Eternal Life

Chapter 842

The immortal ancient thunderbolt trembled in the air, completely no longer the power of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, but the power of Immortal Artifact, a bombardment of the Underbidden art of Extreme Unity Sect under high altitude And one after another great array destroyed. (peak novels, novels) What is the great array, can not withstand the bombardment of this ancient Gulei gun.

Indeed, the power of the current Gulei cannon is already Immortal Artifact.

I don’t know how it is cultivation to this point.

Extreme Unity Sect This time, in order to deal with Fang Han, I don’t know how much effort I put out, how many heavy arrays are placed outside. Even if Heavenly Immortal came, I was afraid to crack it for a while before I could enter.

However, the power of the immortal ancient thunderbolt at this time, a fierce blow, in the crystal mans, carrying the magic of the gods, tearing the great array like a knife cut meat, easy to use.

With only one click, the mountains of the Extreme Unity Sect created cracks and cracks everywhere.

Another blow, the many halls of Extreme Unity Sect suddenly exploded and turned into rubble.

A second blow, the huge thunderbolt, has smashed all the bans, the formation, move towards the siege of Fang Han’s great array.

Everyone felt the power of the immortal ancient thunderbolt, and they were shocked. The real king, the round bodhisattva and others retreated, because they felt that the ancient thunderbolt had enough power to destroy itself.


At this time, Taihuangtian also knew that things could not be delayed. The arm was facing up and shocked. It was replaced by a non-moving seal, and it was hit up, and the rumbling bulging, the big hand covered the sky, and the hard-hitting ancient thunderbolt. At the same time, the Doomsday Battle Flag flew out again from the great array in an attempt to withstand the radiance of the immortal Gulei.

Sure enough, the crystal light of the immortal Gulei cannon was destroyed by the destruction of the doomsday battle flag, and countless rays blasted on the battle flag, and the protection of the battle flag could not be broken.

“Sure enough, as I expected, Fang Qingxue, you dare not appear here, only to cast a virtual projection.”

After Emperor Tiantian resisted the crystal light of the immortal Gulei gun, his mood was relaxed.

However, in the next moment, in the city of violent thunder, a sound is heard: “A song of fate, played in the world. In the moment of the century, the robbery robbed the world, controlled the fate, no disaster, no robbery… …”

“Lesser Karma Technique !”

Tai Huangtian’s body moved and his face showed a look of fear: “No, this is not the Lesser Karma Technique? This is…”

In the voice, bang! That ruined the doomsday battle flag, and suddenly it was bombarded by the crystal of the immortal Gulei gun. Then the radiance of the immortal ancient thunderbolt, the rest of the situation is not bad, directly explode the ancient array of Xuanmen robbery, let Fang Han feel the first line of life.

“It’s actually the Senior Sister Qingxue !Senior Sister Qingxue cultivation!”

Fang Han was struggling to support him in the ancient squad. He was oppressed by the emperor and other people, but he did not expect that the immortal ancient thunder guns appeared, and the power was so great.

He immediately rushed out like Jiao Dragon, vacated, his paws torn and flew out.

“Fang Han, wait a minute, dangerous!”

The wind white feather suddenly said.

In the moment, Fang Han felt a great danger in his heart, and he quickly stopped his body. Suddenly he saw an unforgettable scene of eternal life.

On the high sky, a large gate of the fairyland with a wide range of hundreds of thousands of miles suddenly appeared. This gate of the fairyland is unprecedented in Fang Han’s view. It was only seen in the original confusion of the messy Yuanquan, the residual thought of the Heavenly Monarch.

The ancient door of the fairyland opened, and one of the transparent big hands grabbed it. This transparent big hand, under the grasp of it, seems that the whole world of Xuanhuang is shrinking, and he must be caught in his hand, and the thunderstorm The city, the immortal ancient thunderbolt under this grasp, keeps cracking open, the power of this big hand has surpassed the boundaries of all time and space, at least in the understanding of Fang Han, has not seen the power of such a great shore .

If Fang Han didn’t wait for the wind white feathers, then he would have rushed forward and was pinched in his hand.

The city of violent thunder, the immortal ancient thunder gun under the big hand mad, fragmented, Fang Han heart scared: “Senior Sister Qingxue !”

“It doesn’t matter, this is just the projection of Fang Qingxue. She uses Immortal Magic Force to display Immortal Artifact, and uses Lesser Karma Technique to spend life and pass Divine Ability. She has long calculated that this time if she comes to Extreme Unity Sect, she will encounter To the darkness from the fairy world. But you don’t have to worry about it. The powerful existence of the fairy world must be bound by the rules of the immortal world. It will not really lower the boundary. Under this dark calculation, I don’t know how long it has been saved. To destroy the rules, the power needed is too It’s tyrannical and it’s too expensive.”

The rules of Feng Baiyu on the fairyland seem to be very clear.

“The power of destiny, the distribution of the heavens, the control of everything, everything in the world must be surrendered, and the fate said that it will not exist again.” In the final destruction of the immortal Gulei cannon, Fang Qingxue’s voice was firmly passed. A vast force has cut off the source of strength of the horrible master. The huge gate of the fairyland seems to be sealed by a force, and it is impossible to accumulate power from the immortal world.

