Eternal Life

Chapter 885

Chapter VIII

“A few times just now, it is just warming up. My husband, who is a Mibao, doesn’t know if he is qualified to participate in Mibao?”

Fang Han didn’t care about the gaze of all the Lord’s things in the nine clear days, but stood proudly on the spot, making a loud voice, spreading out, such as Hong Zhong Da Lu, oscillating in the hearts of many people. (peak novels, novels) Although there are many Experts present, they cannot suppress him steadily. To suppress Fang Han, at least Divine Immortal level characters, but this kind of character, do not dare to shoot at random, otherwise the fairy world will know, can no longer hide, to be picked up and soar.

“You are called Fang Han? Master of the door?”

Suddenly, the picture was opened.

“Not bad.” Fang Han smiled and looked at the deputy doorkeeper.

“Although you are the husband of Mi Bao, but Mi Bao is the crime of my sorrow, I made a big mistake. I was punished by the imperial concubine and broke into the prison. If you know, she committed What a big mistake, I will not make such an offensive move today.”

The picture is empty and quiet: “Young people, do you want to listen to it, what is the big mistake that Mibao made?”

“I made a mistake, I didn’t want to listen, and I didn’t listen to it.” Fang Han said with a slap in the face: “Whatever, even if you want to make a hole in the sky? I am still fighting for her. God will punish her, I will swear. God will kill her, I will kill the land. Who dares to move her a hair, I will destroy who whole family. Are you called a painting? Is there one thing, I have to tell you that you want Calling this seat as the gatekeeper. If you call young people young, you can’t escape the disaster!”


The imaginary face of the painting shows a majestic anger. If you are a good Buddha, even if you are a Buddha in the Buddha world, you may not be able to resist the anger when you hear the words of Fang Han.

Too arrogant, too overbearing, too unattended, too strong and as strong as iron.

However, some of the female disciples have a strange feeling in my heart: “If I can find such a man like Mibao, I am afraid that it is the happiest thing in cultivate Dao’s career.”

In the midst of the nine clear days, the number of female disciplines is very large. In the dojo, there are also some dojos that specialize in female disciples. These outstanding female disciplines are naturally to maintain the treasures of Fang Han. They do not talk about right and wrong. See God killing God. See the immortal attitude of Xian Xianxian.

In an instant, the image of Fang Han was suddenly raised in the minds of some female representatives. Even the first genius of the dojo after the wind had just eaten a big loss in the hands of Fang Han, and the look changed a lot.

“Mibao ah Mi Bao, can actually find such a strange man.” Yan’s heart is very envious.

If it is for her, in a big martial art, Expert is like a cloud, to say this, she must be single-minded, heart-wrenching, whole body heart dedication.

“Boldly, you are really lawless.”

The picture is angered. The obvious killings exploded from the body, and the illusion of the top of the head appeared. There was a ray of light on the top, and I didn’t know what Divine Ability was brewing in the body.

“How? Painting is empty. Do you want to hold me up?” Fang Han is more overbearing and takes a step forward. He has already learned from the main mouth of Dongling Road that the painting is a sub-gate that insists on imprisoning Mibao. Lord, Culture Base is extremely high, Heavenly Immortal peak, unfathomable, and there is a set of ancient Dao Artifact synthetic great array. For this person, Fang Han will naturally not have any politeness, directly hitting him in the sky. In the prestige: “I have heard that you presided over the imprisonment of Mibao. Now I have to look at your deputy, what is the skill! I dare to imprison my woman. I have already said, who is against me? The woman is not good, I am not as good as he died!”

“Young people, just too easy to fold! The front is too strong, not heaven. You are alone, Magic Force is high, enter the sky and go to the sky, so arrogant, and will die.”

Suddenly, under the imaginary picture, the Expert on the throne stood up, his body was like an iron tower, and there was a circle of light and shadow behind his head. The body seemed to be full of his shadow.

“Phantom King!” The Dongling Taoist immediately passed on the thoughts of Fang Han: “This is one of the nine heavens, one of the guardian kings, the phantom king, the strength is very strong. It is the same with the paintings. One of the Big Macs, his son, is a virtual apprentice.”

“The phantom king? Heaven is not heaven, not what you said, I am heaven. I have to look at it, how can you die? Technology, is it you? Can you let me die? Then I will kill you first!”

Fang Han is long, laughing, and full of enthusiasm.

Immediately, the phantom king’s throne began to collapse. He felt that all the people in the audience disappeared. Only the only god, Fang Han, said that the earth was slamming, rolling, and the sky was exploding. The law of the Immortal Dao collapsed. All around were trials, loss, revenge. Aura, the day of the robbery, the flood……… Even if he turns into the sky at this moment, he will be directly cracked.

33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, crashing into the sky.

