Eternal Life

Chapter 870: Into a furnace

Chapter 870 is integrated into a furnace

Fang Han did not think that his dead horse as a living horse doctor actually actually resisted the gun of judgment.

The ancestral witchcraft has completely lost its function, and all the spiritual effects have been lost. At the beginning, even the cultivation of the Wuxian Zun Tianjun level was not able to refine and succeed, and only opened up a space in it. Fang Han knows that this ancestral mirror is definitely not comparable to the general magic weapon.

At least, the material is hard, surpassing the great seal of the Cangsheng, and even surpassing the Huangquan map.

The gun of the trial, killed in the mirror of the ancestors, cracks on the mirror, endless guns, bombardment into it, to blast the ancestors mirror. Then tearing, and then thoroughly tearing down Fang Han’s law of the world of life, destroying the man who stole the fate and smashed the creation.

In the world of Fang Han, all the people are hidden in the seeds of the law. Looking at a huge mirror and resisting the gun of judgment, these people are powerless and waiting for the final judgment.

The guns of the trial guns continued to bombard into the mirrors of the ancestors, and the key to the gods of the gods and the trees of the world were shocked and shocked.

The origin of the ancestral mirror seems to have encountered a huge provocation, and an ancient will that has been sleeping for a long time suddenly broke out.

The gray breath suddenly became very strong, and Fang Han even felt evil, horrible, and gray.

"This is the breath of the source of all evil!"

Fang Hanxin moved, and in the huge **** of Di Baoyan, he saw the dead gray breath, exactly the same as the ancestors.

After the ancestral mirror was smashed, it actually turned into the breath of this evil source. What is the relationship between the two? However, these colds are unexpected. Because of the ancestral mirror, and the whole spoon of the gods, they are resisting the guns of the gun of judgment.


An earth-shattering loud noise, the entire ancestral mirror, suddenly exploded.

The huge spoon of the gods, flew out, do not know how long, like a key to open the fairy world, and collided with the gun of the trial.

On the gun of the trial, a scream was heard, and suddenly, the dragon snake shrank back.

"Good opportunity! Can you repel the gun of the trial?" Fang Hanxin moved, the world began to recover, and God passed it out. At the same time, his world conveyed the voice of Feng Baiyu: "Fang Han, must not be taken lightly. The gun of the trial is brewing the strongest blow, your robbery has not passed, but this is an opportunity to immediately put the ancestral mirror, the spoon of the gods, in the Eight Buddhism. It is the material left by the last time when the universe was shattered. The key to the gods of the wild, with the strongest strength, two and two ***, will surely be able to combine the thirty-three days of treasure with the eight bas-reliefs, and you will have a beautiful The treasure of the device!"

"The gun of the trial has not been repelled? The strongest blow in brewing! The spoon of the gods! The ancestral mirror!" Fang Hanyi heard, the hairs were erected.

He immediately mobilized all the power, bursting out all the will, urging the eight Buddhism, and the combination of people and treasures. A spurt of energy is sprayed on the spoon of the gods, and all the wills wrap the fragments that have been broken by the ancestral mirror, and one brain has entered the eight floats. The deepest part of the world.

The key to the gods is not the treasure of storing the items alone, but a magic weapon, the most aggressive weapon. It is a pity that Fang Hanxiu is shallow and cannot be motivated. Now, as a pinnacle of the sea, he will enter the eight floats and let the thirty-three days of the treasures and the eight floats completely merge, and the essence of the ancestral mirror is also integrated into the world of the eight floats.

"Large refining treasure! Thirty-three days of refining secrets! Everything is a dragon!" Fang Han has repeatedly played three secrets. In the body of the world, the tortoise shells of the artifacts are ruptured, the mighty qi, the body filled, and the four great celestial beings, the bodies of the two gods, all the characters, at the same time The secret of the magic weapon.

Throughout the eight bas-reliefs, two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds, they accepted the infiltration of the material of the ancestral mirror. In the twinkling of an eye, it was like experiencing the baptism of infinity, which actually produced an origin of the ancestor and the atmosphere of the last universe. , a different law. The world's crystal wall systems are really solid and indestructible. Among the eight floating sects, one heavy world has almost the same strength as Fang Han’s life.

Thirty-three days to the treasure in the Supreme Dragon Ball, constantly expanding, but suddenly a **** of heaven, the key to the gods, directly landed, actually put the supreme Dragon Ball, and these thirty-three days to the treasure, hard into the Among the two thousand nine hundred ninety-nine worlds. This power is equal to the invasion of one universe into another.

