Eternal Life

Chapter 902

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Awaken’s sharp screams and screams of screams made people feel stunned and able to smash the soul of the Expert below Void Immortal. However, Fang Han listened to his ears, there was no movement, the suction on the dragon’s claws, and thousands of black holes appeared on the palm of his hand, and the Divine Ability in the body of the body was completely emptied.

The owner of the Tianya Haige, the original Heavenly Immortal, who had hoped to become the master of the world of comprehension, continued to dry up and sighed with blood. It was directly extracted by Fang Han and turned into a piece of bloody mist. External diffusion.

At the Heavenly Immortal level, a drop of blood can be turned into a sea.

The explosion, turned into scarlet mist, each fog is very heavy, enough to give Longevity Mysteries Realm’s general Expert to death. But now Fang Han showed the Great Bloodsoul Technique, and suddenly it shocked, turning these bloody fog into a bloody fairy. Infiltrated into Qi Zhenjun, waiting for Void Immortal Expert, as well as Xing Yun Baobao, Kuo Rongzhen and others.

Immediately, these people’s Magic Force began to run at high speed, faintly about a taste of breakthrough realms.


Xing Yun Baobao, Jia Lan, Long Xuan, Crane Fairy, and others actually broke through to “World King Realm” and consolidate into their own world. At the same time, Yuhua Sansheng Wumingkong, Zhao Shenyang, and Wang Kunlun actually broke through to Void Immortal. In the realm, flying out of the eight Buddhism, was baptized by the robbery.

However, this time the robbery, there is no empty thunder, there is no life star Lei, and some are only the ancient mountain mines, purple thunder and other power weak and small. Because of their strength, it can be said that it is different from the weak, just the general Void Immortal, far from reaching the level of the sky, it is impossible to have the gun of judgment like Fang Han.

Even so, the three men survived the thunder, they were very hard, wrapped in tens of millions of Divine Thunder, sufferings struggling. Fortunately, the three were among the eight floaters, condensed a lot of dragons, and the body was contaminated with ancestral blood, strong and hard, hard against the thunder, not to damage.

Fang Han does not care about these people, they can’t help themselves when they rob themselves, just take care of themselves.

Awaken is now truly in a desperate situation. How to curse, Fang Han ignores, sucks his whole body into a dry body, and then hits his palm, his body is turned into dust, leaving only the world of origin. The Heavenly Immortal Great Dao seed was suspended in the air, but was beaten by Fang Han, forcing a fusion with the Eight Fatahs.

Finally, the last trace of soul memory of Awaken was merged, and the refining and purification was clean. Since then, there has been no one in the world between Heaven and Earth, this Heavenly Immortal. Some are just the huge energy left by him, the pure Heavenly Immortal rule.

The Heavenly Immortal rule of Awaken is a flawless, perfect crystal, multifaceted, diamond that has been cut by a top master. Each side exudes a beautiful and astringent luster. Among the lusters, a verse that records the sensibility of Great Dao since his cultivation, the experience of cultivation, and various Dao techniques, the practice of the Tianya faction.

If you swallow this Heavenly Immortal rule, as long as you can withstand the power, that person will get all the memories of Awaken, which is equivalent to re-traveling this person’s Great Dao road, which cannot be estimated on the road of spiritual practice. And he will get all his power and Divine Ability.

However, Fang Han is not ready to swallow it now.

Anyway, the eight Buddhism is his Life Origin magical treasure, the magical treasure is him, he is also a magical treasure, a combination of people and treasures, regardless of each other. It can be said that even if his current body is destroyed by a certain power, the Eighth Buddhism is his second life and can be changed to him. Regeneration.

The Immortal Dao rule, the Heavenly Immortal rule is integrated into the eight floats. First of all, 33 Skies world has been greatly expanded. In this world, many forces begin to condense, and the Star Light of countless universes is sucked into it. Condensed , condense , then condense . Bang!

A huge star, the sun-like planet, suddenly formed in the 33 Skies world.

Actually, the star has automatically evolved! This has some taste of the universe. Heavenly Immortal Great Dao is to transform the body world into a universe and automatically evolve the sun and moon stars.

Now, 33 Skies world has finally had this ability after absorbing Heavenly Immortal Great Dao.

As soon as the star is generated, immediately at the core of 33 Skies world, I don’t know what is in communication. The power of creation has fallen down and blended into the body of Fang Han, making his life in the world, countless similar The strength of the tortoise shell is floating in the volley.

Subsequently, the Heavenly Immortal rule also went deep into the depths of the eight floating sects, two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds. In the depths of each world, a stellar nucleus is condensed and gradually evolves into a star similar to the sun and the moon.

Fang Han feels that his strength is smashing, waves of waves, countless memories, flowing in his own heart, that all the experiences of life, life, all of them are accommodated by themselves, millions of years ago, Ai Wuben and Ya Zongdao, It is a mortal, who is seen by the comprehensible, begins to practice, from Mortal Body to Divine Ability, to Longevity, and finally becomes Lord. Among them, the fortuitous encounter, experience, is called a vast epic.

