Eternal Life

Chapter 844

what? You, the Shadow of the Shadows, also got the idea of ​​the fairy world! How is it possible to communicate with the fairy world? ”

A charming voice, passed out, in the fog of the void, once again appeared a long river, in the long river, is a red dust idea, actually this Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. (peak novels) is the mountain gate of Scarlet Ash Devil Sect.

Then, Eternal Hate Devil Sect, the huge mountain gate of the wild demon, also appeared.

Five pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact appeared in the fog of the depths of the chaotic continent, and the fog of millions of miles was suddenly dispelled. All the creatures in this million-mile country exploded into flesh and blood, flew into the sky, and were plundered by the great demon.

“Damn, you actually robbed the resources of the blood pool of purgatory.” In the blood pool of the purgatory, the Great Emperor of the blood shadow screamed.

“Blood Shadow Great Emperor, you are too stingy. We are all Demon Dao, this time should be the same with the gas, do not fight each other. You blood shadow Mozong, got the idea of ​​the powerful existence of the fairy world, to chaos What is the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact in the mainland? Now, among the big yellow worlds, the winds and clouds are ups and downs, and the forces are staggered. Even if there is a Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, it is nothing. It can’t be against the sky. Unless it is a piece Immortal Artifact is almost the same.”

The pretty Great Emperor stood out, and some of the wild sorcerers were too elder, looming.

The mountain gate of the Wild Devil is a huge war fortress.

All sides are sharp thorns.

A wild battle fort.

A blood shadow, condense shaped body in the air, showing a Middle-aged man with an eyebrow standing, wearing a big red robes, it is the Great Emperor of the Shadow of the Shadows, the blood shadow

Great Emperor, now the Longevity Sixth Layer, CultureReal’s Culture Base.

The rest of the Shadowsman is on Elder, including the Powerhouse of Black Hole Realm Cultivation Base.

The Powerhouse of the Black Hole Realm Cultivation Base, when run a little bit, has a bloody hole in the body. As long as it is a living thing, the blood has a feeling of being dried up by a broken air.

And the people of the Shadow of the Shadows are against the enemy, those disciplines are turned into blood shadows, and under one rush, you turn to the corpse, and the soul blood is sucked away.

“Yes, what is Peerless Grade Dao Artifact? Your bloody magic genius wants to bring us together?”

The Great Emperor, the Great Emperor, also flew out.

Demon Dao Five Great Emperors, communicating in the air.

The Great Emperor is a woman, a tall cloud, and her hair is tied like a phoenix. The face is incomparably pure, like a girl who is not deeply involved in the world, only a pair of nephews, as if wearing a vicissitudes of life and sorrow. However, this woman’s Cultivation Base is actually the highest, condensed her own world, and developed Longevity Seventh Layer, World King Realm.

As soon as she appeared, she asked the Great Emperor.

“This Peerless Grade Dao Artifact is not a general Peerless Grade. Even if we add up to five hills, it is not comparable to the strength of one tenth of it. It is a powerful forging in ancient times. Once it is obtained, it is average. The Immortal Artifact is not his opponent.” The Great Emperor of the Blood Shadow twisted.

“There is such a Peerless Grade Dao Artifact…”

The Great Emperor, the Great Emperor, the Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor are shocked: “There is such a good thing, why should you inform me of the Shadow of the Magic?”

“Because, my blood and shadow, I can’t get this Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. So I need five pulses.” The Great Emperor of Blood Shadow: “In fact, we are Demon Dao Seven Veins, in In the Taikoo era, the same source, is the Yuanshi Mozong branch of the Taikoo Megatron. Even the Great Emperor Yellow Springs, before the reincarnation of the Daoist heritage, a Demonic art, is also the eternal school of the Yuanshi Mozong. So we unite Up, the Great Emperor, all the martial art, condensed into a red dust magic, the vast Emperor, you can condense the wild magic… We Demon Dao, together, five kinds of magic, can be turned into incomplete The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, search on the chaotic continent, you can search for the shadow of this Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. Then collect it together, after refining, return to the Xuanhuang big world. At that time, when the Protoss robbery , you can get great benefits.”

“What? Our Demon Dao Seven Veins, originated from the legendary Taikoo Yuanshi Mozong, is this the fairyland idea you got?”

The red dust Great Emperor was shocked.

“Yes, this is our blood shadow and magic sect to communicate with the fairyland, and get the idea of ​​fairyland.” The Great Shadow of Emperor said: “If you don’t want to be late, let us display all kinds of magic and integrate one. Otherwise, this is a messy continent. Very close to the Promise Star Palace, our movements are too loud and will be known by the Promise Star Palace. At that time, new changes will be made.”

“Giggle, how do you forget our Devil Dao Five Sects to get Peerless Grade Dao Artifact?”

Just then, a burst of sound came.

Sky Silk maiden, appearing in the air.


Five Demon Dao Great Emperor, and many Experts, all look at the Sky Silk maiden.

