Eternal Life

Chapter 321

“Seven Senior Brother, don’t you know? Xing Yun Baobao can cultivation to Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm, the threat is big. If someone with Extreme Unity Sect supports him and teaches him Divine Ability, then Even more terrifying, after hundreds of years, Seven Senior Brothers have no chance of being able to board the Stars Sect Headmaster.”

Seven Senior Brother The following is a true disciple Expert of Stars Sect: “Xing Yun Baobao is back anyway, let’s see, to what extent is his Cultural Base?”

“Seven Senior Brother, Xing Yun Baobao also brought an outsider.” Zhou Hu hurried.

“External people? Which martial art is it, powerful and not strong?” Seven Senior Brother frowned and asked: “Is the Extreme Unity Sect?”

“That’s not it, but I can’t see it if it’s strong or not. It seems that this person hasn’t practiced Golden Core yet.” Zhou Hu recalled, “Now they seem to go to the Taiji Star Palace.”

“I didn’t practice Golden Core, it was a waste. But Xing Yun Baobao Magic Force is big, it can’t be underestimated, but he dared to hit you openly. Robbing the disciples that I rely on, is it completely tearing my face?” He is the son of the Headmaster Supreme, but I am also a descendant of Elder in the martial art. I can’t handle it personally, but the outsider around him, I have to suppress it and give him a lesson. It is.”

Seven Senior Brother stood up and sneered.

At this moment, suddenly, a huge Spirit wave, from a distance, all people are one of them.

“Ascension Sect Fang Han ………Ascension Sect Fang Han ……”

In the ears of everyone, I only heard this voice. “Good power! What, Ascension Sect Fang Han !Xing Yun Baobao brings the identification, is Ascension Sect Fang Han?”

Seven Senior Brother stayed at the pace.

“Seven Senior Brother! Ascension Sect Fang Han! is the one that killed the ghost emperor, the star thief, the thief, and the mysterious five-way land. The Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty can be compared with the Extreme Unity Sect. Fang Han. This man has made fifty-five Great Divine Ability, powerless, and even defeated Ascension Sect’s peerless genius, Meng Shaobai! Absolutely can not be taken lightly!” Just then, an Expert around him called .

“Fang Han, actually Fang Han. Xing Yun Baobao originally found this big back!” Seven Senior Brother’s face was distorted. “This person is in the land of the Five Elements, killing Song Weiyi, Zhao Xuanyi, these two Extreme Unity Sect Golden Core, the lawless, no one has him! You don’t know about it, but I know it! It’s a different matter. Let’s go!”

“Where to go?”

“Go to other Senior Brothers! Things are in an emergency. Fang Han is coming, I am sure to disturb the wind and rain, and make a big splash in my Stars Sect.”

Seven Senior Brother disappeared.

Fang Han appeared. He knew that he couldn’t compete with one person. However, there are so many true disciple Experts in Stars Sect, and there is always the ability to counter the existence of Fang Han.

Fang Han came here to show that Xing Yun Baobao is to support Xing Yun Baobao, and it is opposite to all true disciple Expert. Without the possibility of reconciliation, how can Stars Sect’s Sectmaster be in the hundreds of years, and how can Xing Yun Baobao be in the big position?

Not to mention that Fang Han shouted, and alerted the big and small segments of Stars Sect, and rushed to run. Even the “Tai Chi Star Palace” reacted, a bridge of stars, a thousand miles away. In the Star Palace, it was laid out and went directly to the foot of Fang Han.

“Fang Han, no need to be polite, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Stars At the end of the bridge, it conveys a thick voice. When you hear the sound, Fang Han knows that it is the kind of tyrannical existence of the ancient giants. It is as unfathomable as the wind white feathers, obviously Stars Sect Headmaster, Star Master.

Hearing the other side shouting his sage, Fang Han felt relaxed and embarked on the stars bridge, and suddenly the magic star flashed. He and Xing Yun Baobao arrived in a spiritual house.

The cave house is empty, all empty, and there is no decoration. A Middle-aged man wearing a star robe, sitting cross-legged in the void, smiles at him.

“Hey.” Xing Yun Baobao saw this Middle-aged man, lazy. This is enough to show that the identity of this person is the identity of Headmaster Supreme, Immortal Dao Ten Sects, and the giant.

“The younger generation meets Star Master.” Fang Han is busy, he is not arrogant to despise Star Master. In fact, for any of the giants of the ages, he maintains enough respect and tries not to conflict with him.

“In my spare time, you sent me a letter to the brother of Feng Baiyu. In fact, I already know the content of the letter. It is to unite the strength of our two factions to open the Tai Primord Immortal House, to obtain the treasures of it, and to strengthen our two factions. Strength.” Star Master took the letter sent by Fang Han, did not look carefully, and earned money in the sleeves.

“The two parties united and got too Primordial Immortal House?” Fang Han said: “But, Extreme Unity Sect, what about other martial art? How can it be done? Demon Dao, Devil Dao, Heavenly Demon, Devil ……”

Too Primordial Immortal is tempting, but it takes a whole body.

