Eternal Life

Chapter 938

The world’s most powerful, the powerful Powerhouse, the Emperor of the Great Emperor, the battle between the two, was forced by Fang Han to break the lore, pinch the neck, and then twisted his head. Come down.

What kind of fierceness is this?

What kind of temper?

What a shock?

No one can describe what it is like at this moment in the heart of the Expert.

Great Emperor Some of the Experts in Laos are also dumbfounded, and they can’t react. I just got into Divine Immortal and got the chance to be in the world. I thought I could control everything and lead the world to the glory of the emperor. I was screwed off my head when I was shot. How can this be done? Let people believe?


“Is this really true?”

“Are we wrong? That fight, the Emperor of the big world.”

“Fighting genius.”……… Some of the soul-stricken Tianchi women were screaming, especially those of the Void Immortal, True Immortal level, which they couldn’t bear.

“How is it possible! How is it possible? I have experienced countless tortures, hardships, hardships, and thorns. Today, countless epic civilizations, Wanshishishi pens can’t write my biography, my glory, my glory, how I may not be reconciled! I will never be reconciled! Resentful resentment, rebirth condense. Resentment shouting!”

After all, it was Divine Immortal. The “fight” was screwed off by Fang Han. It was still not dead. The head gave a strong resentment. It was comparable to the source of abhorrence, grievances, resentment, and grievances!

The resentment formed a cry of screams, making his vitality burgeoning again, condense, issued a spur of life, so that his head should be combined with the body.

At the same time, among his eyes, hundreds of thousands of wars were shot, and these wars became condensed. Attacked the body of Fang Han.

“God of Fight!”

He launched a peer-to-peer counterattack, attempting to turn over and killing in one fell swoop.

“There is no use, Divine Immortal is in front of me, I have to die. I just took your blood sacrifice and made my treasure into Immortal Artifact.” Fang Han didn’t care about any counterattack in the fight. The body moved and Astral Qi fluctuated. Out, all those wars are shattered, and his palms are turned over, like a mountain crashing out, hitting a fist, and falling apart.


Any counterattack in that fight was dispelled by the shock, and it was punched by Fang Han, and it was made into a meatloaf, a real meatloaf. It seems that the flesh and blood of the fetus seems to be suspended in the air, constantly creeping, and it also makes a sharp voice.

“My Immortal Dao rule is beginning to be broken. How is it possible? I am Divine Immortal? The most peak of this secular, the highest level of power, how could it be killed?”

“Death is death, where is so much nonsense!” Fang Han grabbed it with a big hand, like a god, and shrouded it, and the hand ignited a flame. The flame burned and burned. Turned into airflow. Rush into your body. Entered the eight floats.


In the end, Emperor made a sharp scream, and it really vanished. It died in a slap in the face, an Expert, and it was killed by Fang Han and disappeared into the world.

The powerful Divine Immortal flesh and blood, skeleton, vitality, and law all rushed into the body of Fang Han, and poured into the gongs and drums of the eight floating battales.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This huge gongs and drums fluctuated. The sound of the giant heart’s heart is heard.

It finally changed into Immortal Artifact.

The gongs and drums, absorbed three pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, Chonghua Tiangu, and more than 10,000 High Grade Dao Artifact’s Tiangu, have the potential of Chengxian, now the Divine Immortal rule of fighting, Divine Immortal flesh All absorbed, and immediately became Immortal Artifact.

Hey, hey, hey!

Fang Han runs Immortal Artifact, and every time he makes a sound, the drum sound wave oscillates out, and the sniper reaches the body of some Heavenly Immortal giants brought by the fighting Emperor.

A whole body armor, a white jade belt, and a silver shawl of Heavenly Immortal, first of all, was shocked by the sound wave, and it was blown into a group of flesh and blood, absorbed into it, such as mud cows into the sea, the bubble did not take one.

“Ah! This is a royal family of the Great Emperor. It is called the real emperor. It is called Douzhen, and it has been repaired and brought to the Heavenly Immortal realm. It was shocked to death.”

A female expert of the Tianchi faction screamed.

In her sharp screams, the members of the ancient royal family, with five or six Heavenly Immortals, were sizzled and blasted into flesh and blood, all absorbed.

“Flee away! The death is gone, the old emperor, the old emperor, the emperor’s uncle is dead.”

“We are finished, forgive!”

“No, how can you die, this is an illusion, this is an illusion!”………Great Emperor This time, in addition to the Divine Immortal-level Emperor fight and five Heavenly Immortal royal family antiques, Last time, together with Tai Huangtian, the encirclement attacked Fang Han and fought the sunset.

Fighting the sunset is still the realm of True Immortal.

But now, in front of Fang Han, is a small ant.

He was so flustered that he wanted to escape immediately. But Fang Han was at this time, the big hand was wiped out. His entire body was blown into powder and absorbed directly. Various laws were incorporated into the eight floats to become a tonic.

