Eternal Life

Chapter 830

When Fang Han walked in, his body did not see any movements, but the vitality of the surrounding areas was surrendered. (peak novels), even the “One Origin Sect”, “Pill Cauldron Sword School”, “Sun and Moon Sword Sect”, “Water Crystal Paradise”, “Connecting Heaven Sword School”, “Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island”, have an internal body. The taste of natural gas is surrendered.

There are some Elders with shallow skills, and even their legs are shaking. They have to bow down and show their loyalty to Fang Han.

Of course, the most shocking thing is not the Cultural Base of Fang Han, but the words he just made.

“What? Stars Sect and Ascension Sect, have been combined into one? Turned into a door for creation? Now come out to tell the world? Sectmaster or Fang Han? How is this possible?”

“The combination of the two sects is already a must. And Sectmaster has become Fang Han, which is too awkward. Stars Sect Ascension Sect two sects, Expert like a cloud, how would it be his turn? A small discipline becomes Sectmaster?”

In the minds of many Sectmaster people, Fang Han has already made a name for himself in the world of Xuanhuang, but he is still a small hit, and he can’t enter the big scene, and he can’t compare with the many things that Sectmaster is in charge of. At most, in the minds of many Sectmaster people, Fang Han is just a genius outstanding discipline, but now, it is not the case at all.

“The two factions merged to create the door. He is the doorkeeper. This is no longer a general means.”

“How could this be, in my calculations, Fang Han is not so tyrannical?” Water Crystal Paradise’s Sectmaster crystal licked his lips: “It’s a pity, but I knew that I had to pay Fang Han at all costs.” Disciple. Now I am Water Crystal Paradise, I am afraid I will grow up immediately and become a leader. But Immortal Venerable can’t win him, I am afraid I can’t.”

Water Crystal Paradise’s Sectmaster crystal is very high on Fang Han.

“Sun and Moon Sword Sect” “Pill Cauldron Sword School” many Elders, too Elder, even Sectmaster, are also facing each other, do not talk, they can naturally feel it, Fang Han is now very strong, to hit hard Extreme Unity Sect. This Immortal Dao conference is difficult to end, I am afraid there is a battle.

“Don’t this Fang Han really be able to counter the Emperor’s Day? You know, even if it is the Immortal Venerable, it resists the immortal messenger, and now the strength of the Extreme Unity Sect is still extremely tyrannical. Ascension Sect Stars Sect merges, not half of it. ”

“The people at Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island, see why Fang Han is so big?”

“Their Sectmaster, Wan Yushu has not appeared, and I don’t know what happened.”

“Look at how True Yuan is going to deal with it? Now Jiaofei of Connecting Heaven Sword School is finally supported.”

At the moment, all the sects, as well as some outside Rogue Cultivator Expert, whispered and completely calmed down.

“Six Dao San, do you see what level Fang Kang is now cultivation?” In one corner of the disaster hall, the two Experts are also passing on each other’s minds. One of the Experts is a six-way scatterer, and the other Expert, called Heavenly King, is one of the three major chambers of commerce, the Heavenly Court, and the six-way ally.

The Immortal Dao conference in Xuanhuangda World, the two experts also came to participate.

Apart from this, there are some invited Experts, also scattered in the four. I don’t know where Extreme Unity Sect came from. Extreme Unity Sect’s Taihuangtian, after all, is the True Immortal level Expert. It is also a top role in every big world. The vastness of friends is definitely not a small trend.

At this Immortal Dao conference, Extreme Unity Sect will clean Immortal Dao and naturally find many friends to suppress the scene.

These characters also touched the Culture Base and treated them as ordinary guests.

“This Fang Han is unfathomable, but it is likely to be close to Void Immortal. It is much higher than our Culture Base, but even Void Immortal can’t compete with Taihuangtian and see what he is relying on. .”

In the whole hall, except for the silent exchange of thoughts, it is silent, and the needle can be heard.

“True Yuan, do you not growl? Don’t you cross it? You will show me one more? Are you trying to sanction Jiao Fei? Say he is Demon Dao, collusion with me, what kind of demon? Do you do it? Don’t you?”

In the silence, Fang Han’s voice resounded again, but not for Extreme Unity Sect, but for the running dog of Extreme Unity Sect, One Origin Sect’s “True Yuan” Sectmaster.

“Wolf ambition!” True Yuan has not spoken yet. Suddenly, One Origin Sect is too elder to go out and sneer again and again: “Fang Han, you are so bold, you dare to come to the Immortal Dao conference, don’t you? Do you know that your Demon Sect undercover identity has been exposed? Wind White Feather, Star Master, your brain is broken? Actually recommend this Fang Han as Sectmaster? My Yuanshan will never agree. Make a door, Insight build, you have to rebel What? Against the fairyland? Actually, such a big name is reversed. See if I take Fang Han, your little Devil, and give it to Extreme Unity Sect, the initial one, the Vientiane update.

This is too Elder, it is actually the “Black Hole Realm” Powerhouse, Longevity Eighth Layer. The status is obviously the emergence of the Three Sacred, the three stars of the same level, in the One Origin Sect, has a very high status.

