Eternal Life

Chapter 834

“Fang Han, Fang Han, let you be like a ghost, like a fox, but you can’t beat an experienced hunter. (peak novels, novels) I have more than 100,000 years of experience in the emperor’s practice. Know how much. Everything about you is in my calculations. Do you think that you are outside, I don’t know? You are too small to look at me.”

The emperor’s day is in full swing, and the whole body robes are hunting, such as an ancient king, standing in the void, gazing like electricity, piercing the sky, arbitrarily distorted, and the law of heaven works with his mind.

“Repair the world, many big worlds, have my friends. My message is spread all over the universe. But today, so many friends come to trouble you, to kill you, but also yourself, you can’t live. You are Outside, burning and plundering, I thought I could be free and unfettered, but killing too much, and one day I will get a contribution, which is the debt that you have provoked yourself.”

“Fang Han, what do you have to say now? You have been the enemy of the world.” Taihetian shouted.

“There is no retreat, all your killings are in today, to get the contribution.” Too sinful and sneer: “We will never underestimate you, Fang Han. Although you are a small servant, but grew up to this one today. To the point, we are not stupid, and we know that there is a huge gas transport in your body, everything can be ruined, and it has great benefits. But our Extreme Unity Sect, adhering to the fairy world, you How can a small person fight?”

“Fang Han, you are a personal thing, if our Extreme Unity Sect has a discipline like you, I am afraid that I will do something in the fairy world in the future. Unfortunately, the Tao is different.” Fang Han, it seems to be watching a dead fish, but with a sigh of sighs. “Today, we have laid this time for a long time. This game of chess, you lost.”

This game of chess, you lost!

Extreme Unity Sect Headmaster Speaking of the words of the Supreme Court, it is tantamount to the conclusion that Fang Han will die.

At the Immortal Dao conference of Extreme Unity Sect, no one expected that Extreme Unity Sect’s Taihuangtian would have invited so many characters, and they all had deep hatreds with Fang Han.

Of course, the most important thing is that Fang Han has too many enemies erected, and he has dared to destroy the sons of many Lord objects, causing them to attack and attack.

Of course, without killing the sons of Lord, Fang Han’s Cultural Base can’t reach the current level. It can be said that everything has its cause and effect, and it is all in one drink.

“Sword fifteen, sword invincible, sword thirteen, Connecting Heaven Sword School, up and down, now the cliff Lema is still too late, now I am too Emperor to Extreme Unity Sect up to Elder, Heavenly Immortal, give you a promise, if You are now announcing, withdrawing from the door of creation, and drawing a line with Fang Han. Everything is not bad. I still do Immortal Dao Ten Sects, and the upper and lower sections of my Extreme Unity Sect will definitely not bother you. If not, then today only I am afraid that the entire Dao Lineage of Connecting Heaven Sword School will disappear.”

Tai Huangtian saw many Fang Han enemies, and when they were ready to move, they immediately went down to Assassin, causing a melee. He immediately shocked the whole body, Aura released it and controlled the audience. He refused to do so. Others always thought he was True Immortal. The Culture Base, I didn’t think he was a Heavenly Immortal. The power of this control dominated the audience, and many people who were eager to move to Fang Han also stayed and watched how the Emperor did it.

“How to do?”

The psychological offensive of Taihuangtian is indeed awesome. Immediately, the people at Connecting Heaven Sword School are eager to move. There is no way. The current form is indeed dangerous. It is surrounded by all sides and is slightly wrong. It must be extinct, live and die. Inheritance in 10,000 years, destroyed.

At the moment, many Elders, too Elder, including true disciple, have been shaken psychologically.

“Tai Huangtian, who are we at Connecting Heaven Sword School?” Sword 15 suddenly spoke. “Our Connecting Heaven Sword School, cultivation is the ancient kendo, with straightforward as the criterion, the road can be extinguished, and the body can be eliminated. All the discipline Elder of Connecting Heaven Sword School, listen to me! We have already united with the creation door, then go to the end, one way to the black, even the dead end, I have no hesitation, I Connect Heaven Sword School, definitely not a capricious small servant, Sword Intent!”

鈥淪word Intent!鈥?/p>

“Sword Intent!”………

All Connecting Heaven Sword School disciple, by the words of Sectmaster’s sword fifteen, suddenly spurred the blood to boil, all of them were neatly smashed up, and the momentum was like a sword, and it was forced to go up.

Throughout the Connecting Heaven Sword School, everyone’s will is condensed into a whole, like a smashed sword. This Aura, even people with other sects are infected, never had a condense force in a martial art. The manifestation appears.

鈥淭his is the true artistic conception of Kendo. Connecting Heaven Sword School can actually be. If the Connecting Heaven Sword School is not destroyed, the overall strength will rise to a higher level, truly surpassing our Pill Cauldron Sword School and Sun and Moon Sword Sect. This is the condense force, this is the essence of kendo. If Connecting Heaven Sword School quits the door and draws a line with Fang Han, the kendo Spirit is completely destroyed, and the martial art is in name only. From then on, in Immortal Dao I can’t raise my head, but this bet is a bet on all the lives of the sect.”

Sun and Moon Sword Sect, Pill Cauldron Sword School’s Expert, Sectmaster are secretly sighing, and they are filled with emotions, but they can’t help themselves, but they still can’t hold their heads. In this case, they will die, and the whole martial art will be Destroy, you can only wait and see, and Mingzhe protects himself.

