Eternal Life

Chapter 334

Fang Han didn’t expect his little cultivation to have a “big Pudu Zen Light”, which actually made the Spirit of the Five Elements, the Spirit Talisman, react. It seems that there are some mysteries, and I haven’t really figured it out.

However, in this case, he set his mind, and later took his own “Great Pudu Zen Light” to sacrificial refining this Spirit Talisman to see what it would be able to sacrificial refining.

As soon as he thought about it, he entered the “Yellow Springs Diagram”.

At this time, the “阎” in the Yellow Springs Diagram is still in the state of the blood dragon crystal peak, in a state of silence, now it is not a bone dragon, but the whole body flesh and blood, the scales beard are vivid, this is not a illusion It is the real flesh and blood body. He used the dragon blood essence in the “Blood Dragon Crystal” peak, and merged with Fang Han’s wooden emperor Astral Qi, and finally made it into a real shape.

He is a whole body full of thousands of feet, full of pure yang Aura.

But now, the Yellow Springs Holy Water rotates around the whole body, and is the final Impurities.

When Fang Han and “Star Destroy” started, the reason why the Yellow Springs Diagram was not used was because the practice of “阎” was at the most critical stage. If the Yellow Springs Diagram vibrates, it is necessary to influence his practice, in case Qi Deviation. That Fang Han would like to open the door to the Yellow Springs treasury.

“Look at the hard work of your cultivation, I will help you!” Fang Han looked at the moment, smiled slightly, his head Heavenly Gate opened, a Golden Core flew out, and immediately burst into a delicate, gentle, lingering flame. The silk is entangled, such as the red silk, only a moment, it is entangled in the body of the “阎” up to a thousand feet, and then penetrated into the scales.

And “阎” is unaware.

It seems that there is no feeling of quenching of the flame.

However, his body has shrunk a little, from the gap between the scales, the black gas, the gray gas came out, the law of the stench, this is a large number of Impurities refining.

The dragonfly of “阎” has become delicate, soft and lustrous, and his body is more perfect. The body is smooth and pleasing, and there is a sacred majesty.


A majestic dragon scorpion, conveyed from his mouth, opened his eyes: “I can’t think of one day, I can actually become a real body… Become a real dragon! As long as I am getting enough pure yang True Qi, restore Undying Body, Open the reincarnation disk and restore all Magic Force, and now, the bridge of the bridge! Open for me!”

With a wave of his paws, the sudden changes in the Yellow Springs Diagram, Devil Qi rolling, a heavy stone bridge, appeared on the Yellow Springs Holy River, this time is a complete appearance, the traces on the stone bridge appear The blood of the gods great war.

Fang Han saw the “bridge of the bridge” appearing, and the dragon walked through the infinity, reaching directly on the stone bridge. The Golden Core with ninety Divine Ability on the top of the head was only illuminated by one, and the bridge was suppressed. He stood on the stone bridge and stroked the railings of the Yellow Springs river to sizzle his clothes.

At this moment, he is the master of the bridge.

“Fang Han, you………you actually built the Golden Core! I don’t think you really cultivation!” 阎 shocked and grows up, in the battle between Fang Han and the evil spirits, he does not know at all Because in the state of complete cultivation.

“Yes, I built the Golden Core, now Life essence is more than 9000 years, Magic Force is also the power of 90 million fierce horse! Close to Wanshou, close to 100 million!” Fang Han smiled slightly: “Pu Mountain!”


The loud noise continued, and the whole person had already flown to the top of the blood dragon crystal peak, and he took out a huge force and directly ingested the entire mountain. Like Hua Tiandu, he has the strength to pull the mountains and crack the ground.

“Just you used Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi to help me, I was able to refine the Heavenly Dragon skeleton so quickly. Open the door of the nose and the bridge of the bridge, now the power of the Yellow Springs Diagram is equivalent to a High Grade Dao Artifact, has really been able to fight against Fang Qingxue’s immortality, Hua Tiandu’s big wild furnace.”

A burst of powerful warfare broke out.

“Now, I am very confident to fight with Hua Tiandu! I have fulfilled my wish for 20 years!” Although the time is now only three years, the actual life of Fang Han has been spent 18 years in the Primordial Immortal House. .

In twenty years, the Golden Core has been built into a rare degree.

Now, on its own realm, although Fang Han is not as good as Hua Tiandu, the quality of Magic Force and Magic Force is infinitely close. On the magical treasure, the Great Furnace and the current Yellow Springs Diagram are also evenly matched, and now he is not afraid of Hua Tiandu. However, it is also a difficult thing to completely kill Hua Tiandu. After all, Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giant can’t kill him.

Even so, with the strength, Fang Han faintly touched the first person of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

“I don’t know the Van Gogh shadow that is still on the top of Hua Tiandu. What is the smell of smoke in the end? Hua Tiandu This person is infinitely close to the Wangu giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm. I can’t imagine how much above him. The smoked water is Hua Tiandu’s fiancee, who once broke a great array of bloodless giants. It can be considered awesome. Can you run into it? If it can be touched, I would have a good fight. ”

Fang Han thinks naturally, the first two “Longevity Waiting List” Expert on Hua Tiandu.

