Eternal Life

Chapter 918

Fang Han, this is the real use of Assassin, whole body Magic Force with the “worldly self-property Buddha” symbol, the disappearance, and then suddenly appeared, let Li Hao how powerful, can not resist.

In the palm of the hand, there were five Heavenly Immortal Powerhouses, and Li Wei himself was blown up, and it was blown into a bloody mist. Every mist was equivalent to a sea. However, Fang Han did not care. After the explosion, the body came and spurred the dragons of all things. The bloody mists turned into dragons and were swallowed into the body again.

The Heavenly Immortal rule in the bloody mist, the life of the seed crystal world, represents the essence of the Culture Base, Divine Ability condense, lost flesh and blood, can also condense out, at most damage some vitality, lost this life law Immortal Dao crystal It is equal to losing the soul.

While devouring their flesh and blood extracts, Fang Han naturally aimed at their Heavenly Immortal rule. One claw caught the past, and all of them were captured, and they were killed. One did not stay.

“I actually hurt my blood and die!” In the bloody fog, Li Wei did not know what Divine Ability magical treasure was being used, and he was born again. A bloody body rose and shook the dragons of all things. The cockroaches glowed again, and the surrounding Heavenly Immortal gathered together immediately, and on his body, it became a armor.

Suddenly, his strength is as high as that of Makino, and he is almost as good as Divine Immortal.

However, Fang Han’s means are not limited to this. He had expected this change. He opened his mouth and spit out countless flames from the mouth. All of them were glazed fires, and the body disappeared again and turned into a void. Nirvana died and the ancient Buddha died. Let Li Wei and Makino can not find him again!


Li Wei was furious and had just been beaten by Fang Han and had a lot of damage. I wanted to show a peerless way to fight back, but Fang Han disappeared completely.

Makino’s son looked solemn, his ears kept shaking, and the central ancient sword was vertical. He showed a sword. Even the whole body was up and down. There was no flaw. It seems that Fang Han came from a sneak attack and he was strongly counterattacked. And strangled. “Fang Han, you hybrid, you will rely on a symbol, show your law, you have the ability, really fight with me, I will definitely break your body into a pus. I have already put the center No movement, no matter which direction you attack me, there is no use. Animals, hurry up, fight with me!”

“as you wish.”

Fang Han’s voice was conveyed from behind the Makino.

However, when Makino’s body moved, a sword actually pulled out from behind, and the exact killing went to the place where Fang Han’s voice leaked. This sword has a split universe and breaks the momentum of the sky.

“The face is dead! The beast!” Makino’s son, the body of the body, the body of the Immortal avatar suddenly trembled, with his sword, and began a resonance, the central ancient sword, Sword Qi masterpiece.

“I gave you the opportunity, this is that you are looking for death.” Fang Han’s voice did not stop because of the power of the sword. He walked out of the void and extended a hand directly. The innocent hand was clean. Like glaze, grab the sword front directly. The whole person is ten times more fierce than it was just now. It seems like a mountain king in the fairy world. No matter how the central ancient sword fluctuates, it cannot be separated from the palm of his hand.

“Just a few rounds, I am just trying to test you, seeing how your strength is, can you hurt me, threaten me, now it seems that strength is this level, which makes me too disappointed. It seems I am killing you, and don’t pay the price. The fate of power, the power of cause and effect. The fate of the river, Gate to Eternity!”

Fang Han grasped the central ancient sword and showed a smile on his face.

A few times before, he was indeed a temptation, and he did not show the most aggressive Assassin.

Now, after a few trials of the true strength of the two, Fang Han is no longer polite, suddenly turned around, began to burn life, cast Lesser Karma Technique and Great Karma Technique. At the same time, the eight floating sects in the body were fully urged to open, and the spoon of the gods began to be violent. This attack is equal to his complete violent.

The mighty airflow rushed into the body of the central ancient sword, and there were countless real Astral Qi streams, and the Artifact Spirit inside was so screaming.

“I want to take away my central sword, beast, today you want to die here!” On the body of Makino, the vision appeared, the armor moved again, trying to extract the central ancient sword and display the peerless sword.

“coiling martial refining!”

Fang Han’s face is not moving at all, the innocent body, the light blooms, dozens of Divine Immortal symbols from the spoon of the gods, flying out into the great array, condensed into a little. Directly entered the central ancient sword.


The central ancient sword immediately jumped up, and the whole sword was twisted like a snake, as if the skin of the whole body was peeled off. Suffering, the Immortal Dao rule inside has cracks.

Fang Han’s move, coiling martial, is a great array of “Divine Immortal symbols” from thirteen wild spoons. It is spurred into the Immortal Artifact. This central sword is just Low Grade Immortal. Artifact is naturally unbearable.