Fang Han’s thoughts flashed, and all the love, love and life experiences of Aiwuben were erased, leaving only the imprint of spiritual practice, especially how to practice from True Immortal to Heavenly Immortal, leaving more detailed Next, for Insight.

“It turns out that, from True Immortal cultivation to Heavenly Immortal, we have to go through so many practices, and even communicate with the heavens, to integrate into the soul with the whole contour of the heavens, to break the Longevity, the day. Cheng Xian!” Step by step to understand the cultivate Dao experience of Awaken, Fang Han’s face gradually dignified.

He found that from True Immortal cultivation to Heavenly Immortal, it is not an easy task. Use your own soul to understand the outline of the entire fairy world, knowing the sky! Know the sky! It is for immortality. This step must be done by yourself, and no one can help.

“In this case, I am not in a hurry, slowly consolidate my strength, change my Cultural Base, and make it more powerful and solid, and then break through to the Heavenly Immortal realm. End of the world, give me refining!”

Fang Han once again aimed at the Immortal Artifact ruler. The dragon claws snapped between them. On the Immortal Artifact ruler, there was a thick dragon scale again. The Artifact Spirit inside, made a sharp voice, struggling, but just now Fang Han refining the Avatar, and the eight floats are one step further from Immortal Artifact, where it can resist.

It was bombarded by Fang Han’s continuous 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. The ruler also began to be dragonized. Many of the fairy tales above, flew out without damage, and turned into a strip of fairy spirit. Dragons, each flew into various worlds.

“The passage of time, my heart is a moment, the world is a century…”

Fang Han speeds up the time, in the twinkling of an eye, and the past has passed, and in the various worlds of the Eight Buddhism, a thousand years have passed.


In Wang Kunlun, Zhao Shenyang, and Wu Mingkong’s three major Experts, when they were desperately robbing, a terrible force broke out. Only between the heavens and the earth, they were covered by a huge floating squad. After being slightly rotated by this float, it changed into a strip of brontosaurus, which flew into the floating stag.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the thunderclouds were swept away. Only the three major Void Immortal Experts left in place, just promoted to the Ascension Sect of Void Immortal.

“That is! Half Immortal Artifact! Eight Buddhism, actually repaired a semi-Immortal Artifact, he melted an Immortal Artifact, Tianya Shengdao.” Wu Mingkong said with amazement, “This Fang Han is getting more and more powerful. The master of the creation of the door is worthy of the name, refining Heavenly Immortal, refining Immortal Artifact… This is something we didn’t even dare to think about before, but now it’s effortless, is this in our dreams or in the real world?”

“Yeah. Now, even if we fly to the fairy world in the future, I am afraid to be proud of Ascension Sect’s Ancestor.” Wang Kunlun said: “I am afraid now, are we still practicing in the original Heavenly Feather Temple? It was into a robbery, and one day, suddenly woke up and found that it was Heart Demon.”

“No, this is real. Reality is not empty.” Zhao Shenyang solemnly said: “You forgot, we are still very young, or the inner sect disciple of Ascension Sect, Shizun, Shi Shuzu, they are still not dead. In the robbery, there are rumors that are eight words.”

“The advent is coming, the feathers are booming!”

Wang Kunlun, Wu Mingkong loud channel.

“Yes, it is the advent of the advent, my Ascension Sect is booming.” Yuhua Sansheng looked at the huge eight-headed battalion, still expanding, blasting all the catastrophe, slightly sucking, hundreds of planets, all off track Inhaled it. Especially in the distance, among the stars, a huge number of stars, the sun, and the moon, under the power of the Eight Buddhism, actually began to shrink, suddenly disappeared, and turned into the world of the Eight Buddhism.

In the universe, it suddenly became dark.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of planets in the entire star field, and all kinds of meteorites have been swept away by the eight floating sects. There are no signs that the eight floats are not supported. It seems that they can swallow the entire starry sky.

“Haha!” The laughter was conveyed from the nine days. The eight floats were reduced, and disappeared without a trace. Fang Han finally appeared, and Mibao was accompanied by him. The body of Immortal Qi fell, and the Heavenly Immortal rule was rotated around the skin. There is a kind of Immortal Dao’s luster, and among his eyes, the trajectories of countless stars are running. Look closely, in his skin pores, it seems like the star is shining.

The whole person is a universe.

“Fang Han… No, the door… the doorkeeper. Your current Culture Base, what is the point of reaching? The breakthrough reached the Heavenly Immortal realm?” The feathered Sansheng stuttered.

“That’s not there, but it’s almost the same.” Fang Han smiled. “It’s just the eight bas-reliefs, refining the end of the world, and changing into a semi-Immortal Artifact. Now I, even Divine Immortal, can fight. A fight. Heavenly Immortal is basically a kill!”

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