Eternal Life

Chapter 839

Fang Han is dangerous at this time. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Faced with the attack of the three major Experts.

The drug is long, fighting sunset, is the True Immortal level Expert, his current strength, can only compete, plus the wind white feather can only take the upper hand. Of course, if only the two big True Immortal to kill him, he can also run away, but with a Heavenly Immortal level of the Emperor, it is really dangerous, life and death in the blink of an eye.

The method of Taihuangtian is endless. It seems to be a god that can never be beaten. Every punch and punch is carried through the heavens and the earth, and immediately rises and tears the domineering of the door of the fairy world.

This kind of domineering can completely be said to completely suppress the power of Fang Han, Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, and even Divine Ability. Even if it is a singularity, it will not hurt too much.

You know, Taihuangtian is now at the Heavenly Immortal level. Although it is not as smooth as the Heavenly Immortal Great Dao, it is Heavenly Immortal. Fang Han is now just Black Hole Realm, which is a three-pronged world.

The difference between the two realms, Fang Han can also compete, the difference between the three realms, it can not be compared.

Moreover, these three realms are still a big realm, True Immortal to Heavenly Immortal, one is Longevity Mysteries Realm, and the other is Immortal, which is really in the Heavenly Immortal position. So Fang Han was in front of Heavenly Immortal, a Culture Base, only one-third of the exhibits, and the rules were banned.

Fang Han is now incarnate for the high ancestors of one person.

The dragon claws face up, resisting the fist of Taihuangtian, and the golden gun of the next day is caught by the big hand of Taihuangtian…

And his abdomen was smashed with a knife, but no blood was flowing.

His body, originally a combination of human treasures, only hurts eight battalions.

“Kill a knife in hand, ghosts don’t stay. Fang Han, you remember, my knife, called Luo Yudou knife, killing stars, once I get into the body, Immortal can’t escape.”

After the sunset and sneer, after a knife broke into the body of Fang Han, the blade fluctuated and the body of Fang Han was directly dismembered.

“My empty and illusory ancient poison is the ancient ancient poison. This ancient poisonous foot can make you thousands of times, all suffering, never able to be free, he can make you become a poisonous Demon King, you Such a powerful body turned into a poisonous Demon King and became a poisonous person in my drug god valley. How powerful is that?”

The drug is also facing the fierce road of Fang Han…

“Nether-empty ancient poison”

Once the poison entered the body, Fang Han immediately felt it. The poisonous gas began to melt and even eroded into various Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts. Some of the ordinary Heavenly Demons in the peripheral world were highly toxic. An invasion immediately screams, the whole body melts, turns into a poisonous person, and even some magical treasures are turned into poisonous spirits.

This is like the overbearing “everything dragon”, even a stone, can be turned into stone dragon.

And this “empty and illusory ancient poison” is endless. Even if it is ordinary magical treasure without sex, as soon as it is contaminated, many materials have become an ancient poison spirit… the spirit of poison.

Fang Han has never seen such a powerful poison.

If you let this poisonous gas spread, Heavenly Feather Temple, Taikoo meteorite, cultivator of Tongtianjiancheng, all will be destroyed, become a plague city, people inside are transformed into poisonous people, magical treasure Become a poisonous spirit.

However, at this moment, Fang Han’s Great Poison Technique suddenly started to work. It seemed that the hungry wolf saw the rabbit. In the midst of the shock, there was a woman’s illusion in the Rune of the Great Poison Technique. This woman has three thousand feet of white hair, her eyes are green, her mouth is sucking, and she bursts into a sigh of sighs. The magical “empty and illusory ancient poison” actually does not listen to the command of the long-term, long whales absorb water and put in Fang Han Great. Poison Technique’s runes…

“Sigh of sorrow”

The medicine was shocked for a long time, and in the ears, listening to the long sigh, suddenly it seemed to have suffered a lightning strike. His emptiness and sorrow, he continued to be plundered by the other side, and the woman with a white hair of three thousand feet sighed louder and louder, and even his hard-working Great Poison Technique had some cracking taste.

This Three Thousand Great Daos, if it is plundered by the enemy, he will re-cultivation, and even many sinisters will be displayed.

Yaoshen Valley, known as the drug god, must know how to use poison.

But now he knows that in the Fang Han Great Poison Technique, there is actually a sigh of poisonous san. This is a supreme realm. It is rumored to be in the fairy world. There is an ancient poisonous Holy Spirit. When the cultivation Great Poison Technique reaches the highest level, it will communicate the poisonous Holy Spirit, the world and the earth, and the sigh of poisonous san…

“In the rumor, even Divine Immortal, cultivation Great Poison Technique, it is impossible to cultivate the poisonous holy sigh. How could he succeed in cultivation?” The drug was so horrified: “My pharmacist Ancestor did not cultivate the Great Poison Technique. The realm of the sigh of poisonous sacred. The emptiness of ancient illusion, can not be lost. This ancient poison is the treasure of Zhenshan of my pharmacy. Once I lose this ancient poison, how many people who peep at my medicine god herb will To invade”

The empty and illusory ancient poison, since it is known as ancient poison, is the refining of the ancient ancestors, and now the cultivator, it is impossible to refine the success.

