been successfully completed by True Immortal, but without the qualifications of immortality, even if cultivation, it will never be possible to step into Immortal Dao.

But now, everyone has got two centipedes made of two gods and gods, and once they enter the body, Fang Han uses the Magic Force to refine all the Impurities in the body, and immediately achieves great achievements, breaking through the final mark, the soul. Entering the fairy world, peeping into the whole picture, suddenly took it back and stepped into the road of Heavenly Immortal.


Xing Yun Baobao, the whole body, has a nebula pattern everywhere, as if the entire starry sky was included in the body.

On the head of Jia Lan, there is a dense trace of Great Dao.

“Finally, finally, Stars Sect, someone became Heavenly Immortal, and it was my son. I never dreamed that there would be such a day, my son would become Heavenly Immortal! This is Heavenly Immortal, the realm of dreams.” Stars Sect , Star Master, Mrs. Xing Zhu At this moment, all tears.

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