Eternal Life

Chapter 868: Trial gun

Chapter 868 The Gun of Judgment

The emptiness of the gods is the crown of thunder and punishment. Compared with the life star, it is invisible, invisible, more subtle, and more lethal. It is mainly preventive, no shadow, no trace, monks in the sky, seeing All the robbers were resisted, but they never imagined that a vain air had penetrated into the body and suddenly broke out, and the flesh was blown into powder.

Fang Han has resisted the life of the star, and there have been some difficulties. Now the long-awaited vain thunder suddenly hits through the body. Wherever he goes, the flesh and blood explode cannot be gathered. This shock is not a small feat.

"The emptiness of the gods, but I can not, I am born again, repair the body, to accommodate the void." Fang Han said to roar, he is now repaired, even if the body is completely destroyed, as long as the seeds of the law of the world are still there, they can be born again. A huge and extraordinary sage, called "Yuanxian Rebirth Dan", was shattered in the world of Fang Han. The medicine entered the body, and the tyrannical force directly subsided the explosive flesh and repaired the wound.

Anyway, Fang Han’s special product, Xiandan, is very much used. It is not a waste when it is used directly at a critical moment. It is a good steel cost.

Ordinary mixed-hole masters, crossing the virtual fairy, can prepare dozens of the next product Xiandan is not bad. Where is the like Fang Han, the number of unclear top grades, the best of the immortals, even the powerful immortals refining the ancient goods. An elixir can withstand the perseverance of the ordinary number of people for 100,000 years.

At this moment, the star of the sky is getting denser and denser. In the life of the star, there are more and more vain gods, and there is a roar between the heavens and the earth. Large areas of the earth have been directly evaporated, and numerous dragon bones have been destroyed by the thunder. Any powerful spirit, even the dragon king of the true immortal level, or even the dragon emperor, dare not approach here. Because the final trial of the arrogance here is too horrible.

Even the mysterious masters who peeped, the gods can't penetrate into the catastrophe, because they will be defeated when they come into contact with the catastrophe. God can't save it.

After a series of emptiness, the gods thundered down and continued to run through the body of Fang Han. Fang Han tried hard to repair, and suddenly changed his body. The whole person once again merged with the Eight Buddhism, and turned into a dying dragon. Let the gods and gods thunder, killing the star on the body of the long Zulong.

The dragon screamed and shouted for nine days.

Fang Hanyi and Ba Bufu combined, immediately strength has skyrocketed several times, the entire body is as long as thousands of miles, swimming in the sea of ​​life star Lei, he breathed between the two, the whole person seems to be one with the dragon world, got The origin of the dragon world is recognized.

Among the dragons, the baby of the Eighth Buddhism is much more powerful than the outside. It is like the Emperor's book in the world of Xuanhuang, and the greatness of the world is printed in the vast world. It is a magic weapon for the whole world.

Those who killed the star, the emptiness thunder on his body, the dragon scales smashed open, the thunder light penetrated into the body, the cold did not care, swim stretched, sucked in the mouth, countless thunderballs He was sucked into his mouth by his life.

He took advantage of the power of Xian Lei Lei to savour thirty-three days to treasure, so that the two treasures are completely integrated. With the power of one person, it is impossible to accomplish such a bad thing, but with the help of the final trial, it may be possible to achieve it. Once reached, the eight floating sects will be transformed into a baby that has never appeared since ancient times, and can even resist the fairy!

Thirty-three days to the treasure, within the eight Buddhism, the origin of the incitement, it is impossible to integrate into it, but now, countless life-threatening thunder, the emptiness of the thunder into it, the two elements of the magic weapon are closely combined. Two magic weapons, in the process of resisting the robbery, actually produced a mysterious tacit understanding.

In the world of Fang Han, Huang Quantu, Cangsheng Dayin, the six major sects, the five great demon sects, the four great sects, the two great gods... These forces are working hard, praying for Fang Han, using the law, gathering Out of countless auras, while providing strength, while concise repair magic.

These powerful existences, condensed into one, are almost equivalent to the existence of a level close to the fairy, providing a powerful force for Fang Han to run the eight floats.

"Is it a little bit of power for the thunder penalty? It really disappoints me. It’s still more ferocious. Let me refine this magic weapon." Fang Han drew countless gods and thundered the gods and thunders into the body. It has spread into many worlds, and it has become more and more enjoyable. It has become more and more comfortable. The Eighth Buddhism has become more and more stable. In the days of catastrophe, his power has not been promoted, but it has become more tyrannical and its life expectancy has also grown violently.

The origin of the dragon world, the influx of the eight Buddhism, is now equal to Fang Han leading the entire dragon world, and the fairy world to fight.

