Eternal Life

Chapter 908

“So what are we doing now? Just waiting for the Lord to come down and chase us?” Fang Han thought slowly: “The Lord thing, once it comes down, we may not be an opponent at all. (peak novels are novels) and Sitting still, it’s better to fight back.”

“This is not anxious, I have just calculated one thing.” Linglong Immortal Venerable said: “Extreme Unity Sect has already started, go to the treasure of the Primordial Immortal House, and want to get the Immortal Artifact, the door of Xuanzang This treasure can’t be won by Extreme Unity Sect, otherwise it will be too powerful and even surpass the eternal furnace.”

“Too Primordial Immortal House? The door of Xuanzang?” Fang Han was surprised. He knew that this fairy house did not know how many treasures. The mysterious man, Instructor himself, Dao technique, now his own Culture Base to advance with leaps and Bounds can fight Heavenly Immortal and compete with Divine Immortal. Already have enough strength to go to the Primordial Immortal House to seize the treasure.

“That’s it? It’s not too late. Let’s go to the Primordial Immortal House immediately, and let Extreme Unity Sect take the treasure. The consequences are unimaginable.” Feng Baiyu also knows the importance of the Primordial Immortal House, inside the Immortal Artifact, after getting the hand At least, you can suppress the big religion and prepare for the fight against Lord.

“Extreme Unity Sect can’t open too Primordial Immortal now.” Linglong Immortal Venerable said: “Know that too Primordial Immortal is no better than Tianwu’s library, because the owner of Tianwu’s library, Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable is dead. Immortal Venerable is still alive in the fairy world. This fairy house may communicate with his spirits. And the door of Xuanzang is not the general Low Grade Immortal Artifact, Extreme Unity Sect wants to get it, where is the easy thing I have ever entered the inner layer of the Primordial Immortal House, and I was banned from it and almost died.”

“so smart?”

Fang Han meditated: “I entered it and got a Golden Core in your hall, and you didn’t feel how powerful this forbidden art is.”

What he said is the truth. At the beginning, he was a Divine Ability ant, four or four layers of ants. There was no problem in entering the hall. The current Divine Ability is not much better than the original. With his feelings, he broke into it directly, tearing forbidden art and taking the door of Xuanzang.

But now it seems that the Immortal Venerable is not sure, he feels the seriousness of the situation.

“Fang Han, you didn’t die when you entered the Primordial Immortal House. It relied on the power of the mysterious man. He banned most of the killings, making you safely cultivation inside. Otherwise, even if I died that time. “The wind white feather suddenly said: “I went to the Primordial Immortal government to save you. It is very dangerous. If it is not the ass of the mysterious predecessors, it will be trapped in it.”

“So powerful? But with our current strength, it may not be impossible to break the Xianfu. In the past, try the water.” Fang Han said.

“Now the Space around Primordial Immortal is surrounded by Extreme Unity Sect. If you go in, you will have to fight. Now Extreme Unity Sect is not the same, many ancient sects, even the Central World, They all received the fairy tales and came to listen to the command of the Divine Immortal messenger. Because Divine Immortal, in the secular world, it is impossible to use all the power. Otherwise, it will be subject to the rules of the fairy world, and it will rise immediately. But the Divine Immortal messenger is different, adhering to the will of the heavens, so he can exert all his strength.”

Immortal Venerable said: “If we go to get the treasure now, it is not easy to conflict with them and sneak into it. But this lurking means, it is difficult to conceal the Divine Immortal messenger and some Experts of the Central World.”

“The central world is the world’s number one in the world of 3,000 thousand. Expert is like a cloud. The strength even surpasses the ancient heavens and the gates of Tianyuepai. It also listens to the command of the fairy world. To the Xuanhuang big world to reinforce Extreme Unity Sect. It is…” Heart Demon the old man sighed again and again.

“In fact, it is not difficult to conceal their entry into the Primordial Immortal House.” Red Devils said: “Fang Han, the world you are charging, Wang Fuxi, has infinite power, but needs to use the Great Karma Technique for sacrificial refining. Just in time, this exquisite Immortal Venerable, entered the secret of Hongmeng, got the inheritance of Great Karma Technique, and refining the crucificial refining, we can display the Dharma in the world, and it is much easier to enter the Primordial Immortal House. ”

“Well? Immortal Venerable, I learned Great Karma Technique! Very good, very good.” Fang Han immediately took out the world’s self-contained Wang Fu’s Fuxi, the above six-word mantra, flashing, representing the highest power of Buddhism. .

Exquisite Immortal Venerable reached out and took the plaque, stroked it, but did not display the “Great Karma Technique” to sacrificial refining, seems to be hesitating.

“Forget it, Fang Han, this is your treasure, this world is the king of the Buddha, but also with you. If I am sacrificial refining, the future will inevitably involve the cause and effect. So, I will give you the Great Karma Technique’s practice method, you After the refining, the sacrificial refining symbol can still exert its power. Now my Culture Base has reached the Divine Immortal, even if the sacrificial refining symbol, it is impossible to use the maximum strength, need to suppress, Still hello. In the realm of True Immortal, there is the power to fight Heavenly Immortal. Sacrificial refining, there is enough room for manoeuvre, not strong enough to touch the rules of heaven.”

