Eternal Life

Chapter 859

Divine Immortal !

Above the realm of Immortal, beyond the existence of “Heavenly Immortal”. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Immortal also has three or six, etc. The lowest level is “Heavenly Immortal” with “Divine Immortal”, “Profound Immortal”, “Golden Immortal”… these supreme beings.

The difference between each level is equal to the vastness of the mud, which is much larger than the gap between Longevity Mysteries Realm and almost insurmountable.

For example, Longevity Mysteries Realm First Layer, Tenhouse of Ten Thousand Life Realm. Adding more than seventy to eighty, you can arrange a great array to trap the characters of the Second layer Undying Body.

But ten Heavenly Immortal, even if the great array is arranged, it is impossible to trap a Divine Immortal.

Divine Immortal is Divine Immortal, and Heavenly Immortal is Heavenly Immortal. The difference in grades is almost impossible to pass. This involves the rules of the Immortal Dao rule, the power of the mysterious mysteries.

Of course, even in the fairy world, it is almost impossible to promote from Heavenly Immortal to Divine Immortal, unless there is a fortuitous encounter, otherwise it is impossible to promote.

Now, the Heavenly Immortal messenger, actually got the fairy tales, the mysterious and powerful existence entered Divine Immortal rule, and promoted to Divine Immortal, it is a real step to the sky, the skills are strong, the strength is unparalleled, who wants to kill Whoever kills, whoever wants to suppress it will suppress it.

Whether it is the old man of Heart Demon or the pen of the people, at this moment, they are all shocked. They are now equivalent to the existence of Heavenly Immortal. The two join hands, although they can not kill Immortal Artifact and eighteen Peerless Grade. Dao Artifact’s Heavenly Immortal messenger, but it can be fully countered. But now, the other person has actually become a Divine Immortal! There is no way to fight this battle.

Heavenly Immortal and Divine Immortal, although one level, are far from the strength.

“Two ants who dare to resist the fairy world, do you know the greatness of Divine Immortal now? But it is late. I will really kill you and let you know the fear.” One was promoted to Divine Immortal, the messenger danced, all Peerless Grade Dao The power of Artifact, and even Immortal Artifact, has increased several times, and the pressure has suddenly changed dramatically. On all sides, we saw a chain of ordering rules concise into a chain of shackles. And when he reached out and held it, there was a huge bubble in the air, and the old man, Heart Demon, was wrapped in it.

“The second universe!”

Heart Demon The old man and the emperor were wrapped in huge bubbles, their faces were mad, and they immediately rushed, but they couldn’t rush out anyway, even the sharp pen of the Emperor’s pen could not play the slightest role in the bubble. Drilled in the middle and lower, but it seems to be sealed amber.

“What to do? This is the second universe. We can’t rush out.” Heart Demon The old man and the human king alternated and flashed quickly.

“That’s not necessarily. Exquisite Immortal Venerable, hasn’t it been made into Dao technique?” The man’s pen passed on the mind and showed a decisive look on his face: “I have a Dao technique, and I don’t necessarily break this.” Second universe.”

“What Dao technique?”

“The Three Emperors are one, the people of heaven and earth.” Suddenly, the Emperor pen said eight words, a mysterious idea, passed into the heart of the old man of Heart Demon, and the old man of Heart Demon immediately gazed, Guanghua The glare, the whole body, turned into black smoke, wrapped around the pen of the Emperor, and then the black smoke was slightly rotated, and immediately merged into the crystal pen. Then the crystal pen kā chā kā chā rang, suddenly burst open, For one day, one place, one person. The sky is on, the earth is down, and people are in the center.

That person, that day, the land, the roots are connected, the three is one. At the same time, a shock.

Kā chā, the bubble of the second universe, actually began to tear, was rushed out by the Emperor and the old man of Heart Demon.

“Dare to break my second universe. You can really dare to wrap the sky.” Promoted to Divine Immortal’s messenger, angered, once again turned the palm of his hand, another huge bubble, wrapped up in layers.

Subsequently, he gave a shot, two strong winds, condense into two long shots, throwing directly to the Heart Demon old man and the man. Two long guns, including the Immortal Dao rule, are equivalent to Immortal Artifact.


The Emperor Pen, the old man of Heart Demon once again fell into the shackles of the second universe, and he could only watch the Immortal Dao rule of two long guns and smother himself. Avoiding can’t escape.

“Five lines of Dao technique, the source of gas.”

At this moment, from the Mijin Mountain, a huge five-planet ball suddenly emerged. This planet appeared in the air, slightly rotated, blasted directly to explode, countless five elements, landslide and tsunami. It’s the Red Dragon Devil’s shot. This one has been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years of magic, and the shot is a big hand. The Peerless Grade Dao Artifact’s five-star land was exploding directly, facing the Divine Immortal messenger and expelling Heart Demon and the Emperor.

