Eternal Life

Chapter 326

Ruyi King Kong Circle, the pressure of four Golden Cores, and the mighty power of a group of floating light swords, can not breathe the black king.

“Why, I want to be self-mutilated! Show the devil’s body!” The black king is in a big heart, why is he so bad luck, and he encounters Hua Tiandu, who is guilty of breaking his arm, and when he meets Fang Han, he is completely The crackdown became a slave to others, and now arrives in Stars Sect, and is bullied by these right-handed Experts.

He has not been so arrogant for thousands of years.

“Hey! Black King, you this devil, I already knew that you are full of evil, today is a scorpio!” Two Senior Brothers have seen their “Ruyi King Kong Circle” trapped the dark god, while nine thousand nine hundred Ninety-nine swords arrays are arranged outside, constantly shuttle, consume his vitality, and the heart is also self-satisfied.

“I have changed my evil spirits and turned to Fang Han! I have become a righteous man. Now I am protecting the law for Fang Han. What do you mean by dealing with me? Do you want to deal with the VIPs of your Stars Sect!” Black King screamed and played Demon Dao Xuan Work, run your own Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation The darkness of the gods keeps turning.

“Devil, you still dare to speak back!”

At this time of Tianhua, the Demonic blade has been almost completely suppressed. Although there is no Artifact Spirit that can harm it, it is also called the King of Blood Night.

He is the expert of the peak of the Ninth Layer, and has the Dao Artifact “Ancient Clouds”. The combination of two and two, suppressing the Demonic blade, although difficult, is not impossible.

At this point, the suppression of the town, he took the time to take it out, opened his mouth and spit, his sacrificial refining a flying sword flew out, even moved towards the mountain peak, the black king’s Mortal Body strangled the past!

“Devil, you don’t know how many shackles you have created in your life. Even if Fang Han lets you change your evil spirits, you can’t escape death. I will marry your Mortal Body and let you be homeless.”

He turned out to be a trick! Killing the Mortal Body of the Black King, once the Mortal Body is strangled, even if he and the King are now able to win, they are also badly hurt, and the soul and the Mortal Body are not working together. Without the innate fit, it is impossible to make Longevity. Mysteries Realm is gone.

Although he was secretly surprised, the old devils of Black King actually voted for Fang Han, and did not know how Fang Han surrendered to this old devil. But now Fang Han Closed door meditation, killing him with a right arm and a devil, there is absolutely nothing to say.

“My Mortal Body!”

The black king was shocked and lost, and the arm could be lost and he could pick up another one. However, the Mortal Body was smothered, and it was so devastating that at the moment, he repeatedly exerted Xuan Gong’s change, and even devil Qi was separated from the dark god to resist the flying sword of Tianhua.

“This old devil is so powerful, so he can’t clean it up.”

Seven Senior Brothers “Wu Zi Xu” was so murderous that he spurred his own Golden Core and bombarded the other side’s dark gods. At the same time, the mouth spurted out the spirit, and the Golden Core actually burned out the life of Dan.

He spared no expense and suppressed the black king.

At this time, Stars Sect, ranked second, three, four, five, six, seven, Expert are besieging the black king, the black king is not as good as death.

Six Experts, two of them Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, have Powerhouse by Dao Artifact, and two Divine Ability Eighth Layer, Great Windfire Tribulation. Two Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core peak cultivator.

These six majors add up, it is not far from Hua Tiandu, and the pressure on the black king is simply overwhelming. However, the black king is a thousand years old devil, it is impossible to die so hard, support hard.


At this moment, the unfathomable Big Senior Brother, the star annihilation, the Longevity candidate list is ranked in the top ten, and the people above the jade machine seem to feel something, cold snort, they must stand up Come, also shot against the black king.

Just as he stood up, there was a shocking sign on the mountain peak, surrounded by countless stars. At the same time, a five-element was placed in the center of the core, and the black line was cut outside, and a bloody mouth appeared. At the same time, countless ghosts, bloody infants, ghosts, floating in it, the pressure on the spot!

This symbol, full of door size, power out, almost the entire Stars Sect’s mountain gates are shaking, the mountain is about to collapse, it seems that this Space, can not withstand the power of this symbol. It will collapse.

No one can describe the power of this symbol. It seems that the Heavenly Immortal people of Taikoo have lost the scorpion to the world. It also seems to be the ancient Emperor, landing his carefully written paper between the heavens and the earth, better like the mysterious texture of all the mysterious condensation of the heavens and the earth. Great power, Divine Ability, all merged together, including Immortal Dao, Demon Dao, Immortal Demon. No one can resist the pressure of living in this way.

Containing ninety Divine Ability, one of the ghosts of the Magic Force, appears in the Stars Sect mountain gate.

Huh, huh……… The vast Magic Force is a hundred times stronger than the nine-day hurricane, a thousand times! The virginity is imaginary, the flowers are flattering… In Tianhua, the hidden heights of the Tibetans are retreating, and no matter what Magic Force is applied, they cannot stabilize their bodies.


