Eternal Life

Chapter 857

Just when Fang Han hit a dragon channel and the wall was a barrier, in a different space of the Xuanhuang big world, a battle related to his life and death, and even the entire fate of the world. With. (peak novel handwriting novel)

In the vast world of Xuanhuang, the boundless ocean, the shadow of Exquisite Jewel Paradise, at the end of the sea, looming.

Among the Immortal Dao Ten Sects, the only one that can compete with Extreme Unity Sect is “Exquisite Jewel Paradise”. The woman, Immortal Venerable, like Optimus Prime, alone supports the overall situation, is also a pinnacle.

Extreme Unity Sect To unify Immortal Dao Ten Sects, the first thing to destroy is not the Fang Han, but the exquisite Immortal Venerable. Only by eliminating this woman can we really remove the nails in the eyes, the thorns in the flesh, and complete the hegemony of the unified Immortal Dao.

Now, this eternal hegemony has already begun.

A majestic great array that wraps the entire Exquisite Jewel Paradise. I can’t see it from the outside, but when I enter Exquisite Jewel Paradise, I will find that now the sea of ​​Xianshan, the sacred place in the Yunxia is everywhere, and thousands of islands are burning with blazing flames, stones. Blocks of bursts, countless Immortal Cranes, Fairy, White Deer… exotic animals, all died.

Even in the sky, there are still some dragon bodies floating.

It was the death of the Immortal Venerable, the ancient Heavenly Dragon, which was seen, and the battle was fierce, burning in Exquisite Jewel Paradise.


A huge island was completely blasted, and there were countless pure and transparent thunders in the sky. These thunders seemed to be the sacred traits of the celestial world, filled with the void of Aura, and the spirit of the spirits, but the power of it did not make people Cold and tremble.

Many huge magical treasures are looming in the air.

These magical treasures are all Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, the ancient Peerless Grade Dao Artifact from the fairy world, and each Peerless Grade Dao Artifact has great power. It is the material of the thunder, although it is not as chaotic as the tires. There is such a powerful force as Baoyan, but it is much more powerful than the Peerless Grade of God.

These Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts, some are a jewel, some are knives, guns, swords, cymbals, more scented flowers, Taikoo City Pool, giant drums… there are eighteen pieces, each piece of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact Artifact Spirit, there is no mortal Aura, the face is cold, with a unique fairy Aura, not refined in the secular, but the immortal land, the powerful will of the immortal world, so that the living spirit has an instinct Threat.

Eighteen pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact from the fairy world, the powerful and ruthless Artifact Spirit. Completely trapped Exquisite Jewel Paradise, the power of the great array, destroying everything in Exquisite Jewel Paradise over and over again.

Of course, these eighteen Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts are second to none. The real power is in the center of eighteen Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts, with the shadow of Immortal Artifact, drifting with the wind. The resulting power stripped Exquisite Jewel Paradise’s Space from the universe. Any Expert, even True Immortal, can’t escape.

That Immortal Artifact is not an “eternal furnace” but another one, the shape is a square and square like the existence of an altar. On the altar of the altar, these four ancient immortal characters are portrayed, and the ancient immortal texts are read out, which is the “order of heaven and condemnation.”

This Immortal Artifact is called the Order of Heaven. The power does not know how big it is, and it controls 18 pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. When it happens, Exquisite Jewel Paradise begins to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Extreme Unity Sect’s fairy ambassador, standing in the center of this Immortal Artifact, is full of strength, rising out and condensing into a huge shadow. His voice was rolling, like a thunder, a little shock, there were many black holes in the sky, black holes like a megaphone, infinitely expanding his voice, making his voice the only truth between heaven and earth.

“Exquisite Immortal Venerable, Emperor Pen, Heart Demon, Red Devil. You four, aren’t you going to kill me together? But I don’t know that I have already accepted the idea of ​​the fairy world, to eradicate you. So I will start with strong At the crucial moment when you refine Divine Ability, you have covered Exquisite Jewel Paradise, even if you have a big Divine Ability, you can’t escape. Because I got the reward of the fairy world. Master the order of the sacred, commander 18 Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, arranging the next great grid. Do you still not come out? Exquisite Immortal Venerable, I have already refined your Exquisite Jewel Paradise for three days and three nights, you still can’t come out, this Exquisite Jewel Paradise is gone.”

Heavenly Immortal The tone of every messenger is full of killing and confidence.

The power of Immortal Artifact is enormous, and he is Magic Force’s deep Heavenly Immortal, which can exert the power of Immortal Artifact.

“The condemnation of the heavens, this rebellion made by the immortal world is indeed hidden in this void, but it does not show the body, but also asks you to launch real power. Force them out, kill them completely, and complete the mission of the fairy world.”

After seeing what he said, Exquisite Jewel Paradise was still motionless and there was no shadow. The Heavenly Immortal messenger could not help but to Immortal Artifact.