Fortunately, Fang Han is now at the True Immortal level, not Heavenly Immortal, otherwise. He can use the more powerful “Profound Immortal”, which can seriously damage this central sword. If it is a higher level of Jin Xianfu, then Wei Neng is not something that most people can guess.

“Divine Immortal is a symbol!” Makino was finally moved, and there was a lot of horror in his eyes.

“You also know the horror! The central ancient sword, refining for me, how is Immortal Artifact, I will still be charged by you, you don’t want to go today, all for my eight floats, 33 Skies as a material, blood sacrifice “Fang Han has no mercy, and the big hand is slamming again. The distorted body of the central sword collapses, completely collapses, turns into pieces, and is inhaled by Fang Han. The huge fairy power, the fairy tales, Immortal Dao The law, the influx of madness, caused another dramatic change in the 33 Skies world.

An Immortal Artifact, even the lowest-level Low Grade Immortal Artifact, contains the Immortal Dao rule ten times that of Heavenly Immortal.

In particular, this central ancient sword is simply the pinnacle of Low Grade Immortal Artifact. It was shattered and poured into the eight floating sects. It was more fierce than the refining of the world.


33 Skies’s “Residual Sky Map”, “Hua Tian Can”, “Yi Tian Spear” and “Zhou Tianyi” all converted from Peerless Grade Dao Artifact to semi-Immortal Artifact, especially the “Zhou Tianyi”, which is a sophisticated spherical instrument. Around the stars, many Spaces are created on the sphere, just like a small universe.

The “Zhou Tianyi” in 33 Skies is not used for attack. It is used to calculate the secret, the wisdom of operation, the evolution of Dao technique, the comprehensive vitality, and the creation of Divine Ability.

For example, a Three Thousand Great Daos can evolve a myriad of Supreme Divine Ability, and a variety of Three Thousand Great Daos can be combined with a variety of fairy tales. This can be calculated using “Zhou Tianyi”.

Of course, Zhou Tianyi’s most tyrannical function is to complement the Great Dao. For example, Fang Han’s current awesome magical technique, only the fusion of twenty-three Three Thousand Great Daos, if placed in the sun, can be used to calculate the other needs of the Three Thousand Great Daos.

This is the horror of 33 Skies. Otherwise, this set of treasures is not an artifact.

Now, the central ancient sword ruptures, and the Immortal Dao rule rushes in, making Zhou Tianyi change to a semi-Immortal Artifact. Immediately, the instrument’s estimation function is revealed. Fang Han’s countless Divine Ability, countless Dao techniques, countless Martial Dao They all entered it, and after it was calculated, it was fed back into the wisdom and wisdom, which made Fang Han’s every move, every style, and every breath change become perfect and impeccable.

Moreover, even more terrifying is that every attack of Makino, Li Wei, even a wave of thinking, fluctuations in vitality, all reflected in Zhou Tianyi, captured by Fang Han, and deduced from their vitality. The flaws.

At this moment, the power of 33 Skies to finally create a prototype.

Suddenly, the power of Fang Han reached the existence of the 18th Heavenly Immortal of the horror, and the huge energy was deposited, making his power unable to improve. It seems that the limit of his Mortal Body is so much, unless he breaks through the Heavenly Immortal realm, the power can be raised again.

“My central ancient sword!”

Makinoko, a blood spurt out, he felt his body, has completely lost contact with the central ancient sword, was completely refining, and since then, completely lost this Immortal Artifact, never again coming.

He is almost a real madman, although he is a peerless genius, very early cultivation reached the Heavenly Immortal, but a Culture Base, still relying on the central ancient sword can be played. You know, the worst Immortal Artifact is equivalent to ten Heavenly Immortal. Now that you have lost the ancient sword, his strength is equal to the reduction.

Immediately, his Aura fell.

Although he is crazy, but strength is strength, not doubled because of his violent, Immortal Artifact lost, and hysterical is also a loss.

“It’s really a week to be included in the body!” Fang Han refining the central ancient sword is also a blink of an eye, the body has passed a thousand years. He only felt that every move and every breath of his own had already coincided with the context of the beat of the day. Throughout the sun, there is a fit with the human body.

“Makino, Immortal Artifact is refining! His strength is not as good as mine.” Li Xin was shocked and happy. The shock was that Fang Han’s strength was unimaginable. He was stunned that Makino was defeated by Immortal. Artifact.

However, when his thoughts had just turned, a big hand had already been caught, it was Fang Han. Among the big hands of Fang Han, countless immortals are brewing, playing in a catastrophe, and the sun and the moon are dull.

The big hand was not close to his body, and his blood began to rush. With a wow, blood came out of the seven. g

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