Eternal Life

Chapter 814

Fang Han did not think that this time, “the land of nine quiet” actually encountered so many things. (peak novel handwriting novel)

First, I found five people gathering in the big world, and discussed the benefits of the robbery. Then he showed the fruits of his desires and competed for the position of the lord. Then, the old man of Heart Demon was lurking in the body of Mysteries Realm Expert, a moral world. Suddenly, he took the fruit and fled.

However, this kind of thing can only be done by the old people of Heart Demon.

The super giant of Demon Dao, the Great Heart Demon Technique of cultivation, can be placed in the Heart Demon of everyone, without formform, which is difficult for anyone to discover. Because of the strong existence, there are also good and evil hearts. Good instant magic, evil is also a demon. It’s all Heart Demon. Can be organically multiplied.

Even in the rumors, the Buddha King is the “good and evil King Buddha”, and there is Heart Demon.

Because of this, Heart Demon is the best at sneak attack. With a little movement, it can be stored in the person’s Heart Demon. When appropriate, it suddenly breaks out and captures the “fruit of desire.”

On that day, Fang Han seemed to know that Heart Demon, the old man, combined with the Immortal Venerable, dealt with the Promise Star Palace and got the Promise in the Promise. It seems that the strength is growing.

It should be known that the Promise Relic is the unsuccessful derivation derived from the Immortal Artifact’s elemental infinite diagram, which is formed by the condensation of countless years. Get a grain that is very useful for breaking the realm.

This old man of Heart Demon seems to have really broken through the realm, and dared to eat in the tiger’s mouth and grab the fruits of his wish.

Otherwise, such a big scene, even if it is the real Heavenly Immortal, under the siege, it must be beaten and destroyed.

However, now the old man of Heart Demon does not seem to have really captured it, and was intercepted by the people of the five major worlds.

It is true that it is simply impossible to seize the treasure in this situation.

The five world experts unite and play the law of millions of Immortal Dao, which can shake the origin of a big world, earth and earth.

Heart Demon The old man was beaten to show the true body, stayed in the air, grabbed the fruit of the wish, and the other hand continued to bounce, dry fingers, long nails, and the sound of a sword, every time, There is a long nail that falls off, explodes, and turns into a black cloud of qi, which shows his true form and does not know whether it is true or not.

“Heart Demon transforms, pinning the gods.”

These black clouds, together with his deity, rotated slightly, occupying the position of the **, with a six-pointed star array at the foot, in the six corners of the six-pointed star array, all occupied by the old Man Demon, and each of the old Heart Demon hands Holding a wish fruit, I don’t know which one is true and which one is fake.

Heart Demon The old man, deducting Heart Demon, manipulating the heart, true and false, fake and true, no one can tell.

“Six-dollar magic big fairy technique!”

When I saw this scene, I was shocked: “This fairy tales requires a total of thirty-three Three Thousand Great Daos condense, and it must be made into five incarnations, integrated with itself, and operated.” The combination of the Yuan and the beginning of the devil.

“Heart Demon old man, you dare to steal the fruits of my wish!” Passively see the old man clearly, it seems to know who the old man is. Because the old man of Heart Demon has a great reputation among many big worlds, the Great Heart Demon Technique is among the Demon Dao and the closest to Demonic art. And the Great Heart Demon Technique is the most likely to communicate, the Culture Method of the Yuan Shizhi.

He screamed and flipped his hands like a big seal and punched three punches.

“Quiet Divine Fist!”

These three punches blasted, such as the ancient gods of the mountain, descending to the universe, such as the Shen River running through the heavens and the earth, and like the gods, the sky is full of sorrows, vast and magnificent.

Heart Demon The old man’s eyes flashed, six shadows, and at the same time, a palm, a screaming voice, shouted out of his body: “The magical world, Eternal Hate.”

In the void, suddenly the sound of hundreds of thousands of ghosts and crying gods, it seems that Heavenly Demon group, come together, presence, many World King Realm, Black Hole Realm’s Expert, the face is changed because they feel themselves Heart Demon in the body is constantly working. God wants to be scattered, and all the Spirit must be suppressed. For a time, they can’t separate the attack.

Heart Demon The old man, the foot **, summons the demons, the ghosts, and flies from the outer space, and he is surrounded by the demons, such as the Lord of the Devil, there is a sacred Aura on his body.

“The Holy Devil! He actually has the Aura of the Holy Devil. However, it is not perfect. Even if it is full, it is the general demon, we can kill him!” Holy Day.

The Holy Devil is equal to Heavenly Immortal.

Now the old man of Heart Demon, with the Aura of the Holy Devil, that is, half a foot stepped into the realm of Heavenly Immortal, free to move, summon the demons from the void, various Heavenly Demon, demons, demons, sinisters, charms Devil, Yang Mo… It’s rolling in, he’s even thinking, the Experts of the five worlds, the Demon Soul, the devil, are all called.

