Eternal Life

Chapter 936

“The blessings of the gods are really powerful. Let me take a look, what are the Lord objects in the virtual world!”

Fang Han fluttered by the wing of the wing, fluttering and flickering. Only one time, he escaped the slap of the god of the gods, and then the whole person and the exquisite Immortal Venerable flew into the depths of the world of Xuanhuang, not on the surface.

The surface of the Xuanhuang big world, all the oceans in the sea, were destroyed. All the ancient ruins of the temples flew up. Even the wild temples were completely destroyed. Under the flood of the water of the gods, No longer exists.

Not to mention the former Great Emperor, the Great Emperor, the magnificent city, and now the ruins, but these people in the emperor have been charged by the Great Unity Sect. go.

Fang Han is familiar with the Xuanhuang big world, Vast Sea Desert, grassland, snowfield, wild and primitive forest…. All the scenery, all broken and no longer exist, the entire Xuanhuang big world came to a doomsday cleaning.

Only the Protoss has such a broken ability.

Fang Han and the exquisite Immortal Venerable retreat, eyes wide open, look at the virtual world, they see all the power of the rushing god, the endless gods of the kingdom, connected into a piece, a lot of The ancient god emperor, tall and tall, sits in the middle of the virtual world, sings a poem of words, sends out the power of blessing, does not know how many Heavenly Immortal levels, Divine Immortal level, and even the gods such as Profound Immortal The power of blessings spread out, making the Protoss army and Heavenly Demon, with unparalleled blessings, and the body can not be destroyed.

The most common Protoss warrior, even Dao Artifact can’t destroy it. What has it reached?

There are many ancient Heavenly Demons that fly down and guard the Protoss.

Each Protoss warrior has thousands of Heavenly Demon wraps, condensed into armor, or wrapped around weapons. Add strength to them. There are also the protoss of the Protoss, which are the core of the great array, connected, and in the middle of hundreds of millions of Protoss fighters, even Heavenly Immortal, they can not hurt them.

This is the power of blessings in some of the ancient Protoss Powerhouse.

There are some tyrannical characters. When they come out, the fairy world will take them and fly away, but they hide in the virtual world, isolate the flying power of the fairy world, send out blessings, or do not hinder anything.

Of course, if the Protoss, the ancient Powerhouse, such as the Emperor Shi Tiandi, can rival the existence of Heavenly Monarch, it can come out. The rules of the heavens have been ignored for them, but when they come out, the heavens will certainly not sit idly by. At that time, it is a full-scale war. You die and die, the loss is too great. No one wants to play like this.

Fang Han swayed and found the powerful existence in the virtual world. I know that this time, by virtue of one’s own strength, it is really impossible to fight. Fortunately, in the depths of the Xuanhuang big world, I don’t know how many ancient Taoist doors have entered the Expert. If you can get together, Expert is like a cloud, and you can still fight with the Protoss.

Moreover, he is about to surrender many of the tricks of Expert, to expand his strength again, kill a few opponents like Li Tianwang, and refine all 33 Skies into Immortal Artifact, while the eight floats are also made into Immortal Artifact.

Now, almost every time I kill a powerful Divine Immortal, Leo uses his flesh and blood, Divine Immortal rule, and skeleton to make an 33 Skies into Immortal Artifact, that is, Fang Han must at least After killing forty Divine Immortal, it was possible to transform all the eight floats and 33 Skies into a qualitative change.

Killing forty Divine Immortal?

What concept is this? It is a secular, unreal imaginable great work, built with the Divine Immortal skeleton, the world’s magical treasure.

Divine Immortal is a trait in the heavens. Not an ordinary role. Master the power of one party, command Heavenly Immortal, countless slaves.

There is no need to say more in the world.

It is already the pinnacle of strength, the leader of heaven and earth.

Forty Divine Immortal teamed up, and now Fang Han can be beaten and run, even dead.

However, if it is broken one by one, it may not be impossible. Especially in the situation where such a protoss robbery came, the chaos was abnormal, and no one knew that he would be attacked and killed.

“In this Protoss robbery, I must kill 40 Divine Immortal and transform the 33 Skies into the Immortal Artifact! By that time, I carried this Immortal Artifact and sneaked up, and in the fairy world. Feng Hanyun.” Fang Han couldn’t imagine what kind of realm he would reach after refining Immortal Artifact. He had never thought of a day before, and he would make this Life Origin magical treasure into Immortal Artifact.

And now that he has the realm and strength of Heavenly Immortal, in theory, Immortal Artifact can be refining.


Fan Han and Linglong Immortal Venerable reached the depths of the world of Xuanhuang. In this deep space, the huge tide of origin is surging, and the impact is fierce. Stop the impact of the water of God.

In the Xuanhuang big world, the native cultivator entered the depths of the big world and accepted the impact of the power of the source. It seems that the Protoss was blessed by the gods, and the Culture Base increased greatly.

