Eternal Life

Chapter 337

Great Windfire Tribulation, all eliminated.

Fang Han Magic Force was in its heyday. Arrive at the realm of Divine Ability Eighth Layer Great Windfire Tribulation! The Magic Force doubled, and the Mortal Body stunned at random. The halo of a circle emerged, where it scatters, where the airflow flows, it seems to be surrendered and controlled by Fang Han. At this moment, Fang Han is like the hegemon of creating the world.

“Oops, he actually spent Great Windfire Tribulation!”

Devil Commander At this moment, it is still unclear, Fang Han has already passed the Great Windfire Tribulation, the whole body has changed, and the Magic Force has improved. No more suppression, it is more powerful than the four palms defeated the blood dance Yang, you can say. Even now, the giants who met Longevity Mysteries Realm First Layer Ten Thousand Life Realm are not inferior.

Great Windfire Tribulation, tempering whole body Magic Force, **, once you get through, the benefits are unimaginable.

Fang Han’s Great Windfire Tribulation is hard to get through. Basically nine out of ten died. However, with the help of the power of four Nirvana, after crossing the past, the spirit is full, and the shackles are resolved. The Golden Core has a vague tendency to break the tires, and half of the Undying Body is ever-changing. Fierce as Antiquity time Demon God is coming.

“Yes, I have spent the Great Windfire Tribulation and I don’t have to suppress my power anymore, Devil Commander. I don’t need any magical treasure, let you take a look, can you break the eye of your final law! High Grade Dao Artifact, It is indeed a good treasure between heaven and earth, but you have to use all the power to do it.”

After Fang Han passed the Great Windfire Tribulation, the sound was negative, and he spoke a little. He was his voice in all directions. His body was shaking a little, his face was his shadow. This time, the shadows are all The real form, all of them are full of powerful blood.

“The eyes of the end of the law, protect my body!” Devil Commander did not want to think, the eyebrows in the eyebrows once again shot thousands of lights, but not scattered, but like the silkworm Baobao woven silk scorpion, completely put themselves Wrapped up.

Gray, dead and dead, completely wrapped Devil Commander. Become a gray light dice.


Just after Devil Commander’s light was just woven, thousands of palms were hit on him.

It seems that the earthquake is coming, the volcanic spurts, the mountains are shaking, the end of the world, Devil Commander’s light, in an instant, there are more than 100,000 palms of bombardment, playing Space shocks, and the light is bursting everywhere. The light from the eyes of the last law could not withstand the bombardment of Fang Han.

At the beginning, when Fang Han had not crossed the Great Windfire Tribulation, he used the Mortal Body to bombard the sea of ​​water, and the smoke and water could not resist. I want to fly out of my own natural disaster.

And Fang Han has not yet completed half of the Undying Body.

Now that I have built a half of the Undying Body and passed the Great Windfire Tribulation, how strong is it? And Devil Commander’s own Culture Base is far less than a smoked one.

“Color body, body, body, body, body, five bodies, congenital Devil Qi Gong!” Seeing the light burst, Devil Commander in the light, the group turned around, the ten fingers burst, the surge A lot of blood, a lot of Essence Blood, these blood, all gathered into a point, shot into the eye of the “end of the eye” inside the eyebrow.

The eye of the last law received a large number of Essence Blood support, and the power surged. It actually flew out of Devil Commander’s eyebrows. It changed into an eyeball. It is as big as a mountain, spinning in the air, growing on the eyeball. There are so many tentacles, and every tentacles has a light.

This is the original shape of the “eye of the end method”. The tentacles on the eyeballs are like the roots of the World Tree. They can draw strength from the endless void.

However, the eyes of the end of the law, obviously can not take advantage of the celestial world, can only draw some low-level vitality, but Rao is like this, but also very powerful.

Devil Commander struggles between the light, and spends his own Essence Blood and Life essence. He displays the “Devil Qi Gong”, which urges the eyes of the end of the law, and fights with Fang Han to kill you.

The ten thousand tentacles of the eyes of the last law are waved in the air, each one is thousands of feet long. Move towards Fang Han.

“The eyes of the end of the law! Although you are powerful, but your master, can not wave your power, there is no way to supply you enough strength! I will let you know today, you are a pearl cast!” Fang Han saw the tentacles fly Come over, don’t panic at all, sneer again and again, both hands are caught, the palms become bigger, the sky is covered, the twisted muscles, like a dragon, all come out!


Fang Han was boundless, behind the head, a circle of halo came out, and the tentacles became slow, and he was caught in his hand with a claw.

On the body of the eye of the last law, the sound of the explosion was heard everywhere, and inside the eyeball, there was a roar of beasts injured.

In the face of Fang Han’s fierceness, the Artifact Spirit of the Eye of the Last Law did not dare to come out. Just dare to hide in the depths of the body. Of course, the current strength of Fang Han, even if it is to suppress the eyes of this law, can not be refined.

