Eternal Life

Chapter 953

Fang Han Since the beginning of the Protoss robbery, a qi in the midst of the sacred blessing has been on him, making him see God killing God and seeing Buddha killing Buddha. Because of this, he slaughtered all the way, killing again and again, Immortal Artifact has been refining one by one, and the Culture Base has been climbing. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Now encountering such a powerful presence of the Son of Chaos is one of his touchstones.

In the battle with the Son of Chaos, he absorbed all the Divine Immortal rules he absorbed, all Martial art, all of which were integrated, and wisdom reached the point of being omnipresent and ignorant.

In the past, all kinds of things have appeared in the past. Since birth, every battle, every Divine Ability of the other side has been calculated in the heart of the fire. All the existences that have been seen are deeply portrayed in my mind. It will never be erased, all Divine Ability, through ancient and modern, to the past and the future.

Fang Han’s soul, this moment, has been flying freely, the secret of the dragon race, the holy fist of the Protoss, the Buddhist practice of Buddhism, the supremacy of fate… everything is lost, leaving the body, flying with the heart, or with With his palm, he pressed it out slowly.

Chaos Heavenly Monarch, the world’s free Wang Buddha… and other people’s shadows. Appeared in the middle of his palm.

Even in the center of Fang Han’s palm, there was a picture of the deities of the gods, actually playing the wind white feathers of the school, Dusk of the Gods. In the center of the Dusk of the Gods, a tall protoss, faintly emerged, is actually the shadow of the end of the Holy King.

“What is that? How did Fang Han play Dusk of the Gods!”

The white feather standing next to the exquisite Immortal Venerable was shocked.

Then, in his body, a burst of movement, countless seals, began to flow, a vast force, ready to move, suddenly, the power of infinite end, broke out and entered the body of Fang Han.

It was actually the palm of Fang Han, which ignited the power of the end of the sacred king in the wind white feathers, and blessed him.

I don’t know why.

“Fang Han has entered a state of mystery. This state is wonderful. His wisdom is at this moment, untestable, a state of enlightenment. Moreover, the power of ending the saint in your body has a unique meaning for him. The attraction, he is calculating the secret, speculating on destiny, Zhou Tianyi, the destiny of the ball is the best, combined with the wisdom of Fang Han, plus the Lesser Karma Technique, the fate of the deduction to the extreme! The end of the holy king, naturally want to see Deriving the fate, so will force the blessing on him.” Linglong Immortal Venerable Eyes difference: “The son of chaos, it is difficult.”

Fang Han stood up from the core of the World Tree. The whole body seemed to be taller than the World Tree. Aura infiltrated and centered on itself, and a prototype of the universe slowly formed. The prototype of this universe contains countless rules, and the Great Dao’s rhythm is in it. His slow palm press pressed, and suddenly stopped the shape of the son of Chaos.

Under the heavy bombardment of Fang Han, the chaotic airflow around the sons of Chaos exploded.

His body was stopped.

“this is!”

He looked at the body that Fang Han stood up slowly and the illusion of countless Experts on the palm, even the dusk of the gods. He also felt that he had reached an inexplicable force, pouring into the other’s body with the power to end everything. It is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting sharper. Even the depths of the soul have a shudder.

“This is the power of the end! The protoss end the power of the Holy King! Rumors before the Elder Ages, the heavens countless Heavenly Monarch, the siege of the end of the Holy King, at the expense of the death of many Heavenly Monarch, finally killed the Holy King, Chaos Heavenly Monarch is involved in this battle, but this holy king is still not dead? Why? Why do you bless the power on Fang Han?”

The son of chaos, the electric light stone in the mind is generally flashing.

Fang Han’s face is quiet, like water, two eyes, dark, deep, like the night. From his eyes, no one can see through any emotions, only in the depths of his pupils, countless secrets are being played, the long river of destiny is flowing, his incarnation becomes destiny, in his hands, the calculation What came out was the ancient prophecy.

Fang Han At this moment, even very awake, he felt the power to end the holy king, enter his body, one side is assist himself, but one is watching his own calculations.

He did not care, immersed in his own sentiments, and poured his many sentiments into the power of the end without reservation.

The power of the end got his sentiment, and it seemed to be very appreciated. Suddenly, a spit, turned into a large amount of the beginning of the gas, began to enter his body’s various points, innocent body, and began to change again.

“The end of the Holy King, this time the Protoss robbery, I am the person who killed the Protoss, you are actually at the most critical moment, assist I raise the Culture Base. Make me a hundred feet, go one step further.” Fang Han whole body suddenly appeared Three thousand caves, among the three thousand caves, countless brilliance, sudden concise, hundreds of thousands of Star light, Sun and Moon starlight of all things, condensed in each hole.


In Fang Han’s body, every hole, suddenly has a huge star sun, and a puck-like moon. The sun, the planet of the lunar, is condensed.

