Eternal Life

Chapter 809

“Melting the avatar of this Heavenly Immortal messenger?” Fang Han was taken aback. “Void Immortal’s Law and the Law of the Hole, I can’t swallow it now, let alone melt the Heavenly Immortal messenger. (peak novels, novels) In the event of a mistake, it is very difficult to raise the realm afterwards. Even the catastrophe is gone.”

“Nothing.” The Emperor’s pen shook his head: “The embodiment of this Heavenly Immortal messenger, without a little law, contains at most the virtual law, the mysterious fairyland idea, and the enormous energy, which contains possibilities. Seeking the beginning of the Yuan, your world is too strong, the power needed to be promoted is too much, the quality is too high, the pure yang spirit is not enough to make it change. Only the Heavenly Immortal messenger’s avatar can make you have enough Power, change into a hole.”

“Pure yang is not enough for me to advance!” Fang Han was shocked: “Then I would be promoted to the law of mixing holes, and then condense into void Void Immortal.”

“Step by step, slowly, in the Yellow Springs treasury, there are the secrets of the Great Samsara Technique cultivation, and three five-line Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, you can also integrate power into the world. There will always be things that can be solved.”

The Emperor pen held down Fang Han, and suddenly, the avatar of the Heavenly Immortal messenger was forced into the world of life.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Immortal messenger does not have a magical treasure. All Sword Qi is self-imposed by Immortal Qi. Of course, he does not need any magical treasure.

Moreover, the mainland that was carried in his hands disappeared. I don’t know if it was when I killed Fang Han, I sent it away, or I hid it. It is estimated that the entire mainland has been sent back to Extreme Unity Sect. This makes Fang Han feel a little pity. But now, too, he can’t think too much. The avatar of the Heavenly Immortal messenger has begun to melt in his world.

The power of the Emperor’s pen is vast and vast, without a trace of overbearing. All are holy and kingly. Like the vast ancient civilization epic, the power of Heavenly Immortal is forcibly suppressed and refined. Fang Han only feels that The Emperor’s pen is arbitrarily stimulating. In this incarnation, a stock comes from the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the birth of a trace of clean air, the most clean, the oldest, most full of vitality, the source of all things True Qi.

This is the legendary beginning of the air.

The beginning of the Yuanqi, compared to Pure yang qi, to be more peaceful, slightly penetrated into the world, the entire world of the crystal wall system, began to soften, there is a “tai Chi” mood, swaying in my heart. However, although the world is soft, the power of operation is rising.

“People’s pen, you dare to refine this slavish slave to my despicable slave. To enhance his strength, you know that you don’t know, this is a violation of the rules of the fairy world. Would you like to be promoted to Immortal Artifact in the future? “Heavenly Immortal messenger is at the juncture of refining, the tone is very strict, and his eyes seem to kill Fang Han and the Emperor.

“I was promoted to Immortal Artifact? Nothing. I want to be an artifact, Insight made, and finally became the same as Gate to Eternity.” In the eyes of the Emperor pen, empty, large, wide, to accommodate everything, tolerant Past future.

In his hand, he caught the world of Fang Han, shaken again, and displayed a kind of fairy technique. Fang Han saw at least dozens of Three Thousand Great Daos, and the condense became a kind of thing. Wrap the Heavenly Immortal messenger in it, and then the Heavenly Immortal messenger melts faster.

“Heavenly Immortal The Great Immortal.” The will of the Heavenly Immortal messenger gradually disappeared in this avatar. Before it disappeared, he made a cold voice: “People’s pen, wait for my true body, draw into the gap, to that At the time, you will face my anger.”

“I am waiting for you.” The Emperor Immortal’s avatar, suddenly exploded, and then the power and Fang Han’s sacred world rule seed, fully integrated.

Fang Han whole body Hey, I only feel that the power is beginning to endlessly ascend, every inch of flesh and blood, even the soul of the mind must burst, and the power can’t bear it.

“The speed of the world law, simulation of the mixed hole, success or failure here.” The idea of ​​the Emperor pen spread to the soul of Fang Han, “I teach you the secrets of the Emperor, a lot of Spirit’s sentiment about the law of the hole, You accepted it!”

嗡嗡, 嗡嗡, the vast cultivation rule, Great Dao thoughts, deep into the soul of Fang Han’s mind, suddenly his own soul, I saw the depths of the infinite universe, countless black holes. Those black holes, sucking the stars, spewing out white matter from the other end, condense into white holes, one black and one white, one yin and one yang, one good and one evil, and each other.

Fang Han’s soul, Mortal Body, and even the body world began to follow the trajectory of the black hole white hole in the universe, the whole body trembles, the power of a mysterious, swaying in my heart.

The Heavenly Immortal messenger is not an incarnation, and the power is not something that ordinary people can pick up.

If it weren’t for the strength of Fang Han’s world, I’m afraid it’s already exploded. Not to mention refining and chemical, direct death is possible.

