Eternal Life

Chapter 951

The temperament of “the son of chaos” is very different from that of Makino. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Although Makino defies Fang Han and always says that he is a small servant, he is still very concerned about Fang Han in his bones. It is a superficial contempt and a spiritual concern.

The son of chaos is different.

He is downright, defying Fang Han. Looking down on Fang Han from the inside of the bones, I even looked down on the “Eight Buddhism” and looked down on the “33 Skies” by Fang Han. He looks down on any magical treasure, any character, even the heavens! Everything is despicable in his eyes.

I don’t know what kind of mentality it is, and I don’t know what kind of nobleness and pride is supporting him.

He stood up with his hands and watched the world with cold eyes. Nothing could get his eyes on him. It seems to be a distinguished Emperor who came to the slums. At first glance, all are despicable, cold and arrogant, the whole world is turbid, and only he is pure and not dusty.

“My Fang Han kills countless Demon Soul, countless genius. I have seen it arrogantly, but I have never seen you so arrogant. Although the wilderness is arrogant, it is not as much as one thousandth.” Fang Han coldly said “I don’t know what you are relying on. Is it the identity of your son of chaos? Even if Chaos Heavenly Monarch comes in person, he can’t despise the creation, the origin.”

“Can you represent the creation and origin?” The son of Chaos stretched out his hand and shook his finger. The scornful words: “The creation and origin are not something that you, the despicable person, can steal. The lord is not big, nor is it You can peek at it. All of your strengths, I have already seen it clearly. So I will despise you. You use the soul of Eternity to imprint the animal husbandry, but it is not its own strength, it is the borrowed mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch’s soul brand is transmitted from distant time and space. So, I said that you are a despicable person, a person who can overcome the enemy by a woman, isn’t it mean? I am wrong?”

“As long as it can kill the enemy, all means are in my opinion, nothing to say.” Fang Han said innocently: “You think that mean means, I don’t mind using it again to kill you.”

“There is no chance, you can no longer display the soul brand of Gate to Eternity. This is also an aspect that I said that you are mean and say that you are stupid. You know that you don’t know, just because you just can make the electric mother Heavenly. Monarch’s reincarnation is in a dangerous situation. How is the soul of Gate to Eternity branded? The heavenly Heavenly Monarch may not be seen. This Aura will be displayed immediately, and it will immediately attract the attention of the fairy world. There will be great danger!” The smile of the son of Chaos is more and more scorned: “I know that the Heavenly Monarch of the electric mother has Divine Ability, and no one can estimate her existence, but now because of your stupidity, let the heavens Lord has caught her Aura, and she is also unable to escape the clutches of the fairy world!”

“What?” Fang Han was shocked. He couldn’t sense the Aura of Fang Qingxue, and the soul of Eternity could not be sensed.

This surprise is no different.

He secretly calculated in his heart, Zhou Tianyi, the fate of the ball is constantly being calculated, after thousands of calculations, the mind stabilized, and his face showed a smile: “The mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch is so easy to be captured by the fairy world, then It’s not the person who stole the fate. And there’s nothing remarkable about the Lord’s Lord. When I kill you, after refining, the eight floats will be promoted to the real Immortal Artifact. By that time, my Magic Force It will skyrocket again. You, the Essence Qi, is much thicker than the wilderness, at least the equivalent of more than a dozen Divine Immortal, even the chaotic Heavenly Monarch pure bloodline, enough for me to put the eight floats and 33 Part of Skies is made into Immortal Artifact. Moreover, there are many Divine Immortal in your Shenzhou Gate. This boat on the other side is actually Middle Grade Immortal Artifact. All of them have killed you. How much will my strength be improved? Concerned about the Lord’s Lord? This time the Protoss robbery is the feast of my plunder.”

“Ha ha!” Hearing the words of Fang Han, the sons of Chaos laughed: “Poor people, despicable existence, actually want to refine the entire Shenzhou Gate? You don’t know how much strength Shenzhou Gate has, and inherit the will of the fairyland. Come, lead the group of immortals, get away from the bitter sea, and go to the other side. I am enough to kill you alone.”

“Then I will take a look, is it that you kill me, or I have killed your whole family of the door of the gods. Just because of your arrogance now, even the Shenzhou Gate of Heaven, is destined to destroy the future.” Fang Han’s body movement, suddenly everywhere is his phantom, behind the wing of freedom flapping, the wind is raging, the ghost is crying, and he directly destroys the head of the son of Chaos.

The claws of the ruined ancestors, descending from the sky, must capture the cover of the heavenly spirit.

“Hung 祖祖龙?? encounter dragon 斩 dragon!” The son of Chaos even in the face of the ruined ancestors, but also contempt for the eyes, he also refers to the sword, suddenly a Sword Qi skyrocketing, actually put the hunger The claws are opened directly, and the sword is sharp and invincible.