At the same time, the corresponding eight Buddhism three thousand world, of which the stars are all concise and successful.

At this moment, Fang Han’s body is full of 3,000 sun stars and 3,000 Tai Yin stars. Sun and moon condense, the prototype of the universe. Every star is very large and slowly rotates in the body of Fang Han.

These stars are not plundered from the outer universe, but they are formed by the power of the beginning of the Yuan.

Fang Han’s innocent body, every hole, is a sun, a moon, and finally condensed, this is the scene of the body into a universe, Divine Immortal.

His body in the world, combined with the body, is completely transformed into a universe.

At this moment, he is Divine Immortal!

Not long after the success of Heavenly Immortal, all the way to kill, struggle, refining countless Divine Immortal, at this moment, he entered the realm of enlightenment, got the assist of the end of the Holy King, actually in his own hole, concise three Thousands of sun and moon stars. Incarnation of the universe, this is a leap in texture.

The general Heavenly Immortal, to be made into Divine Immortal, is almost impossible, unless it is a great fortuitous encounter, or a celestial reward for enough qi, and then its own genius, to understand the Divine Immortal way, Closed door meditation Insight hundreds For thousands of years, it might be possible to build Divine Immortal before Life essence is exhausted. Absolutely there is no such thing as Fang Han.

But now, with the assist of the end of the Holy King, it is logical.

What is the end of the Holy King?

One of the two great kings of the Protoss who can kill the Heavenly Monarch.

His aids can make Fang Han break through bottleneck and reach Divine Immortal. It is not difficult, of course, there is also the understanding of Fang Han.

“Divine Immortal! is actually in the secular, the promotion has reached the realm of Divine Immortal! The power is greatly increased! Unfortunately, it is bound by the rules of the heavens, and it has begun to increase. Fortunately, I have the wing of freedom, the world is free of the king Buddha. Fuxi, plus the current rush of the source, the Divine Immortal realm, it is not forced to fly.”

As soon as Fang Han stepped into the realm of Divine Immortal, he felt the sky above his head. There was no such thing as a mighty and mighty force. From time to time, he had to pull himself, forcibly soaring, and entering the fairy world.

If it’s outside, it’s time to be careful and converging, but when the robbery comes, Divine Immortal’s realm is not difficult.

“He actually promoted to Divine Immortal!”

The son of Chaos was also shocked. Absolutely did not think that Fang Han was in the universe at this moment, and the three thousand stars in the body condensed successfully, Great Dao was like heaven.

In his perception, the power of Fang Han grows up and down, and World Tree slowly incomes into the body. His whole person, his eyes are clear, without any perception, giving a kind of ruthless indifference.

“The son of Chaos, you are also arrogant, now it is my turn to completely clean up you, you said that I can not extinct the Shenzhou door, now I will destroy, and then destroy the Shenzhou door!” Fang Han was promoted to Divine Immortal After that, the power of the whole body has increased several times or even ten times compared to the previous one.

After his promotion to Divine Immortal, the Divine Immortal rule is equivalent to the sum of dozens of Divine Immortal. His power completely surpassed the son of chaos.

“Your bitter sea. Law, I have also calculated it for a while, now use your Divine Ability to kill you, let you take a look, how despicable you are!”

Fang Han’s tone is very calm, and he is also the one who uses his way. His body was shocked, and a force rushed out. He turned into a boundless sea. He punched out, took the wind and waves, and crossed the other side!

Actually, the one that was originally played by the son of Chaos is more fierce overbearing. It seems that Fang Han is the real chaotic Heavenly Monarch.


The son of Chaos also stands upright and looks cruel: “Even if you are promoted to Divine Immortal, the mean person is always a despicable person, can’t compete with me. I want to kill me. I don’t know how high!”

He suddenly shot in the palm of his hand, and there were countless blood-colored holes in his body. From the bloody hole, there was a thick bloody atmosphere. “Chaos blood palm! The blood of heaven!”

Numerous blood holes, violently rotating, plunging into the sea, bombarded Fang Han.

Fang Han suddenly moved, and the big hand grabbed it. In the palm of his hand, there was a huge chaotic flesh-and-blood elemental tire. When it was creeping, it absorbed all the thousand blood holes.

“The chaotic Heavenly Monarch’s birth!” The body of Chaos trembled, suddenly flew, and the finger pointed out: “The finger of heaven!” In the heavens, the huge chaotic paradise once again descended from the channel of the alien space. With countless runes, the power of the whole body of the Son of Chaos suddenly becomes mysterious.

He actually wants to make a breakthrough at this moment. I want to break through to the realm of Profound Immortal!

He turned out to be the closest to Profound Immortal at the peak of Divine Immortal. It has been suppressed, but now it is forced by Fang Han, and can no longer endure, decided to use the greatest will and strength to make a breakthrough. Even if it is flying, you must kill Fang Han with the greatest strength in the moment before the ascent!

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