“Good! Good! Good! Sword Intent!” Fang Han saw the statement of the sword fifteen, suddenly shouting: “Connecting Heaven Sword School, not my Fang Han, I Fang Han absolutely does not bear the Connecting Heaven Sword School, as long as This time, I sneaked out and escaped from birth, and I must let Connecting Heaven Sword School, which is the peak of the billions of swordsmen, and become the only one of the swords, the head of the heaven and earth swords. The words come out, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon All stars can testify.”

“Hey! It鈥檚 a big breath. You are a problem today. You still dare to let Connecting Heaven Sword School become the head of the billions of swordsmen. It鈥檚 really a big word, and it鈥檚 dying. I鈥檒l see, you can Can’t get it.”

Void Immortal “Qi Zhenjun” blinks, grabs it forward, and immediately starts.

“Qi Zhenjun, your son is still in my hands, don’t you ignore his life and death?”

Fang Han suddenly said.

“Hey! What a son is, my son is tens of thousands. Even if Qi Minghao is a big easy person, but Fang Han I got your treat condensing method, collecting materials, has become a prototype, waiting Treasure advancement, I will also reach the realm of True Immortal, and even go all the way to advance with leaps and bounds, enter the Heavenly Immortal position, until then, Da Yi teaches to respect me. Moreover, I am now in Da Yijiao. The status is also very high. So, although you kill Qi Minghao, there is no relationship with me!”

Qi Zhenjun blinks and speaks hard, but there are still some tastes.

“Ha, Qi Zhenjun, you speak hard, but you can’t bear your son.” The real estate owner of the Heaven and Earth Hall, Yu Zhenwang, smiled: “My nephew, Xiao Shaowei, I have been training for many years, I am on his body, I don’t know how much wasted.” I have reached the point of World King Realm, but today, no one can threaten me with my son’s life. We cultivate people, Life essence is long, there are enough benefits, and everything can be cultivated. Fang Han, so you have everything Don’t say anything.”

“So, this time, you want to put me to death? Desperate?” Fang Han stood up, prestige, in the face of adversity, still talking and laughing, people feel strong confidence. Even many Rogue Cultivators have seen his demeanor, and they are all heartfelt.

“You know, even if you kill me at all costs, how many people are you going to die? Maybe even Void Immortal will fall, and each of you, even the Emperor, will be in danger of falling, you know? I am Fang Han, I am standing here, let you kill, you have to weigh the amount, whether there is a ruin, the courage to fight in the end!”

“Blood battle in the end!”

Feng Baiyu stood up and his eyes swept away. The momentum was not weaker than Fang Han: “After this battle, Immortal Dao of Xuanhuangda World, I don’t know the rest.”

“I don’t want to die! We will not die. Just rely on your little Ascension Sect, Stars Sect, Connecting Heaven Sword School, and also want to kill the net. It’s a pity. I have Dragnet arranged by Extreme Unity Sect today. You are bigger than this fish. The net will not break.” Taihuangtian smiled, smiled, and had incomparable self-confidence. On his body, he suddenly flew out a big flag, this flag, embroidered with the shape of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, apart From this, around the disaster Heavenly Monarch, there are thousands of small servants, all of which are Immortal, praying around the disaster Heavenly Monarch.

As soon as this banner appeared, a strong Immortal Dao rule Aura began to distort all the rules. Almost all the people present felt their own space, time, creation, heaven, world, mixed hole, and even The Void Immortal rule has been greatly suppressed, restrained, and released.

This banner, completely beyond the scope of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, even above the ancient Peerless Grade Dao Artifact over the thunder, has the true Immortal Dao rule, otherwise it will not rule distortion.

鈥淚mmortal Dao Rule, Immortal Artifact?鈥?/p>

Fang Han was shocked. He didn’t think that in the Ascension Sect, in addition to the Eternal Furnace, there was actually an Immortal Artifact, so that he couldn’t even break the net.

“No, Fang Han, nor Immortal Artifact, this is a semi-Immortal Artifact. His Immortal Dao rule is not complete. It is quite different from the real Immortal Artifact. Even the Low Grade Immortal Artifact is not.” God read it: “This ancient flag, called the Doomsday Battle Flag, is a treasure of the town of Extreme Unity Sect in a very old age. It is a Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. It is now promoted to a semi-Immortal Artifact. It is also a different kind. .”

“All the sects of discipline, speed command, enter the magical treasure, everyone! Prepare to break out.”

Fang Han didn’t want to, and he was so powerful that he directly guarded all the Disciples of Ascension Sect, Stars Sect and Connecting Heaven Sword School.

At this time, the voice of Taihuangtian conveyed: “All the friends, do it together, kill the devil.”

The flag of the ruin of the end of the day was shrouded and twisted all the rules.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… Today, under the assistance of Phil and Eternal Life, I signed the account on Baidu Post. Because the account of the dream machine was squatted, the Baidu account I applied for was a dream come true. Later in the evening or tomorrow, Baidu certification passed, I will post to eternal life. Thank you Baidu staff, thank you for your support of my book friends, but I hope that everyone can come and read the support and support genuine! (Looks like a web writer, I am the first Baidu certified, haha)

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