Eternal Life

Chapter 347

“The king of God, is actually the king of the Protoss? What are they doing? Is the Protoss infiltrating into the Great Clouds Empire? Although the Protoss is a treasure warehouse, the Expert of the King level is very difficult to kill. Maybe they have a god behind them? Protoss, the god is equivalent to Celestial Realm’s Expert, and the god of the king is equivalent to the Expert Core above the Golden Core, if all are ordinary Golden Core, I can kill all, but these gods deep Untestable…”

Fang Han saw these gods, and the boiling water in his heart was generally boiling.

Among the protoss, the “God” is equivalent to the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm Fifth Layer, the Expert of the Sixth Layer.

“God King” is Divine Ability Mysteries Realm Seventh Layer Golden Core, Eighth Layer, Ninth Layer, Tenth Layer. Can be called the king.

The “God of Emperor” is the giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm. Power is boundless.

These “kings of God” seem to be normal on the surface. They are like the “Daoist” and “Xiaohua Daoist” Rogue Cultivator. If they use the ordinary Dao technique to detect them, they are Divine. Ability Third layer, the character of the Fifth Layer.

But Fang Han can use the “World Tree” to sense that these are “God King.” In particular, there are two gods, and the cold light between the blinking eyes conveys the desperation of inhumanity, and does not know how deep the Cultural Base is. The “God Force” of these Protoss is not the same as the “Astral Qi” of the general cultivator, and its power is much more powerful than the average cultivator.

“Four brother, what is the wind blowing you today?”

The prince of the prince did not know the origin of these protoss, and thought it was the ordinary Rogue Cultivator that the “easy prince” recruited. He is backed by Fang Han, and now it is really the giant of the Longevity Mysteries Realm, not in the corner of the eye.

“Twenty-four brothers, are you not calculating the birthday of Immortal Venerable for Linglong? I naturally have to go. Let’s take care of it along the way. Also, the cultivator you recruited, the student who is a student, can actually Qi Longxing and Hua Tiandu robbed the magical treasure. With his support, he will be able to make a career.”

Easy Prince looked at Fang Han, like laughing and laughing. I don’t know what this deep prince is thinking at the moment.

“Oh? The student is killed? Can you actually grab the magical treasure from Hua Tiandu?” At this moment, a black man behind the easy-prince stood up and looked up and down Fang Han with a cold-eyed look. The look, the eyes are cold and inhuman, can see through the cycle of life and death of anyone.

“Who is this?”

Fang Han shook his hand in the fan and said in an understatement: “I don’t know where the easy prince recruited Rogue Cultivator?”

“This is the cultivator of Emperor Xishan, Mr. Da Xia.” The 13th Emperor “The Prince of War” introduced that he once worshipped Fang Han and was very impressed with Fang Han’s Magic Force.

“The emperor released the mountain? It has never been heard.” Fang Han smiled slightly.

“Overseas Rogue Cultivator Sect only, the name is not in the ear.” Mr. Da Xia, the mysterious god of the black protoss, stared at Fang Han for a while, and then slowly swallowed: “Deathly, the student, this The name is a life-threatening life. Unfortunately, it is too overbearing. If it is taken away, it should be on this name.”

“Is it? I am in the world, countless years, only I have taken life, never been able to take my life, I want to see, who can take my life.” Fang Han “啪” took the fan and slap it.

“Sure enough, Exquisite Jewel Paradise, rumors in the distant overseas, the sea is extremely dangerous, 40 great thieves fierce and unparalleled, you have the Magic Force, you must have no magical danger.” Another black The man came up: “In the emperor, Shihada Yamato.”

Fang Han sneered in the heart, this “Mr. Da Xia” and “Mr. Dahe” is the most unfathomable existence among these great kings. It is the leader of this group of people. But the real strength, but also to fight can be estimated, because the Protoss and cultivator are different, and do not know what magical treasures these people have.

The last few gods, the treasure stored in the body, are equivalent to a treasure house. Now these giant gods, do not know how many treasures are there?

But Fang Han obviously can’t easily shoot.

At the moment, the princes of war have introduced this cultivator from the “Emperor Mountain” to Fang Han. In addition to the previous two “Mr. Da Xia”, Mr. Yamato, there are also five cultivators.

There are a total of seven, seven kings.

Fang Han’s “World Tree” is frantically surging. If Fang Han tried to suppress it, it is likely that Aura will erupt to engulf the seven kings.

World Tree is the nemesis of the Protoss. Otherwise, the Protoss power of the Epochal billion years ago will not cut it.

However, Fang Han will not easily shoot this group of gods before he understands the details, but this group of gods seems to have a bit of a killing of Fang Han. Looking at his eyes is like watching a pig dog to be slaughtered.

“These gods, want to hit my idea? Perhaps it is to get close to the four emperors, to gain the trust of this person, kill me to get the name of the vote. But whoever kills who said it is not necessarily, and first go on the road. Said on the road. “Fang Han is now, the fan waved: “Since it is ready, then we will start on the road, exquisite Immortal Venerable’s forty lives, only ten days less, a little delay, it is delayed.”