“You still want to take back this empty fantasy” Fang Han made a fierce voice, Great Poison Technique once again violently running, ** a symbol, soaring up, this symbol is the symbol of the world’s free Wang Buddha, the above six words The mantra, shot out of the golden light, and suppressed all the vagain ancient poisons…

The empty vanity that entered Fang Han ** was turned into a long river of gray. In the middle of the river, countless poisonous spirits rolled, and the poisonous spirit, some extremely tyrannical, even possessed The Culture Base of Empyrean Realm.

The drug is used to kill people with empty space and evil spirits. Every time you kill one person, the person changes into a poisonous spirit, which is integrated into the ancient poison and adds power.

He wants to break into Fang Han **, then converts everyone in Fang Han into a poisonous spirit, and finally transforms it with Fang Han. The eight Buddhism were also poisoned together.

However, he did not think that Fang Han’s Great Poison Technique, which was acquired by the scorpio Umo, was much more powerful than him… As the nephew of the ancient gods, the sacred Umo has sighed the Great Poison Technique to the sigh of the poisonous sanctuary. The realm of the present, now, the drug is a dilemma.

“Ah is actually able to withstand the void and the ancient poison. Chang Tianxiong, I will help you.”

Fighting the sunset and urging the power, the knife inserted into the body of Fang Han turned over again, and launched a set of peerless knives to separate Fang Han.

“Dusk of the Gods, although powerful, but I will never move, I am like one, the earth collapses, and I exist alone.” Tai Huangtian suddenly oppressed the flag of the destruction of the end.

The five mixed holes of the white wind and the white feathers all blew open, and a blood spurted out. In the Supreme Dragon Ball, his face was pale and seemed to have been seriously injured…

After all, he did not improve the Culture Base. Although there were four major Void Immortal assists, he was defeated by Taiwangtian.

“Unfortunately, if I have restored all the strength, even the eternal Heavenly Monarch, the disaster Heavenly Monarch……….” Feng Baiyu immediately adjusted his interest, his face showed a kind of “Longyou shoal, shrimp play, tiger The state of falling plains is bullied by dogs.


Tai Huangtian defeated the Dusk of the Gods, the power increased, the tall and standing, the gods descended, and the palm fell, hit the leader of Fang Han. After being completely smashed, the wind white feathers were taken out of the body of Fang Han.

“Drug Changtiandaoyou, you don’t have to worry, if I am, Fang Han will not take you half a minute.”

Kā chā

Between the fall of the Emperor’s palm, the dragon’s head on Fang Han’s head was first broken, and the scales on his head were broken. In the faucet, a world was revealed, and the inside of the world was Tongtianjiancheng. , Taikoo meteorite, Heavenly Feather Temple, Cangsheng Seal, Yellow Springs Diagram, and many other treasures…

“Give me a big opening”

The sunset is also laughing, and the long knife is drawn upwards. Actually, Fang Han’s incarnation of the body has been given.

Immediately, in the abdomen of the ruined ancestors, all the scenes were revealed. There was no internal organs, and some were the world of the First Layer First Layer. After the sunset, I saw it. In the depths of the multiple worlds, a huge dragon Shadows, as well as the shadow of the Black Emperor tide, appear in it.

“Haha, two Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, I want to get it.”

Fighting the sunset and grabbing the multiple worlds of Fang Han **, we must grasp the illusion of two pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact.

Just then, the loud voice sounded clear.

“My existence is the truth of fate.”

“The long river of destiny, rolling forward, I stand on the tide, always before fate.”

“Under destiny, no one is eternal. Great Dao will also decline, but the fate will last forever.”

This bright voice, such as the trend of the times, instantly drowned all the sounds, even the Emperor’s “Eternal Immovable Reality Law” began to burst.


Fang Han Hong Qian Zulong’s body, once again began to condense, the place that was broken, repaired at an incredible speed.

The mouth of the sunset, the mouth of the scorpion, was shocked. People also flew far away.

The drug was long, and was thrown by Fang Han’s dragon claws. He even tore off the small half of the body. The pain caused him to scream loudly and squirm, which made the small half body grow out.

Fang Han stood in the center again. At this time, the wind was sturdy, the dragon body stood upright, the claws pointed to the square, the life was burning on the top of the head, and a huge fate of power fell.

“You are a friend, he started to use the Lesser Karma Technique. This Dao technique is a branch of the Great Destiny Technique. It is supernatural. Beyond all Divine Ability, but this Dao technique, at the expense of burning its own life, Extreme Unity Sect listens to the order and mobilizes the array. The friends of the Tao, occupy the position.”

When Emperor Taiyi listened to this voice, he immediately screamed, his body fluttering, and his hand was raised. Suddenly, in the entire disaster temple, an ancient array, under the trigger of all Expert of the Extreme Unity Sect, slowly run.

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