This hand is a sigh, it is the devil in the devil, the beginning of the magic.

“The fruit of this wish has a great effect on the old man. The old man borrows it for a while and condenses his Divine Ability. After borrowing it, he will return it to you. If you don’t want to, then you offend me the Heart Demon master, and since then, the discipline Practice, I am afraid of Heart Demon.”

Heart Demon The old man pedals the group, the body is surrounded by hundreds of millions of devils, deep in the devil, stepping on the footsteps, infinite devils like the sea, rushing over, landslide tsunami, actually wrapped the entire sky city.

Above the city of the sky, the dense golden bodhisattva, the face also showed a sinking look, bitten by the devil, can not suppress.

“If you let you take it away, then I can’t afford the face of the big world!” The True Immortal leader of the Big World, who has blossomed out of the light, expands and begins a light ball of a hundred miles. But in the blink of an eye, it is getting bigger and bigger, and there seems to be a momentum that fills the universe with light.

This light is everywhere, and all kinds of devils are wiped out. Even the Heart Demon on some people was suppressed.

The team leaders of the five major worlds, the five major True Immortal, each exhibited the Great Dao, launched a counterattack, and a disaster appeared in the air. The millions of devils died and disappeared into formless.

Moreover, the five leaders, God read all of the old Heart Demon, grabbed the big hand, for a time, five palms of the world, covering the old man of Heart Demon, block all time and space, to prevent this Demon Dao escaping.

Some Void Immortal Experts also played their own Immortal Dao rule, banging, destroying the demon and suppressing Heart Demon. Among them, Void Immortal also has more than 20 people. It is the essence of the five big worlds. It is extremely high. With so many Lord objects in the air, Fang Han feels the devastating power in the air, and it has to penetrate. Shake yourself to the prototype.

One after another, the crystal wall system is broken, and the nine strange places, many different degrees of space, are beginning to break.

Fortunately, the space of the nine secluded land, layer by layer, do not know how much, 20 billion is not enough to describe, a star river can accommodate it, it is a good battlefield.

However, some of these powerful ghosts have been ravaged. So many powerful forces, and then powerful ghosts, will be directly killed, and even the aftermath will cause a disaster.

Heart Demon The old man, facing the suppression of countless people, five incarnations, together with the real body, was suddenly broken up and turned into countless black gas. Even if he doubled his strength, he couldn’t resist the threat of so many attacks. The essence of the five big worlds gathered together and attacked one person at the same time. I am afraid that only a higher level of existence than Heavenly Immortal can withstand it.

However, the old man of Heart Demon can’t be destroyed even if it is blown up. The body is divided into countless black air in the attack of everyone. It rolls around, and every black gas rolls between them. The body seems to open the world Demon. Sect, the devil is constantly summoned from the black air.

“Everyone, together to suppress this magic, this magic is very varied, Heart Demon pinned, we just suppressed him and refined him into a Pietherless Grade Dao Artifact Artifact Spirit.”

“Kill! This devil does not know how to be good, actually dare to rob us of the fruits of the desire, it is simply not knowing how to live, even if Heavenly Immortal, we can all kill ten times.”

“There is a hidden void, and the seal is hidden.”

“I have sealed this piece of heaven and earth, and I can’t escape without being alone. But we must stop him from summoning the devil from the void! His Great Heart Demon Technique can communicate the outsider in the rumor. The territory of the demon world, a steady stream, summoning the devil.”

“Close again!”

Everyone, played hundreds of millions of gods, Hongguang burst, once again to divide the black degeneration of the Heart Demon old man, one by one!

“Do you think that my cultivation Great Heart Demon Technique is not enough? I will let you know what is the highest state of Demon Dao, Demon Sect!”

Bang, under the voice of the old man of Heart Demon, all his smashed black air, reorganized again, turned into a huge Demon Sect. This Demon Sect, up to three thousand feet, on the door, all are flashing magic eyes, with 3,000 eyes, representing the Dao Lineage.

Heaven and Earth Demon Sect is condensed and formed, and everyone can see that the endless void, space, universe, interstellar, all are densely demon heads, all kinds of devils, real and incomparable, tides from Demon Sect Come out.

At this moment, the old man of Heart Demon is not a person, but a door, a place that communicates with the nine secluded places, and the outer territory of the demon world, opens two world-connected passages, and allows countless powerful demon races to come to Come in the land of nine secluded.

The other demon in the world of Demon Sect that day is the central zone of the outer territory, the fairyland must be a headache, the existence that has been wanted to be eliminated, and now the old man of Heart Demon opens a gap, endless bloodthirsty The devil head, naturally screaming back and forth, rolling out, coming to this place.

Heaven and Earth Demon Sect!

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