Eternal Life

Chapter 352: Virtual god

Chapter 352: The Divine Realm

"The Lord of the Realm? The Protoss is not the Protoss, the most noble and the most powerful race between heaven and earth." Fang Han heard the King of the Great and the King of Shangshang, and actually promised him the "master of the world" After the benefits, I laughed. "But I don't believe in the promise of vernacular. Moreover, I only believe that the benefits of getting the hand are the real benefits. Now your seven gods are taken by me. Not only did I get two powerful magic weapons, the sun and the moon, but also the treasures in your body. These treasures are full of hundreds of millions of remedies! I am poor now, rich overnight, you are now I want you to let me go. Isn't this an idiotic dream?"

When he and the king of the gods heard it, they suddenly became angry, but they did not show it. Instead, they were sullen in the plain: "Fang Han, do you know? We are going to attack the Xuanhuang big world this time, and we have prepared a lot of killing army? You I don’t know, this army, there are 80 billion, 80 billion, do you know? Do you think that you can resist? If we are not protoss, it will be transmitted from the depths of time and space, and it will consume huge mana. Now Xuan Huangda The world has long been occupied by us. After occupying the world of Xuanhuang, we can enter the fairy world through this springboard! Fairy, do you know what it is, how rich and how prosperous it is. The magic weapon you want, just casually You can get it, there is endless treasure! What is the Taoist! As long as you enter the fairy world, the fairy can also be obtained, and there is the door of eternal life in the fairy world! The rumor has the door of eternal life, you can achieve eternal life. Heaven and earth are ruined, and I am immortal, the sun and the moon are gone, and I am not destroyed."

"Entering the fairyland? It is easy to talk about it. It must be cultivated to the longevity and secret tenths. Comprehend the various rules between the heavens and the earth, such as space, time, life and death, reincarnation... and then use the inexhaustible mana to tear the door of the fairy world to be able to soar. Is it? Do you still want to enter the fairy world?"

Fang Han suddenly felt that these protoss seemed to be able to ask something.

"What do you know? Entering the fairyland, it is not only a road to ascend, but the world of Xuanhuang is the closest place to the fairyland. Even if it is soaring, in other time and space, the sky outside the sky is soaring, it is more difficult than flying in the world of Xuanhuang. Much more."

The great Xia Shenwang took the discourse and said again: "In this universe, there are endless time and space, endless stars, millions of worlds, but the Xuanhuang big world is the most unique because it is far from the fairy world. Recently, and in ancient times, there was a tree of the world of Jianmu, which runs through the fairy world. The virtual barriers that communicate with the fairy world in the big yellow world are very thin! If there is strong power to tear this barrier, you can Many people are brought into the fairy world. The cultivation of the fairy world is fast you can't imagine! In the fairy world, it is very easy to reach the longevity secret! It is easier to cultivate the magical world than the Xuanhuang big world! Do you know? Right! You know, Huang Quan How did the great emperor die? He just because he was soaring, not himself, but wanted to bring many people around him into the fairy world, so he was attacked by the rules of the fairy world. The rules of the fairy world must be cultivated. The longevity secret is tenfold, and you can live in the fairy world if you bear the emptiness of the gods. If you want to bring mortals, you must obliterate them! Do you know that? You certainly don’t know. We only Protoss, after the occupation of mysterious yellow World, it allows you to enter upon a time, live forever! We Protoss, also want eternal life. "

"What? There are so many secrets!"

When Fang Han heard it, his heart was like a sea tide. It was true that the fairyland was indeed tempting for him because he had a tree of the world, and the sense of touch in the fairy world was much brighter than that of ordinary masters. .

Moreover, Huang Quan’s emperor was actually killed by the immortals because he took others into the fairy world and angered the rules of the immortal world. This secret has not been said.

The Xuanhuang Great World is the closest place to the fairyland.

It is much easier to fly in the world of Xuanhuang, and it is much easier to fly in any time and space. This is the first time he knows.

These secrets can also be said to be crucial.

"Those things, though, can make my heart move, but it is too far away. Ten thousand years is too long, my only thought now is to cultivate into the longevity secret and become the giants of the Ages."

Fang Han’s heart is calculated, but his mouth is sneer.