The original source of the thirty-three days to the treasure, to encounter such a strong ***, it is necessary to blew. However, it was exposed to the temperament of the ancestral mirror, and the breath of the evil source actually precipitated. Combined with the Supreme Dragon Ball, it is a slamming sound. The Supreme Dragon Ball has turned into a huge world. It has evolved into a huge world. The huge world has thirty-three time and space, one weight is more than one mysterious, and the power of ancestral mirror Under this time, this time and space is solid, and it has turned into a world of thirty-three days. The key to the gods is the Optimus Prime, which supports the power of the world for thirty-three days.

at last!

Three thousand worlds, eight Buddhism, and a great perfect make up.

Eight Buddhism, thirty-three days to the treasure, are two extreme forces, even Jinxian, even Tianjun, I am afraid that can not be combined, but now, in the catastrophe, under the threat of the gun of trial In particular, the ancestral mirror, the sacred flame of the ancestral mirror is like a sacred object of the finale, thoroughly combining the two extreme forces.

The entire tower of the Eight Buddhism, suddenly changed, turned into a black-like white, seemingly chaotic color, indestructible, at this time, the power of this floating butcher has become a perfect combination of two All the characteristics of the Buddhism have all the characteristics of the thirty-three days to the treasure, and the spoon of the gods has become a pillar of the most central part of the eight Buddhism.

Three thousand worlds, and finally completed.

At the moment of this great perfection, on the whole buoyant, there was a bright sky song, which seemed to come from ancient times, the notes left in the last universe, there is an indescribable meaning, the song of heaven In the middle, the power of the eight Buddhism promotion was passed on to everyone's body.

唰 唰 唰 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... And the Longdao people... many of the characters in the Eight Buddhism, even those of the 480 million ancient devils, have also upgraded their ranks. There is an ancient demon, and even from the mixed environment, a promotion to the virtual fairyland, triggered the thunder of the heavens.

It is a pity that in the squad of the sacred boundary of Fang Han, the thunder of the ancient gods is nothing. There are scattered and scattered in the mountains like the sea, the life of the star, the emptiness of the thunder, not in appearance, has not been close to the eight Buddhism was shocked.

"Red, meet the host!"

This ancient demon, ascended to the virtual fairy, the power is climbing, is the command of all the ancient demon, the body is tyrannical, wearing a black armor, almost comparable to the power of two great gods.

"Well, this 480 million ancient demon commander. Actually promoted to the virtual fairy, my strength, more tyrannical, all of you, the eight floats are now all successful, all magic weapons, into a furnace." Fang Hanchang I screamed, "Power, I feel a huge force, the Eight Buddhism, comparable to the fairy, since then, is the real mountain gate of my creation."

In the long screams, Huang Quantu, as well as all the characters in his own world, have teleported into the 3,000 worlds of the eight floating sects, one by one.

The eight bas-reliefs were successfully refining. After the great reunion, the world of the world was ten thousand times stronger than the world of Cangsheng, perfected thousands of times, and plumply hundreds of times.

Because the eight Buddhism, the fusion of the Cangsheng is printed in it.

Now this magic weapon is really comparable to the fairy! This is also the result of the fusion of the ancestral mirrors that do not know how many unique weapons, even the last universe left.

In the dozens of giants in the Great India, many World of Warcraft space did not feel any vibration, that is, the heavens and the earth suddenly darkened, and then restored to the light, I do not know, my original world was shattered, Entered into a new world. Fang Han is huge. Mana, wrapped their continental space and transferred.

Many people have benefited from the promotion of the Eighth Buddhism.

But the biggest benefit is still Fang Han!

Fang Han is the master of the entire eight floating sects, the Yuan Ling master, the life magic weapon, this floating squad is equal to his second life. The strength of his body, such as the prison of the sea, the power that the eight bastions were promoted to him, filled with his own world of life, and now his world of destiny, combined with the three worlds of the eight sects, communicate with each other, power and festival rising.

Five hundred megabytes!

Eight hundred megabytes!


Three gigabytes!

...... In the twinkling of an eye, the mana of Fang Han broke through the gigabit and then slammed all the way. And his life span is constantly growing, two million years, three million years... five million years, eight million years, ten thousand years later, only stayed.

The law of virtual fairy, at this moment, really perfect, full and incomparable, the virtual fairy law of a stock, formed in its own direct formation, the whole world seems to be full of a taste of fairyland.

Hong Yu Zulong!

The body of Fang Han, once again combined with the Eight Buddhism, turned into a dying ancestor, the incarnation of the dying ancestors, the whole body is entwined with a chaotic airflow, the chaotic flame is mixed with the buoyant dragon fire, the power wave , raging.

However, at this moment, the sound of the wind white feathers resounded again: "Fang Han, the gun of the trial, the final blow! Success or failure is here!"

Rumble! Fang Han's eyes looked at the sky and the clouds, the countless life star Lei, the center of the empty thunder, the gun of judgment, surrounded by a halo, more fierce than the previous momentum, a stab.

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