“Yes? These people are really stubborn, the will of the immortal world, they dare to defy, although God has a good morality, this seat is not willing to display a peerless means to force them, but now that you don’t know how to lift, then don’t It’s ruthless.” The huge Immortal Artifact, the center of the “Destiny Order”, made a mechanical humming sound with a metallic texture.

Then, an overwhelming wave of volatility emanated from the altar-like token, like a meat grinder, a wave of waves, everywhere, all the time and space, have been broken. After those time and space were broken, it turned into a blue smoke, and the smog again became an illusory time and space.

This is simply the “Immortal Dao” rule of “reality is virtual.”


When this wave of volatility reached its limit, the entire Exquisite Jewel Paradise was broken, and at the deepest point of Exquisite Jewel Paradise, a little bit of gold appeared in the central position.

That golden light is a mountain, and it must be a golden mountain.

Exquisite Jewel Paradise’s mountain gate, the treasure of the town.

The huge Jinshan, in the midst of the fluctuations, the wind and the rain, shaking again and again.

“Broken, illusory, time and space, dissipating…” Seeing that the sacred mountain was finally revealed, the face of Heavenly Immortal’s messenger showed a smile and four words in his mouth. Suddenly, he did not see any action. The vast Immortal Light came out and shocked the huge Sumiyama.

The golden light of the Mt. Jinshan is constantly being evaporated.

Suddenly, the Nassau Mountain was shaken, and a crystal light rose into the sky, turning into a huge crystal pen. This crystal pen stroked, and a big word “rolled” appeared in the air. This big character, domineering, rolling, suddenly Immortal Light is scattered!

“People’s pen, finally came out…”

Heavenly Immortal appeared on the face of the messenger, and the body flew up: “People’s pen, you killed me a avatar that day, but for me, it’s a slap in the face, and this time, my true body is again, let You see and see, what is power. Your magical treasure, the ancient Immortal Artifact, is being used by me and surrendered to me.”

Between the talks, he punched out, the magical treasure around him rang, and countless powers were injected into his body. His fist seemed to concentrate on all 18 pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact from the fairy world. I completely oppressed the crystal light of the Emperor’s pen. The prestige is infinite.


The huge crystal pen of the incarnation of the Emperor’s pen, when the other party punched, actually became the shape of the emperor, the same punch, greeted up, two punches collided, a wave of devastating ripples.

“Idiot! Do you think you can compare with me? My fist contains all the power of 18 pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, and there is also the power of Immortal Artifact, even if you are four, you can’t compete against me. Give me a death!” A punch hit, the Emperor’s pen was actually shaken back and forth, and the Heavenly Immortal messenger, the movement is not moving, the whole body is getting stronger and stronger, “My strength, originally the Heavenly Immortal peak, this time, the lower bound, get The reward of the fairy world is already breaking through the obstacles, making Divine Immortal! Do you know? Divine Immortal !”

The Heavenly Immortal messenger stepped out one step further, and the fists filled the world. At this moment, all the light disappeared and the scene disappeared. The fist was the only one in the world, and the bombardment was on the body of the Emperor.

“The secret of the Emperor, the peak of civilization, sublimation!” The Emperor’s face is cold, the palm is caught, and a storm is brewing in the palm. The snowball is generally getting bigger and bigger, and there are countless human beings, civilizations, and promotion. This storm, in an instant, swelled to the limit, welcoming the fist of the Heavenly Immortal messenger.

“Foolish, where is the man like a fairy!” Heavenly Immortal messenger burst out: “Give me a break!” Under the punch, the storm of the Emperor’s pen was broken, his fists were unchanged, and he was bombarded with a punch. Entered inside the Astral Qi, the bodyguard of the Emperor’s pen, and touched his body.

“Heart Demon curse, Heaven and Earth Demon Sect.”

A secret black smoke appeared behind the Messenger of Heavenly Immortal. Among the black smoke, the shape of the old man of Heart Demon appeared. The face of the old man of Heart Demon is no longer old, but shows the radiance of the baby, like to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones. Advance to another realm, free to move, in both eyes, there are actually three thousand compound eyes, each compound eye, flashing magic light.

This is already the realm of the Holy Devil, and also Heavenly Immortal.

He was surprised to appear, his body flickered, and a palm hit, a small world of Demon Sect, appeared in the palm of his hand, but just hit the Heavenly Immortal messenger. Immediately, a strong sag was created, causing the Heavenly Immortal messenger to be sent to the center of the demon domain.

His palm is not an attack, but a transmission. As soon as it is hit, the body of the Heavenly Immortal messenger will be transmitted into the magic domain, and it will be attacked by countless democrats and demons.

“Little Demon Sect, give me a close! Heart Demon old man? Your name is also in the list of the genius.”

Suddenly, the Heavenly Immortal messenger turned around and smashed the world’s Demon Sect in one hand. At the same time, he lifted his foot and took it out. He even kicked the heart of Heart Demon directly. open.

Heart Demon is old for the sake of black smoke.

“Want to disperse, re-attack?” Heavenly Immortal The ambassador opened his mouth and whirls in his mouth, and he sucked the smoky smoke into his body.

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