High Grade Dao Artifact is no better than Middle Grade Dao Artifact.

Even if it is the Middle Grade Dao Artifact, the Han Han has not been refining.

“Devil Commander, you don’t want to waste your strength. You are not my opponent at all!” Fang Han hits the eye of the end of the law, and the body is bombarded again at the moment of three thousandths. It is a punch and put this high. Grade Dao Artifact, hit the high sky, then the goshawk batted the rabbit, swooped down, one hand into the claws, nail growth, such as the blade glow, the five fingers like five dragons, the group shrouded the Devil Commander.

Devil Commander’s face changed dramatically, but he couldn’t escape the shadow of Fang Han’s palm, so he spurted out another blood. The innate white bones flew out and burned when he met his own blood. The flaming flame burned the palm of Fang Han.

“Blood Demonic art!”

Devil Commander’s innate white bone god, actually burned, Essence Qi is consumed violently.

This is a desperate means of using Essence Blood to burn Heaven’s Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation. The strength of its own strength, but every time it is displayed, it is necessary to reduce the life of three Jiazi.

Despite the arrogance of Fang Han, the Devil Commander blew the Demonic art, consuming three scorpions, one hundred and eighty years of life, burning the Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, or just opening up Fang Han The catching of the sky, rising from the sky, a handle, and then the eyes of the end of the law again into one, into his eyebrows.

When he turned a corner, people broke into the void. Waiting for the next moment, it has already reached the ring.

“Fang Han, I am willing to go down this time, but you are not willing to completely lose in your hands, face is lost, it is a loss of life of 180 years, burning the blood of the soul, this time you skillfully, successfully After the Great Windfire Tribulation. Longevity Mysteries Realm is expected, cultivation is flat. The inheritance of the three Supreme Divine Ability is yours.”

Devil Commander turned around.

I would rather lose three sons, one hundred and eighty years of life, and I don’t want to lose face in Fang Han’s hands. However, this squatting is also a confession of losing.

“Going fast, but I let you go this time, no show, or Devil Commander, you thought, I really can’t kill you? What do you think?” Fang Han stood on the platform, palm A slap in the palm of his hand was caught in his hand.

Devil Commander’s face changed and he looked at his chest. A Peer of Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact was caught in a hole. On the skin of his own heart, five nail prints appeared, and the burning pain was apparently caught by Fang Han’s claws.

This is Fang Han’s mercy, otherwise his heart will be picked up.

He didn’t have the capacity of Fang Han’s half Undying Body. When the heart came out, Mortal Body collapsed and died. Need to reincarnate, life base Cultivation Base, negative to running water.

“It’s so powerful…” Devil Commander sighed and sighed abruptly, and said to Immortal Venerable: “Immortal Venerable, let me go ahead.” He spoke out of the Mt.

“Who else!”

When Devil Commander left, Fang Han stood on the ring and his eyes swept across the square. He said three words.

At this time, he successfully passed the Great Windfire Tribulation, his strength soared, and he defeated the Devil Commander with High Grade Dao Artifact. He was fierce, not to mention the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert, even the average. When the giant comes up, I am afraid it is difficult to defeat him. Which one dares to offend?

After a long time, no one responded.

“Immortal Venerable, this time, Fang Han’s skills, added a lot of brilliance to my birthday, deserve to be the inheritance of these three Supreme Divine Ability.” Autumn drizzle.

“Yes, Fang Han, you have spent the Great Windfire Tribulation, all the shackles, all eliminated. At this time, the strength is already the first person of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, that Fan Qingying, Yanshuiyi, Hua Tiandu are also in Below you. These three Great Divine Ability are given to you. I hope that you can use it and get into Longevity Mysteries Realm as soon as possible. After you combine these three Supreme Divine Ability, I have something to say to you.”

The exquisite Immortal Venerable spoke up, and then, Zuma ancient spirit, Dapudu Zenguang, Dashou Mishan Wangquan, fell and fell into the mind of Fang Han.


Complex symbols, textures, mysterious wisdom, tyrannical power, the mystery of three Supreme Divine Ability, the vastness of Zuma’s ancient spirit, the tranquility of the great Pudu Zen, the majesty of the Dasu Mishan fist, just in the mind of Fang Han Ripple in the middle.

Fang Han At this point, what is the Culture Base, and immediately took full advantage of it, Golden Core showed the Great Devouring Technique, swallowed the three Supreme Divine Ability, and refining it in a while.

Later, on his Golden Core, there were three textures, one of which was a long horn on the head, a whole body bone armor, and a majestic god. This is Zuma. The other one is a statue of Buddha. The last one is a shadow of the Mt.

Three Supreme Divine Ability, the power is vast. Every Divine Ability is equivalent to the power of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. More powerful than the Ghost Emperor’s Demonic art.

Fang Han finally got the inheritance of the three Supreme Divine Ability.

His Golden Core now contains 93 Divine Ability!

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