When he shot, it was a great fairy, turned into a huge palm, overwhelming, and the lightning was too late. The attack on Fang Han was too late to react. This is purely a sneak attack. In this occasion, it could not be Sneak attack, but because of this, it is unexpected.

And between the sneak attacks, many of the people around him were too elder, and bombarded his power into his body, adding Divine Strength to him.

Even One Origin Sect’s treasure of the town has also broken into his body and started to work. In an instant, his strength is only to be able to compete with Void Immortal.

“court death!”

Fang Han looked cold, five fingers open, dragon claws appeared, caught in the void, countless condense in the palm of the hand, the sun in the sky was dimmed, seems to be covered by his five fingers.


As soon as he grabbed it, he broke the Great Immortal of “Yuanshanyue”, and then showed a cruel smile on his face. A golden gun appeared on his hand, and when he was empty, he wū wū wū 呜! Wū wū wū ! The ghosts are crying, and the demon condense, the gun tip suddenly swept the entire One Origin Sect up and down the discipline, especially Yuanshan, the first of them. When he returned, the gun tip was infinitely close to his eyebrows.


Taihetian, Taixutian two major Void Immortal Expert, reacted very quickly, suddenly hit a palm, and instantly attacked Fang Han.


Fang Han’s face was the same, and he suddenly flew out two identical palms, and it was too hard to touch the sky. With a slamming sound, the offensive was completely resolved, and his golden gun was smashed through the head of “Yuanshanyue”. The flame of the golden gun was mixed with buoyant dragon fire and large pieces of burning. This very high-ranking Elder Lord object, made a miserable cry, turned into a fireman, struggling on the next day’s golden gun, how can not fly.


The tragic to the limit.

A Longevity Eighth Layer, Black Hole Realm’s Supreme Powerhouse, Immortal Dao martial art, the supreme Elder, Elder, was so smashed by a shot, then sausages, stringed on the gun, the barbecue was generally screaming .

All the people, the heart is squatting tightly, watching Fang Han seem to be watching the devil.

The “Yuanshanyue” sausage was generally tied to the gun, violently burning, and began to sound fierce, hysterical, but after a few moments, began to curse, and then could not stand it, began to beg for mercy. But it didn’t help, Fang Han’s eyes were always cold, and it seemed to be 10,000 years.

Seeing the body of this “Yuanshanyue” began to turn into ashes. Various laws of vitality are inhaled into the body of the gun. When Emperor Taitian suddenly moved, the void around Fang Han began to solidify, in all directions, chaos, countless laws swept down, and this hand did not see any action, and launched an invincible attack, which can show the emperor’s hegemony. The strength of the world.

However, Fang Han seems to have anticipated this move. In the body, suddenly a huge axe flew out, and when it was empty, all the chaos was cracked. This big axe moved a little, and it turned into a thousand shadows. It killed the emperor and launched a fierce counterattack.

“Well?” Taiwangtian body moved and grabbed his hand in the air. Every time he grabbed it, the axe disappeared. Under the last shot, all the axe began to collapse. Finally, the awesome magical work was actually broken. . Fang Han condensed more than twenty Divine Ability, and the complete creation of Gods scriptures, it was violently cracked by the Emperor.

However, this time, it is to delay the offensive of Tai Huangtian.

The “Yuanshanyue” was finally refining, and the screaming voice disappeared. It entered the golden gun of the next day, and Essence Qi rolled into the body of Fang Han. Fang Han Essence Qi Dabu, the eight Buddhism once again accumulated some strength, in operation, at any time to break the air and cause thunder.

Killed with one shot, too Elder, Yuanshan. The supreme character of the Yuanzong.

Fang Han is fierce.

Moreover, Taihuangtian can’t stop him.

Although Tai Huangtian broke his awesome magical skills, but outsiders think that Fang Han killed a one-yuan running dog, Extreme Unity Sect can not save, was killed on the spot, enough to make all attempts to rely on Extreme Unity Sect Rogue Cultivator All kinds of mysterious characters are shocked.

“How could this be!”

“What happened? I was wrong.”

“Nothing wrong, Fang Han just started suddenly, killing Yuanshan with a shot. Longevity Eighth Layer, Mysteries Realm’s Extreme Expert!”

Six dazzling people, Heavenly King, and some mysterious characters invited by Extreme Unity Sect, in the hands of this electric stone fire, have come back, standing one after another, an Expert even broke the wine glass in his hand.

Shocking, this is absolutely shocking. Fang Han’s strength is simply like killing the gods of the Taikoo. Whenever he comes to the world, no one dares to stop his edge. He is standing on the spurs, but I am the peak, the people block the murder, and the fairy slays the fairy.

“True Yuan, I killed your supreme, Elder, Yuanshan, what about you? Also sanction does not sanction Jiaofei? Give me a kneeling! Otherwise destroy your whole family!”

Fang Han shot and killed Yuanshan, once again shocked the next day’s golden gun, pointing to True Yuan, the one-yuan tyranny of the Yuanyuan, the general impossibility of the landslide, and the bangs oppressed, it was forced to force the whole martial art to go down to himself. kneel!

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