Eternal Life

Chapter 863

“Bold, who broke into the cemetery of the dragon. (peak novels play novels)”

“Is Heavenly Demon? Demon Soul in Heavenly Demon, come to snatch the dragon skeleton? Disturb the dragon’s long sleep? Damn, our cemetery guardian, the dragon’s ghost absolutely does not allow such awkward behavior.”

“Kill, kill. Kill all the Demon Soul invading the Dragon’s Graveyard.”

“Despicable robbers, dare to peer into the dragon’s skeleton, humble cultivator, we will let you die here.”…

The tide is generally ghost, and it is roaring and roaring. In the strong dead air, the ghosts of countless dragons are swimming, and some of the powerful dragon ghosts have become a ghost-like existence.

Fang Han entered the tomb of the dragon. Just took the skeleton of thousands of dragons, and immediately alerted the existence of the dragon’s cemetery. Numerous dead air came in, and there were some powerful dragon souls in the dead. The ghost has issued countless attacks. In the cemetery of the dragon, countless dragons fell, and the remaining spirits and dead air combined to produce the ghost of the dragon spirit, and the ghosts and gods in the black earth of the Xuanhuang big world are a kind of existence, and they are unable to leave the graveyard of the dragon.

However, dragons are many times more powerful than humans, and those ghosts of dragons are more tyrannical than ghosts.

The strong curse, countless killing intents, and the ancient Dragon race Divine ability, Three Thousand Great Daos, attacked overwhelmingly. Even the Longevity Mysteries Realm Five Sixth Layer’s Expert can’t resist it.

Only the Expert of “World King Realm” can penetrate into it.

“A good and powerful attack, it is no wonder that in the cemetery of the dragon, many of the dragon skeleton, no cultivator entered it, and it was killed before it was gone. But this is for me, but it is a supplement. Buddhism, ingestion!” Fang Han faced the attack of countless dragon spirit ghosts and ghosts, and did not care at all. With his current Culture Base, I am afraid that I will not be afraid to come to a dragon.

His body changed a little, and it turned into a dying dragon.

The huge form stretched out in the dragon’s cemetery, Aura was released a little, and the ghosts of the dragon spirits immediately stiffened, and then they were sucked, and the long whales flooded into the mouth of the hunger.

“Not good, fast escape, it is the oppression of the ancestors of the ruins of the ruins of the ancestors. Some people have refining the eight bas-reliefs. It turns out that this person is going to enter the dragon cemetery to refine this treasure!”

“Eight Buddhism… There are already many people who have no refining this treasure.”

“Escape, when the Eight Floaters are refining, they must draw endless death. Our ghosts and spirits cannot escape and must be inhaled.”

“How far is it from him.” Some weak dragon spirit ghosts fled.

“It doesn’t matter. The blood on this person is so strong. He must enter the depths of the Eight Buddhism. There are more powerful ghosts. He is definitely not an opponent. He has to be eaten. We are behind and can eat him. Meat can also increase the Culture Base.”

“Yes, it’s a long way to go.” Some tyrannical, fierce ghosts are another thought.

But these ghosts of the Dragon Soul have just expressed their own thoughts, and a vigorous idea swept over, and these ghosts immediately screamed.

“Ah! Don’t kill me. Don’t eat me. I just thought about it, I don’t dare to follow you.”

“Flee away, this person is too strong, we can’t eat his flesh and blood, ah! My body…”

But Fang Han’s thoughts, no matter how much, swept where, there is a huge black hole. The black hole sucked in countless dragon spirits, and this sucked in, the dragon spirits and spirits were dredged, combined with the dragons of the eight floating sects, and the thinking gradually became one, and the eight floats also took place. From the change of quantity to the fluctuation of qualitative change, every First Layer structure of Futuo began to creep, and it seems that every inch of the floating granules began to have life.

“Well? What happened?”

Fang Han felt the change at once, immediately immersed himself in the floating squad and began to run the refining technique in the Heavenly Dragon Manual. Immediately, the dead air that was sucked in, the spirit of the dragon soul, all merged into the float itself.

The eight magical treasures of the floating squad, the dragon king ruler, the Ming Wang axe, the gong drum, the morning bell, the celestial ball, the maiden rosary, the eight melting furnaces, the cracked scorpio have all begun to change, and the true world rule is derived. No longer a virtual world rule.

And the forces that melted and settled among the eight floating sects, such as Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, “The Tower of the Gods”, “The Unlimited Constant Sands”, “The Divine Immortal Tea Tree Rule”

The power of many magical treasures, such as the “Boom”, and the great array, are beginning to move.

The eight Buddhism dragons all the way, do not know how many magical treasures, how many High Grade Dao Artifact, semi-Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, and even Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. The forces are all set aside and ready to be promoted to the true Peerless Grade.

Now, it is time to raise soldiers for a thousand days.

The power of all the sediments has become the vitality and material of the eight floating rafts.

“Fang Han, the eight floats have reached the critical point, and now they have to change. This kind of treasure is originally a treasure that was created in violation of the rules of the heavens and the earth. When it is really formed, it will suffer from the robbery of heaven and earth. You have to pay attention, look for a safe place in the center of the Dragon’s grave. Let’s exercise magical treasure together.”