The “Ancient Clouds” that trapped the blood of the Demonic blade, as well as the “Ruyi Golden Circle” that had the darkness of the gods, were also pushed away. The King of Blood Night and the Black King were relaxed and out of danger.

Then this piece of symbol, a little move, the entire radius of a hundred miles, was shrouded by a force, an egg-shaped canopy, landed down, formed a field, the Stars Sect most powerful seven true disciple They are all blocked in it.

These seven big differences, the face changed!

“Fang Han! You are really powerful, actually refining the Ghost Emperor’s Nine Ghosts! Your knowledge of the sea, able to accommodate so many Divine Ability Magic Force, it is terrible!”

Stars Sect First, Longevity’s waiting list is ranked in the top ten stars.

It turned out that this is the fate of Fang Han. He finally refines the ghosts of the ghosts and destroys the consciousness of the ghosts.

Time to go back to the moment!

When the seven true disciple came, Fang Han already knew what was going on outside.

“Hey! I have long been counted, Stars Sect’s discipline will come to kill my prestige, so I took the eight floats to suppress the ghost emperor. Now I guess it is good, it seems that I am really calculating, doing things well, or let them Suppressed the bloody sky and the black king, and lost his face!”

At this moment, he made a fierce effort, and there was a scream in the mind of the ghost emperor in his own knowledge of the sea, completely smashed and annihilated: “Fang Han, you see, I can’t count you!”

Later, Fang Han poured all the accumulated sacred elements into his own life, and in a few moments, Fu Xi completed Dacheng.

A rare and rare hexagram of Divine Ability was born.

As soon as it flies out, it is the power of earth-shattering oppression. Saved the king of blood night and the king of black. Forced to retreat to the seven Expert. If you change the previous sixty-six Divine Ability, although it can be saved, but far from such a powerful power, Stars Sect seven major Expert, is not a small, especially the star evil, Fang Han feels out, although not as good as Hua Tiandu, but it is definitely much stronger than the Ghost Emperor, even more powerful than the Ascension Sect’s Heavenly Works, Instruction Elder!

“You, I am a VIP of Stars Sect. When you are cultivating Divine Ability, you actually suppress my Dao Artifact and kill my servant. Are you treating you like this?” Fang Han gave the head on the head. , to create an egg-shaped canopy, to cover everyone in it, and then look like electricity, sweeping.

“Fang Han Daoyou, since you came to our Stars Sect as a guest, you should be a guest. Don’t take the lead.” At this moment, Yu Tianhua spoke. “The things inside our Stars Sect, please don’t intervene. .”

“Oh? I don’t know what hand I am inserting?” Fang Han asked, while holding the Demonic blade in his hand and rubbing his blade with his fingers, the blade could not cut into his skin.

The seven true disciples that look at this are another look: “Is this person’s Mortal Body so powerful?”

“Everyone is unaware of this. My Stars Sect’s Headmaster battle is not convenient for outsiders to intervene. Xing Yun Baobao is young, you don’t take him astray, you have offended Extreme Unity Sect, but you want to Pulling people into the water, harming Baobao. It seems to be too vicious. You let Xing Yun Baobao refine the Golden Unit of Extreme Unity Sect disciple, which is equivalent to stealing Divine Ability of Extreme Unity Sect, which has been with Extreme Unity Sect. It’s not dead, in case the Extreme Unity Sect starts to come. How are you?”

Stars destroy the evil channel.

“Extreme Unity Sect disregards morality and shame. The so-called help is helpless, and it will definitely decline in the future. I am assisting Xing Yun Baobao to improve his strength. It is to assist him. In the years of cultivate Dao, everything is fake, only Your own strength is true. Your cultivate Dao is much older than me, and you won’t know this truth! Now Xing Yun Baobao has the strength to compete with Golden Core Expert. For the time being, his Constitution Base to advance With leaps and bounds, condensing Golden Core, you are not afraid of anyone! If hundreds of years later, he cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, who will find him trouble?”

Fang Han smiled softly.

“Fang Han, your life, you have actually built ninety-nine Divine Ability, and now your Magic Force is tyrannical, already above me. However, your own realm has not reached the level of Golden Core. And me Compared to the difference, I am interested in playing against you. So, let’s make an appointment, if you win over me, I will retreat and become Stars Sect’s Elder. It is no longer true disciple. However, if I win You, after that, don’t interfere with the internals of my Stars Sect. And, the Spirit Talisman in your five elements, and the Forgetting Emotion Potion in the Yellow Springs Diagram, let me use it.”

The star destroys the body and takes a step forward. The eyes look at the sky and the sky, it seems to be trying to figure out the strength of Fang Han. comparing.

“I saw you on the Longevity waiting list, you are ranked seventh! Stars are evil!” Fang Han squinted, and if the other side became Elder, it would be to quit the fight for Sectmaster.

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