"Hey! I don't know how to lift! Do you think you can kill us? We are protoss, not ordinary monks, the universe, the supreme, the race that is born to be the ruler." The great summer **** broke out with a burst of laughter: Although you have a powerful magical nose, you can't completely hurt us. Do you think that we are the sacred, magical spirit of the gods? We are the gods, we are the king of gods, and the gods have already become one. 'God Seeds', pinning the void, you can extract the power of God from our virtual world, even if you break us into dust, it is impossible to destroy us. Although we are worse than the immortal body of the longevity A little bit, but it is also infinitely close. This is our protoss, unique ability."

Between the words, although the seven great kings of the gods were wrapped in the nose of the nose, but the body is shining with the light, not afraid of being refining.

Although they can't get out of the scope of Huang Quantu, they can't be hurt.

"God seed!"

When Fang Han looked at it, I saw some clues. Inside the body of the seven great kings, there seems to be a seed. Once you are injured, you will continue to spin, taking a strange power from the void to repair the body. Even Huang Quantu can't stop the penetration of this force.

Now the Seven Great Gods are somewhat similar to Fang Han, who is trapped in the Taiyuan Immortal House. Fang Han used the "tree of the world" to capture the celestial spirit, and now the seven great gods use the seeds of the true **** to learn the power of "virtual world." So can't kill them.

Obviously, the "virtual world" is the place where the Protoss lived. Although it is not as good as the origin of the heaven and earth universe, it is also a rare time and space.

There are true **** seeds, no matter how Fang Han hurts these gods, they can recover. At least, with the power of Fang Han, it is impossible to kill these gods.

It seems that only the ancient giants who have longevity and secrets can kill them.

The king of the gods is so powerful and capable of such a metamorphosis. If it is the emperor, how powerful is it? The Protoss is really a unique race.

"Miao! The **** king actually has this magical effect. The master of the **** level can be condensed into a **** fruit. I will look at it, how powerful the gods of the king level, how strong the condensed gods are. You think, cultivated to the king of God, condense If you are a true **** seed, why don’t you have it? You are too small to see me cold.” Fang Han suddenly, his eyebrows shot green, and turned into a sapling in Huangquan.

This sapling, with its leaves luxuriant, roots must be plunged into an endless void, taking advantage of the celestial spirit to nourish itself.

This is the "tree of the world", the nemesis of the Protoss.

It is rumored that in ancient times, even the king of the gods, close to the "tree of the world", will be absorbed and condensed into a long fruit. Of course, the tree of the world at that time was as big as the sun and the moon. Compared with the saplings of Fang Han, it is worth billions of times. The power is not the same.

However, even now a small sapling, in the hands of Fang Han, used to deal with the seven kings of God, is enough to restrain them!

"The tree of the world! This is the tree of the world! No, it is just a sapling! But the tree of the world has been cut off by the supremacy of my family. It is broken, how can it be born again! And, the biggest backbone, has been As the hometown of my Protoss, the pillar of the virtual world."

I saw this little sapling, whether it is the King of the King and the King of the Great Summer, the other five gods, all roaring together, and their arrogance shows the deep fear inside.

"You die!"

Fang Han did not say much to them. He has already set out the secrets he wants, and then asks about it. There are many night dreams. Suddenly, I mobilized my own Jin Dan, strongly suppressed, and the repression of these violent gods could not be repeated. Later, with a finger, the roots of the world tree suddenly split into seven strands, rooted in the body of the seven great kings.

"You don't know that the power of the Protoss has cut off the tree of the world, but in order to make the fragments of the tree of the world rejuvenate, the Emperor of the Taikoo created the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Just for one day. Someone can find the fragments of the world tree, and then use this magical refining system! The biggest backbone of the world tree, actually in your virtual world. It seems that I have to get it! Then, I will There is no competition between heaven and earth!"

The roots must be plunged into the body of the seven great kings. These seven great kings seem to have been drawn from blood, and the pigs are one after another.

"Fang Han, you and our Protoss are right, there is absolutely no good end. Our Protoss, to establish the realm of the gods! On the immortal world! What a stalwart! This is impossible to stop this power! Your end Only dead! Only dead! Do you know?"

Yamato God, the body was thin, only the skinny bones, he struggled, but to no avail, Fang Han's Jin Dan suppressed him, let him unable to move.

"What? Establishing the gods on the fairyland? The Protoss is really amazing!" Fang Han heard this ambition, it is really a sigh, the Protoss is too horrible.

All the monks are step by step, practicing the flesh, making a magical power, practicing the longevity, and then feathering into a fairy. The fairy world is the ultimate goal.

The Protoss is to transcend the fairy world! Create a "world of gods"!

This is crazy.

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