Eternal Life

Chapter 850

“It is a pity. It is the gods of these Protoss, the king of God, how many Divine Ability can be trained, the true god seed?” Fang Han saw countless Protoss, under the punch of the wind white feathers, withered and degraded, the power of God Dissipate, can not help but scream pity. (peak novels, novels) Each of the gods is wealth for him, and can create a discipline of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

However, he felt that the protoss killed by Feng Baiyu were not wasted.

The power of the gods of the Protoss, the god of the gods, was instantly extracted by the power of “Dusk of the Gods”, incorporated into the Emperor’s mirror, and then passed through the Emperor’s mirror, and entered the body, the ancient power of the seal of the wind white feathers, A little bit of awakening.

After falling down to serve the goddess of Lent, the wind white feather seems to have changed into a person, and there is a faint temperament of Lord. This kind of Lord is not a general giant, but a kind of towering in the universe long before a long time ago. The existence of the peak. Heaven and earth are all in one heart.

“Dawei Waste Dragon!” Fang Han did not dare to neglect, his body shrank, the body of the ruined ancestors was slightly shocked, and countless Heavenly Demon blasted, and the ancient gods of the millions of Heavenly Demon condense suddenly disintegrated, countless Demon King’s body split, some cultivation to the Golden Core realm Demon King, after the body was blown up, countless Golden Cores danced in the air, thousands, like stars shining in the sky.

The ruined ancestors, Zhang mouth sucked, countless Golden Cores were sucked into his mouth, and then his body swayed and rushed.

“Fast, full of more than 5,000 Golden Cores.”

Fang Han took a sip, Golden Core swallowed more than 5,000 pieces, all of which were struggling with seals and stored them. Now that he has reached his realm, Golden Core Expert can’t blew himself up, and the thoughts have not yet risen, they are smothered. There is no chance at all to go to nothing. Even the characters of Longevity Mysteries Realm Undying Body have no chance to blew themselves.

“The speed is rushing down, and the consequences are extremely serious.”

The wind white feathers are armed with the Emperor’s mirror. At the time of illumination, the front of the chaotic flesh and blood Heavenly Demon has also turned into blue smoke. He also refused to take care of a lot. He even displayed the light of the eternal life in the Emperor’s Mirror. The existence of this light would suffer eternal damage and turn into fly ash.

In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han wind white feathers carry the power of the majestic, breaking through Heavenly Demon, the blockade of the Protoss army, directly fell into the core of the chaotic flesh and blood, suddenly saw a scene of unforgettable life.

A huge altar, the altar is the color of Wujin, with blood on it. I don’t know how many broken limbs are squirming on it. Many of the Protoss emperors stand beside the altar and read the truth.

Among them, Fang Han saw the Emperor of the Doom, the Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Car, the Emperor of the Scythe, the Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Purple Moon, and so on.

And other small emperors, which are densely packed, are even more numerous. Like the Emperor of the Emperor, the Undying Body is hundreds of thousands of people, revolving around these great emperors, conveying the power of God and singing the scriptures.

These sacred gods, while singing the scriptures, each hold countless cultivators. Each time they sing a verse, they kill the cultivators with their swords, or kill them into two pieces. The bodies are thrown into the altar. Crawling, the sound of crying shocked the world. Countless grievances rushed over the altar.

Some of the most powerful cultivators, after being killed in two halves, will not die, and the altar will creep. Caused a fierce hell scene.

In the deepest part of the altar, the four tall gods are guarding a huge black blood. The four tall gods, some of the Culture Base and the Lent God are similar, but one of them, holding a sword, Culture Base is far above the Lent Protos, actually reveals the rules of life and death. realm.

It is the Longevity Tenth Layer, True Immortal level Expert.

At the Protoss level, True Immortal, I can’t be invincible. It is enough to resist the sunset, the drug is long, and the True Immortal, such as the Holy Land, joins hands.

Just now, the blade light of the god of the gods is obviously the one that the gods have killed.

However, what frightened Fang Han was not the gods who held the “anti-sacred sword”, but the central, the huge Wujin blood.

In the middle of the bloody blood of Wujin, a young man with a whole body **, this young man, handsome and cursed, with long, slender eyes and a cruel smile on his face, he stood, and a blood-shirted man was held down by his head. Hey, the breakdown of the sinking. Struggling to resist, but no matter how resisted, they can’t move, and the strength of the whole body is sucked away bit by bit.

Every time this blood-stained person sucks away a little power, the strength of the young man is raised a little, and Fang Han also feels that the spirit of this young man is always combined with the chaotic elementary tires. It seems that the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact is refining and blending into the body.

The bloody man is amazed by the Artifact Spirit of the chaotic fetus.

Fang Han saw it.

Originally, in the chaotic fetus, this Artifact Spirit was almost invincible, but now the Protoss invaded and displayed the altar, which separated the Artifact Spirit from the entire chaotic fetus, making him alone and helpless. Refinery.

