Eternal Life

Chapter 866

Among the dragons, this discovered a few people who Fang Han condensed the eight floats to the treasure. In the speech, the form gradually became clear, a Middle-aged man, an old man, a young man, and a woman. Behind these four people, there seems to be a huge dragon-shaped phantom. If it is looming, it will look like a half-man and a half dragon.

The tyrannical power, which radiates from the body of the four people, is a random movement that can tear the starry sky and land anywhere in the universe.

Especially the old man, in the body, contains the huge Immortal Dao rule, the dragon-shaped shadow behind it, covering thousands of Spaces, the dragon stretches, and casually explores it, the real world will be destroyed.

It seems that the strength of the old man is too strong, and the body must be sealed in the void of nothingness, or else it will come out, there is nothing to resist the majesty of him.

This is a dragon emperor.

In short, it is a peerless Expert equivalent to the Heavenly Immortal level, and the dragon race made by the dragon race, the Magic Force is much more ruthless than the average Heavenly Immortal.

The existence of the “Dragon Emperor” level has been noted here. The old Emperor Dragon’s palm swarmed fiercely. It seems that he was showing a mysterious big fairy technique. The scene in the dragon’s graveyard became clear: “Let me see, the junior, what do you want to do? The refining success of the eight floats is not counted, but also wants to complete the world in the eight Buddhism. What is his anti-day means to complete?”

“What is that? Thirty-three Middle Grade Dao Artifact? is the Middle Grade Dao Artifact refining, but also the High Grade Dao Artifact. I want to suppress the world and evolve the world. How is it possible?” The woman dragon There was a sardonic smile on the race.

“Yeah, the chief patriarch, the eight battalions have been refining successfully. We still forcibly snatched it, lest he squander refinement and ruin the treasure.”

“That is? 33 Skies! The legendary 33 Skies!” Dragon Emperor did not hear the other three dragon race experts, but was shocked: “Nothing wrong, in my dragon race, the ancient secret In the code, there is this record. When I was promoted to the Dragon Emperor 100,000 years ago, I was qualified to enter the Zulong Temple and read some ancient books of the fairy world to know that there is such a magical treasure. Don’t act rashly! No. This junior is not simple.”

“Completely lurking, watching closely, I said the shot, I will shoot it together. All the suppression! And you have to be smart, don’t let other dragon race tribes start. I can feel the success of the eight floats, sacrificial refining, some The tribal antiques that are close to the cemetery of the dragon can also be felt.”

Hesitating for a while, observing that the old Emperor of the Dragon suddenly issued a strict order.

These dragons are extremely powerful, and the dragon race standing in the peak of the world has completely concealed its own form, and the snakes are lurking. Waiting for the opportunity.

“Fang Han, you have to refine 33 Skies. I always feel unsuitable. I seem to realize that we seem to be stared by the mysterious and powerful presence.” Feng Baiyu entered the supreme Dragon Ball and saw that Fang Han began to feel all kinds of things. The material can’t help it.

“No problem, we are safe in the dragon world. If you go to other places to go to thunder, it is more dangerous. At least the dragon world is also a tyrannical force. The fairy world can’t be blatantly involved.” Fang Han played thousands. Thousands of hands, and God communicated with the four major Void Immortal, the two gods: “And, we have to cross the Void Immortal, you will be robbed, the robbery, the robbery, there must be, I have become The Eight Buddhism, in the Dragon World, can at least have a kind of air transport in the middle of the world, and the people who have been robbed are better. If you are outside, I am afraid that the robbery will be heavier.”

Feng Baiyu heard this and his face was different: “Fang Han, you have such a understanding of the air transport… It seems that after you cultivated the Lesser Karma Technique, the sentiment of the destiny of heaven and earth has raised a realm.”

“Yes, but it’s still very shallow, waiting to get through the celestial penalty and become Void Immortal.”

Void Immortal is the most sad part of the cultivator. It is divided into a day of robbery and a robbery of people. It is not necessary to say more about it. As the name suggests, it is the number of robberies that naturally come down from the heavens and the earth. The robbery of others is that others are besieging, and after being promoted to Void Immortal, there is a period of weakness, a big injury, and a slow recovery, before they can reach the peak. At this time, it is easy to be robbed by fire. Sealed, refined into a magical treasure, or Artifact Spirit. It’s so miserable that you can’t get away.

People robbed cultivate Dao people of luck, cause and effect, and chances.

Fang Han knows that when he passes through the celestial penalty, there will be people robbery. In the dragon world, there are eight sources of communication between the floating sect and the dragon world. If you are outside, it is not necessarily true.

Feng Baiyu knows this very well for Fang Han. He is very emotional. If it is not a thoroughness, the nature of various rules, the causal relationship between heaven and earth, and the source of the law, it is impossible to say such a thing.

“33 Skies, the ultimate concise!”

Fang Han grabbed it with his hand and all the materials collected by Qi Zhenjun began to disintegrate under the influence of Great Treasure Refinement Technqiue. He has been refining for seven hundred years in the Dibao Rock. He is familiar with some of the methods of 33 Skies. Now the Magic Force and the realm are much higher than the day, and there are two more gods. Respect, the four major Void Immortal, the wind white feather assist, and the eight floats are suppressed, and at the beginning, it is very easy.