“This is what I know with Feng Baiyu, but we have an absolute advantage. That advantage is you, do you know?” Star Master is leisurely.

“I?” Fang Han didn’t understand.

“Too Primord Immortal House, sealed an extremely powerful predecessor. In your 18 years in Xianfu, this predecessor pointed out your Cultural Base, otherwise you will not practice so fast. What?”

Asked Star Master.

“This is the case, but…”

“But how do I know?” Star Master said: “Actually, when Feng Baiyu used the Emperor’s mirror to open the door of the Primordial Immortal Palace, the predecessors conveyed their ideas to him. The two sides reached a deal. That is Ascension Sect assist He opened too Primordial Immortal to get out of trouble, and he has now explored the mystery of the door of Xuanzang in the Primordial Immortal House. As long as the wind is under the assist, you can control the entire Xianfu hub. Thus, the control of the entire Xianfu is obtained. Of course, in the process of success, he will give all the magical treasures inside to Ascension Sect. This is a win-win situation, but the two sides do not trust. But there is you! The mysterious person believes in you.”

“Oh? What is the plan for Headmaster Supreme and Star Master?”

Fang Han is a quiet road.

“The specific details, I have to discuss it carefully with Feng Baiyu, but after the success of the matter, the mysterious person will give you control of one of the three mysterious doors of the Primordial Immortal House, and then all the medicine pill. , magical treasure, Taoist book, infinite treasure, all belong to you. It is distributed by you. Because you are now equivalent to one of his signature figures.” Star Master said: “Because of this, you have provoked flooding heaven Great disaster, offending Extreme Unity Sect, actually killing their Golden Core disciple, and the wind white feathers are trying to protect you. This is also the reason. What is the Golden Core disciple compared to the Immortal Artifact of the Primordial Immortal House? Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Vanguard giants can sacrifice.”

“Hey, the Star Master’s words are a bit of a slap in the face.” Fang Han smiled, but he didn’t move, just nodded: “That’s natural, but I’m still ailing. I’m still doing this big task. That is simply impossible. This kind of task, I must cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, become a giant of the ages, will do it. Otherwise, if not careful, it will be called fly ash. In order to improve my strength, no Do you know if Star Master can give me some benefits? Xing Yun Baobao followed me, but I spent a billion dollars on medicine pill and bought a nirvana from Jiuding Immortal Venerable. Now I am in a state of bankruptcy.”

For the murderous thing of taking too Primordial Immortal, it is true that Fang Han has no interest. It is not because there is no temptation, but because of his strength, he is shot dead.

Feng Baiyu, the giant master of Star Master, are afraid that they can’t control the situation and they are difficult to protect themselves.

However, under this premise, he naturally has to pay for his own benefits.

“I heard that you can refining a million Nascent Origin Pill in a month, even if I am not as rich as you are.” Star Master smiled: “But you spend billions of medicine pill for Baobao. I bought Nirvana, and I can’t help but express it. I don’t want to pass it out. Feng Baiyu said that I am stingy. I think you have to condense into a Golden Core. The lack of it is just a lot of energy, and, your cultivation. Coiling martial Divine Ability, this Divine Ability is powerful, but the drawback is that it is extremely difficult to improve the realm. Every time I raise First Realm, I don’t know how much it will cost, I will give you something. You go to cultivation.”

Between talking, Star Master took out a gourd from the sleeve.

This gourd is not a treasure, but it shakes a little, and it conveys a pure power. This power is not Magic Force, nor is it a matter of strength. Fang Han uses Spirit to sense it, and it senses this power. Inside, there seems to be endless souls, and prayers, prayers, and pure wishes are constantly appearing inside.

“People are willing!” Fang Han’s face changed.

“Yes, it’s the will of all beings. You saw it all the way. My Stars Sect has raised thousands of people to support them. The only thing they have to do is to keep praying. I am this gourd. It’s 80 million people, only after ten years of accumulation. I wanted it to refine a Dao Artifact, but you need it now, I will give it to you. How about? Dan.” Star Master smiled.

“Compared with, comparable! With this gourd willingness, I can cast a coiling martial Divine Ability, expand my mind again, open up the third sea of ​​knowledge, and even the fourth knowledge of the sea, the fifth knowledge of the sea. “Fang Han quickly took over gourd.

“I can’t compare it. This gourd is willing, the value of Nirvana is good, but Fang Han also gave me Yin-Yang Longevity Pill, Dragon Divine Pill. Of course, I also refining Zhao Xuanyi’s Golden Core. This is invaluable. Of course, there is another one, that is, Fang Han told me the Promise Star Palace, the Supreme Divine Ability’s cultivation method of the Stars Promise Book.” Xing Yun Baobao said.

“What is the Promise Star Palace! The cultivation method of the Stars Promise Book!”

Star Master suddenly, his face changed!

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