Eternal Life

Chapter 905


When I saw Fang Han’s shot, I turned the super-day sacred directly into a shackle and became the mount of Xing Yun Baobao. (peak novels, novels) This Golden Winged Roc family is full of horror.

Especially the “Yue Xiaosheng”, even if it flies out, it is desperate to fight with Fang Han.

He held a high-level Dao Artifact’s Fangtian painting, and during the earthquake, he painted a mysterious trajectory in the air and killed it. “I want you to pay for your blood debt! Fight, super-truth. Peng King!”

The temperament of the painting on that side of the sky has exploded countless huge wind blades. Cut sharply and kill Fang Han.

“Little evil creature, dare to offend my majesty.” Fang Han sneered again and again, suddenly shot.

boom! Fang Tian’s painting on the hand of Yue Xiaosheng was immediately crushed, and then it was absorbed into a dragon, and his whole person was also beaten into a meatloaf! Apart from this, some of the old demons behind him are the grandchildren of the Super Heaven, or the veterans of the Golden Winged Roc family, including the Expert of the Longevity Third layer “Paradise Realm” and the Longevity Fifth Layer “Creation Realm”. Expert, some old Dapeng, also has deep strength.

But Fang Han, the palm of the hand, they had no time to resist, and the body exploded and became a group of meatloaf. Or it is a bloody mist that has blown up into a group. Then it turned into a dragon shape and was absorbed by Fang Han.

Just a moment ago, the entire Golden Winged Roc family disappeared.

After being killed by Fang Han, the whole family was destroyed. There is no monster in the super-day sacred family to survive, and the death is clean and turned into a blood dragon. All the Divine Ability is absorbed into the Eight Buddhism, as a nourishing nutrient.

At the same time, among the many worlds of the eight Buddhism, the mortal country of hundreds of billions of creatures is filled with blood and rain.

“Haha, I finally promoted Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.” On a mountain in a world, a Martial Dao master of the Tenth Layer of the goddess is cultivation. Suddenly, the sky is dripping with blood, he sucks, these blood Gan Lin absorbed into the body and immediately became metamorphosed. He jumped off the cliff in one step, but Magic Force swayed, causing him to stay in midair and step into Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

In more places, many Martial Dao masters in the city also broke through Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

Apart from this, some hidden caves, six sects, Demon Dao five cultivators, some Divine Ability Sixth Layer, Returning Origin Realm refined into a cultivator, actually entered the Golden Core.

This is the benefit of the entire Golden Winged Roc family, which was completely smashed.

Golden Winged Roc’s blood has the magic of increasing the speed of the Magic Force and comprehending the Divine Ability. Even more makes the wind system cultivation Expert, a hundred feet gimmick, go one step further.

“Well, after the Golden Winged Roc was killed, it was blood. It made dozens of countries, and there were more than 5,300 Divine Ability Mysteries Realm characters. Six sects, Demon Dao There are dozens of disciplines in the sect, and there are dozens of them into Golden Core.” Fang Han smashed through the eight sacred three thousand worlds, and saw those creatures, the promotion of the discipline, and the heart is also happy.

The more powerful a magical treasure is, the more powerful the magical treasure will be. In particular, the magical treasure of the eight Buddhism needs more living creatures.

Fang Han still counts, in the Protoss robbery, killing the infinite Protoss, refining Divine Ability, Longevity fruit, and sending it down, making the people inside enter the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

“The people of the Golden Winged Roc family are all dead.”

“Just a palm, it will destroy the family.”

“This person is really Fang Han? I thought that year, he was just a character of Longevity Fifth Layer, Creation Realm. How can I now reach the point where I can rival Heavenly Immortal, Immortal Artifact. What is Culture Base, we are in front of him, But it is a small ant.”………

The seven remaining saints of the Yaozu, whose faces were pale, saw that the body was so frightened that they could not move. The masters of the ancient demon temple, “The King of the Skull” and some of the elders of the demon race, also face each other. Can’t speak.

“Hey King, do you still recognize me?” At this time, Mi Bao came out.

“Mickey Eldest Young Lady? Divided into Baoyan, but I heard that your Dibao rock was taken away, and the owner of the treasure was killed by the heavens. How do you…” The king of the monk was shocked.

“Yes, but my husband Fang Han rescued me from the top of the sky, and killed the Heavenly Immortal of the Tianya faction, and killed the Tianya Haige Pavilion, the main body of the world, and collected the heavenly path… ……” Mi Bao underestimated the record of Fang Han, but heard that these people almost collapsed.

What is the ability to kill Heavenly Immortal and refine the Immortal Artifact?

Heavenly Immortal is already the pinnacle of secularity, the existence of the highest power in this heaven and earth universe. In addition to the three thousand worlds ranked first in the world, the rest of the big world, the leader of the world is Heavenly Immortal. Powerful, mastering countless resources, this character was actually killed by Fang Han.

