Eternal Life

Chapter 893

“Well? Mi Bao, have you realized what you have learned? During the detention, this is also a kind of tempering for you. (peak novels, handwriting novels) I know that you have made a lot of progress, and your Father is in the air before the robbery Your body has entered into the essence of his lifelong Cultivation Base, Great Dao, so your Cultivation Base will advance to leaps and bounds.”

When I heard the words of “Dongling Daoist”, the ancestors of the Qing court looked bright and looked up at Mi Bao: “Let me have a look, let me take a look at the nine heavenly masters, you are in the end. How is the Culture Base?”

“Since the Headmaster Supreme wants to see, then I will exercise, I am too high on the top of the nine-day school, Beginning Divine Fist.” Mi Bao took a deep look at Fang Han, suddenly the body floated up, it was like Great Dao is in the sky, hanging in nothingness, an inexplicable force, ingested from the heavens, blessed her.

Taking her as the center, a circle of qi and qi can be tempered, and the trickle is infiltrated and brewed in her body. Suddenly, her hands were on display, and countless emptiness around her began to flow. Thousands of worlds were behind, starting to sprout and origin.

There is no power that can be described by any word, and it blooms out. Just like the moment when the heavens and the earth are first opened, the power of origin spreads all over the universe, hundreds of megabytes of space, and four nephews. Then, in the power of this origin, Mi Bao’s hands became a French seal, like a heart, like a flower bud, like a chicken egg, and it seems to be a big world.

“The power of origin!”

“Is this the power of the origin of the legend? We are too high-school in the nine heavens, and we have become an endless source, and we can comprehend the power of origin from the void. Even the Headmaster is not able to comprehend. We, the lords, the guardian of the king, the left and right deputy, no one can understand, how can this Mibao understand.”

“No, it is the power of origin, such as fake replacement!”

“We are too up to nine clear days, the first big killer. Endless origin, how could she be learned?”

“Even if you understand the cultivation secret method, it is impossible to derive it. Once the cultivation succeeds, it can be described as earth-shattering. It is not difficult to kill the enemy beyond the realm.”………

Seeing the trick of Mibao, the power of origin emerges from the body and can rival the power of Fang Han. The highest school in the nine heavens, Beginning Divine Fist, can fight 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, but unfortunately, the power of this origin is actually Mibao comprehension.

“It’s the power of origin! Beginning Divine Fist, the first killing trick, endless origin.” Even the Headmaster Supreme, who was too sturdy, the body of the ancestors was straight and straight, and the incredible eyes looked at Mi Bao.

“The people of the End of the World, take my Father to death, seize the power of the treasure, and attempt to occupy the world of self-cultivation. I realized that Father actually counted that he would be robbed, so he branded the great Dao. I broke into my body and made the Artifact Spirit of Dibao Rock and me completely integrated. It made my savings reach the peak and finally communicated the power of origin in the legend, and in the midst of it, the origin of the king Will communicate, learn the true meaning of origin, and cultivate into Beginning Divine Fist. I realize you now, I will tell you, my Mibao, sooner or later, I will return to the world of revision, adhering to the will of Father, mastering the world of comprehension, and not letting you endeavor. The cabinet is awkward.”

Suddenly, Mi Bao broke through the air and moved to the end of the world.

No one can describe the power of this boxing. At this moment, all the time has stood still. It seems that there is no concept of time and space between heaven and earth. Everything has disappeared and returned to its origin.

Hey! Hey!

In the midst of it, a burst of clear sound sounded, the Great Dao unvoiced when the earth began to open and the origins of all things were created.

Awaken’s face changed, his technique changed continuously, his left hand pushed forward, and his right hand held the Tianya Shengdao ruler. With a bang, the fist was hardened, but the body retreated three steps.

And the power of the origin of the Mibao whole body is collected and silenced in the body. It seems like there is nothing wrong with it.

But this punch is enough to show her strength. With her now True Immortal’s Cultural Base, and the level of Heavenly Immortal, which has a higher level, and the Immortal Artifact’s Awaken, it is a punch, and the power of the Beginning Divine Fist is no longer No one doubts.

“Little girl, do you want to recapture the world of self-cultivation? Are you still early? Fortunately, your Father died early, or else, even if he is, I will invade as much as the End of the World. At that time, your women will fall together.” Wu Ben laughed and laughed again, like the same devil. He now completely tore his face. Knowing that Fang Han appeared, his son, Mi Mibao, has become a bubble. Now I want to revenge and kill Fang Han and Mi Bao. A major blow to the creation of the door.