After tearing the dragon claws, his body trembled, a huge bitter sea, which emerged from the body. The huge bitter sea, the choppy waves, destroyed all the shadows of Fang Han, and the son of Chaos showed several times more than the wilderness. Magic Force, stepping out in one step, punching the wind and breaking the waves, pointing to the heart, hit the body of Fang Han, there is no deviation.

“Bitter sea. The law rides the wind and waves!”

The sea of ​​chaos, the son of chaos rides the wind and waves, refers to the day to step on the ground, such as the only god, bombardment comes, playing all the elements are mixed, everything has lost color.


Fang Han didn’t change his color, he hit it with a punch, and the two touched each other. In his body, Immortal Dao Astral Qi flipped, and the power was like a wave. After refining the wilderness, he no longer feared anyone, any attack.

The son of Chaos saw that Fang Han hardened his own punch, and there was a slight difference in his eyes. Then he was more fierce. He was so powerful that he could destroy countless planets, and even a big world, the endless eternal life, all the air. He was involved in the chaos of his body, and he had a chaotic armor on his body. It seems that the real chaos Heavenly Monarch, coming to the world, the purity of the bloodline is really far better than Fang Han.

He strode to Fang Han, his hands showed Divine Ability, turned into Wang Yang, trapped Fang Han, and centered on him, the power of the bitter sea expanded, as if to sweep the whole big world, some similar The waters of the gods that the Protoss joined forces to launch.

The power of this person is already comparable to the real Profound Immortal. Fighting Fang Han. It is worthy of being called “the son of chaos.”

“The bitter sea can’t trap me.” Fang Han’s body swayed above the bitter sea and jumped out of the real world. Not in the five elements, he showed the dual power of the world’s free Wang Fu and the wing of freedom. Buddha Nirvana, the ancient Buddha is gone. There is no trace.

“Big out, the world is free, Primogenitor Sage Fist, Seven Styles of Ruling, the gods, the mountains and rivers…” “Fang Han, the next moment, disappeared, appeared on the top of the son of Chaos, in one fell swoop, continuously displayed There are dozens of killing tricks, each trick is skillful, just right, Zhou Tianyi accurately calculates the various changes in the chaos of the son of Chaos. At the most critical time, Fang Han can grasp the essence and defeat the chaos at the most ingenious cost. The son of the condense.

“This is the 30-day treasure, the strength of Zhou Tianyi in the legend? Calculate all Divine Ability, master some of the core flaws of the fairy and even Three Thousand Great Daos, and even analyze the enemy’s spiritual flaws.” Resisting Fang Han’s attack, but walking in a leisurely way, “So you are a mean person, can only rely on women and magical treasure to confront the enemy, lost the magical treasure and woman, what are you? You do not count. Ridiculous, you think you are a personal thing, today I will take away all your auras. Let you know that you are ultimately a small servant, a despicable slave.”

The son of Chaos speaks sharply, not angering Fang Han, but there is an innate contempt in his bones.

Like a chaotic ancient god, he suddenly shocked, and the chaotic canopy of the eggshell shape shrouded again, forcing Fang Han’s various Divine Ability, and then pointing out, transcending time and space, crossing the human mind, directly hitting Killing the eyebrows of Fang Han.

This finger, without any murderous, is like Immortal’s way of guiding, just like a sage wise man, pointing out the path and direction of life for the lost.

Because of this, his finger is particularly powerful. In the moment between Fang Han, there was an inability to escape. He had to walk along the road he pointed to, and his life was controlled by him.

“What is this Martial Dao fairy?” Fang Han stepped back and forth, and then the palms were bent into claws, blocking and going. Where did you know that the fingers of the son of Chaos suddenly disappeared, and the powerful gods were like thunder: “I am You must kill a finger, you can’t resist it! Heaven has no way, hell has no door! You are dead!”


At this crucial moment, Fang Han flashed a sneer, and between the eyebrows, a calm figure, his body bent, and he used a strange flash to make this finger fall.

This fingertip went to the empty space, and the spurt of the spurt went out, and everyone saw it. A 100-million-mile void passage was directly penetrated through the layers of the land, and it broke through the Xuanhuang big world, and even directly attacked the Protoss army outside the siege of the Xuanhuangda world. Countless protoss army Was shot through.

On the surface of the Xuanhuang big world, countless waters of God’s robbery are evaporated.

This is the power of one finger.

If this is the point, Fang Han will be even more powerful, and there will be more holes in his body.

Dodging this finger, Fang Han has no expression, a move Beginning Divine Fist, attacked and killed, the head of the son of Chaos.

“Everything is in my calculations, avoiding my killing, the real killing, still behind, Heavenly God Fist!” Bang! The son of Chaos appeared directly in front of Fang Han, punched out, countless celestial bodies, celestial glory, condense above the fist, such as the power of the heavens concentrated on one point, bombarded the legendary Heavenly God Fist.

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