The exquisite Immortal Venerable actually sent this symbol to the hands of Fang Han.

Later, she actually put a mysterious Cultural Method into the mind of Fang Han, a mysterious Constitution Method, countless graphics, Buddha statues, and silk threads, and like the exquisite Luo Luotian, and the line of causality, up and down Implicated, it seems that the fate of all life in the world must be connected in tandem with the line of cause and effect.

The billion-dollar font is the mouthpiece of this Culture Method.

Fang Han only feels that the complexity of this Culture Method, even if all the Dao techniques of his own practice add up, it is not very complicated.

What Great Five Elements Technique, Great Yin-Yang Technique, Creation of Gods…etc. Three thousand Great Dao, compared with this Treatment Method, is simply not worth mentioning.

“This is……”

“Yes, this is Three Thousand Great Daos, the second-largest Great Karma Technique.” Immortal Venerable said: “Everything, even Immortal, Heavenly Monarch, has a causal presence, Divine Ability is not as good as causal. Every move, Everything you do, there must be a reason, and then there is a result. Three Thousand Great Daos, the number one fate, never spread from Gate to Eternity, so this world, Great Dao is not complete.”

“Great Dao is not complete, Great Dao is not complete!” Fang Han muttered, and the law in his mind was so vast that he couldn’t comprehend it.

“Destiny is not there, causal first. Because of this, Buddhism is able to compete with the fairy world. The Expert in Buddhism is not inferior to the heavens. Three Thousand Great Daos, if fate is not, it is respected by cause and effect.” Linglong Immortal Venerable Road .

“Great Karma Technique ah…” Fang Han Suddenly, the whole person stood still and seemed to be in the epiphany of standing Buddha.

“No, he started Insight like this? Great Karma Technique’s practice is very difficult. Even if Heavenly Immortal can’t comprehend, he is so afraid of Insight.” Heart Demon saw the Fang Han standing still like a Buddha. On the Red Devils, the face showed obvious surprise.

“Fang Han, I believe that he can practice Great Karma Technique. He is a wizard, and now the Culture Base has surpassed us. Even the penalty can be resisted.” Red Devil said: “I first looked at me.” When I saw him, I knew that he was not in the pool. In the future, it will definitely be in the fairy world.

“No, not the Megatron side, he is the most promising person to enter the Gate to Eternity. The future achievements, beyond the Heavenly Monarch, the pursuit of the creation, the origin, the truth… and the king of the fairy.” The Emperor’s face is cold, It seems to be in the description of Great Dao.

“Mr. Actually, Fang Han’s evaluation is so high?” Immortal Venerable blinked: “Heavenly Monarch is actually the limit of Culture Base. Even the most powerful peer genius can only be built into Heavenly Monarch. The Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor can also be built into Heavenly Monarch, even if it is a reincarnation of Daoist, the original Daoist, which is the Celebration Base of Heavenly Monarch. Only Hongmeng Daoist, the legacy of the last universe, has been cultivated as a beautiful The existence of the king. Fang Han is just a genius. How is it possible? He is not a reincarnation of the ancient powers. If the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch Fang Qingxue can praise the king of the fairy, I believe.”

“You should never underestimate Fang Han. I have seen the ancient three emperors. They are not as stunning as Fang Han. Maybe you and I will rely on him in the fairy world to resist the various kinds of robberies.” The Emperor smiled and said: “Although I have realized the realm of heaven and earth, I have to go a long and arduous way to become a real artifact. In the years to come, Fang Han can give me shelter. ”

“Hey? He is condensing the causal twins quickly! How is it so fast!” Heart Demon was surprised.

Sure enough, Fang Han’s body, the power of a circle of time has accelerated, and in the past, he has been in Insight for thousands of years, the years of the glory, Aura of the sea sangtian appeared in him.

Moreover, as he condensed the Great Karma Technique, countless fatal forces landed in vain, his life was burning, and the causal force was rapidly condensing.

A “causal lotus” is in the sky, looming.

At this moment, Fang Han seems to be an ancient Buddha, smiling and standing, a circle of Buddha light and Ming Wu, appeared around the body.

“Causal Buddha light!”

Fang Han In the process of cultivation, the color of the whole body changed to become the red gold. One after another, the Buddha country appeared on his body and became more and more clear. Among them, even the golden Buddha spirit appeared around him. The Vatican sang.

“There is no Aliya in the south, three Poloye on the other side, and no Yedoye in the south…” These Buddhas sang a scripture that no one could understand.

“Great Karma Technique, it’s not so simple. He actually broke through this level, but the power of cause and effect interferes with the taboos of creation. At the time of refining, Heart Demon will rise up. If it fails, it will be nirvana. For the dust…” The exquisite Immortal Venerable suddenly said: “He is so brave and eager to advance, too anxious.”

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