“That is also true, twenty-four brothers, let’s go.” Yi Prince looked at Fang Han deeply. “It should be late.”

“it is good!”

At the moment, Prince 和 and Fang Han set off and flew up into the sky. The four emperors and the thirteen emperors, the seven kings of the gods also flew up, the two sides of the Magic Force, connected into a shrine, flew overseas………….


The waves are rolling, the horizon is boundless, the blue sky and white clouds, the long whales are absorbing water, I don’t know how many demons and ghosts are hidden, the cultivate Dao, the most powerful “Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island” does not say, even the “Leididong House” opened by Fang Qingxue is among them. Fang Han flew over the sea, and suddenly remembered that “Leidi Cave House” did not know how to operate.

The sea is difficult to cross, I don’t know how many, even the cultivator of the Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm”, it is impossible to fly over, have to find some islands, rest in the middle.

But now these people are all highly skilled and financially rich. Magic Crystal Jade Don’t take the money, but don’t need to rest.

Between the flight, suddenly Mr. Da Xia spoke to Fang Han.

“The student baseball, your Culture Base is very well hidden. We can’t even wear it. I don’t know if you are cultivation to the Golden Core, or the Eighth Layer, Ninth Layer, or even the Tenth Layer? You hide Aura and change the shape. That magical treasure is amazing.”

Fang Han was shocked. He didn’t think that this “Mr. Da Xia” could guess that his own Yellow Springs Diagram “reincarnation” is a wonderful use: “I have a lot of magical treasures hidden in Aura, but I don’t know how big. Mr. Xia, which one of you said.”


Mr. Da Xia smiled coldly twice, suddenly his eyes changed, pointing to the front! “Heavenly Demon! You are careful!”

The prince was shocked, and he saw the front, the wind and the wind, and the entire sea level turned into a bleak color. The sounds of countless ghosts and screams came from far away, and the clouds were like horses. I don’t know. How many formless Heavenly Demons, turned into twisted shapes, fluttered.

Fang Han even saw that every 10,000 heads of Heavenly Demon had a Demon King-level Expert in command and command. I completely condense these Heavenly Demons into one, and at first glance, I don’t know how many teams of Heavenly Demon, it seems that the demon race is coming to the world, to conquer the world.

Although Fang Han has seen countless Heavenly Demon, “Heavenly Demon Battlefield”, “Water Poison Heavenly Demons”, the 100,000 army, but seeing these many Heavenly Demon, still can’t believe their eyes. The Heavenly Demon army in front of us has no end to the horizon and extends into the void in the distance.

“How come there are so many Heavenly Demons at sea? Could it be that the gods of these protoss are ghosts? You know, Heavenly Demon used to be a war of the Protoss. Although it later rebelled, the Protoss can still make Heavenly Demon. I use it myself.”

Fang Han hurriedly used the gods to sweep the seven kings around him.

“Mr. Da Xia” is just a body, and is actually separated from Fang Han: “This is the Heavenly Demon army, let’s kill each other and join again!”

Between the words, the seven great kings, the easy prince, the thirteen princes and the princes at the same time force to fly away.

Just between this flight, the black-pressed Heavenly Demon army has already been oppressed. The first thing is to take a hand-painted Fang Tian painting, wearing the Demon King of the Black Devil’s armor. It seems that the cultivation is True Qi. Arrived at the Expert of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm Second Layer.

Of course, such a Demon King is not worth mentioning at all. Fang Han can kill a hundred between his fingers. However, in all directions, such a Demon King is no less than hundreds. Every Demon King has led a powerful Heavenly Demon, condense into a matrix, and Devil Qi between them. Circulating with each other, Fang Han looked at it with his eyes. These densely-made Heavenly Demon, Tian Demon King, actually formed a huge and huge array of huge magical arrays of thousands of miles.


Fang Han First, guarding the body, then slamming the finger, a little star light, shot at the first Demon King.

This is the Divine Ability of “Xingsha Refining Thunder”.

That Demon King smiled and picked it up with the square sky painting. He directly picked it up above the Star light. Suddenly, the Star light exploded and it became a million stars. Every star sand was Divine Thunder. In the Heavenly Demon group, a burst of thunder broke through, but suddenly in the Heavenly Demon great array, it conveyed a devil, Devil Qi, directly drowning the star.

“Sure enough, it’s a magical array!” Fang Han’s heart glimpsed. The star-studded thunder that he played, although he only had one-hundredth of the power, was enough to kill a large piece of Heavenly Demon.

Now, there is no kill at all.

At this time, on top of this magic array, “Mr. Da Xia”, “Mr. Yamato” is easy to be Prince, the thirteen kings and princes, and five protoss gods are standing safely in the clouds, watching the following demons Array.

“Mr. Da Xia, you said that this magical array can really trap the deadly student?”

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