The Phantom King is so sad that he wants to vomit blood and wants to escape from it, but he can’t move anyway. It’s hard to lift a finger.

He barely raised his arm and bombarded it with a trick, but the body of Fang Han collapsed.

“The world is sad!”

Suddenly, the Phantom King suddenly bites his teeth, his life burns, 10,000 years, 100,000 years… 800,000 years… The power of life is burning, turning into a trick, immediately between, like the world The souls are plunged into grief and turned into strength, condense in his palm.

The world is sad!

One of the nine masters of the Qing Dynasty. It is extremely difficult to refine, and once it is displayed, it is true that the heavens and the earth are in sorrow.

bombardment! The phantom king, this trick rushed out at any cost and collided with Fang Han. The arrogance swept immediately, and the center where they were in, did not see the fingers. Even Heavenly Immortal can’t see it clearly.

“It is a worldly sorrow! This phantom king, refining us to the top of the nine clear days, among the nine killings, ranked eighth in the big kill! This is a rare thing for 100,000 years!”

“We are too up to nine clear days, nine killing tricks, and every trick is recorded in the ancient Manual. Every move is made up of several kinds, even dozens of ancient Supreme Divine Ability, combined with Three Thousand Great The genius of Daos can only be cultivated. Even Heavenly Immortal is difficult to refine. In this way, the phantom king is the third giant to refine the trick.”

“This move comes out, everything is sad, this Fang Han I am afraid I can’t resist, the Phantom King is also desperate. Full of millions of years of Life essence, turned into nothing!”

“We are too up to the nine clear days, the nine major killings, this world is the same with sorrow, but it is only ranked eighth, the real number one, is the endless origin of this trick, rumors that this move out. You can communicate the origin Force, even Insight Beginning Divine Fist.”

“The endless origins, the Sectmasters have not been able to comprehend.”

“Yes! Being able to comprehend the world and the sorrow is already a fierce figure in countless Spaces.”

“I don’t know who wins and who loses!”………

When “the world is sad”, Fang Han and the phantom king fight. Many of the Lord’s thoughts have passed by.

“Too up to the nine clear days, the nine major killings? The world is the same with sorrow? There is nothing remarkable, it is impossible to shake the power of creation.” Suddenly, Fang Han’s voice passed again: “Give me up!”

A devastating storm sweeps around, Fang Han’s body violently shakes, 33 Skies phantom reappears, and immediately screams the grief of the day, he is striding forward, and every step has another shocking sound. The big hand against the town, breaking the line of defense, fatal power, secretly rushing.

At the same time he exhibited 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, he secretly brewed the power of destiny, Lesser Karma Technique. Now he is promoted to Void Immortal, the mystery of the Lesser Karma Technique, which is even more visible, can burn the least life and exert the most powerful power. The fate of the fate that had to be burned for millions of years before, can now be spurred by burning for 100,000 years.

The use of fate, he even touched the emptiness of the emptiness in the void, although illusory, but full of mystery.

Under his palm, all the power fell apart.

He bullied himself and punched back.

The phantom king, the Movement is completely broken, the fairy is broken, and the Three Thousand Great Daos are also falling. It was a mega-times boxing in the body by Fang Han. With a bang, the body was completely pierced, the magical treasure was broken, and any magical treasure including Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, on the palm of Fang Han, was supported for a moment.

“Defect! The Phantom King was defeated. Or was the husband of Mibao, the master of the door to defeat!”

“The world is sad, a Heavenly Immortal casts a great killer, and it can’t hurt Fang Han. What is this strength? It seems that he can kill Heavenly Immortal, it is definitely not illusory.”

“What power is he exerting? I feel that I can almost master the fate. What is this secret?”

“I have lived for 800,000 years and have seen countless catastrophe, but I have never seen this secret.”

“It can be concluded that this is a taboo of the immortal world! And this Fang Han, I don’t know that cultivation is a kind of treasure and body unity. It seems to be the Aura of the dragon race, because he has turned out the ten claws. Zulong, but not, because the illusion of 33 Skies seems to be an artifact of the immortal world recorded in the ancient books. There are some ancient Taoists who guess the means of Fang Han.

“What exactly is his Culture Base? Even Heavenly Immortal can fight, I don’t believe that he is a little Void Immortal, because it’s incredible.”

“It’s not impossible. We are too late, not three million years ago, a sage? You can beat Heavenly Immortal with Void Immortal’s Cultural Base.”

“You mean the sage? He knows the people of Beginning Divine Fist, and of course he can make incredible things.”

Many voices are discussing Fang Han’s Cultural Base.

“Phantom King, you can’t escape my control!” When defeating the Phantom King, Fang Han stood in volley. “Experts that are too late to go out! If you don’t hand over Mi Bao! I will kill!”

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