Eternal Life

Chapter 955

At this time, Fang Han sacrificed the most powerful “Golden Immortality” in the Space of the Wild, a supernatural gold fairy, and the hard-working refining symbol. (peak novel handwriting novel)

In the Fu Yun space, imaginary, true, heaven, god, mysterious…. These Immortal symbols are quite a lot, but there is only one Jin Jinfu symbol. Repressed the twelve thousand nine hundred and six hundred great arrays.

In the past, Fang Han could not use the Golden Fairy, because it would be shocked and damaged, but it was difficult to protect itself, but now the promotion has reached Divine Immortal, and the eight floats have six pieces of treasures that change to Immortal Artifact, which uses the spoon of the gods. Power is all controllable. It’s not impossible to use the Golden Fairy.

He runs three thousand acupoints in the body, three thousand pairs of the sun and the moon, and eight stars in the three thousand worlds of the sacred sacred world, bursting with infinite brilliance, while displaying the Lesser Karma Technique, a million lifespan burning. Use the power of fate to motivate the Golden Fairy.

His life expectancy is already incredibly high, close to 100 million years. Originally Divine Immortal, it will be up to ten million years. He is ten times more powerful than the average Divine Immortal, and his life is naturally close to immortality and rival to the planet.

Burning a million years of life is not a big deal, it has no effect on itself. Millions of years of life and life, the power of the Lesser Karma Technique is almost refining the Three Thousand Great Daos. The “Creation of Gods”… which was not refining before, was absorbed by the Lesser Karma Technique.

The power of the Lesser Karma Technique is enhanced with the advancement of the realm. The Lesser Karma Technique in the realm of Divine Immortal is no longer the same as before, when Fang Han was running, he could even see the sea of ​​destiny through layers of source obstacles! This world is made up of “forces.”

When the “force” operation reaches its limit, it will create a void and create “qi”.

“Qi” and “force” constitute the origin of this heaven and earth universe. Fang Han seems to be dead to grasp a certain rule, an eternal truth.

The power of Jin Xianfu is constantly being promoted. At this moment, Fang Han has a feeling of lifting the king of Divine Immortal. The charm of Jinxian is too heavy. Every time he pushes, his body is like To be free from the general.

However, Jin Xianfu is urging, the power is too big, a little shock, all the Magic Force of the Son of Chaos are all broken.

A group of immortal notes leaps in the air, making all time and space, solidified, chaotic gas is eliminated. Countless golden light, composed of a group of immortal cages, even to completely trap the son of Chaos!

“Golden fairy charm! You actually have Jinxian to consume their own origins, and the refined ones are made in Fuxi.” The son of Chaos issued Martial art, destroying Jinguang with one punch and one punch, rushing to Fang Han’s side and killing Fang. Han’s ontology, the golden fairy symbol is naturally eliminated.

However, the golden fairy symbol is getting thicker and stronger, and the immortal cage that constitutes it traps him so that he cannot escape the blockade of the great Luo Jinxian.

Jinxian, you can reach Da Luo and get a eternal truth. This power is no longer comparable to Profound Immortal. A golden fairy, hundreds of Profound Immortal, and even thousands of Profound Immortal can do it.

“You can’t break the blockade of the gold Immortal symbol, I can completely suppress you now!” Fang Han continued to urge the power of Jin Xianfu, the strong golden light ignited above, making the son of Chaos difficult.

“Golden fairy can not kill me, at most I can only trap me for a while!” The son of Chaos was bound by the golden beam, but his body suddenly suddenly, Aura introverted, the whole person concentrated, narrowed inward. It seems to be accumulating strength, then breaking the golden light, getting out and taking the life of Fang Han.

“Fang Han, this is only a golden fairy, not a real golden fairy. If it is a real golden fairy, you can kill me, but the power of the symbol can only be maintained for a while, waiting for the symbol to dissipate, I will hit you Kill, let you know that relying on external forces will never be able to defeat me.”

The son of Chaos is very clear in his heart, and the power of Jin Xianfu will weaken and disappear in a while.

“Is it? Jin Xianfu, blocking the power of chaotic heaven, blinding!”

Fang Han took another step, and the golden fairy charms were all turned into golden light. The mountains and the generals rushed to the heavens and seemed to shake the chaotic paradise of the heavens.

In the twinkling of an eye, the power transmitted by Chaos Heaven was isolated by Jin Xianfu.

However, his fierceness is more intense, his life span has begun to burn, and a huge counterattack force is brewing.

Suddenly, the chaotic paradise of that day seemed to know that the power was blocked, and suddenly there was no movement. I didn’t know what mysterious power had struck, and the golden light that Jin Xianfu’s transformation had actually loosened.

By the impact of this, the light of Jin Xianfu began to thin.