At the moment of the explosion of the planet in the Five Elements, an old Taoist who was wearing a khaki robes appeared in the air, his eyes were old, but his eyes were full of Devil Qi. This Devil Qi and Heart Demon’s Devil Qi were not the same. Heart Demon Devil Qi of the old man is a mystery, omnipresent, and sees people’s hearts at a glance. Devil Qi of the Red Devils is invisible, overbearing the heavens and the earth, challenging everything, all living beings, under the rule of the devil.

This old Taoist priest is the Red Devil.

As soon as the Red Devils appeared, in the explosion of the planet of the Five Elements, they were close to the “Divine Immortal Messenger”, and they condense a magical light in their hands, which brewed countless ancient demon powers. On the body of the Divine Immortal messenger.

“It’s useless, this level of attack can’t break my protection.” Divine Immortal’s messenger gave a sneer sneer, and the body danced in the rainbow. Between the breath, the magic light shook, and then the big hand grabbed it. Red Devils.


The Red Devils swimed back and shunned the Divine Immortal messenger. The five planets of the explosion also gathered together and turned into a planet for impact.

With a bang, the second universe was once again smashed, and the Red Devils took a handful of tricks, and the old man, Heart Demon, was taken from it, and the power of the three men was suddenly connected to one place, and the Divine Immortal messenger Right.

“You three, are you together?” Divine Immortal, the messenger, did not take another shot, but quietly stayed in the air and looked at the three people with a look of death: “It’s a pity, you are in the fairy world. It should be the role of genius, but I am going to die here today. But I will give you a chance to call out the exquisite Immortal Venerable. I will kill you four people together.”

“The Immortal Envoy.” The Red Devil said: “If I were you, I will leave now, or will it be too late to regret it?”

“What? This is the biggest joke I have heard in my life.” The immortal messenger haha ​​laughed: “Is it a cultivation? A dynasty Dao technique? Can you turn over when you get out? Her information, the fairy world knows clearly. Occasionally, I entered the secret of Hong Meng, got the Great Desire Technique and some fortuitous encounters, but these fortuitous encounters only made her a True Immortal. Even if she made Heavenly Immortal, there is nothing? Moreover, she is not too ancient Lord. Reincarnation is not like the wind white feather of Ascension Sect, nor the electrician Heavenly Monarch. In this way, his achievements are limited. Yeah, I will kill you first, or take it, then refine it. Sumiyama, I don’t believe she can stand it.”

The celestial messenger, in the gap between the words, the whole person stepped out one step at a time, the gods and rainbows around him were staggered, and then he made three punches.

There are only three punches, and the essence of all the Divine Immortal ways is integrated into these three punches.

The first punch, a little light source, was born from the darkness.

The second punch is played, countless lights, and many worlds.

The third punch is played, these worlds, the light sources unite to form a universe.

Three fists gave birth to a universe, a huge universe expanded, and suddenly the Red Devils, the Emperor Pen, Heart Demon, the old man saw that the whole world disappeared, replaced by the Taikoo Starry Sky, the stars shining, and the three thousand worlds running in it. The celestial messengers seem to have moved them to the depths of the universe.

“This is a fantasy.”

Devil Qi, the red devil, said, “Three people shot together, concentrated a little, pierced the weak link of the universe, and there! I lost power. But the vision did not disappear, the second universe he played, there is very The big flaws are far less than the ancient Jinxian, between the shots, Da Luo free and unfettered, the eternal freedom.”

Between his Devil Qi, the old man, Heart Demon, suddenly saw that there was a weak link in the universe, so the three people joined forces to make a huge drill and slammed out.

“Red Devil, your eyesight, I have some terrifying. So, I must kill you first.” Suddenly, the voice of Heavenly Immortal messenger, resounding from the side of the Red Devil, the Divine The Immortal level Expert, silently behind the Red Devils, has a long Sword in his hand, directly into the body of this ancient demon, began to disturb the world in his body.

“The magical world, the Buddha Nirvana, free space.”

On the face of the Red Devil, there was a hint of suffering. Although it was settled down, it was suppressed by the Stability Base of hundreds of thousands of years in the Five Elements. He displayed a means of Buddhism, which exudes the Buddha’s light, and then begins to burn. The whole person is turned into ashes, and the enemies of the immortal world are completely defeated.

“You are the devil’s head, actually showing the mystery of Buddhism, Nirvana Divine Ability, Demon Dao’s face, let you lose light, but you think that this will be able to escape my killing, you are too small to see the power of Divine Immortal “The face of Divine Immortal’s messenger shows a sly look. His face is like a poisonous snake. Other people are chilling. Then there is a whirlpool in his mouth. The vortex is a working universe. , even swallowed a large piece of void, in the big void, there is a shadow, the khaki robes, it is the Red Devil.

On the face of the Red Devil, there was a look of horror. It seems that I did not expect that I will fall into a dangerous situation.

“Divine Immortal? Divine Immortal is amazing?”

At this moment, a pleasing female voice appeared in the battlefield, and a fruit of desire appeared in the center of the Universe Divine Immortal. Actually gave the working universe to life.

The Red Devil’s body moved and immediately flew out.

At this dangerous moment, the exquisite Immortal Venerable, finally shot.

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