The other Experts who made birds and beasts were also caught by the suction of the big hands, falling into the palm of Fang Han, and gently pinching them all, like all the eggs.

Every broken sound is a death note, which represents the Lord’s Lord in the heavens and the earth, the soul disappears completely, and all glory is attributed to nothingness.

Three breaths, only three breaths.

The Expert of the World of Fighting is completely annihilated. No one can stay.

The elite of the entire big world was erased by Fang Han. The world of fighting gods is extremely high in the ranks of the 3,000-year-old world. Although it is not as good as the king and the middle, there are some old-level antiques, but the Emperor itself reaches the realm of Divine Immortal. It is also shocking and unconventional.

But now, how frustrating is it that all of Fangu’s devastating kills are dead?

At the moment, all the women of the Tianchi School, including Sectmaster Jin Xiuer, have shown a state of obstinacy.

“This is not true….” Her cherry whispered, not like a Heavenly Immortal Supreme Powerhouse, but like a woman who was frightened in the world.

“A big world’s elite, I will kill all of them. This Jin Xiuer, you should see my strength, do not know enough to be a co-owner?” Fang Han faint.

He killed the fighting and promoted the “drums” to Immortal Artifact. He was happy, secretly running, and digesting some of the Heavenly Immortal that had just been killed. There are also many True Immortal, Void Immortal.

Although these Experts were killed, the body inside the body also stored countless magical treasures, medicine pill, Taoist books, and also raised the creatures, Heavenly Demon. All of them were sent to 3,000 worlds by Fang Han, all of which were crossed.

For a time, among the eight bas-reliefs, the number of creatures exceeded one trillion, which is one trillion.

Think about it, the battle is Divine Immortal, the world inside the body has been transformed into the universe, and even the stars can be condensed from the body. How many creatures are there?

In the past, Fang Han killed the fragrant incense Buddha, and there were countless Buddhist monks and creatures in the body. All the brains were stored in the Eight Buddhism.

The willingness of so many purpose creatures can be gathered into a sea at any time, but these will not be wasted, but they are mobilized by Zhou Tianyi, combined with the celestial spirit, turned into various charms, let the cultivator vent absorb.

It can be said that after the change of Zhou Tianyi to Immortal Artifact, the three thousand worlds of the Eight Buddhisms have truly become a heavenly blessing, and the speed of repairing and refining is ten times faster than the best blessings of the major sects.

Every time, Fang Han’s power is growing.

Fang Han digested these Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, and Void Immortal. After refining, the elements were very comfortable. The Immortal Dao rule was integrated into the eight floating sects, which made the power of the wooden road squatting, the dragon squatting and so on. More powerful.

In particular, the 老 卝 老 融入 融入 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I I It is possible to break through the realm of Heavenly Immortal anytime, anywhere.

“The main door of the building…Fang Han.”

Hearing Fang Han’s words, the spirit calmed down, and Jin Xiu’er was a spirit, and his body was stunned: “I don’t think that there is such power in the world, you…you… killed Divine Immortal in one hand. What is your Culture Base? The ancient and legendary Profound Immortal?”

“Fang Han Daoyou, the gods of the world, now Jin Xiu’s friends, you also saw his strength, it is better to unite with the building, he really has the ability to protect us all.” Zu Qingting secretly swallowed a slobber Seeing the strength of Fang Han’s fight, knowing that this person is not what he can imagine at all, even if it is too old to practice some of the old antiques in Mysteries Realm, he can’t deal with him.

“This person…” The painting was horrified, but his eyes flashed again and again, like a fox: “I received the celestial symbol from the origins of some of my ancestors, Mysteries Realm. This Fang Han is the arrest of the fairy world. People, but now it’s so fierce, what should I do? The fairy tales said that if you can catch the electrician Heavenly Monarch, you can get the interviews of the ancient Heavenly Monarch. If you can catch this Fang Han and send it to heaven, then You can get some Lord objects above Jinxian. The benefits are endless….”

The paintings are deeply hidden, and on the surface, he is timid.

However, just as his mind was hidden, in the slight flow, suddenly Fang Han’s gaze looked at him.

He was shocked and quickly turned his eyes and did not dare to look at Fang Han.

“Hey!” Fang Han cold snort screamed, and suddenly he grabbed it with a big hand, and when he changed a lot, he was pinched around his neck and volleyed.

“Fang Han Daoyou!” Zu Qingting was shocked.

“Draw a picture, don’t think I don’t know what you think in your heart. I have 33 Skies, and everything is reflected in your mind.” Between the words, Fang Han waved, and Zhou Tianyi’s illusion appeared. In the hand, there are some psychological fluctuations that have just been painted.

“The fairyland is passed down, and you have to catch me. It depends on who has the skill. The Lord of the fairy world can’t come down after all.” Fang Han slammed, and the imaginary body was screaming. In the middle of the explosion.

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