Eternal Life

Chapter 828

“Five mixed holes… and each hole is different, united, definitely not as simple as five Black Hole Realm Experts. (peak novels play novels)”

Fang Han silently calculated the combat power of Feng Baiyu.

The current white feathers, soaring strength, can be enough to fight Void Immortal, even stronger. However, he can still suppress it, but this growth rate is too horrible, and he feels vaguely that the body of the wind white feathers, the huge power of the seal only opened a trace of true vitality. Deeply sealed.

The five mixed holes, combined to form a five-link, reveals the mystery of the most mysterious, most powerful, and five-declined heavens. Fang Han can’t imagine it. This is the mystery of the “Dusk of the Gods” that Feng Baiyu understands. Still other techniques, of course, this method is almost like the power of the Lesser Karma Technique.

Mysterious, vast, powerful, omnipresent.

“Dusk of the Gods, finally Xiaocheng, the mystery of the five declines, began to appear, the end of the Protoss, and finally came.” Feng Baiyu’s thoughts echoed in Fang Han’s mind: “Fang Han, your current strength, can Confronting the Emperor’s Heaven, and my strength is enough to counter the two major Void Immortal. I have already refined the Artifact Spirit in the Emperor’s Mirror, the Aurora, to the extent of Black Hole Realm, Emperor The mirror has been greatly enhanced by my sacrificial refining. However, this time we go to the Extreme Unity Sect, we must guard against the Immortal Artifact of the Eternal Furnace.”

“I know that the Eternal Furnace, after all, is the Immortal Artifact of Extreme Unity Sect, the power of Immortal Artifact, which is invincible.” Fang Han said: “And Extreme Unity Sect knows that great war is coming, and certainly like us, speed up, Enhance Cultivation Base. The combination of our two martial arts is not necessarily the opponent of Extreme Unity Sect, but with Exquisite Jewel Paradise, it is enough to take advantage of it. Many disciplines listen! Everything is here, I take time The passage has reversed back to normal, and you occupy the Heavenly Feather Temple and the corners of the Archaic Rock in accordance with the practice of the drill. I will put these two pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact in series.”

Fang Han Suddenly, with a loud bang, his hands grabbed, Heavenly Feather Temple, Peerless Grade Dao Artifact and Taikoo meteorite, suddenly collided, the two Peerless Grade Dao Artifact’s Artifact Spirit, also run at Fang Han Magic Force Under the mutual proof, enhance the strength. The two Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts merged and began to change shape.

Moreover, Stars Sect’s Taikoo meteorite, and Heavenly Feather Temple, the appearance of the form, began to change, like a huge “Void Warship”, the ancient ship, carrying all sentient beings, driving to the other side.

This large ship, with a length of 300,000 feet, swings slightly in the air, causing a huge storm of violent winds, sweeping thousands of miles, and many trees on the mountains are directly uprooted.

A new magical treasure, Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, has begun to change in order to prototype.


Three virtual shadows, rushed out of Fang Han’s body, the first is Xuanwu, the second is Yuwenji, the third is the most tyrannical, is the man holding the next day’s golden gun, Yuan Wuzhen.

Three virtual shadows, each other, played a million light, brilliant directly through the ages.

The three major Void Immortal in his body also shot again and cooperated with him.

In a short while, these two pieces of Peerless Grade Dao Artifact are connected together, and they communicate with each other. The Ascension Sect and the Immortal Dao in Stars Sect are the two major sects. together.


Fang Han connected two Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts in tandem. All the disciples were in the air. Suddenly two Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts flew in the air. The ancient ship’s treasures, wind and waves, flew deep into the axis of the Xuanhuang big world. At the Immortal Dao conference.

The war of Xuanhuang Daworld finally slowly opened the curtain.

The sky, the blue and the blue, the high sun hangs, on the central axis of the Xuanhuang big world, the Sword light, the dawn, the serenity, the countless cultivator, appearing from all directions, gathered together, this Immortal Dao conference In addition to the Xuanhuang big world, in addition to all the Immortal Dao sects, there are countless Rogue Cultivator martial art, and even the cultivator sects on some planets, not far from the Xuanhuang big world, will come.

Xuanhuang big world, there are countless planets around, there are many cultivators. For example, Fang Han is always a disguised Ula prince. The cultivator on the Ula star is also quite powerful. Some Elders, also cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, become the giants of the ancient times.

Thousands of planets like Ulastar are also a small force.

On the central axis of Xuanhuangda world, the feng shui is very high, everywhere is a splendid mountain, the peaks of the mountains are as jade, the aura is radiating from above, and it is filled in the air. It does not know how many thousands of miles, many rare birds, Flying around, when the air is long. It shows the wonderful mood of the fairy family.

Originally, this is a clean place, Extreme Unity Sect many outer sect disciple, even the place where the folks discipline live, but now it is full of people, countless cultivators either fly from the outside, or fly from the outer space, hand-held Symbol, enter it.

The symbol of their hand, the Heavenly Monarch of the disaster, is the invitation of Extreme Unity Sect.