“Ha ha ha ha!” I felt this scene, the son of Chaos laughed wildly: “The power of chaotic paradise, can a small golden fairy symbol be blocked? It is simply delusional. Now the power of Jin Xianfu is beginning to be thin, Fang Han, you are killed, I see what other means you can, can hurt me, if not, then you are really finished.”

“The power of Jin Xianfu is starting to be thin, that is, your death period. I am waiting for this moment.” Fang Han said coldly: “The golden fairy is too powerful, how can I use him to display Heaven Origin Strike? Heaven Origin Strike needs the Immortal Dao rule, which is a good deal.”

Fang Han’s voice, like the ancient god of death, issued a verdict.

And Fang Han’s body, once again, opened his mouth and spit, a fragrant red gold like gold liquid spit out, turned into countless symbols, Hongmeng gas, penetrated into the golden fairy symbol, that Jinxian Fu The golden light suddenly contracted inward.

“Breaking the heavens and returning to the Yuan, one hit into the air, life and death, come and go in a hurry, life, the grass and spring, all belong to Tianyuan.”

After being promoted to Divine Immortal, the power of Heaven Origin Strike was innumerable. His will communicates with the exquisite Immortal Venerable, and the mysteries of Heaven Origin Strike are also shown.

Heaven Origin Strike must consume the Immortal Dao rule, and the more powerful Immortal Dao rule, the more powerful it is. Now, how does Fang Han use the power of Jin Xianfu to display Heaven Origin Strike? No one can imagine.

Wū wū wū 呜呜! Numerous golden light condense inward, in the void, a huge chessboard appears, in the center of the chessboard, a star-shaped star shines.

Subsequently, all the golden fairy charms were turned into those little stars.

The whole world was dark, only the point of the stars, the light of the blaze, condense up, and then suddenly landed.

The Tianyuan star position, between the fallen, lost all hope in the world. Declared the ultimate annihilation.

This is “Heaven Origin Strike”! At the last moment, Fang Han used the brilliance of Jin Xianfu, which contained the Golden Fairy Law, which issued “Heaven Origin Strike!”.

The power of this blow transcends everything. Before the chaos, no one can guess. Where is this hit? Where to go, it is an incomprehensible dead end. It is not a million chaos. Cracked puzzles.

At this moment, the son of Chaos couldn’t believe his eyes. His high hands and his feet stayed in the air. All the forces smashed toward Fang Han, but they solidified.

This Heaven Origin Strike seems to be stopping his soul.

Without any suspense, Jin Xianfu became a Heaven Origin Strike, landing, what Dao technique, fairy law, ideas can not resist, directly penetrated the head of the son of Chaos.

His head immediately had a blood hole, only the size of the finger, but as the blood hole ejected to the blood, the body of his chaotic son began to crack, the body of the Immortal Dao rule, pieces broken!

The Immortal Dao rule of the Golden Immortalization, condense became the Heaven Origin Strike, the power has transcended the limits of the secular, and penetrated the body of the chaotic son, but also broke his body’s Immortal Dao rule. The world in the body is fragmented, and a serious blow to a world has reached a state of exhaustion.

“Fang Han, wait until the heavens, I will fight you again!” The son of Chaos died without being stiff, shouted loudly, and opened his seal with all his strength. He immediately provoked the power of the heavens to rise and rise.

Fang Han has the Central Great Emperor, and the experience of Makino’s soaring, where will the son of this chaos soar, leaving a big hidden danger for himself?

He shot thousands of seals in his hands, and the world flew out of the Buddha’s buddha, covering Aura, preventing the son of Chaos from flying. At the same time, the whole person descended like an eagle, and a claw caught on the head of the son of Chaos.

The head of the Son of Chaos began to split, and a steady stream of Essence Qi poured into the body of Fang Han.

In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han absorbed one-tenth of his Essence Qi and the broken Immortal Dao rule.

A big rush came out and was turned into a shadow in the back of Fang Han. There were hundreds of millions of dragons on the shadow, twisted and strangled, and Aura with no killing.

This is another magical treasure in the Eight Buddhism, which is transformed into Immortal Artifact.

Just a son of chaos, one-tenth of Essence Qi, can transform a half-Immortal Artifact into Immortal Artifact. What a vast expanse? What is the world?

“Break the sky and fly, don’t even think about it, your flesh and blood will become my sacrifice.” Fang Han In the blink of an eye, countless worlds in the body, all started to work. Again, one-tenth of the Essence Qi and Immortal Dao rules in the body of the Son of Chaos.

The son of Chaos has stepped into the realm of Profound Immortal. The Immortal Dao rule in the body carries the mysterious Aura. Compared to Divine Immortal, I don’t know how much stronger. After rushing into the body of Fang Han, it is a huge dragon ruler. Turned out, the dragon’s rune, the dragon race’s rune, the ancient king of the dragon, looming, between the exhalation, the universe began to storm, open his eyes, the universe is all bright. g! ……!

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