Eternal Life

Chapter 836

“Qi Zhenjun, died!”

Fang Han’s dragon claws were invincible, pinching the Void Immortal rule in the world inside the other’s body, and began to prosper, and countless forces passed in, and suddenly Qi Zhenjun’s body almost fell apart. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Among the dragon claws, the amount of violent violence, carrying the strength of Fang Han itself, the power of the wind white feathers, the power of the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact of the three major sects, the body of True Immortal can not withstand the one hit. Not to mention Qi Zhenjun who has not yet completed True Immortal.

Immediately, Qi Zhenjun’s body began to crack.

And his body, which was shortened in an instant, was inhaled by the dragon Han.

“Qi Zhenjun!”

Immortal Venerable immediately shot and bombarded the dragon body of Fang Han, but Fang Han broke the body of Astral Qi with a tail and flew away.

Fortunately, Fang Han tried his best to suppress and kill Qi Zhenjun, the Void Immortal, and it was too late to kill him and let him escape.

The screams of Qi Zhenjun’s fierce screaming resounded in the temple of disaster.

Tai Huangtian saw that the liver and gallbladder were cracked. Qi Zhenjun was a guest invited by him. The co-workers dealt with Fang Han. Now, not only did they not kill Fang Han, but they were attacked by Fang Han, and they were sucked into the dragon claws. Obviously, they were fierce.

After the “big easy to teach” to ask, Extreme Unity Sect still do not know what to do.

Although Extreme Unity Sect is tyrannical, it is not comparable to the “big easy to teach”, which is more than a million years old, and the power of the infinite emptiness of the big sects.

“Junior, you dare to attack, find death!”

Taihuangtian shot like electricity, big hands hanging, Tianhe rewinding, five fingers like Optimus Prime, blocking all the voids, Skynet is restored and not leaking, covering Fang Han, even if he cunning like a fish, there is no use, to be Tai Huangtian caught it in his hand.

However, a miracle has appeared.

Fang Han smashed the “Qi Zhenjun” form and disappeared again. Under the Emperor’s big hand, only a virtual shadow was captured, and the virtual shadow broke. Fang Han disappeared without a trace, and he couldn’t catch his trace. .

“Emperor Mirror!” Tai Huangtian was completely angry. He knew that it was the function of the Emperor Mirror. This ancient mirror is infinitely useful. Although it is now Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, if it is normal, it is definitely more powerful than the general Immortal Artifact. .

“Not good, be careful Fang Han sneak attack.”

“He disappeared again.”

“Oops, Qi Zhenjun has been sneaked, what should I do? If he sneak attacks, we can’t resist it.”

“With so many Experts present today, there is no way for Fang Han. The ability of this person is too terrifying.”

“Now, I know what it means to be a ghost.”

“Fang Han, little beast, you have the ability to come and attack me. Otherwise, I will show you the Dao technique, and you will be arrested.” The sunset, the True Immortal, is also angry and angry, suddenly, the body shoots Thousands of vitality, each element has turned into a hollow hand, and all the people present have felt that the cold wind is whizzing past, and even the gods are almost directly caught.

However, it does not help, and no shadow of Fang Han can be caught at all.

After a blow, Qi Zhenjun disappeared and Fang Han disappeared. All the cultivators in the entire disaster temple, the disaster plain, and Fang Han are in a panic.

“The hidden martial arts of the Emperor Mirror is really tyrannical. There is no magic trick that can be cracked, but the wind white feathers are getting more and more horrible. I don’t know what technology he cultivated, but he can display the ability to jump. At sunset, this True Immortal can’t search. If you keep doing this, everyone will be self-defeating. I am afraid that Extreme Unity Sect will be meticulously embarrassed.

Water Crystal Paradise Headmaster crystal shrinks Magic Force. He naturally knows that Fang Han will not come to attack him, but he is also afraid of chaos. The people of Water Crystal Paradise have suffered heavy losses, so he took Water Crystal Paradise’s Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, The crystal sacred hood was sacrificed, and all the martial arts Experts entered it.

Tai Huangtian used his hand to make a catastrophic temperament, filled with thousands of emptiness, and once again displayed a powerful forbidden art search, so that Fang Han could not be seen.

In the temper of the disaster, the shadows of countless ghosts and gods shuttled through the void to keep moving.

However, Fang Han still does not appear.

“What do we do now? Are we escaping, or continue to kill? Kill a few Experts, kill one Expert every time, and turn it over. My strength will increase by one point. Now I have suppressed Qi Zhenjun, though There is no crossing, but it is almost the same. Can you get it?”

Among the countless tiny Space dusts, the tiny Space dust that Fang Han condensed into is fascinating and floating, almost reaching a subtle realm.

“With the help of your Yuanshi, I have completely spurred the powerful method of the Emperor’s mirror, and the light and the dusty fairy tales. However, my ability is limited and I can’t persist for a long time. There was a flaw, and the Extreme Unity Sect was a bit devastating, exerting a devastating force, urging the disaster temple, True Qi in the disaster plain, and immediately turning the land into nothing, the lives of millions of Rogue Cultivators. The flesh and blood are all integrated into it, and the refining of the void can still force us out. You speed up the Qizheng and strengthen the power. Waiting for the opportunity, we rushed out, the sky is wide, free and unfettered, let Extreme Unity Sect eat a big loss. ”

Feng Baiyu stood in the Dragon Ball of the Supreme Dragon Ball, and countless pure yang spirits burned around him. He held the Emperor’s mirror and kept turning. On the Emperor’s mirror, he showed six large characters “and its light, with its dust”. .