At the moment, the world is out of balance, the tides of the Yuan Dynasty erupt from the center, the immortal ancient thunderbolt, the city of thunder and lightning, all destroyed. At the moment of destruction, there was a sky between the heavens and the earth, and the horrible hand disappeared.

“good chance!”

Fang Han seized this opportunity and fled from here. If this is not possible, I will not escape this time. Just at the moment when he wanted to escape, he suddenly heard the eagerness of the mind: “Fang Han, save us and save.”

“It’s Sun and Moon Sword Sect, Pill Cauldron Sword School, Water Crystal Paradise…” Fang Han saw, in the vague, three Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts flew out.

These three sects, like Fang Han, were suppressed in the ancient array of Xuanmen, but Taihuangtian just told them to surrender, not killing them, so they only trapped, and now Fang Qingxue is blasting. In the ancient array, they also got out, but they knew that they could not get out of it with the power of one faction. So I can only catch the big tree of Fang Han.

“A good opportunity, just received these three sects, merged into the door of my creation, fled out and prepared for the future Protoss robbery.” Fang Han was overjoyed, and waved the three Peerless Grade Dao Artifact Go on.

Later, he sang in the air, and in the blink of an eye, through the tens of billions of parallel Spaces, he has already reached space. Deviated from the mysterious big world. Suddenly there is a taste of the broad sky.

“Not good, let the obstacles run out.” Tai Huangtian sensed in the sky, Fang Han actually got out and flew out, suddenly his eyes cracked, his eyes shed blood, he deeply knew the horror of Fang Han, This time it took a lot of effort. I didn’t know how many bureaus were laid down. I finally trapped Fang Han. If he let him run away, then there would be no such good opportunity.

Between the moments, his body exploded, turned into a mighty disaster, and eternal, move towards Fang Han swept the past, “the world is long, eternal disaster.”

“Tai Huangtian, now you dare to be like me, can you trap me?” Fang Han’s body, stopped in the air, motionless, let the long river of the emperor’s incarnation swept through, the shape of the entire ruined dragon, Under the erosion of the gas of disaster, it gradually disappeared. It turned out to be a virtual shadow. I really didn’t know where to go.

“Damn, hateful! Emperor Mirror, is the power of the Emperor Mirror.” Tai Huangtian hands clasped, outside the Xuanhuang big world, countless planets, he was smashed and turned into a meteorite, but how can not find The shadow of Fang Han.

Fang Han seems to have never appeared on this world.

“Damn!” Tai Huangtian was full of anger, but nowhere to vent.

“Fang Han, this is extremely dangerous.” At this time, in a vast starry sky, Fang Han turned into a small dust, floating in the universe. Feng Bai Yu has a heart and soul.

“Senior Sister Qingxue, came to the rescue, but she did not appear. I don’t know how she is doing now.” Fang Han was disappointed.

“She must have reached a level of unfathomable strength now.” Feng Bai Yu sighed: “You don’t have to worry about her safety. Where are we going now?”

“Integrating the Taoist friends first, this time, the Immortal Dao conference, the Extreme Unity Sect design killed me, but did not succeed, but let me rescue the Sun and Moon Sword Sect, Pill Cauldron Sword School, Water Crystal Paradise. Come out!”

Among the Space of the Eight Floats, Fang Han waved his hand, and the three sects of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact appeared in front of them. Sun and Moon Sword Sect’s lord, Crystal, Pill Cauldron Sword School’s Headmaster, carried many On Elder, both appeared in front of Fang Han.

“Fang Han Daoyou, you are really unparalleled. At the 4th Millennium Life essence conference of Immortal Venerable, I expected you to have a promising future. I can’t think of you now, I have grown into a hegemon.” Sectmaster of Water Crystal Paradise The crystal sighed.

“Many thanks, Fang Han suffers.” Fang Han quickly said: “You are a friend of the road. Now the situation is that Extreme Unity Sect is huge and has the support of the fairy world. We can only merge and fight against it. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable. .”

“Fang Han Daoyou mean, we know.” Crystal Zidao: “Our Water Crystal Paradise, willing to merge with the building of the door, become a part of the creation of the door. For the Protoss big robbery.”

“Our Sun and Moon Sword Sect are also willing.”

The lord of Sun and Moon Sword Sect, discussed with Elder Elder for a while, stepped forward.

“Pill Cauldron Sword School is also willing.”

The three sects, up to now, are all in the water, and they are all incorporated into the gates of the building, because they know that it is difficult to leave Fang Han now. It will still be smashed by the Extreme Unity Sect.

Now, Fang Han has escaped from the strangulation of Extreme Unity Sect. It is invincible with luck, and he will surely get endless benefits in the future. At least it is guaranteed to be safe.

“Okay, well, many thanks to the support of your friends, now the merger ceremony!” Fang Han immediately arranged the merger ceremony and announced the merger. Oath to the Alliance.

Finally, the creation gate, between the two, has six halls, respectively, feathering, stars, Tongtian, Danding, Sun and Moon, crystal.

“Fang Han, where are we going now?” Feng Bai Yu.

“Go to the chaotic continent, I am going to surrender Demon Dao, because of my chess pieces, where the Sky Silk maiden is already.” Fang Han was shocked, with everyone, disappearing into the stars.

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