Eternal Life

Chapter 874

A dragon emperor is equal to a top world leader in the world. (peak novels play novels) even stronger, now the two dragon emperors actually have a positive battle, a sneak attack, if passed out, I am afraid to suffer a lot of criticism. In particular, the two Dragon Emperors now sneak a “small servant” of Longevity Ninth Layer Void Immortal.

However, these two dragon emperors are eager to be ruthless, and will never be bound by any rules, knowing the terrifying of Fang Han. Immediately, at all costs, kill Fang Han.

If you let Fang Han escape, remember the big venge of today. In the future, the two dragons will be in the throat. And Fang Han or Void Immortal has such power. After that, I realized the law of life and death, the achievement of True Immortal, and even the achievement of Heavenly Immortal. What a horror?

The ancestors of the criminal ancestors, Zonglong Emperor, were killed, and the shot was the “Dragons without a head”.

“Aura, even if it is the Aura of the ruined ancestors, can’t resist this school. In the ancient years, we dragon race, and the heavens, the ruined ancestors are the head of the dragons, led the dragons, battled the fairy world, after the tragic killing Finally, the dragon world was established, and the moment when the ruined ancestors left, there were eight words left. The dragons had no heads and the world was great. The outstanding people in our dragon race, Insight has the true meaning of these eight words, and created the dragons without the big sacred ………”

The mind broke into the heart of Fang Han between the punishments.

The sneak attack of this boxing, the group of dragons without the first big fairy, actually resisted the pressure of the eight floats. Cut off the layers of the air, directly attacking Fang Han’s core world, the Void Immortal rule.

In this attack, the face of the prisoner’s face showed a unique smile. It seems that he saw the fall of Fang Han and he got the future of the eight floats.

But the next moment, he was disappointed. In the body of Fang Han, Aura, a source of evil, emerged. After a shock, he stopped the dragons without the first sacred genius. Then, in the mind of the gang, he appeared. A Divine tree, towering the heavens and the earth, the dragons without the first big celestial being shocked by this Divine tree, actually shocked and cracked everywhere.

Fang Han flashed his body and got rid of the sneak attack. The white feathers in the body spurred the Emperor’s mirror.

“You are two great dragon emperors, but they still attack me. Unfortunately, you never know how terrible these eight floating sects are. The dragons have no heads, is it amazing? I will let you see, my 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist !”

In the face of the two dragons, Fang Han changed into a seemingly dragon-like form. Suddenly, continuous shots, every punch, every palm, one finger, one leg, one collision, all showed the Immortal Artifact attack. power.

“burning the palm of your hand!”

“War of the sky!”

“Rongtian refers!”

“Tiantian Tianhao!”

“Heaven hands!”


“Hua Tian kick!”…………

A set of Martial art that transcends Immortal Dao was displayed on Fang Han’s hand. At the moment he put 33 Skies into the treasure, Fang Han realized a set of Martial art, which is called “Divine.” Fist”, a total of thirty-three strokes, each stroke, corresponds to a treasure, display it, enough to run, to reach the extreme of Martial Dao, beyond the fairy.

Fang Han is a one-of-a-kind person with a strong body and a powerful force. The 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist is exhibited. The aerial vision is everywhere, and the first layer first layer is opened. The two dragons were immediately shaken.

“What is this Martial Dao!”

“This Martial Dao is beyond the fairy!”

The air of the two dragons was actually disturbed at this moment. I couldn’t see the change of Fang Han’s Martial Dao. The two men’s strengths were isolated. They couldn’t see each other and they were isolated. It seems that everyone is It is facing Fang Han alone.

boom! The body of Yusheng Longdi was ruptured by Fang Han in a boxing, and the body of Astral Qi was broken. In his rule of Immortal Dao, there was a bracelet condensed by Fang Han, which destroyed his Immortal Dao rule. This is the one in the sky.

Yu Shenglong was shocked and immediately retreated, urging the Immortal Dao rule to resolve the 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. But at this time, Fang Han shouted and suddenly disappeared. He even passed his blockade and rushed out.

“not good!”

“He wants to kill my people!”

The two dragon emperors, who are the peerless Expert and Heavenly Immortal characters, have an insight into Fang Han’s intentions. But it is late.

Yusheng Longdi felt behind him, the Expert in the family, screaming again and again.

Fang Han rushed into the Expert group of the Yulong tribe, such as the tiger into the flock, invincible.

boom! A Grand King of the World King Realm, Grand Elder, was boxed by Fang Han. Boiled into flesh and blood, blended into the body. And the next moment, a black hole Realm’s dragon emperor Elder, was torn, and the soul was absorbed.

“Little thief, dare to kill us in our jade dragon race!” Suddenly, a True Immortal dragon emperor appeared in front of Fang Han, the patriarch of the jade dragon race, also wearing a jade crown, a vague one Taikoo Shenlong body. He blocked Fang Han, his hands and feet changed and he played a thousand dragons.

“Wanlong Chaozong!”

Fang Han didn’t even look at it. 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist was in constant operation. Suddenly, a “crashing sky” was displayed. Even the person took the body and directly smashed the dragon shape into a shock. The whole person is like Taikoo Mountain. Directly crashed into the body of this jade dragon race patriarch.