Fang Han is the cultivator born and raised in the Xuanhuangda world.

He is bathed in the power of the source, and he feels comfortable with a feeling of want.

What’s more, he owns World Tree, which grew up in the world of Xuanhuang. Now accepting the impact of the source, there is a taste that is connected with the flesh and blood of Xuanhuang. It seems that his body is the mysterious world.

The Protoss is preparing to break the entire big world, as if it is breaking his body. It made him feel a strong defense of this ancient big world.

“Fang Han, the origin of this Xuanhuang big world, is beyond the existence of Jinxian. Even if the Expert of Jinxian is refining, it can’t be refining. In the ancient times, Heavenly Monarch could not refine. Unfortunately. The sacred people of Hongmeng Road, the ancient Three Emperors, the World Tree and other guardians disappeared, and the fallen and fallen became the present-looking appearance.”

Exquisite Immortal Venerable takes a breath and is down to earth.

“This time, the Protoss came to the forefront, and Xuanhuangda World did not exist in the majesty of the year. I am afraid it is at stake.” The Emperor’s pen worried.

“This is also an opportunity. If the Protoss sacrifices the entire big world and runs through the passage to the fairy world, we can fly to the fairy world and carry various treasures. This may be the only chance.”

“Yes.” Linglong Immortal Venerable nodded. “The Protoss is refining like this. After a long time, some peerless treasures will be born, especially the ethereal library that has not yet been discovered, and there is also a powerful magical treasure. Even there are The powerful Immortal Artifact of the door of the beautiful Xuan Zang can be collected to bring to the fairyland, and there is indeed a foothold in the fairyland. Although the vast world is vast, the cruelty of competition is not what you and I can imagine.”

“The ethereal order, I have a piece in my hand, you can use this token to get a first step and get great benefits when the ethereal library is born.” Mi Bao flew out, she repaired and arrived at the Heavenly Immortal realm. Separate rock is also sacrificial refining success, power pouring, the power of origin is concentrated, in the back to the point of view of the galaxy.

“Duobao Heavenly Monarch’s bloodline.”

Exquisite Immortal Venerable blinked and looked at Mi Bao, actually said such a sentence.

“The exquisite Immortal Venerable is the first Expert of the world of Xuanhuang, and I can see it at a glance. I have the bloodline of Heavenly Monarch on my body.” Mi Baodao.

“Duobao Heavenly Monarch is the first Heavenly Monarch of the origin of the Emperor King, mastering the legend, is one of the oldest Heavenly Monarch, and it is no wonder that you will understand Beginning Divine Fist.” Linglong Immortal Venerable micro-channel: “But Xuan Huangda World First Expert, I am afraid that it is Fang Han now, and it may not be me. He is able to flatten the power of Divine Immortal, and all the ancient roads can be seen clearly.”

“Award, Immortal Venerable, you are unfathomable, I don’t want to fight with you, and what is the first and second, all are false names. Now to improve strength, it is the right way to reach the fairy world.” Fang Han shook his head, then silenced. The phantom of Zhou Tianyi is constantly speculating about what it seems to be planning the road of the future. Suddenly his eyes flashed, his hands stretched out, and a layer of Space was torn apart. A huge gourd jumped out of it: “Where are you going to see me, Fang Han, I haven’t come up yet to talk about the old? Mibao just got promoted to the Heavenly Immortal realm, and you can open the dojo in the Taishang Jiuqing Tian.”

That gourd is exactly the rebirth Immortal gourd.

From the gourd, flying out of the “Zu Qingting”, there are many Heavenly Immortal Taoists, especially the Dongling Road Lord, and I saw that Mi Bao was trained as Heavenly Immortal and suddenly overjoyed.

“Mibao, you finally stepped into the sky, and turned into a fairy. From then on, repairing a smooth road.”

“Master, this big robbery, is not the same. Many ancient martial art disputes, the outside protoss come, refining the whole big world. After all kinds of treasures have been born, in this situation, Heavenly Immortal is not good, but also completely degenerate. You Still following us, now the strength of Fang Han, instantly kill Divine Immortal. It can protect the safety.” Mi Baodao.

“The meaning of Mibao is what I mean.” Fang Han said proudly: “I am united with the Immortal Venerable, even if the legendary Profound Immortal is coming, it may not be able to get us. I will integrate all this time. The Taoist sect, the shun of the singer, the singer of the singer, the singer of the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer There are bound to be huge benefits.”

“This…….” There is a hint of sorrow on the face of Zu Qingting: “Fang Han Dao You Divine Ability is invincible, I have seen it for a long time, but I have been killing Heavenly Immortal like a dog, but we are too late, now Adhering to the fairy tales, I want to go to the space in the depths of the Xuanhuang big world, and discuss the alliance with the ancient Taoist temples. It is better to go with us than the Fang Han Daoyou. Only when they are united can they fight against the Protoss. .”

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