The young man in the blood of Wujin, who is full of strength and terrifying, is almost equal to the Emperor. A surge of power, released a little, can destroy countless planets.

Moreover, the strength of this young man is still improving. Fang Han even feels that this young man’s Cultural Base has arrived at bottleneck, and is now refining the Artifact Spirit, surrendering chaotic tires. Once successful, bottleneck breaks through. Terrifying for horror.

“Fang Han, this young man, is the leader of the Protoss. He will break through the realm of the Emperor. As soon as he gets the ownership of the chaotic element, he immediately breaks through the realm of the Emperor, and smashes the heavens and the earth and kills invincible. Magic Force has no boundaries.” Feng Baiyu looked at it and angered: “In the chaotic fetus, there are countless gods’ bloodlines. Although he can’t directly devour flesh and blood like you, but surrendered this treasure, you can use Aura. Break through the final difficulties, and once the breakthrough, with the true Immortal Dao rule, it is possible to thoroughly refine the chaotic tires. Never let him break, otherwise we will die without a place to die. And, Fang Han, After you get the chaotic element, slowly refine it with the Lesser Karma Technique, and integrate it into your body. What kind of genius is thundering, what is the number of robbing, no matter what. Your strength, between the jumps, is comparable to Heavenly Immortal! Your body, tyrannical reach an incredible degree.”

God, it is Heavenly Immortal.

This young man actually broke through to the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

The existence of Taihuangtian is not really a Heavenly Immortal, only half a Heavenly Immortal. Moreover, the Protoss Heavenly Immortal gods do not know how much stronger than the average Heavenly Immortal. Once promoted, it is true that both Fang Han and Feng Baiyu are likely to die. The wind white feathers can surrender to the gods of the fasting, and it has reached the limit. The god of the True Immortal level can not surrender. Not to mention the gods.

“Incorporating chaotic fetal births, reaching the realm of the gods!” Fang Han heard that the scales were also erected, and the flesh and blood of the chaotic fetus could not be obtained by the Protoss.

“The waste dragons are cracked, the rivers are broken, the heavens and the earth are mixed, the sun and the moon are dull, and the universe is flooded.” When the body was reconciled, Fang Han grabbed and tore out, directly forced, and even opened countless gods, directly cut into the altar. In the middle, the attack went to the Wujin Giants. At the same time, he roared in the sky: “The seniors of the Artifact Spirit must support it. The younger generation has already become a great Dao, come to save you.”

The sound swells out and penetrates the infinite Space, and the huge scorpion fluctuates. Among them, the blood-stained people who supported it hard felt something. When they opened their eyes fiercely, they saw the flooded ancestors of Fang Han. When the Spirit was shocked, the blood was filled, and the numerous arrays of chaotic tires were rotated. One after another huge flesh and blood flies out and turns into a whirlpool, which actually shakes the Wujin altar.

“Damn! At the critical time, there is a loophole. As long as I still insist on an hour, I will be able to thoroughly refine this Artifact Spirit, blending the entire magical treasure, reaching the realm of the Emperor, and supreme!” The young Protoss felt the situation change, and the eyes flashed out of the green evil light, and the corners of their mouths smiled as if they were going to destroy everything in the world.

“All the emperors, listen to my orders, kill people! One does not stay! Mona gods! 旃 神 神 神! 阴流神尊! Against the gods respect! Protect me! Do not leave, everything waits for me to promote Go to the Cultivation Base, and then promote to the Emperor, no matter how many enemies, I will kill.”

The young protoss issued another order, and he pressed the hand of Artifact Spirit on his hand to increase the power of refining. The Artifact Spirit suffers roaring and struggling. There were many cracks on the blood of Wujin.

“Dare to invade, it is self-destruction. The moths are on fire.”

The long-knife, reaching the god of the True Immortal, is the “anti-sacred god”, the god respect, seeing the Fang Han dragon claws cracked, suddenly turned, the blade light exploded, the piece of silver-white snowflakes, In the air, the knife is vertical and horizontal.

In the snowy sword, countless poems flow, and the blade light flashes like a sob. In the blade light, there is no trace of evil, no taste of the Protoss rule, and no sharp knife-killing color, but blood, youth, sweat, struggle… Inspire countless people, go on, go The road to the sky.

This is a very different approach from the Protoss Martial art.

When Fang Han’s dragon claws touched the blade light, they felt the body squatting, and the blood was boiling. There was a feeling of being controlled by the knife.

“Fang Han, this is a knife against the sky, an epic knife, you must be careful, you can’t let the sword invade, otherwise you have nothing, but your body’s six major Immortal Dao, five great demon, many Heavenly Demon, They will be violently provoked by the knife, causing turmoil and being out of control.”

Fang Han ear, to convey the voice of the wind white feather, white feather in the wind Emperor mirror a photo, put in a lot of physical strength Fang Han, again horde.

“So powerful?” Fang Han shocked, and also condensed Spirit, his mind was clear, his mouth vomited, and the reincarnation was spinning, falling into the blade light.

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