“Is it a big deal! Isn’t it enough for you to get the lessons from the End of the World?” Fang Han sneered and showed obvious disdain. “I am here to say that you are born in the world, within a month, if you don’t quit comprehension.” Big world, I will go in person, destroy the Tianya Haige, kill the Tianya faction, and by then, you will wait for the final judgment to come.”

“The ultimatum was issued.”

Fang Han’s words come out, whether it is too Shangqiu Qingtian, or many of the Experts of Tianya School, the heart is cold. For the characters like Fang Han, every word that is said must be done. If a month later, Tianya Haige does not retreat to the world, then Fang Han will not be able to withstand the Expert.

For him, only Divine Immortal can stop it. And now, his wife Mi Bao is also a Beginning Divine Fist, the strength is greatly increased, two or two together, I am afraid that it is to sweep the world of the sea and even the entire Tianya faction, as long as it does not come out some old antiques, I am afraid it is really not difficult.

“My Dongling 妃, as the master of Mibao, naturally also wants to maintain Justice. His Father, the lord of the true world, is directly dying, but the inheritance must be inherited by you. It’s really a anger of the gods and gods to take the opportunity to plunder.

The head of the Dongling Road, the young Heavenly Immortal girl, speaks very hard.

When the three men joined together, the forces were increasing.

“Okay, very good. It seems that today is the day when the End of the World and you are too ruined.” Then, only the bloody battle can be solved. Zu Qingting, what do you mean? The voice is sharp: “The war is still, before you say a word.”

“What is it? What is the battle?” Zu Qingting still stayed in the shock of the power of the origin of the communication, he carefully thought about it and asked.

“And, you are the relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Shangqing Jiutian, and we join forces with our Tianya faction to suppress this enchanting. Then we are united and happy, and the battle is that you are too close to the nine clear heavens and the building gates. And then I started to fight in the end of the world.” Yawu this evil road: “Just in your Headmaster Supreme ancestral court, a word, you say a war word, we immediately leave, you are waiting for endless killing. Blood Dyeing the stars.”

“Do you think that you can go?”

Fang Han spoke again, this opening, scared everyone away: “I want to destroy your Tianya Haige, today is present, so many Experts, just let me go all out, actually still go away Go back to the dream of preparing for the war? When I made the door to the door is a display?”

“How? You have to do it!” Yah-Wen is mad: “Fang Han, don’t deceive too much! I want to leave us here completely, you don’t have this skill yet. Zu Qingting! You really allow this.” When you do this, it will cause us to come out at the antique level of the two experts.”

“Made the door, the two countries fight, do not want to make it.” Zu Qingting said to Fang Han: “This is the place where I am too late to go to the sky. I hope that I will not make any more things. Otherwise, it is too It’s not a good thing to go to the nine clear days, or to make a door for you, Tianya.

“Is it? I have to do it with Fang Han. No one can stop it.” Fang Han held his hand and his body was like a gun. Naturally, there was a momentum that supported the sky. Everyone moved with his language, for fear of his shot: “However, since you handed over the Mibao to my hand, I will give the face of the nine heavens. Let the people of the End of the World leave.”

“Go! Let’s go!” Awaken saw this scene, knowing that here, can not stay too long, otherwise Fang Han this god of death will change his mind and open the killing, it will certainly be a heavy loss.

“Send customers!” Zu Qingting also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He waved a hand and opened up a huge passage to send out the people of Tianya.

Awaken and others, one flashing, disappeared, and stayed away from the mountain gate and the altar of the Shangqing.

“Fang Han Daoyou, Mibao is the outstanding discipline of my singularity…” After seeing the people of the Tianya faction, Zu Qingting opened his mouth and knew that Fang Han waved directly and interrupted his words: “If you don’t want to, then don’t say it. I don’t care which martial art is the disciple. He is my wife. I naturally want to take her away, and her property. You are too precious to go to the nine treasures. If you want to return it, you can’t confess it. Otherwise, then Fang Han can only be solved by some means.”


The painting suddenly burst into a whisper: “Dibao is a fairyland, and the fairyland has long fallen down. Let us go to the nine clear days, collect this, check it, send it back to the fairy world, Fang Han, you don’t have to take it, offend The fairyland, the consequences are unimaginable, we let Mibao meet with you, it is already benevolent. This Mibao is still our disciple on the sky, and will be sent to the fairy world after a few days. We will understand her Beginning Divine Fist Things, to report to the fairy world, the fairy world will definitely let her fly directly. Tell you the truth, you and her can not meet for a few days, your Magic Force is high, there are a few treasures, but compared with the fairy world, still a dog Only. Could it be that you dare to defy the will of the immortal?”

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