But now, the power of Heavenly Immortal’s incarnation, gradually suppressed into the world under the suppression of the Emperor’s pen, is shocking. Fang Han stepped through the obstacles step by step, and the body of the body was running to the limit. The tortoise-like artifacts of the tortoiseshells began to remain silent. It seemed to be brewing something, waiting for the further transformation of Fang Han.

The world in the body, the rotation, all the original creatures, mountains and rivers, all swallowed by the power of rotation, changed into chaotic vitality, a kind of inexplicable substance, it is like a hollow black hole to engulf the planet.

However, the imprint of this kind of creatures is left in the world law seed. As long as Fang Han has a thought, it can be restored. This is the power of the world, and the world itself is the master.

Sturdy world, spinning.

Between the breaths, that is, the speed of Gigabit and 10G, the vitality of the gas is decomposed under these high-speed rotations, and any elementary gas becomes a paste, and many tiny elements are in chaos. Among them, the beginning of condensation.

“The world is really strong, so it is not confined to a hole?” The Emperor’s pen also frowned, and suddenly displayed the realm of heaven and earth, directly bombarded on the Fang Han world original law seed, the tortoise shell fragments, suddenly one The earthquake, infected by the realm of heaven and earth, once again released a vitality.

The emperor’s pen vomited, and a milky Essence Qi re-injected the world of Fang Han.

“A good opportunity is now.” Fang Han’s thoughts, if you look at the fire, become more and more clear, more and more refined, a little running, God in the air, can bring the pieces of the tornado storm, causing a whirlpool.

That is to say, Fang Han now, without any Magic Force, any spells, just a gods turn around, caused by the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, can cause the Yuan Qi dragon to roll black holes.

This time, he put all his thoughts into his own world, hehe! Countless world energies, more dramatic rotation. In the body, there are thousands of black holes, and the black hole wū wū wū 旋转 rotation, all the soul, flesh and blood must be taken in.

Suddenly, the entire person of Fang Han, including the magical treasure, was sucked in by the black hole. Then all the Aura disappeared, and in the air there was a huge black hole with a radius of a hundred miles.


After the black hole swallowed Fang Han, it began to bombard the door of the fairy world. In the depths of time and space, the door of the fairyland was sucked by the black hole. Many Immortal Dao rules were phantom and once again descended in smallpox.

“The law of mixing holes, liquid Immortal Qi, the door of the fairy world, open for me.”

Among the black holes, the voice of Fang Han was suddenly conveyed. One of the great penetratings, transcending time and space, bombarded the door of the fairy world. A loud bang, the door of the fairy world opened, a gap appeared, countless liquid celestial elements, and the Tianhe rupture came down. The throughput of this liquid Immortal Qi was more than that of the three or five mixed-hole Mysteries Realm Powerhouse. More.

The black hole changed again, and it showed white, white color, and the black hole turned into a white hole.


A huge spurt of force, coming out of the white hole. The last change became the shape of Fang Han.

At this time, Fang Han, squatting down, slightly moving, showing a black hole everywhere, it seems that between a breath, you can inhale countless mountains and planets, and run Magic Force a little. Into his world. All the time, there is a horrible Aura.

Among the eight floats, many of the Experts, Xuanwu, Wanyushu, Kui Rongzhenjun… deeply felt the Aura of Fang Han, all of which have fear and awe, even if it is mysterious, as Void Immortal, it is still better than Fang Han is a high-level realm, but he feels the power of the working body in Fang Han, which can tear his Void Immortal rule.

Fang Han finally stepped into the Longevity Mysteries Realm Epith Layer, the Mysteries Realm!

Mysteries Realm, the world, becomes a mixed hole, which can absorb the liquid celestial spirit, not only the throughput is greatly increased, but also can fully promote Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, strength, life, have a qualitative improvement.

“My life span is more than a million years, and the strength is completely more than a hundred megabytes, which has tripled! This time, the Protoss robbery, come soon! The Immortal Dao conference is about to begin. Congenital and Su Xiuyi, also in the Demon Dao Holy Mountain, Cangshan confrontation.”

Fang Han’s heart is moving. His life span has completely exceeded one million and has reached more than two million years. And the strength, also reached the level of three hundred megabytes, can easily refine the ordinary planet, but he is still a cultivator, still one step away, you can break away from the human life form and enter the legendary fairyland. Become a Void Immortal, but you have to make a big hole and get through the fairyland.

Therefore, he first thought of Su Xiuyi.

“In the beginning, it should be innate, Su Xiuyi, all of the famous Demon Dao Great Emperor, shocking the ages. But now, in my eyes, is the little ant! I am going to capture the landlord book now! Fusion Yellow Springs Diagram Become Immortal Artifact!” Fang Han wrote to the Emperor.

“Good! The Emperor’s book, for so long, fell into the hands of the evil demon, must be recovered.” The Emperor pen smiled slightly. “This is also the capital against the Protoss.”

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