“Fang Han, if Hua Tiandu breaks through Longevity Mysteries Realm and becomes a giant of the Ages, then Magic Force will change again and become incredible. It’s not a difficult thing to beat the Undying Body by your life, and you will fly. Improve the realm. But the more Divine Ability, the more obstacles, the harder it is to improve the next level. The next level of Great Windfire Tribulation is your life and death, you can’t go, you can’t get through and become ashes.”

I don’t seem to be optimistic.

“Hey! Great Windfire Tribulation, just let me temper the Golden Core! Just wait for me to save for a while, look at the Insight, see if you can get angry, ignite the Great Windfire Tribulation, and rush straight over. And send the Golden Core to the exquisite Immortal Venerable Shouli, it’s not difficult for me to point her to practice.” Fang Han is not afraid: “Now, I am refining a prototype of magical treasure, as my future Life Origin magical treasure, eight floats!”

The “blood dragon crystal” peak that he had ingested with Magic Force violently rotated.

This giant mountain, I don’t know how many pounds weighed, was rotated by Fang Han with a magic force, such as a gyro, and the airflow caused a hurricane in the Yellow Springs Diagram. Although this “Blood Dragon Crystal” mountain has been sucked a lot of blood energy, it is still crystal clear, and the blood inside can be paralyzed.

“Eight Dragon Kings! Burning Dragon Furnace! Dragon Eye Ball! Drums! Morning Bell! Rosary! Split Sky! Ming Wang Axe! All for me, Eight Buddhism!”

Between the hands and waves, eight powerful Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts flew out, close to the high-rotation “Blood Dragon Crystal” peak, Fang Han mouth spewed a thousand feet of flame, the mountain peak and eight powerful Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact Incorporating it, according to the “Heavenly Dragon Manual”, the original security techniques of the eight-story buddhism magical treasure, all kinds of seals.

Fang Han is not a sacrificial refining magical treasure now, but a magical treasure. Sacrificial refining Babu Futu, he does not have this ability yet. If he used to, he didn’t even have the power to put these magical treasures together.

Under the smelting of his flame, the blood dragon crystal peak absorbs enough flame power, and suddenly collapses and reveals eight grids. This mountain peak, faintly becomes a pagoda that looks like eight layers. Buddha.

The eight powerful Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts were inlaid into the mountains and suddenly began to produce variations. The most powerful variant is the little copper bell, which actually bursts into a general golden light, intertwined into a big bell, and melodiously resounded.

And the big drum, also the automatic thunder, oh! Boom! … a voice, shocking people, but not the murderous drums, but the people who are gongs and drums wake up.

These two Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts, in the Heavenly Dragon Manual, are called “Chairs of the Morning” and “Drums”, which can wash people’s hearts and dispel distractions, even if these two Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts are promoted to Dao Artifact, Like the ancient Buddha umbrella, it turns people into life.

This is also the method of Fang Han Insight’s Heavenly Dragon Manual. I feel that the Heavenly Dragon family is similar to the Buddhism, so I used the big day fire and the black wind hurricane in exchange for the reason of the “Great Pudu Zen Light”.

The “Blood Dragon Crystal” peak and eight powerful Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts were finally put together under the powerful Magic Force of Fang Han and in accordance with the refining method in the Heavenly Dragon Manual. It constitutes a huge Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact.

Nothing wrong, or Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, not Dao Artifact.

Because Fang Han is not yet Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert, more Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts can be combined and cannot be transformed into Dao Artifact, resulting in a powerful Artifact Spirit.

But now, the prototype of this “Eight Buddhism” has shown a powerful force!

After all, it is eight pieces of Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, a blood dragon crystal mountain peak, the power is definitely strong. a single piece of Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact,

For example, the eight dragons will be able to withstand the Golden Core Expert.

However, the blood dragon crystal peak has not shrunk, it is still so huge. So there are very few people who can use this magical treasure. Using this magical treasure to attack is not as fast as your own Magic Force.

In general, the prototype of this “eight-headed buoy” can only be used to suppress and not against the enemy.

“Ha ha ha ha ha, Fang Han, such a large magical treasure, how do you use it against the enemy? Do you throw a mountain out to kill the enemy? This is too slow!” He laughed.

“Forget it, this eight-headed battalion, I did not expect to be against the enemy.” Fang Han admired the prototype of the eight floating sects, tall mountain peaks, layer by layer of magical treasure, beautiful. Fang Han fell on this mountain and walked around in a leisurely way, as if enjoying the scenery on his own reincarnation.

Many are satisfied, just the back of this mountain, bare, like a cliff. There are no engravings and no pictures. I always feel a bit monotonous.

Fang Han was thinking about writing a few words on her own. Suddenly, she took out the symbols of the five elements, and shook her hand on the back of the mountain, above the cliffs.


This time, the entire peak of the blood dragon crystals shaken, and actually began to shrink!

Fang Han was shocked!

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