In particular, 33 Skies is not made into Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, but High Grade.

The refining of High Grade Dao Artifact is a hundred times easier than the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact.

However, in the process of gradually refining, Fang Han actually felt that Magic Force had some problems. The 33 Skies is suspended in the inner layer of the Eight Floats Dragon Ball, which is like a big day. It emits infinite light, and it faintly squeezes out the vitality of the eight floating battals, challenging the majesty of the eight floating battales.

As Feng Yuyu said, the two treasures, Aura is not compatible. If forced integration, it must be completely blown up, no one can escape.

However, since Fang Han is willing to take risks, there must be means. Moreover, the wind white feathers also vaguely feel that if the two pieces of treasure are merged, it will definitely produce a kind of treasure that makes the world discolored, the gods, the celestial beings, the buddhas, and the lords.

“This 33 Skies is the rumor, the creation of the immortal treasure created by the immortal king, the creation of artifacts, even the High Grade Dao Artifact, I feel better than the eight bastions to promote Peerless Grade, the difficulty is not inferior If you are promoted to Peerless Grade in the future, how much material do you need? How many Magic Force, Heavenly Immortal can’t be refining.”

“Yinliu Shenzun” and “Mana goddess” also have some difficulty, but Fang Han keeps infusing them, but he can support it.

Feng Baiyu took out the Emperor’s mirror, and even summoned the “Da Zhai Shenzun” from it, and together he adjusted the vitality. The 33 Skies combines many powerful materials, and the gods are getting stronger and stronger. Many of them are runes from the fairy world. In which it flashed out.

“Good! To be successful, immortal material!” Seeing this 33 Skies, the ever-changing changes, Fang Han was overjoyed, and spit out, an immortal substance, a long river sprayed out, infused with 33 Skies Among them.

The treasure suddenly shocked, and the unvoiced sound resounded throughout the void. Countless Immortal shadows appeared around the 33 Skies, worshipping, pilgrimage, and worshipping.

Moreover, a mysterious time and space was opened, and numerous visions of heaven and earth appeared. The notes of the celestial scorpion formed the sacred spirits flying everywhere. An ancient voice sang in it: “The pilgrimage to the celestial being, the lord of the immortal world, 33 Skies One layer of one holy…” This ancient voice is getting bigger and bigger, and countless Immortal Qi can’t be seen from it. It’s not the fairy sect, nor the Pure yang qi. It is a kind of airflow similar to the beginning of the Yuan.

“The gas of creation…” Fang Han took a fierce sip, absorbed most of the airflow, and the strength of the whole body climbed up. At the same time, the visions of the heavens and the earth were blessed on him, making him finally break through. Bottleneck, I realized the Void Immortal rule.

The wind white feathers are also bright, and the illusory shadows of countless protoss in the pupils are revealed. The dusk of the gods, at this moment, reached the peak, the most intense moment of life.

“33 Skies has finally changed! Enter eight battalions, two or two! 33 Skies, the only world! Make up for three thousand, Great Dao complement!” Fang Han took the opportunity, suddenly a burst of pressure Next, the 33 Skies, which was promoted to High Grade Dao Artifact, was directly pressed into the world’s crystal wall system of the eight floats, to complete the final First Layer world.

Eight Buddhism, now with 2,999, nine worlds, and one more, Fang Han uses 33 Skies to make up for it.

However, under this circumstance, 33 Skies seems to feel that the majesty is severely insulted and fluctuates violently. All the vitality is like the sea!

Moreover, the majesty of the eight floating sects seems to have been severely provocative. The origin of the entire floating squad has begun to stir up, and it is determined that the heterogeneous energy is not allowed to tarnish its purity.

“The heresy… actually wants to be implanted in my interior, killing… thorough killing…” The origin of the Eight Buddhism has produced a strong repulsive force, and even made Fang Han feel the obvious madness and violent.

The 33 Skies is even more intense. “The supreme 33 Skies, the inferiority, the humble and the small existence, you are just a hybrid magical treasure of the Buddha and the dragon race. How can I be supreme with Immortal Dao? The source is comparable!”

The origins of the two great treasures, let alone the mutual integration, now a little collision, there is an explosion everywhere.

“Fang Han, and then, the two treasures will explode!” Feng Bai Yu: “Incompatible! Even the strong presence of the fairy world can not make them compatible.”

“That’s not necessarily!” Fang Han said in a cold voice, a Void Immortal rule in his body, suddenly rising into the sky. Immediately, the law of immortality in the darkness seems to have sensed the character of the anti-day, the achievement of Void Immortal. Between the time! All the sky, the sky and the sky in the cemetery of the dragon, all of them are gloomy and dark, and the dark clouds are surging. There are faintly heavenly drums, and the heavenly soldiers from the fairy world come to obliterate the heresy.

The momentum is so big.

“The day of robbery is coming!” The sinister goddess, the goddess of Muna, shook his body.

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