Wind White Feather also felt the change, immediately said.

“I also felt that the eight buoys had to change, and moved instantly!” Fang Han once again swung his body and quickly entered the depths of the dragon’s grave.

The deeper the cemetery of the dragon, the more deadly. At the end of the day, the dead air seems to be solid, filled in the Space, heavy and incomparable, like mercury. The ghost of the dragon is getting stronger and stronger, and even Fang Han has seen some of the ghosts of the World King Realm Cultivation Base and Black Hole Realm Cultivation Base.

However, these dragon soul ghosts have already produced powerful wisdom, and even able to calculate the secrets. If they can go out, they are all generations of ancestors, and they will open a sect. When they see Fang Han coming in, they know that they are so powerful that they have retreated to a deeper place. Han contends.

“Well, that place is very dead, it is a good point. It looks like a phoenix and a phoenix.” Fang Han saw a good terrain at a glance. The terrain is a large elliptical valley with millions of miles. The gas settles down and forms a large sphere after another, like a relic. Fang Han knows that this is a good place, a naturally formed crypt. If you save it again, the crypt of the crypt will change to The real relic is like something that is endless relic.

Among the huge crypts, countless dragon skeletons piled up like mountains and bones. There are some rare dragon species in the valley, such as the colorful dragons, the nine-headed dragons… all buried in this crypt. A feng shui treasure. If this feng shui treasure is occupied by Demon Dao, then the Culture Base will advance with leaps and bounds, and the Disciple Magic Force will soar.

Originally, among these huge crypts, there were some powerful dragon spirit ghosts, but when Fang Han landed, these existed to escape, and some escaped, and Fang Han inhaled it.

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū !

Fang Han relieved the state of humanity and humanity. The four major bodies of Void Immortal, Qi Zhenjun, Xuan Wuzhen, Yuan Wuzhen, Yu Wenji. Two other gods also leapt out. The group surrounded the eight buoys.

The eight floats were rotated at an incredible speed. Thousands of black holes appeared in the crypts, and the black air groups that had to be condensed into relics were thrown into the buoys.

“Heavenly Dragon Manual’s refining technique!”

In the face of the Eight Buddhism, Fang Han screamed at the two great goddess, the four major Void Immortal. Six top-level Experts, while playing the law. Originally, the World King Realm Expert, you can refine the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, let alone the Void Immortal. And the two gods, each is equivalent to three Void Immortal.

That is to say, now the servant of Fang Han is equal to the top ten Void Immortal Expert to condense a treat together.

According to the truth, any Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, which is equivalent to the power of ten Void Immortal, can be combined in an instant. But now the eight floating sects, but between the rotation, the emptiness of the air, the death of the dragon’s cemetery, but there has been no earth-shattering changes, it seems to be still crouching.

It can be seen that this piece of success is unsuccessful, and once it is successful, it can immediately press the square.

“I have never seen it, what will be the success of the Eight-Floating Refining System? What kind of heaven and earth will it attract?” At this time, around Fang Han, a bunch of people appeared, Ascension Sect, Stars Sect, Water Crystal Paradise, Sun and Moon Sword Sect, Connecting Heaven Sword School, Pill Cauldron Sword School, the three sectarians, and Demon Sect, five of the Elder Elder, five Demon Sect Great Emperor, also came out, watching Fang Han condenses magical treasure.

The wind white feathers were cold and cold, and these people immediately dispersed, arranged into a great array, each occupying a position, ten pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, supporting ten parties, connected to each other, forming a ten-party great array, putting Fang Han is guarded in the center.

The Huamen Gate now has the Immortal Dao Six Schools, Demon Dao Five, and Eleven Halls, because Heavenly Feather Temple and Stars Sect are combined, all with only ten pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact.

Now the wind white feathers, the majesty gradually increased, Fang Han still does not manage the martial art, he became the actual executor among the martial art. In addition to Fang Han, the entire Culture Portal is his deepest in the Culture Base, and he manages the martial art. Under one gaze, not only the people of Demon Dao, but the people in Immortal Dao feel cold.

The means of wind white feathers, they have already seen it, and they can surrender to God.

“The eight bas-reliefs are not enough to affect me, but when Fang Han changes in the Eighth Buddhism, it will definitely hit 33 Skies… At that time, two magical treasures merged, collided, and the magical treasure was promoted. The vision will definitely make me break through the bottleneck and enter the realm of Void Immortal. At that time, it will lead to the penalty of the fairyland. My thunder penalty, I don’t know if I can get through it…”

The wind white feathers are sharp and look at the sky. It seems to be a point in the fairy world.

boom! At this moment, the eight floating sects suddenly shocked, infinitely expanded, and the huge floating squad actually broke through Space and grew up in the sky above the sky, to break the sky.

“The Eight Fathoms have finally begun to advance!”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Continue to ask for the red ticket, Fang Han is about to kill the Quartet, the red ticket is coming!

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