In the first Xuanhuang big world, there were so many cultivators gathered, and only the giant Unity Sect, the giant martial art, could only be summoned for tens of thousands of years. It was changed to Ascension Sect and Fang Han launched the call order. No one will go, even the exquisite Immortal Venerable will not work.

“Look, that’s where Connecting Heaven Sword School is coming. Even their city, Tongtianjiancheng has come here?”

Suddenly, countless cultivators, Divine Ability Seventh Layer, Golden Core Expert, and even the giants of Longevity Mysteries Realm have all stunned. In the sky, there is a huge sword city. This sword city is made up of a sword. It is a building that is sharp and full of thorny Aura.

A Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, Tongtian Sword City!

Among them, Immortal Dao Ten Sects, all the injuries of Connecting Heaven Sword School, including Elder, are in it, and they are invited to participate in the Immortal Dao conference. Now that the robbery is approaching, there is no martial art, dare to come alone, and leave the discipline in the mountain gate. Otherwise, it will be copied from the old nest, the portal will be destroyed, and even crying will be too late.

“This is the majesty of the real Immortal Dao Ten Sects.” A cultivation to the giant of the Undying Body: “We Xixiaxing, although there is an ancestor of Insight’s Space Law, among many planets, it’s a leader. But it is incomparable with Immortal Dao Ten Sects.”

“Connecting Heaven Sword School is nothing compared to Extreme Unity Sect.” A Longevity First Layer, Ten Thousand Life Realm’s Old Man said: “Our Green Star, this time I hope to climb with Extreme Unity Sect. On the relationship, the whole is relying on Extreme Unity Sect.”

“Who doesn’t want to attach Extreme Unity Sect? It is rumored that this fairyland has come down to the messenger and guides Extreme Unity Sect to unify the world. In the future, Extreme Unity Sect will definitely prosper, and I feel that there is a big robbery in the near future. On some remote planets, there are many Heavenly Demons, surrounded by the world of Xuanhuang. Last time, one of my friends, the ancestors of the descending star, cultivated to the Undying Body, but went to the remote planet. The medicine was actually besieged by Heavenly Demon. I am afraid that the demon race will invade, and the forces outside our world will not be able to protect themselves. If you rely on Extreme Unity Sect, you can rest easy.”

A group of cultivators gather and enter the outer gate of the Extreme Unity Sect and move forward. Some of these familiar cultivators talk to each other.

The Immortal Dao conference is located in the disaster hall of Extreme Unity Sect. The location of the disaster hall is on the vast expanse of the disaster. It is deep in the Extreme Unity Sect gate and can accommodate hundreds of millions of cultivators.

“Look at the One Origin Sect. It is the mountain gate of One Origin Sect, the light of one pearl.” In the sky, there is a sphere with a size of hundreds of miles. This ray is slightly running. Among them, there are many powerful existences, and One Origin Sect, one of Immortal Dao Ten Sects, the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact of One Origin Sect, which has leapt many cultivators and shot in the distance. Entered the depths of the Extreme Unity Sect.

“The front is the Extreme Unity Sect, the location of the disaster hall.”

Between the one pearl flying, suddenly the sound was transmitted, fiercely accelerated, and caught up with the Tongtian sword city in front. One of the voices continued: “The friends of Connecting Heaven Sword School, please stay, Sword fifteen, you How come this time? I thought that your Connecting Heaven Sword School also hooked up with Fang Han of Ascension Sect and wouldn’t come?”

Among the one pearls, an old man wearing a wide Great Dao robe flew out, facing the Tongtianjiancheng Road that slowly stopped.

Hey! A fierce Sword Qi skyrocketed, in the Sword Qi, showing the shape of a Middle-aged man, the Middle-aged man, a circle of Sword light behind the head, Sword light, countless small servants in Waving the sword, killing and smashing out, every time a move, the person watching will feel that the sword seems to pierce his heart.

This is the Sectmaster of Connecting Heaven Sword School, Sword 15.

“True Yuan, the Culture Method can be cultivation, and you can’t talk nonsense.” Sword fifteen: “How come you see, our Connecting Heaven Sword School and Ascension Sect’s Fang Han collusion?”

“Haha, I said no. You are the chief disciple of Connecting Heaven Sword School, Jiao Fei. I have already formed an alliance with Fang Han, and I have to get around for him. What kind of law enforcement disciples do I have to reach me? Sect has come, but unfortunately, I One Origin Sect knows what the kid is, strictly refused, I see you this time, how to explain to Extreme Unity Sect?”

One Origin Sect’s Headmaster Supreme, True Yuan, laughed.

“You!” Sword fifteen face cold, is about to argue.

Suddenly, a large hand appeared in the distance, the airflow solidified, and the entire Tongtianjiancheng, all the pearls were shifted by the big hand and moved to the depths of the Extreme Unity Sect. On the big hand, it appeared too. Huang Tian’s voice: “The two Sectmasters, no need to argue, now all the Immortal Dao martial arts are in place, they are coming to the disaster hall, you have collected the magical treasure of the mountain gate.”

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