There is no one behind Sky Silk Niangniang, she is alone, standing in the air, not afraid, watching five Demon Sect Great Emperor, and many Demon Dao Expert: “Demon Sect Great Emperor, now in the Xuanhuang big world, only Two sects, the first is Extreme Unity Sect, the second is the creation of the door! Demon Dao, you still rely on the creation of the door, in order to occupy the heel in the Xuanhuang big world.”

“Made the door? What is the martial art? Sky Silk maiden? You are alone, how did you find the trace of our Demon Sect? Right, you are the land of the ancestral land. Is it the land of the ancestors, and the Demon Dao cooperation?”

The red dust Great Emperor looked and frowned.

“The door of the door of the creation, called Fang Han, you may know. The door is made of Ascension Sect and Stars Sect. If you rely on Fang Han, you will definitely be able to fly. The means of Fang Han is boundless.” Sky Silk Niangniang said: “I am here to give you a clear road. Otherwise, all Demon Dao will fall in the Protoss.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha! 造化门, Fang Han ……” Sky Silk singer, heard five Demon Sect Great Emperor, and many of Demon Sect are too elder to face each other, after a long time, suddenly burst out haha Laughing.

“Sky Silk Niangni, you are not out of heart? Fang Han is a kid, but a small servant. In the rumor, he got the treasure of Tianwu’s library, but at most it is a genius. Create a door against Extreme Unity Sect?”

“Absolutely crazy, Fang Han’s kid, up to the Longevity four Fifth Layer’s Culture Base has reached the peak, and wants to fight against Extreme Unity Sect? It is rumored that he hooked up the smoke of Extreme Unity Sect. Now that the smoke and water has been taken, he is timid and shrinking, and it has not appeared.”

“Fang Han, this young man is very good in the Xuanhuangda world, but unfortunately I was at the Closed door meditation.”

“It’s really awesome. I have to say that this character is a new show from Genius, but the rookie is a rookie. It must be precipitated in time before it can make a big wave.”

“Is that the Ascension Sect disciple that got the Yellow Springs Diagram?”

“This kid, too mad, when to grab the Yellow Springs Diagram, destroy it, use its soul sacrificial refining into a magical treasure, certainly very powerful.”

Many of them are too elder, and Demon Sect has a lot of arguments and laughs.

Suddenly, among the Shadows of the Shadows, an old monster giggles, “Sky Silk, I am missing a Maid, you are my little Maid, don’t talk nonsense all day.” In the laughter, one Only a bloody big hand, broke out of the air, like lightning, caught in the air, strong blood and suffocating, shrouded a thousand miles.

This old monster, Longevity Sixth Layer, Empyeran Realm’s Powerhouse, grabbed it and displayed it.

However, this bloody giant palm just flew to the top of Sky Silk’s maiden’s head, and the maiden maiden’s face moved, and a scorpion, rising from the sky, only slightly rotated, the smashing of the bloody giant palm, and the symbol The power of the situation, the potential is not waning, turned into a vast river, directly impacted the blood pool of purgatory.

Bang! The blood pool of the Purgatory was hit by this, and many of the blood shadows above were evaporated. Many Elders of the Shadow and Shadows, and even the cultivator of Longevity Mysteries Realm, all exploded. Some Golden Core’s disciplines were directly extinct, purgatory. The blood pool was hit by a large gap, and countless blood rushed out.

“This is! True Immortal! Longevity Tenth Layer’s True Immortal Expert, which takes a lot of life and refines the symbols.” Some old monsters were shocked.

“Her her!”

“In the body of her body, there are countless True Immortal symbols. This must be given to her by the Fang Han, and it is no wonder that she has singled out us.”

“Yes, take her. Search his soul, find the hiding place of Fang Han’s kid, and then grab it, and we can get the treasure of Tianwu’s library.”

“Just like this, join hands!”

Five Demon Sect Great Emperor, many old monsters, seeing this scene, have inspired the temperament of the heart, urging Divine Ability, and for a time, countless Devil Qi’s big hands, falling from the sky, turned the chaotic continent’s plate They all swayed and cracked.

Sky Silk’s face changed, so many magic hands, even Void Immortal, I am afraid to retreat.

Just then, a sound was heard: “Demon Sect Great Emperor, you actually have to deal with a little girl, it is too much.”


A huge dragon claw, with the ancient Aura of the ancient desolation, the wild, descended from the sky, this dragon claw is as big as a mountain, between the scales, countless Devil Qi have been eliminated.

The dragon claws came down, and one after another, Demon Dao Divine Ability was completely broken up. Many old monsters were shocked, and they only felt the mighty thoughts. Passing over, their hearts could not resist, wow a bloody jet. Come out.

The five Demon Sect Great Emperor are covered by the power of the dragon claws, and the body is involuntarily shrunk.

“not good!”

The peerless Expert of the Five Magicians, some of the mixed-hole Mysteries Realm’s Elder, between the arrogant, sacrificed their own holes, finally resisted the dragon claws for a while, making the five Demon Emperor get out.

“I want to kill you. It’s easy, but my purpose is to let you go to me.”

The dragon claws disappeared and the body of Fang Han appeared.

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