Eternal Life

Chapter 824

“This time, although I couldn’t open the Yellow Springs treasury, but the harvest is too big. (peak novels hit the novel)” Fang Han flew out of the ancient earth, nine secluded land, did not make too many stops in it, but the sky From the beginning, it appeared on the surface of the sky of Xuanhuang Daworld. Looking at the earth, mountains and rivers and grasses all show a solidified Aura, the sky is still the sky, the earth is still the earth, the ocean is still the ocean, but he always feels that the whole Xuanhuang big world seems to be tight, in A kind of artistic conception that the mountain rain is coming to the wind.

He knows that this is the origin of Xuanhuangda’s world. He feels that the big robbery has fallen, and he has begun to work. He has given the people who can resist the robbery and rewards the air.

Perhaps, Fang Han went down to the nine quiet places this time, and was able to cross the “Yu Wenji” and “Yuan Wuzhen” and get the next day’s golden gun. It is also the origin of the Xuanhuang big world. There is a blessing of air transport. Otherwise, it is impossible to be so smooth.

“I can feel the origin of the mysterious world. It shows that my realm is infinitely close to Immortal Dao. I don’t know when it will trigger the sinister thunder and attack the Void Immortal realm?”

Fang Han understands that this is the reason for his own Magic Force.

When you reach this level, it is not far from the Immortal Dao rule. Although he is now super tyrannical, Magic Force is still Black Hole Realm, Longevity Eighth Layer, and life form is cultivator, not a fairy.

It is only the true immortal that has passed the liberation of the Xianjie.

As he thought about it, he began to move, and in a twinkling of an eye, he and Star Master returned to the mountains of Ascension Sect.

Now Ascension Sect Mountain has changed, everywhere is a fairyland, the mountains are shrouded, large floor blocks are condensed, the sky, Heavenly Feather Temple, Stars Sect sacred stone, complement each other, many disciples, are concealing Dao technique , speed up cultivation, can be described as sleepless nights, day and night.

Among the martial art, all the pure yang medicine pill savings were taken out, and various elixirs that enhanced Divine Ability were also awarded to the discipline, and some treasures were distributed.

For a time, the two sects, do not know how many disciplines entered the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, there are many disciplines, stepped into Longevity Mysteries Realm.

“Sectmaster is back, Sectmaster is back.”

Fang Han, Star Master appeared on the sky, some of the patrol’s disciples were found, and immediately boiled up. Many of the sects of Elder, all of them were welcome, including the Elder in the martial art, and they all flew out. .

鈥淔ang Han, something big.鈥?/p>

When Feng Baiyu saw Fang Han, he immediately said, and then his body shook, his eyes looked incredulously: “You stepped into the Mysteries Realm, how come so fast! And you…”

“Yes, I am stepping into the Mysteries Realm, and my current comprehensive strength can compete with True Immortal.” Fang Han said in a word, “But these are secondary, what happened?”

鈥淓xtreme Unity Sect, before three hours, has already conveyed the symbol, at the afternoon of three o’clock in the afternoon, in the Extreme Unity Sect, the Immortal Dao conference, now Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island, Water Crystal Paradise, Connecting Heaven Sword School , One Origin Sect, Pill Cauldron Sword School, Sun and Moon Sword Sect, have been led to Extreme Unity Sect, and now only our Ascension Sect, Stars Sect, and Exquisite Jewel Paradise have not gone.” Wind White Handle A wave, a symbol, flew to Fang Han.

When Fang Han grabbed it, he found that the symbol was like an imperial decree. It said, “On the top of the emperor, too one: the feathers, the two sects of the stars, tomorrow, at three o’clock in the afternoon, rushed to the Extreme Unity Sect disaster hall, held The Immortal Dao conference, if it does not expire, is Demon Dao. Everyone can kill it.”

The font is a stroke, the dragon and the phoenix dance, the vigorous old, Aura can make the general giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm faint.

“Well, I was going to kill Extreme Unity Sect. This time we went to the meeting.” Fang Han saw that the palm of his hand, the imperial decree, was burned and turned into ashes.

“Many sects have already relied on Extreme Unity Sect. In the unlikely event that we are in a situation, we are afraid that it will be hard to beat. It is better not to go.” Some of Stars Sect’s elders are talking too much, and there are some fears.

“Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island, I was almost shattered by me, even Sectmaster was caught by me. Wan Yushu, come out.” Fang Han In order to settle the heart, the hand waved, Wan Yushu came out, kneeling on the ground: “Master, Your faithful slave, Wan Yushu swears at you.”

“Ah, it’s Wan Yushu, Sectmaster of Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island!”

“Yes, it is Wan Yushu. It has become like this.”

“He has already built World King Realm, Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island, not having the Divine Immortal tea tree, but also suppressing the sea eye. How could he be caught by the Sectmaster?”

“This, how is this possible… If it is communicated, is it still?”

“At this Immortal Dao conference, people at Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island are afraid to commit suicide. Even Sectmaster has become a slave.” Stars Sect’s Expert, all stunned, and the feathered Sansheng body also picked up.