These six characters, old, full of artistic conception, really have Huigen’s cultivator. When you see these six words, you will realize many truths in your heart.

This is also a means of the Emperor’s Mirror. One of the fairy tales is called the Light and the Dust. It is because of this fairy tales that it has covered the Aura of Fang Han and can make Fang Han go out of his way.

However, Feng Baiyu had a huge amount of pure yang strength support at this time. It was very difficult to turn the Emperor’s mirror. The drops of sweat on his face dripped down and appeared very difficult.

At that time, Nazi Zhenjun was inserted into the body by the three major Void Immortal, Xuan Wuzhen, Yuan Wuzhen, Yu Wenji, and the three major Void Immortal kept the Great Puppet Technique and Great Ferrying Technique. His body, while he was turning him, turned him into a beggar.

Qi Zhenjun is constantly struggling, but Yuan Wuzhen’s own strength is much stronger than him. What’s more, is the trio teamed up? When I lived in the town, how to struggle didn’t help. Fang Han’s powerful thoughts were filled with the top, and the time passed quickly. In an instant, it was ten years and twenty years passed.

After a long time of crossing, Qi Zhenjun finally couldn’t stand it. All the thoughts of God disappeared. He squatted on the ground and said to Fang Han: “Master, slave Qi Zhenjun, eternal loyalty, no betrayal, if it violates The gods are gone.”

“Okay! I also turned a Void Immortal. Now among the eight floats, four Void Immortal, I broke through the pass, and the grasp of flying out is even greater.” Fang Han once turned Qi Zhenjun and immediately took advantage of his strength. Communicating with him, God entered his world, controlled his Void Immortal rule, and used his Divine Ability, Magic Force.

All of the four Magic Forces of the Void Immortal are all integrated into his life, the law of the world, and the operation reaches the limit. The most deep-rooted artifacts of the tortoise, the tortoise shell, are also spurred to rotate at high speed. The power of Fang Han is like a wave of waves, like the tides of the heavens and the earth.

“The strength of the four Void Immortal, perfused into his body, has not been blasted. It is also a horrible thing.” Feng Baiyu saw this scene, and his heart was shocked: “He is now weak, but he is weak. I will definitely be flying in the future. But today, this big robbery, I don’t know if I can pass, I have no confidence in my heart.”

“Master, you have to condense 33 Skies. I have worked hard and sold all the savings in Zhenjun Building. Only after collecting these materials, you take it and consolidate this treasure.”

Just when Fang Han crossed Qi Zhenjun, Qi Zhenjun expressed his loyalty. From the depths of his own world, he flew out a huge green skin gourd. This gourd is not a magical treasure, but a natural spiritual thing, as if from It was taken from the fairy vine of the fairy world.

“Master, this gourd, is the material for refining the harvest of the celestial scorpion, which was taken from a fairy vine. It contains the innate Great Dao, the ancient rune, which contains one hundred Creation Realm’s Expert, and countless fairy circles. Unfortunately, I don’t dare to refine myself, fearing damage to the material, Master Magic Force Divine Ability, the world is invincible. The day and month will definitely be able to refine.”

Qi Zhenjun dedicated all of it.

“Okay, good! Wanjin is hard to buy! These materials are hard to buy!” Fang Han took the gourd and looked inside. He saw a lot of fairy material and some cultivation to Longevity Fifth. Layer, Creation Realm’s Demon Soul, and the sealed Lord Rogue Cultivator, don’t know how Qi Zhenjun got it.

These materials, he went to get it himself, certainly can’t get it. Even if you have a medicine pill, you can’t get it.

But now that it is basically complete, you can refine the thirty-three treasures.

Of course, nowadays, it is impossible to refine. If you want to know the refining of this kind of treasure, you have to choose the time, the location, the people, and you can’t have any loopholes. Otherwise, all the materials will be destroyed and people will be easily injured.

“I will kill the Immortal Venerable on that Sunday, and I will be among the eight floats. The five major Void Immortal will join hands. My strength can be upgraded to a level, and I can break through the forbidden art and get out.”

Fang Han was struggling between the forces and aimed at the Immortal Venerable on Sunday.

He had previously attacked Qi Zhenjun because the other party lost Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, the strength was in a weak stage, and he had to deal with it, knowing the roots, and there would be no other changes. In case of attacking others, it would be unsuccessful and caught by Taiwangtian. Opportunity, if you are trapped, you will fail completely, and you really have to die.

And on Sunday, Immortal Venerable, he knows the roots and wants to kill the sneak attack again!

“In front, it is Aura of Immortal Venerable on Sunday!”

Fang Han runs Magic Force and feels the billions of Space dust. Aura, the Immortal Venerable, is suddenly lurking in the past. From Space, it swells and it is full of impact with the Sunday Immortal Venerable. In the eyes of Immortal Venerable’s terrifying difference on Sunday, Fang Han was calm and cold, but his shot was cold, and a dragon claw caught the door.

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