Fang Han originally used his small fate to save the flesh and blood, and broke the black blood of the ridiculous prison. It took a million years of life and consumed very much, but now it is starting to succumb to the catastrophe. Really survived the catastrophe, his life form has changed, and his life span will even exceed ten thousand years, a near-epic number. Over the life of many civilizations. Laughing and watching the world annihilate.

It seems that when Fang Han was robbed in the sky, he was still angered by the act of cultivating the magic weapon. In the catastrophe, a strong will suddenly broke through the layers of space and appeared in the "life star Lei" and "empty space". Lei" in the ocean. Vaguely, a huge lance, appeared in the center of the tens of thousands of miles of robbing, the breath on the pike, and the breath of the final judgment, this rifle, like a galaxy, traversing countless worlds and The space of different degrees, a little swing, the universe is shocked, and the souls of countless worlds will bring the end of the judgment.

As soon as the gun appeared, the gun head was aimed at the body of the eternal ancestors of Fang Hanchang, and a sacred atmosphere from the judgment of heaven and earth made Fang Han’s body stiff.

"The gun of judgment! Fang Han, this is the gun of judgment! How can there be an attack of this thing in the robbery? According to the truth, in the robbery, there will be no gun of judgment!" In the thunder and light of the sea, he also saw the center of the robbery, the shadow of the huge gun of judgment.

A long gun is a fairy, and it is not an ordinary fairy. The rumored Wang Pinxian, beyond the existence of the best, and the revenge spear, the legend of the lost sword exists.

The gun of judgment!

"The people against the heavens...the rules of the immortality cannot be violated...the seeds of destiny cannot be stolen...the majesty of creation, can not be defamed, the gun of judgment, will declare your sin, at this moment, finally Cleaning..."

In the days of robbery, the ancient voice, directed at Fang Han, seems to be making a verdict and the final rotation.


It seems to be an ancient artifact, spanning the endless years, and it seems to be a Shenzhou in the sea of ​​suffering, riding the wind and breaking the waves, heading for the other side. The gun of the trial, in the center of the robbery, suddenly flew out, locked in the cold, thrown in.

Fang Hanzhan then felt that his fate, vitality, between the guns, all disappeared.

There is no future.

All his laws have been sensed, and it is estimated that he has no future. The road to the future was broken by a gun. This means that after a shot, he will die and die completely. No one can save him in the sky.

"Oops! This is the real power of the robbery. In my calculations, there is no future. I am going to die?" Fang Han’s heart is shrouded in terror, the external pressure is unparalleled, the gun is close, he The whole body, in the catastrophe, was completely unable to move. The power of the gun of judgment, all the dragon scales, all of them flew up, and the dragon scales of the pieces exploded. At this moment, the origin of the dragon world seems to The surrender was under the arrogance of the gun of judgment.

The gun has not arrived yet, the power has caused Fang Han to almost disintegrate, and the real hit on the body, what will Fang Han become? No one can imagine it.

Thirty-three days to the treasure, I also felt the coming of the final judgment. Since the gun of judgment appeared, all the struggles were meaningless. His origin, suddenly moved, released the majesty from creation.

And the eight Buddhism, also gave up the struggle with the thirty-three days to the treasure, the final strength of the operation, struggling to survive.

Fang Bing's flesh and blood, bones, blasted again, this time blasted, very thorough, can not be restored, even in the eight floating battales, 2,999 worlds, everywhere began to burst, if not accidents, This smashed martial art that has just been promoted will be destroyed and will be destroyed in the final judgment.

"Give me a rebirth, re-consolidate! Yuhua Tiangong, the star-studded door of the ancient stone, give me a dragon! All the magic weapons, all the dragons, repair the injury! Into the eight Buddhism!"

Fang Han’s eyes are red, and at this moment, he knows that only hard to fight a road, look awkward! Immediately, many of the magic weapons that were submerged among the eight floating sects began to melt, turning into a series of dragons, which were motivated by the "Wanquanhualong" and integrated into the depths of the eight floating sects.

Since the monastic training, Fang Han has been arguing everywhere, plundering everywhere, killing countless enemies, and plundering countless treasures. Now this moment, it has been dragonized! Even the Shangpindao, including the nebula baby, indigo and other people, “the emperor’s scepter”, the “Star Emperor Dragon Bed”, the “Iron Blood Battle Banner” and the “Tao Luo Jing Building”... all melted.

The Yuhua Temple, and the group of Star Gates worked hard, and sacred the ancient ship of the eternal sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred stone.

The people who have feathered the door, the people of the group of stars, are sitting in the world of Fang Han. All the disciples are motivated by the whole heart. They also know that the lips are cold and the cold is cold, and they have not survived.

All people are united.

Innumerable magic weapons, at this moment, have been dragons, huge vitality, rolling out from the eight floating bulges, and the blasted dragon scales are also repaired immediately.

But at this moment, the gun of judgment has been killed, and there is darkness between heaven and earth...

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