“Okay.” Fang Han said: “This Immortal Dao conference, everyone must be united in order to beat Extreme Unity Sect. I have a lot of medicine pill here, everyone in this day, try to improve the Culture Base. I Will reverse the time and turn the day into 10,000 years! Penance!”

Between the talks, his body, countless medicine pill, and countless scorpions flew out and fell into the hands of the two sects in the hands of Elder.

鈥淚 have a suggestion!鈥?Star Master suddenly said: 鈥淚 am willing to give up the position of Stars Sect and give it to Fang Han. Our Stars Sect and Ascension Sect are one and become a super-big school!鈥?/p>

“What? Star Master, why did you suddenly say this?” Stars Sect was overwhelmed by Elder.

“Three uncles, I am doing the most correct decision.” Star Master said: “You don’t know what I am going to do this time, and what happened to Fang Han.” So he said everything along the way. .

Everyone was stunned, but the wind was white, the eyes were sharp, and I didn鈥檛 know what I was thinking.

“People’s pen, Heavenly Immortal avatar, nine secluded land, Heart Demon old man, five major world alliances, Yuan Wuzhen…” A series of things are dizzying.

“That is to say, Fang Han, among the eight floating sects, now has three major Void Immortal Experts.” Hey, Yuhua Sansheng swallowed each other.

“Yes, I have made three big Void Immortal. With the strength of these three Void Immortal, and my world, plus a lot of magical treasure, I can compete with the Emperor.” Fang Han showed a little bit of three Aura of the big Void Immortal, the emergence of the three saints of the feathers, the three stars of the group have retreated.

“Counter True Immortal!”

Stars Sect’s Taishang Elder saw that Fang Han was so powerful, and his mind changed. One can counter the existence of True Immortal. And Fang Han has the potential to advance, and in the near future, promoted to the realm of Void Immortal, how powerful?

“Maybe, perhaps with his strength, you can really benefit from the robbery. Moreover, you can also destroy the Promise Star Palace, revenge and hate…”

Stars Sect is a lot too elder to communicate with each other.

“I am a Sectmaster, and sooner or later I have to abdicate, so now I am training Xing Yun Baobao. If we merge the two factions, after I abdicated, I will travel to the world, he is the next generation of Sectmaster.” Fang Han suddenly said.

“There is no doubt about this.”

Fang Han’s sentence, no doubt, is equal to a reassurance. Dispelled all Stars Sect concerns.

The stars are three old, look at each other, and the three holy roads to the feathers: “If this is the case, don’t know Shenyang brother, Kunlun brother, how is the Mingkong brother?”

“We naturally have no problem, and the two factions merge. It is immediately strong.” Yuhua Sansheng Road: “Now, we have two factions, we will gather the discipline and conduct the ceremony of the alliance ceremony.”

“Slow! I found out all the way, many countries have disappeared out of thin air. Some people have taken advantage of it. Our Ascension Sect, Stars Sect, is also in the secular, sheltering many countries, such as the Great Dynasty. The Rising Sun Dynasty…etc. dozens of dynasties, close to the population of 10 billion. Now, I will display the power to bring these creatures into safe places. Otherwise, these creatures will not be able to protect them. It鈥檚 not a problem,鈥?Fang Han said suddenly.

“Well, let’s look at Sectmaster’s Great Divine Ability!”

Ascension Sect, Elder of the two sects of Stars Sect, all looked at Fang Han.

Fang Han whole body A move, a huge idea, skyrocketing, filled in all directions.

Immediately, with Ascension Sect as the center, a vast cloud of light radiated millions of miles. Rumble, above the sky, the hurricane is all shattered, as if the end of the world is coming.

There are thousands of great cities in the dynasty, and every big city has countless creatures, but now the power of Fang Han is derived. Wherever they go, the big floorboards are flying out of the air, one city, Humans, creatures, all are ingested into the clouds.

The imperial palace of the dynasty presents a flaming shape. On this day, Emperor is on the dynasty, and the civil and military officials are discussing the political affairs, the frontier affairs, the palace, some mysterious protection of the Expert, in the latent repair, in the secular dynasty There is also the Expert of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

Suddenly, the sky was changed, and the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert, all flew out, and found that the city was gone. All the civil and military officials, Capital were taken away, they were also vigorously photographed, struggling, but to no avail.

Dragon Abyss River, thousands of miles long, such as the Black Dragonfly on the land, Fang Family is now growing in the power of Dragon Abyss. But now, all of a sudden, all the rivers of the Dragon Abyss River have changed into a huge water dragon. Countless fish, shrimp, aquarium, and monsters are wrapped in the body of the dragon, flying into the clouds, and circling the Dragon Abyss city. ,Disappear.

Fang Han is particularly privileged to Dragon Abyss City Fang Family.

Just because of Fang Qingxue.

One after another huge dynasty, uprooted by Fang Han’s Magic Force, did not harm the creatures in it, and each of them was filled with his vitality and could prolong life.

Within half an hour, the void burst, and one after another huge light balls appeared around Fang Han. Each of the light balls wrapped all the cities, land, and even rivers of a dynasty.

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