“Okay, slut king, your Foundation is now destroyed by the Promise Star Palace, you Earth Demon race, join me to build the door. I will give you a new opening. And you, Longevity Tenth Layer True Immortal, almost reached the Heavenly Immortal realm, followed me, must arrive at Heavenly Immortal.”

Fang Han waved his hand and directly slandered. He talks naked and full of domineering, but this is also in line with his current identity and the Culture Base. If the current strength is treated with courtesy, it would be too much trouble.

Directly merged, do not promise to die.

Heavenly Immortal kills, and Fang Han doesn’t care to kill these demons. And he just wiped out the super-day sage. It has already played a sufficient deterrent effect.

“This…” The monk and the surrounding Demon Sect veteran looked at each other and suddenly bowed their heads: “The subordinates are willing to surrender to the gates of the ancients, and the ancient temples have been a branch of the gates.”

“good very good!”

Fang Han nodded: “The seven great deities of the Yaozu, what about you? To surrender to me, or to learn the super-day holy?”

“My Qingqi Fox people are willing to surrender.” The Great God of Heaven first expressed his meaning.

“I am willing to ….” Immediately afterwards, the other six great saints expressed their intention to surrender.

“Well, my eight Buddhism, three thousand world has been completed, and there are many empty worlds. Now you will enter and live in peace and contentment.” Fang Han laughed, suddenly grabbed it with his hands, and countless threads entered the ancient temple. In the moment, all the time and space in this bronze temple were pierced, and countless demons, demons, treasures, and magical treasures all flew out and were sent to the three thousand world by Fang Han. Then he directly put the empty ancient temple into the 33 Skies world and began refining. At the same time, sigh.

The monks, the demon people, all were also included.

“Mickey, you arrange these people.” Fang Han told me.

“it is good.”

Mibao has the experience of managing the treasures, and it is also well organized for these people.

It’s just a moment when Fang Han’s time in the eight floats has been going on for years.

In a few years, everything has settled down. The seven demon sacred sacred sects, as well as the sacred demon sects, all arranged properly, a belief, rising from the sky, turned out to be that these demons have completely resonated with the creation of the door, belonging to the martial art.

The idea of ​​Mibao is conveyed: “Fang Han, among the ancient temples, there are three billion demon races, and the demon of the seven demon people, there are more than eight billion. Already settled down.”

“Good. Deaf King, seven demon holy, you all enter 33 Skies world. Convergence with Chi You, Qi Zhenjun, etc. You are now the best in Culture Base, you can try to master some of the vitality.” Fang Han Command road.

Among the people who are now accommodated by Fang Han, it is indeed the highest in the ancient capital of the temple. He has left many Demon Sect veterans, and there are actually two Void Immortal.

“Yes! The doorkeeper really has nothing to do with the Culture Base, but it can create a new wonder. It makes the eight floats have a new atmosphere.” The monk king praised: “However, the door owner, this ancient temple is not my refining Treasure, but a small corner of the treasure of the town of the ancient Yuanshi Mozong. It is not an easy task to completely refine it.”


Fang Han’s mind was moved, and the display of the dragons of all things was carried out on the huge ancient temple. The ancient temple was shaken, but it was not dragonized. On the ancient bronze material, Devil Qi came from the ancient and distant time and space, and Devil Qi resisted Aura, the dragon of all things.

“Sure enough, this ancient temple, there is a little bit of mystery.” Fang Han praised.

“The ancient Yuanzong Mozong was the source of all the devils, even if the Protoss made Heavenly Demon, but also because of the demise of the ancient Yuanshi Mozong, after capturing the Divine Ability from Insight after the Yuanshi Magic.” Mi Baodao: “Fang Han, you have to refine this ancient temple, I am afraid I have to waste some means.”

“33 Skies is the treasure and the Eighth Buddhism, the ancestral mirrors are refining, let alone this little old temple?” Fang Han smiled.

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū !

At this moment, in the distant time and space, the sound of thousands of ghosts and crying sounds sounded, and then, the drums rang, the sound of hundreds of thousands of shouts appeared in the air, a magnificent picture of the mountains and rivers, and again moved towards Fang Han Attacked.

“Hybrid Promise! Oh! The Promise Palace is still not dead. Even if I completely destroy this star palace, Immortal Artifact is taken and refining. The five Heavenly Immortal are all ruined!” Fang Han jumped out Once again, the human treasure was united, turned into a ruined dragon, and the dragon claws were torn apart. One stroke was “Tear the Sky”, and all the sounds disappeared at once, and all the magnificent mountains and rivers were turned into nothing.

Fang Han defeated all the attacks.

His body jumped fiercely, and jumped directly from the distant Milky Way to the surface of the world without great world. Looking at the central axis, the huge floating figure of the Promise, and the gate of the entire Promise.

He punched out with a fist.


This punch is actually two forces. 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist and Beginning Divine Fist are combined, and there is a loud noise. In the sky without great world, there is a black hole with a billions of miles, next to the black hole. Another black hole of a billion-dollar size appeared.

The black hole double hole, composed of a Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish, swept toward the mixed element.

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