The jade dragon race patriarch, the True Immortal dragon emperor, made a scream, and the whole man was smashed into a big patties by Fang Han!

Nothing wrong, it is a real patties.

In the twinkling of an eye, what is the tragic scene of a Longevity Tenth Layer, the True Immortal Dalong Emperor, turned into a big patties? Countless dragon blood, under great pressure, was knocked out of the body, and the void was stained red.

Fang Han’s 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, with every move, carries the power of the gods, with the power of eight floats, equivalent to the full blow of Immortal Artifact. True Immortal can’t resist it either.

In particular, this move is “falling into the sky.” Any Dao technique, immortality, Martial Arts, I am simply a collision, breaking your way. Let you use thousands of methods, and when you hit it, turn it into a patties.

The jade dragon race was long and was smashed into a patties. The body of the patties was still squirming, but it was also dead and not stiff, because the law of life and death in his body was broken. This is simply not reborn. According to the truth, the characters of Undying Body will be born again, but now Fang Han will crash and smash all the rules, and even the most powerful characters will not be born again.

“33 Skies Creation Divine Fist! crashed into the sky and killed True Immortal!” Feng Baiyu observed the autumn and felt the scene, mad.

“The True Immortal of Longevity Tenth Layer has been killed by a bit, and I feel the law of life and death broken!” The sinister goddess, the Mona goddess, are also mad, and at this moment, they seem to be mad!

“What kind of Divine Valor is this, how invincible! A trick to kill True Immortal! Invincible! Invincible!” Demon Dao’s five Demon Sect Great Emperor, some Demon Dao Expert, have seen Fang Han hit the jade dragon race long Scene.

“This person is already invincible! In the future, it will definitely be a success.”

The crystal murmurs, Immortal Dao’s six-headed Headmaster Supreme, also stagnated. Fang Han’s gods have made them unimaginable.

The next moment, the snoring of a landslide and tsunami, from the six doors of Immortal Dao, Demon Dao’s five disciples: “The invincible door! Ingenuity!”

“The door is invincible, the creation is exclusive!”………

The general will of the waves, the will of Fang Han, spread throughout the Immortal Dao. At this moment, the entire creation gate was completely photographed by Fang Han, and was shocked by his supreme Assassin. All the disciplines, whether they were fairy or magic, at this moment, there is only one will, and Fang Han is invincible. The presence.

People are together! Mount Taishan! However, this moment of emotion, Fang Han did not pay attention. He smashed the patriarch of the jade dragon race, and after the True Immortal dragon emperor, he grabbed the fleshy pie and re-integrated into the body. Some of the broken rules of life and death were also refining, making him The Void Immortal approach is more complete and has continued to advance to True Immortal.

“what is this?”

“The patriarch is dead! The patriarch was killed by a moment!”

“The two ancestors of the Dragon Emperor couldn’t help him, and he was killed by the patriarch! We are running away!”

“The patriarch, True Immortal Expert, is promoted to Heavenly Immortal. Even under the hands of the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor, he can support it for a long time, and he is killed in one stroke!”

Countless dragon race experts, seeing this scene, are also scared of courage.

Indeed, let alone the dragon, even if it is a Protoss, it must be scared to death, a True Immortal, actually killed. Heavenly Immortal can’t do this, and such a powerful attack is simply shocking.

Even the two Dragon Emperors seemed to be taken aback, while stopping the Move in their hands and not attacking Fang Han. Because Fang Han hit the True Immortal Dragon King, it is beyond their understanding.

“I said, you dragon race, count me, want to take me sick, want my life, not so easy. I want you to destroy the family!” Fang Han stood up again, facing the two dragons, eyes went to see the criminal family The patriarch, the patriarch is also a dragon emperor True Immortal.

“The wrath of the Dragon Emperor, life is burning!” The two great dragons, anger and anger, at the same time, the life in the body burned fiercely, at least a million years of life, turned into vitality, condense in the palm of their hands. The two great dragons were desperate at the same time. Do not kill Fang Han, they are afraid to really destroy the family!


At the same time, a large beam of light, running through the heavens and the earth, is vast compared to the immortal ancient thunderbolt. And without any signs and reaction speeds, I hit Fang Han.

These two dragon emperors, burning a million years of life, angry blows, have shaken the origin of the dragon world, locked the body of Fang Han, so that it is a thousand minutes.

This sluggishness is enough to hit his body.

The thick beam of light hit the body of Fang Han, blasting on his body, and bombarded him to the outer space! Hit into the infinite space and time, and even penetrated the crystal wall system of the Dragon World!

“Have him killed?”

The light column disappeared, and the two dragons were languid, looking at a mess, crying without tears. Yusheng Longdi Road.

“It should be killed!”

Just then, a sudden sound came from the outer space.

“Good! Two great dragons, teamed up with one blow! Powerful! The wrath of the dragon emperor, I have been taught. However, today I was injured in the robbery, and I have not recovered. After I recover, your two families still have to destroy……”

It is the voice of Fang Han.

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